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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1933)
PAGI BBVRN rhe Pioneer Methodist Church ANNUAL REPORT Conspirators Of City Treasurer of the City of Coquille By ISABEL WOODMAN WAITT e Coos County, Oregon, December 31 1932, With 1931 Comparison« <• to MoClara Nmpspsr SradlesU.) <WNU B wt I c .) inda DEERING knew perfectly L Philip D. Hartman, paator. Morning wonship at 11 o’clock with a «ermon on “Facing the Future.” Evening worship at 7:30 o’clock with a message on "No Room for Christ.” Church school at 10 a. tn.,' Lyman Carrier, superintendent. departments of the Young Peoples’ Division meet at 6:30 p. m. for devotionals. Boys’ and Girls’ World Club meet in Pioneer Hall, Mrs. C. H. Oerding in charge. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing. Choir rehearsal Saturday evening, F. G. Leslie, director. Special vocal musical selections at ooth services Sunday. ...... * A cordial welcome awaits you at all of our services. If you do not wor ship elsewhere come with us for we need you and you need us. well that young man kneeling beside the Siberian iris was ne gar dener. He was Mrs. Damon’s nephew, To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Coquille, Coos who she had heard her Aunt Lily say County, Oregon. was handsome as a Greek god. Gentlemen: —^Submitted herewith for your consideration h my report cover- Strange, in all her visits to Middle ing Receipt« and Expenditures for the year 1932: valley, that thia was ths only time their visits had coincided; and of GENERAL .. FUND ......... 1931 1932 course it would happen when Aunt ’ * Receipts Lily and Mra Damon weren't on Cash on hand, beginning of year 4,532.93 3 2,728.45 speaking terms. a Fines .................... 345.00 149.00 Linda glided back and forth in tbe Licenses ............. 546.00. 259.50 new hammock, pretending to read. Building Permits 77.50 5.00 Special Taxes “He's handsomer than any old Greek 19342.35 12,70236 Road Taxes . god." she was thinking. “And ths 1322.15 981.41 Miscellaneous 396.97 only attractive man I’ve seen In the 262.62 Plumbing Permits 24.00 valley!” What right had neighbors to quarrel over a paltry boundary 3 27,185.90 3 17,08833 line? She ought, out of loyalty^she ----- A — -------- Foursquare Gospel Church 0 supposed, carry on the feud. Well, Rev. Lena A. Pickle, Supply Pastor Warrants redeemed even that might be an opening. 19,065.65 3 11,057.0« “What right have* you digging up Interest on same 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, Mrs. M. 892.5« «67.52 Bonds redeemed my aunt's iris 7“ she demanded. And Jewell, superintendent. 1,000.00 ,000.00 Interest on bonds 1357.50 ,772.50 then before be could reply, “Tell your 11 a. m. Morning worship. Sermon Transferred to Street Fund 1,641.74 mistress that iris does not belong to •The Shepherd.” Cash on hand, close of year 2,728.45 604-25 her." 6:30 p. m. Crusaders “My mistress!” Matthew Damon I 27,186.90 3 17,088.33 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Services. grinned, settling back on his heels and appraising the Intruder-. “So yon Sermon topic, “Tragedy.” WATER FUND Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., Prayer service. think I work here. Well, 1 do, it ap Receipts: pears. Aunt Sara finds plenty of odd Fridsy, 7:30 p. m., Preaching ser r Cash on hand, beginning of year 3 2,446.39 3,541.87 jobs for me. But as for the Iris, why vices. Collections from consumers 17,462.35 15,817.13 don't you go tell your mistress to New services installed Everyone welcome. 112.87 1730 make ber old iris, stay on her side of Miscellaneous 228.15 243« Cathedral of the Air program every the line?" Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3 20,249.76 3 19,401.3« “My mistress!" Linda flushed scar let “You needn’t think I thlrtk you 1:30 p. m. think J’m a hired girl! You know 10381.9« 3 3,216.65 perfectly well who I am." St. James Church Interest on same .. 148.43 83.22 “Sure I do. You’re Linda Deering, Bond interest ......... 6,227.50 . 6392 60 (Episcopal) 33ÿ.87 • spitfire niece of a spitfire aunt" Cash on hand, close of year 9,708.99 Church school every Sunday at 10 “Why you! Why you I It wasn't 3 20,249.7« Aunt Lily who began this fight It was X- m. Perry Roper, superintendent. » 19,401.3« your own busybody aunt, tearing np Aunt Lily's beautiful Iris!" Methodist Episcopal Church STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND “Just as I’m doing now,” be said Receipts: Evening Preaching 7:30 p. m. coolly trowllng under an enormous Cash on hand beginning of year 567.09 3 50134 Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:80 p. Collections, unbonded liens .... 11,989.64 919.12 clump. Bonds sold .......................... 27,671.02 Linda ran for the house. A moment Premium on same ........... 494.74 Preaching at Bandon 11 a. m. and she was back, trowel and water Accrued interest on same .. 164.64 ing pot In hand. "Every plant you’ve Scriptural, Spiritual Preaching. Ev- Transferred from General Fund 1,641.74 torn up goes back.” she announced ryone welcome'. firmly, and proceeded to carry out her * 42373.77 G. A. Gray, Pastor. 3 1,420.«« ^threat Furiously she transplanted 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Oro Expenditures: what he furiously uprooted. Warrants n 50CT.00 3 40,579.64 * Challenging eyes met challenging 3 Church of Christ Interest on dame 1,247.59 51.92 eyes, blue to black. The black ones, Transferred to General Fund . 50.00 Linda saw, were laughing at her. Turner B. MacDonald, Pastor Cash on hand, close of year ... 501.54 i 868.74 “fro beard of folks who couldn’t Sunday, 10:00 a. m. Bible School. make their eyes behave, but you folks Jepartmen to for ail ages. 3 42,378.77' 3 • 1,420.641 Ned C. »can’t even, make your garden Iris be Kelley, superintendent. have. See that that crooked row 11:00 i. m. Communion and morn IMP. BOND SINKING FUND you're sticking In my aunt’s lawn Receipt»: ing worship. Sermon by the pastor. doesn ’ t run all over the place. ” 3 1,227.86 321.25 Cana.on hand, beginning of year 6:80 p. m. C. E. groups meet for “Oh, dear! It is crooked. Isn’t ItF Collections, bonded liens 10306.61 3 10,138.69 Linda mopped her brow with a soil, devotionale. 3 11366.65 3 11,227.86 streaked palm. “Whew! this Is hot Wednesday, 7:80 p. m. Bible work." itndy. Willett Jessee, leader. xpenditures: “I've bad about enough of It my Visitors welcome at.all services. 3 10,000.00 Bonds redeemed ., 3 6,671.02 self. What say we quit and take a 1327.86 4,695.53 Interest on bond* cool spin? Meet me round the corner First Church of Christ, Scientist -3 11366.55 ' In ten minutes, no our aunts won’t 3 11,22736 Coquille, Oregon see." Blue eyes smiled at black, “Okay," Sunday Schoo) at 9:30 a. m. IMP. BOND INTERE8T FUND whlapered Linda. Sunday Service at II „. m. Receipts: Middle valley wasn't going to be co Subject for next Sunday, “Sacra- 3 3,605.24 3 3,91036 Interest collected ............... ... deadly dull after all, Linda decided. ment.” 8,830.91 «377.12 Cash, overdrawn, close of year Only ahe and Matt would have to be Wednesday evening meeting at 8 3 12336.15 3 10,187.48 careful. If his aunt ever found out— ■’clock. well, the old cat might disinherit him. ’ Free public Readinc Room open in Expenditures: Nor did she wish to curry disfavor .• 4,257.65 Cash overdrawn, beg. of year 3 6,277.12 Jhurch Building every Tuesday and with Aunt Lily. 5,92933 Interest on bonds 6,059.03 Accordingly, Matt and Linda Insult Friday afternoons except holidays ed each other openly over the long «■ ’-om two to live o’clock. 3 12386.16 3 10,187.48 row Of Siberian tris between the two The public is cordially invited to st places, which extended, day by day, and our services and to visit the STATEMENT OF BALANCES even down tbe back yard, too—Matt 591.25 Dec. 81 Genera] Fund........... Heading Room. digging It up, Linda planting It back. 9,708.99 Water Fund........... .............. This could not go on forever, but it 868.74 Street Improvement Fund Baptist Church served for many a date during the 4,695.53 Improvement Bond Sinking Fund 3 8,830.91 Improvement Bond Interest Fund next two weeks They drove Matt’s Sunday School 10 a. m. 7,033.60 Cash on hand .................................. roadster to a nearby pond and went B. T. P. U. at 6:80 p. m. swimming together, sunning them Evening service st 7:30 p. m. 3 15,864.51 3 15,864.61 selves on a sandy strip of beach. Al Prayer meeting Thursday evsning. ready they hn<1 reached the point We invite you to coms. where each knew the other was be- STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Dec. 31, 1932 Dee. 31, 1931 Warrants Outstanding loved. 3 30,108.7« 3 25335.07 General Fund Church of God "H'mph 1" grunted Aunt Lily, sur- 4351.02 3,167.02 Water Fund veying the Iris border with satisfac Seventh and Henry streets, 2 blocks 3,79439 4,294.89 Special Funds tion. the next morning. "Reckon Sara north of Henry street bridge Qamon'll know when she's licked. 3 38,254.17 3 333*6.48 Pastor, Rev. Goo. S. Murphy. She and that upstart nephew of hers." Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Linda Mushed guiltily. "Oh, Matt 3 25,000.00 .» 26,000.00 isn’t so bad.” Preaching 11:00 a. m. 7,500.00 . 8.500.00 “Matt I Got to calling him Matt, have Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Thurs 8,000.00 7,000.00 you? H'mph!" day. 95,961.69 . 102,682.71 Street Improvement That afternoon Matt Damon's car 13,500.00 13,600.00» A place where a stranger does not Water, *, Series C took the fountain road. “Undo, see 30,000.00 30,000.00 Water, ; Series D . feel strange how peaceful It looks down In the 20,000.00 20,000.00 Water, Series E . valley." 50300.00 50,000.00 Series F . Waler, *T think It's lovely. Matt And to »258,632.71 3248,961.69 think our own aunts hate each oth er I I just can't go on pretending to 3291,929.19 3287315-86 Total Indebtedness hate you. Matt I’m going to tell Respectfully, Aunt LHy—" ' W. S. Sickeks, Z "What, Linda? City Treasurer, and I you? g-- —■.-■—jadra. get asarried this keep their old money and Iris and Hew Larks Are Decoyed Entries to Old R feud?" The lark mirror or larking glass is Ancient Rome had five great avenues Well, back 'they went striking a device used to sttract larks by per of approach—the Flaminia, I’raenea while the iron ¿as hot, first Aunt Lily sons engaged in snaring them. In tina. Aurelia. Osteosis, and Appian and then Aunt Sara. Theo they took Great Britain and northern Europe Ways. , the pond road for a nice cool swim. the lark la widely sought not only as I Both aunts had been too stunned with , I ... mm, a cage-bird but also for tsble use. Tbe I the suddenness of the news to do more Tnrrinr’s I m | Swim larking glass consists of a device with than gasp. The love birds flew out A fox terrier that fell Into an aban a revolving top to which are attached before they could say a word dooed coal pit at Wrexham, England, small mirrors, fragments of glass or Behind her rufOed curtain Lily swam about for 20 hours before It was bright metal to reflect tbe light and Deering watched them drive away. roamed. attract the birds by producing some She took the huge bouquet of Iris thing resembling s state of hypnotism. from the center of the dining table and trotted across to her neighbor's back door. “Ain’t they beautiful! Thanks, Lily; I’ve missed It so. Say, you've heard the news?” beamed Mra Da. mon. is in operation and equipped to "Just now. That's why I ran In handle all kinds af blacksmith Ain't It just wonderful, 8m*—the work. Fred Sehaer is manager of finest boy in the world getting the the shop which is located en First flnest girt!" street, alongside Richardson Gar- “Grand. You wore right, Lily. R worked line. All young bring them together la SEE US FIR8T AND WE WILL Î Charter No. 684» FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Coquille in the State of Oregon, at the close of business on Dec. 31st, 1932: RESOURCES 1. Loans and discounta ........... ........... ................. , 3 47,849.39 2. Overdrafts ........................................................................ 5.26 3. United States Government securities owned .... 42,500.00 4. Other bonds, stocks, abd securities owned... .... 141,66236 8. Banking house, 336,000.00. Furniture and fixtures 41300.00 ................................ ...................................... 37,800.00 8. (Reserve with Federal Reserve Bsnk...................... , 25,475.46 9. Cash and due from bank»................................ 141,190.93 10. Outside checks and other cash items.....'.............. 3,48934 11. Redemption fund with U. S. -Treasurer and due • from U. S. Treasurer .......... ;....................... .. 625.00 4 , V TOTAL . 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. GIVE YOU A SQUARE DEAL. ■■ 1 111 in.......... mJ » t »440,598 14 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ............. Surplus ........... .......................... Undivided profit»—-net ...... Circulating notes outstanding Due to banks, including certified checks outstanding Demand deposit« . Time deposits ... 3 50,090.00 IQ,000.00 13,782.04 12,500.00 and cashiers’ 10,239.02" 213,417.66 130,659.42 n TOTAL .................................... $440,598.14 State of Oregon, County of Cooa, as: I, E. D. Webb, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above atatement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. D. Webb, Cashier. . . Correct—Attest: L. H. Hazard, O. C. Sanford, H. A. Slack Directors. ’ Subscribed and swarn to before me thia 4th day of JJanuary, 1933. (Seal) J. S. Barton, Notary Public. "T' " --------- -------------------------- ------------------------ ft—iLft— □ —_ r Qtlll lilOGl Th« Time-Tested News Weekly Right from Washington, D.*C. is now offered to you along with YOUR CHOSEN HOME PAPER By a favorable arrangement we are able to send you that old reliable family weekly. The Pathfinder, in combination with this paper. at a prlcv never before equaled. There is nothing like The Pathfinder anywhere— Ths CtfM to nothing equal to it at any price. Over a million people take it and swear by it. It 7»1 tat fa«. takes the place of periodicals costing several rim M7 tat. times as much. News from .all over the Him 3Vt world, the inside of Washington affairs— the truth about politics and business, 31S,flSMflfl science, discovery, personalities, pic tures, stories—and no end of fun. Call at our office, see samples of Pathfinder and order this club, or send the amount by mall. News, information, entertain ment for a whole year. Two papers every week: , your favorite local week ly and the most papular national weekly — 164 splendid issues— Pathfinder and/1 Both a full year ONLY r Coquille Valley Sentinel | " Time's Change Centurier-ago, boys were named aft er their fathers by adding tbe word “son." which was the origination of such names as Johnson and .William son. Today fathers In tbe Borneo jun gle name themselves after their sons and become known as Johnafatlier or Will lamafather.—Collier's Weekly. Hew te Waterproof Canvas Cut two pounds of paraffine wax In to ahavlngs and dissolve It In two gal Ions of turpentine. Palnl this over tbe canvas with a stiff brush. You could also use the paraffine wax alone, rub blng it over the canvas and then Irou- ing over with a medium hoi Iron. Hew Roqaa Came About Roque, the evolution of croquet, gets Its name by dropping the Brat and last letter from croquet. Roque, as played today. Is one of tbe most scientific games I. tbe list of sports. • ' _________________________ How Twias Ara Defined A pair of twins Is two. Twin Is de flned as one of two persons or things closely related by ties of birth or re semblance. atu/ BAYER úaiit! nsiat on genuine Bayer Aspirin! Not mly for its safety, bnt for its ipeed. rhe tablet stamped Bayer dissolves of ones. It gets to the seat of pain without delay. It is many minutes faster than any imitation you can buy, and time counts when you’re in pain I For quick relief of headaches, colds, sore throat, neuralgia and "heumatism, periodic pains, and >ther suffering, stick to the tableta if Bayer manufacture. All druggists. Briefly T.ld Re gaine wisdom In a happy way who gains ft by another’s expert A Key That Always Alwaya Fits Fita Blacksmith Shop Reserve District No. 12 Report of Condition of the doe* not dtpren the heart Esteading Haman Life There are mauy factors which con tribute to prolong the span of huioHn life. Among the more Important are Improved living conditions, pure food cleaner milk, pure drinking water, proper disposal of refuse anil speclflc action of the public health service X» ward various diseases. New low Price on all kinds of COAL Local and Long Distance HAULING Phones 101J—224L Mansell Drayage &