TRB COQUILLS FÄLLST SBNTINBL, OOQUILLR OBRGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY », 1»M. ___ —________ SOCIAL NOTES yesterday the members of her con­ tract club who were delightfully en­ tertained with a dessert luncheon, with the afternoon following spent at bridge. Mrs. Boober held high score and received a lovely prise. Attend­ ing were the following: Mesdames C. K. Norcott, Claire Gray, Jack Le­ fevre, Ralph Taylor F. C. Hudson, Ol­ iver Spires, and R. E. Boober. Mrs. Norcott will entertain the club in a fortnight. ., z _________ =—s ________ —_____ » Brighter Days Ahead ! With Safeway. Throughout the yeara, good or lean. Safeway ha* continuously served in the most efficient manner. Giving the most for your food dollar every day. You can save, too, at Safeway. PRUNES 4 »>“■ 17« SANKA This evening the "Strictly Femmes” are meeting with Miss Avis Hartson at her home on south Willard street for a few houM oftiridge. Enjoying the evening will be Mias Harriet Gould, Fredah Baxter, Jean Youn/, Marietta Hufford, Kathleen McClin­ tock. Beatrice Morris and Marvin Jane Hawkins. • ---------- Miss Ula Minard honored her moth­ er, Mr». B. C. Minard, who was ob­ serving a birthday Saturday, by in­ viting friends to their home on the Marshfield highway for an afternoon which was pleaeantly spent in sewing. About four o’dock refreshment* were served io Mesdames B. C, Minard. F. G. Leslie, E. M. Wilson, Loa Paterson. Lyman Carrier, Sam Arnold, Clyde Minard. Ivan Draw, Ray Brown, P. D. Hartman and Alex Peterson. Mn. J. X. Paulson had aa guests CoqalUe W. R. C. Instalb”' The regular meeting and dinner day of the Coquille Woman’s Relsf Corps No. 48 was held Tuesday at the W. O. W. haU. Dinner was served to mem­ bers and friertds and a nodal hour en­ joyed. The following officers were installed with Amelia Hill acting as installing officer: Pres.—Minnie Swinney. Sr. V. P.—Leona Foley, - , Jr. V. P — Rebecca McCue. Secy.—Bonnie Dutton. Tress—Amelia HUI Chap—"Mary Wimer. Guard.—Bertha Wilson. Asst. Con.—Edna Pointer. Pat. Inst.—Flora Dunne. g Press Cor.—Grace Belieu. Color B. No. 2—Linda Goodrich. Color B. No. 4—Mary Schroeder. —Preus Car I Camp Fire Girls Notes Coquille Library News The Coquille Public Library had 142 of the most popular books re­ bound. The following are some new children’s books recently received by our Library: “Gub Gub Book” by Hugh Lofting, “Far Away Desert” by Grace Moon; “Jungle Pets” by M m . Martin Johnson, “At the Zoo and at Home,” by Jas L. McCreery, “Friend­ ly Playmates’* by Enrilie Paulson. “Dog City” by Grace Gawthrope and “Mandy.” »- ' „‘ . Alpine Coal, lump >4.50, M 50, nut coal >3 per ton. Brinar, phone 71. Honey Maid Graham. The Qual­ ity' Crackers. the pick of Home Products. You can get it here! 2 LBx Oranges • Solid Heads. 2 DOZ. • 9c Apples BOX 57c Arizona Seedless. Peanut Butter Extra 2 Quality, 15C Bananas Spitzenberg, Fancy. Corned Beef Fresh Ground. Foster Brand. It’s a Meal. 5 - 170 17C CAN JELL WELL PKGS. 17« NUTS PKG. 16c La France Popular Dessert, All Flavors. FFe are thè IFeW’s Largest Distributors of Quality Coffee. Airway ... Use it for washing. - Loosens Dirt without Rubbing. 23 c lb . PKG. Best Santos Quality from Brazil, Fresh Ground. Nob Hill • • • z* A Crunchy Health Giving Cereal. - «y- -- 29c lb . It la no Exaggeration, There is no Better Coffee at any price. Soap B.rsl9c Sunny Monday. A favorite fur the laundry. * /• Shortining ku 67c ^Gallon Pancrust, High Quality Shortening. At a Saving Westland, Big HMM) Sheet Rolls. Fine Tiaaue. 63c Goidzn Weal. Pure Vegetable Oil. In your Container. Toilet Tissue 14c I 25c Cabbage LB. • • • 5C Grapefruit 4 For • 14c Med. size. MILK L.Ì 3 Rolls Msx-i-mum, Extra Quality. Pancakes & Honey A 5-1b Pail Oregon Honey and the large Package Maz­ i-mum Pancake Fleur. ALL FOR Cheese "> 17c Oregon Full Cream. BULK FOODS A TA SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS AT SAFEWAY Fancy Raisins 23c 4 Amber Beauty, Factory Packed Quality. Seedlee Oregon Macaroni 3 tbs. 13c Fancy Head Rice, The select Graine. Fancy Rice 4 tbs. 14c Curve Cut, Tender when Cooked. Store No. 469 FREE DELIVERY Hercules Myth The Pillars of Hercules are two hills on opposite sides of the strait of Gibraltar, so called because of the myth that they had been tom asunder by Hercules to admit the flow of the ocean Into the Mediterranean. Want Ads The Otokson Camp Fire Girls met st the home of tins. Geo. Bryant on Tuesday, Dec. 27, at which time offic­ ers for the next six months were elec­ ted, as follows—Pres., Margaret Bel- loni; vice pres..Maxine Brining; sec­ Why Known aa “Cranberry” tary, Virginia Hartson; treasurer, 1 “Cranberry“ Is a corruption «f Wanda Lee Hickam; Scribe, Audrey “craneberry," referring to the fact that Taylor; Librarian eeribe, Isabel Un­ at blossoming the stem of the plant resembles the neck, heed and bill of soeld. The new officer« took charge of the a crane. Jan. third meeting. connections in the West, and s'. Large, sweet. Mix-i-mum, the in Town. We have the finest Onions 5 n>8. • Morton's. Plain or Iodized. Finest Produce Departments 49c Hew to Keep Panes Clean To prevent steamy windows, clean be windows thoroughly and then ap­ New Cases In Circuit Court ply a little glycerin all over the sur­ Dec. 31—The Title Co. vs. Empire face. Polish this lightly with a dry doth, but do not rub hard, so that the Development Co. rlycerin will be rubbed In. The win Jan. 3—E. L. White va. Lilly ,'owa will remain clean for days White. Suit for divorce. Jan. 4—Seiberling Rubber Co. va. B. D. Emery, doing business az ■Emery’s Super Service Station. Why the Laving Cap It was customary from very ancient times" to award prises for athletic prowess. In some of the ancient Greek games, amphorae were given, these having a form similar to the modern loving cup. In a survey of the town of Stamford. England, first published In 16*5, there Is reference te a River gilt cup being awarded for the local races. Safeway will Maintain Coffee with the Caffein remov­ ed. Drink it and Sleep. ■’ SALT ..... 19C’ 5? Ct. Sc 6LB„ : CRACKERS ® Important News! Fancy Italian, large, sseaty. 1 lb Can Saturday and Monday - Extra 1933 Savings ¡I At the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Rietman, Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kline, who left yester­ day for Portland, were the inspiration for an impromptu dinner party, given by the Study club members and their husband*. Mrs. Kline is a member of the chib whose members, along with their many other friends greatly re­ gret their departure. The evening was very pleasantly spent in games and conversation. Places were pro­ vided for 'Messrs, and Mesdames C. W. Kline, C. D. Walker, Keith Leslie, Luckey L Bonney, Harry A. Slack, R. A. Jeub, Gao. Jenkins, J. Arthur Berg, George Chaney and C. A. Rietman. PAGI THREl McKinley Notes The word was brought by mail car­ “ New Year’s Eve was observed in rier John Rhtrie that Mr*. Isaac Chan­ an interesting way by a group of dler of Lee had passed away early young society couples of Coquille. Tuesday morning. Her death was not They first enjoyed a no-host dinner unexpected' for it was said before the at the Coquille hotel and later motor­ telephone lines went down and the ed to Marshfield, where they attended high water made comunication diffi­ the Elks Ball. In the party were cult that she was very rapidly sink­ Messi», and Mesdames Keith Leslie, ing. She suffered a fractured hip in C. A. Rietman, Raymond A. Jeub, a fall several months ago but seemed Harry A. Slack, Luckey L. Bonney, to be recovering from the injury fairly Muri Pettit, Goo. Jenkins, Lafe Comp­ well. The interment was in the ton, C. Weldon Kline, and C. D. Walk­ Today the Coquille members of the cemetery at Lee. Her eldest daught­ er. . J. G. W. dub will motor to North er, Mr«. Lee Mast was with her the Bend where they will be entertained Sarah Margaret Nye invited a for luncheon and afternoon at the last week and Mrs. C. A. Miller, a- nother daughter, who lives in McKin­ group of high school girls to her home of M m . C. W. Parker. . ley, went down when she heard that home Tuesday, where they enjoyed her mother Was so low, although she the afternoon in cards and dancing B. & P. W. Club Notes was hardly recovered from an attack and refreshments also. Present were A regular meeting of the Business of influenza. Misses Carol Young, Elizabeth Pierce, Women’s club was held Monday eve­ No outside marl had reached Mc­ Margaret Paulson; Harriet Webb, ning at the club rooms, at which time Kinley since Saturday when this was Audrey Aasen, Anne Barton, Betty the members began work on favors written on Tuesday and Monday the Giaisyer, Beryl Unsoeld, Helen Robin­ for the state convention. high water prevented the mail from son and Anne Van Scoy. Mrs. Gertrude Graves Martin, of getting through. Tuesday the school Tortland, will talk at a public meet­ bus could not run. „ The Woman’s Guild of the St. James ing sponsored by the Club on Febru­ Mrs. Al Volck and Miss Verna Fin­ Episcopal Chuteh met Wednesday af­ ary 20, on India, Arrangements ley, former teachers here, were out ternoon at the Pariah house. At this have been made with the Coos Bay calling on old friends last week. meeting election of officers was held, dub to - have Mrs. Martin speak in. Little Ardyce Bonewitz of Bangor resulting as follows: president, Mrs. Marshfield on February 21. 5.00 or more will she could get home. Mrs. Harris took ward W. Lorens, were given a hearty receive a prize. This will be a means her back and will remain for a few vote of thanks for their faithful sup­ of procuring further money for the days visiting friends and relatives on port of the Guild this past year. Tea state convention fund and the idea the bay. was served by Mrw. James Watson to was accepted by the chib. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Beyers and Floyd the following: Mesdames Annie J. Mrs. Ida Oerding, chairman of the Scott have been guests at the R. H. Robinson, Geo. W. Taylor Sr., Jaa. W. Emblem committee, will have charge Lawhorn home for several days. Laird, L: H. Hesard, A. J. Sherwood, of thbteprogram for the next meeting, Mrs. Charles Freeman of Lakeside George Lorens, Edward W. Lorenz, January 16. and Timothy Freeman M wife and W. H. Mansell, J. 8. Barton, E. L. family of Coquille, came out' for a Vinton, Misses Pearl and fuby Sny­ visit with relative^. Mrs. Freeman Next Week at the Liberty der, of Portland. With Norma Shearer as its star, remained flor the rest of the week. John Jenkins and son Olin, former Mrs. Luckey L. Bonney was hoatena and one of the most brilliant sup­ residents of McKinley came for a for luncheon and afternoon to the porting casta yet assembled for the visit with relatives. Olin returned to Study Club members at her home speaking screen, Metro-Goldwyn-May- school at Newburg and Mr. Jenkins Tuesday afternoon with the follow­ er’e lavish production of “Smilin’ plana to prune some orchards in the Through ” will open Sunday at the ing present: Mesdames C. Weldon valley. Kline, George Jenkins, J. Arthur Liberty Theatre. In last week’s items it was ne­ Miaa Shearer in the feminine lead Berg, George Chaney, Keith Leslie, C. glected to be stated that Mrs. I. J. follows in the footstep« of Jane Cowl, D. Walker, Raymond A. Jeub, Harry who achieved one of her greatest suc­ Bennett was re-elected Chaplin at the A. Slack and C. A. Rietman. cesses in the record-breaking New last Grange election. She has served well and faithfully in that office so Wednesday evening Mrs. W. V. York Stage run of the play from which many years that no one else is ever the screen production was adapted. Giaisyer entertained her bridge club, considered for the post. Opposite her is Frederic March, bor ­ at her home on East Third street. Mrs. Nellie Brown has been about Their Christmas exchange was held rowed from Paramount to play the laid up with rheumatism in bey^jmee i dual role of Jeremy Wayne in the mid ­ that evening. Due to sickness among and shoulder ever since the beginning the membem, it had* been impossible Victorian sequences of the story and of the*coljd weather. Kenneth Wayne, his eon, in the mod ­ for all to get together at an earlier The Weather Man offers the follow­ date but nevertheless the affair was em scenes. ing for December. Some record! ] “ Smilin ’ Through is the story of an thoroughly enjoyed and many useful The minimum temperatures, on the , old man who seeks to shed the relent ­ gifts were received. Attending were 12th and 14th reached the lowest ever I Mesdames F. C. McNally, E. M. Kay, less! bitterness of his blighted romance recorded here being 6 degrees above | John L. Aasen, JaJrnes Brady, M. J. on a pair of young lovers. The color­ zero. The maximum was reached the ’ Hartson, H. S. Norton, George John­ ful background provides a contrast be­ 3rd with «0 degrees. There was 11.59 | tween the England of 1865 and mod­ son, and the hostess, Mrs. Giaisyer. inches of rainfall. The greatest in 24 em days. / hours was 2.10 on the 26th. The Mr. and Mrs. Willard Boeserman total rainfaH here since Sept. 1 is Evening Tide Circle Installs > ■ J - were hosts to the Ecadrien club 23.16. Chrtetmas party at which they enter­ Evening Tide Circle, No. 214, The school water system is not tained their husbands at a seven Neighbors of Woodcraft, met in regu­ working yet Repairs have been held o'clock dinner Monday evening of lar session Monday evening, Jan. 2, up because of there being so much thia week. The members enjoyed their and installed the following officers for water in the stream. Christmas exchange and each one, in­ the following term: cluding the members and their hue­ P. G. N.—Edna Pointer. Knife Hospital Notes bands, received a lovely gift. Two G. N —Mary Wise. Fred Milani, 17-year old son of Mr new members have been including in Adv—Nellie Kellar. and Mrs. Joe Milsni, of Arago, under­ the dub: Mrs. E. A. Walker and Mrs. Clerk—Geo. W. Swinney. went an operation for appendicitis' Enjoying the dinner J. E. Axtell. Banker—Hazel Prttengill. last Friday afternoon. were Messrs, and Mesdames George Att.—Dora Culbertaon. Mias Ruby Haskin, who had been Johnson, Roy Neal, W. V. Giaisyer, Mag.—Florence Brown. receiving treatment at the hospital for John L. Aasen, Bari Nosier, E. A. J. S.—Elizabeth Lane. a coupte of weeks, underwent a major Walker and J. E. Axtell. O. 8.—Howard Pointer. operation Wednesday at the hands of ' " '’ * . wkoiusiaiBte» >. • F. *G.—Maude Bean. Dr. Richmond. M m . L. H. Hasard was hostess yes­ Managers—Fred Schaer, Harry J. H. Oerding, who underwent a terday afternoon with a desert lunch­ Wiae. major operation recently,' is-recover­ eon to the ladies of her eontract club. Musician—May Ensele. ing nicely from its effects and will Mrs. Bert Folsom was a guest beside Press Cor.—Harriet Schaer. •mon be out again. the regular members, Meedames W. Sr. G.—Dora Culbertaon. S. Sickels, R. A. Wernich, F. L. Capt G.—'Ella Schroeder. Greenough, F. 8. Emery, George H. The installation ceremony was e Chaney, B. L. Stewart and Paul Van ducted by Ella Schroeder and s Scoy. , done in a very creditable maimer. •t ,________________ One Coat a Weed Baah Iaaartiaa FOR SALE OR TRADE—Nice young, gentle Jersey cow, just fresh with heifer calf. J. L. Smith, Coquille. Phone 60R. TRAPPERS ATTENTION—Highest prices paid for furs. Guns bought, •old and traded. Leneve’s Sporting Goods and Hardware Co. Gbquille, Oregon. 51t4 DRESSMAKING Alterations and , plain sewing in exchange for farm produce: Hens, potatoes, hay or what have you.. Mary E. Chowning. Gen. Delivery, Coquille, Ore. 51t2* FOR RENT—House at 12S So. Coul­ ter street. .Call Alton Grimes, phono 14-J. $ ♦ • First Mississippi Levees When the flrst levees were built along the Mlsslssipp. river is not a mat ter of record, says Pathfinder Mag azine. Such levees have l>e«*n con structed In that region since early In the Eighteenth century. At first la dlvlduala built levees to protect their own land property In time of flood and later local authorities, county and state, aided In the work. In 1870 con­ gress created the Misslsai|>pl river commission and the first appropriation for Improving the river"wus/made the following year. When Idol Is Harmless Phone 122 Heron’, Ne»I Although the great blue heron thar nests In the North usually chooses tlie top of a tall tree In which to build his platform nest, be Is equally at home In the southern lake region where he nests on the ground In the midst of the swnmp. Name Is Spanish Florida wan given that name by Ponce de Leon for two remtona first, because It was a flowery land; and, second, been use he landed on the day of the Spanish festival called Feast of Flowers, which corresponds with Palm Sunday. 1 respect an Idol at the temple door.” said HI. Ho, the sage of China town, “who being never called u|>on to hear, see or speak, may at least he defended on to do no wrong. It is only when overturned that he Is like ly to be found In the way.”—Wash Ington Star. As Every Gardener Knows People say that they often «nd It difficult to tell the difference between weeds and young plnnta The sure way. of course Is to pull them all out If they come up asnln they're weeds —Montreal Star. RIDE A MOTORCYCLE NEW, «220 te 936S USED, 180 up (Portland Prices) MACT ANDERSON Geo. F. Barr Motor Co., Coquille, Ore.