« The Coquille Valley Sentinel s VOL. XXVIII. THE PAPER THAT'S LIKE A LETTER EROM HOME NO. 11. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY «. 1933 Lions to Sponsor Scout Troop ALLREAPP0INTE0'CITYTMLEVY60.3 Hotel People Invited The Coquille Lion* Club at its din­ Lafe Compton, of the CoquiHe Ho­ ner seeaion yesterday adopted a major tel, has sent out invitations to sixty activity for the year 1933 by agreeing hotel and msort managers, along the to eponsor Boy Scout activities in Co- Coast Highway from Astoria on the quifle thia year, provided the Chamber City Officers, Committees and Reduction of 9.5 Mills From north to Crescent City on the south, , Only Living ex-President of the of Commerce wishes to be relieved of Commissions Named by Last Year’s Combined for a get-together meeting to be held U. S. Dies Suddenly this responsibility. There was no in the hotel here on Saturday eve­ Mayor Berg j Rate Yesterday •. » thought nor intention on the Lions ■ f .->1 ' ning and Sunday morning, Jan. 21 and ————— < -, ’. part to attempt to^take on any activ­ 22. The purpose of the meeting, a* lt** becoming a habit with the Co- ity belonging to the' Chamber of Com­ The 1931-32 council adjourned sine Taj levies for 1932 tax**, payable expro-sed in Mr. Compttfh’e invitation Oalvin Coolidge,' the only ex-presi- quille river to go on a rampage for merce, but because of its reduced sub­ die Monday evening after the pre­ this year,'were compiled and released is that the hotel people oh the Coast dent of the United States, died sud­ New Year** and get full, although scriptions thia year, the Chamber is vious session’s minutes had been read by Assessor J. P. Beyer* this week. Highway may become better ac­ denly from a heart stroke, at hia •. vthis year it missed it a couple of days. perfectly willing to be relieved of the and approved, and the new council The Coquille city combinediiax levy quainted with one another, that they home in Northampton, Mas*., just be­ Jan. 1, 1932, the lowlands to the south responsibility. The estimated amount at once organised by the election of is 60.3 mills, a reduction of 9.5 mills Mr. Coolidge may know the Coast Highway better fore noon yesterday. and west of Coquille resembled an in­ needed for Boy Scout expenses In Co­ R. A. Jeub as chairman of the board from last year when it was 69.8. by travelling over it, and that they was 60, years old on the fourth of land sea with the dike between the quille thia year ia 970. ’ and the appointment of officers. All The combined state and county levy may make plans for receiving the last July. bridge and 'Fat Elk covered with two The entertainment feature of the councilmen were present except C. W. is 18.6 mills, of Which Mr. Beyers increased tourist travel which it is feet or more of water, and on Tuesday luncheon yesterday noon was furnish­ Gano. figure* the county portion to be 2.59 expected will be using the Coast road morning of this week the same con­ ed by “Bucko” Staninger, who ac­ The officers appointed by Mayor mills. This distributes the Coquille this summer. I dition existed this year. And by companied his vocal ejections on a Berg and who were confirmed by th* levy in the following way: State and ________ __ , This invitation to _________ the hotel propri- Tuesday afternoon the* water was plectrun-guitar played by himself. council were the same as served the Comity 18.5; school district No. 8,' etors to assemble as guests of the ho- nearly a foot and a half higher than Hia singing and playing made a de­ city last year: Wm. Howell as mar- 17.8; City, 22.8; Port of Bandon 1.7. management here, ia an innova- a year ago. It still lacked a couple cided hiC with the 20 Lions in atten­ .ihal, Louis English deputy marshal, Following is the combined levies for 1 don, but Mr. Compton believes it will of feet of reaching the 1924 level. dance and he was called upon again S. V. Epperson water superintendent^ each of the towns in the county, with prove beneficial for every hotel and The freshet waa preceded by the and again. W. 8. Sickels city treasurer, Grant the levy for each last year: resort along the highway. most severe storm this section ha* Corby city attorney, Frank Dung*y L* • witnessed in year*. Starting Sunday lie Mrs. Ixireman Dies in North str*et commissioner, J. Loy Stacer Will Start Revival Sunday and increasing in violence that night, 7Ì.8 city engineer and manager over rahfietd J. Ellis Loreman, the geologist the wind blew a hurricane and did not streets snd wster, C. W. Gardner fir* orth Bend A series of undenominational re­ calm until Monday afternoon. It wa* who has been living here for the past chief, and Dr. W. E. Gregson health Myrtle Point vival services will be held in the Bap­ accompanied by a deluge which to­ yesr, received word yesterday that officer. All bonds for appointed officers Bandon tist Church of Coquille, beginning Mrs. Loreman passed away in Seattle talled between five and six inches for will be the same a* last. year. mpire Sunday evening at 7:30 and continu­ on Wednesday and he left last eve­ the three days, starting Saturday. Committees of the council were Eastside ing every evening except Saturday at ning for that city. Monday afternoon the road to Pow­ named by the mayor as follows: Lakeside did not report any levy the same hour. The services will be Mrs. Loreman left for the north a ers was under five feet of water at Ordinance—'Bryant, Jeub, Belloni. to the assessor. conducted by two ladies, ^fiss A. M. the Waggoner place above Broadbent. couple of months ago, after «pending Finance—Jdlab, Bryant, Gano. Port levies are: Coos Bay 6.9; Ban- Patterson, whose home is in Australia, six months here with Mr. Loreman That night the mile of dike just north Firq—Gano, Medley, Belloni. don 1.7; Coquille river, nothing. and Mias C. Horton, who lives in of Myrtle Point was under water and and had been vwiting relatives up I ight—LsFevr*, Jeub, Medley. Special high school levies for dis­ Washington. They invite every one there. Her death waa sudden and before morning the flood had reached Water—'Belloni, Gano, LaFevre. tricts in which there is po high school, to come to their services and hear the unexpected. • the Coquille-Bandon section, putting The funeral services will ¿>e very Streets—Medley, Bryant, LeFevre. 8.1 mill«; Union High School No. 2, gospel. it out of commission until Tuesday simple, being conducted at his home Mayor Berg appointed to the four Myrtle Point, <4.1; Union High No. tevening and there waa still a foot of at 10:30 Saturday morning and his year term on the Library board, Mrs. 8, Riverton, 7t.7. water on the highway for several body will be laid to rest beside the C. D. Walker. The other members The school levies of all the seventy hundred feet beyond the Geo. Lorens remains of his .father in the family of the board are Mrs. Geo^ Chaney, odd districts in the county vary very barn. plot at Plymouth, Vermont. Mm. Geo. A. Uulett, Mrs. C. C. Farr little from last year’s figure. Both the Riverton and Ballads fer­ Calvih Coolidge was one of the snd O. C. Banford. The county-court Which waa in sea- ries were put out of commission, the > most unostentatious men ever to oc­ On the Park Commission the mayor County Budget Adopted A letter from the Marshfield Cham­ piling and approach at th* latter float­ . sion here Tuesday, Wednesday and appointed Keith Leslie, chairman, cupy the most exalted office in the The opponents of our public schools ber of Commerce was read at the Co­ United States. Probably he would ing loose when the rising water pulled I Thursday thia week, with Judge Ray Jeub, Tracy Leach, O. T. Gant persisted in their resistance to any quille Chamber meeting Wednesday- not be classed as one of the greatest Thompson, John D. Carl and Chas. and Alton H. Grimes. the piling up from th* bottom. evening in which it wae urged that presidents ever to nerve the United While the storm did. not put the i Doane present, found a huge «tack of As members of the city boxing increase in the per capita school tax Coquille, as well ae all other commun­ States, but he left the office after main power lines out of busins** here, , bills awaiting their official O. K., and commission the appointments were at the public budget hearing test Sat­ ities along the Coast Highway, do its about six years of .lervice with fewer urday, and the $10 per capita, as many side lines were out, that out ; many other matters needing atten- A. H. Grimes as chairman. R. L. utmost to help in financing the work enemies than any other president, and Cunningham way being one of them. , tion. Stewart, C. W. Gano, F, F. Schram, adopted by the budget committee of the Coast Highway Association to regardless of party he was the friend early in December, was not changed. One of the court orders was to the The juice was also off at 'Riverton for and Dr. J. W. Wheeler. the end of its fiscal year, April 1. The of ail the American people. a night or two, .and the repair crew effect that one-half of the 920,000 Afl of the mayors appointments Nor was the total budget figure of (459,836.33 changed in any way and Coquille quota is 9100. waa constantly on the job Sunday budgeted as an emergency fund, be wer* confirmed by the eounefl. The following press dispatch tells After a report by J. E. Norton oft of the esteem in which he wa* held the published budget was adopted by set up as * Special Emergency Cash The Coquille VaNey Sentinel wa* Falling wire* caused three radios Fund in order to make avnRsMe, named as the city official newspaper it* county court that evening, exactly what Ed Miller has accomplished in by leadens of th* JJ rated States: " establishing contact* with travel or­ to be burned out in the north part I when necessary, funds for destitution for the ensuing two yearn. as advertised. Dennw McCarthy made a talk at ganisations in directing travel over of town, on* at Ralph Nosier'« place relief. The world’s great men wrote an Licenses were granted to restau­ and another at Sam Arnold'*. I When the state relief committee rants. rooming houses and pool rooms the public hearing Saturday morning, the Coast highway, and a further op­ epitaph of acclaim for Calvin Coolidge So far as reported there has been representatives were here last week for those where application had been advocating that nothing be budgeted timistic estimate of what tourist irt a great outpouring of sorrowful no loss of livestock, although the flood the policy of Jbe county in paying made and the others were ordered to for county agent or herd testing travel will be the coming season, expressions at hia paining. has seriously interfered with dairy- . county farm expenses and a portion have their applications filed by Jan. work, but neither item was eliminated President R. L. Stewart asked for a President Hoover, his successor­ vote on whether the di rector s favor­ elect, Franklin D. Roosevelt, cabinet from the budget. men all along th* river. of some employees’ salaries out of IS. At the Smith plant here the water' the funds borrowed from the Rscon- Assessor J. P, Beyers made one of ed making the support of the Coast men, governors, heads of foreign na­ Those granted Monday night were: Association one of the major activi­ tion* and their ambassadors, educa­ was kept out of the engine room by . struction Finance Corporation was Restaurant*—Tommy Wing, H. R. the most interesting talks at the tightly battening the door and keeping frowned upon, and the policy has been Dimmiek, Lisle Goodwin, W. M. Mor­ morning session. He hit direct from ties of the Chamber for this year. tors, ministers, heads of great indus­ the «houlder, with the charge that the Thirteen of the 20 directors were trial and business enterprises, all at­ an electric pump constantly in opera- discontinued. The funds may be used ris. Grace Donaldson. people themselves, and they alone, present and the voté was unanimous tested by their words the esteem in only for relief and not for executive tion. Rooming House—Tommy Wing and are responsible for our present high that the Coquille Chamber support the which the ex-president was held. Fort» Emery and 'Ray Jeub and work in handling the relief. H. R. Dimmiofc. Association to the limit of its ability. plant employees were able to control I The court appointed A. T. Morri- “Hia name had become in hia own Card and Pool Rooms—W. H. For­ taxes. “You’ve got to get down to Mr. Stewart thereupon volunteered earth” waa his contention. al I th* logs the company had in the son as juvenile and probation officer tier. Ed B. Miller and Hub Davis. lifetime a synonym for sagacity and "1’11 work for you a whole year as to personally call on business and pro­ wisdom,” said President Hoover in boom up the riv*r by constant aur- , at • salary of 9110 per month. Mr*, The Veterans of Foreign Wars post vei Rance and effort, while Roy Neal Edith McNefly and Mrs. Josephine was granted permission to use khe county assessor for 91.00, if you wilT fessional men in Coquille and attempt proclaiming a 30-day national period and Jim Brady kept the Coos Bay Culver were named as deputies at council chamber every .Friday eve­ do your part,” was Mr. Beyers’ dedar- to secure a dollar a month contribu­ of mourning. “His temperateness in ation, but he went on to add that do­ tion from 20 men for the five months speech and his orderly deliberation in Lumber Co. logs, at the mouth of the compensation to be arranged for if ning. from Nov- 1 to April 1. their eeyvice* are needed for special North Fork, from breaking loose and action bespoke the profound sense of The bond of Recorder F. G. Leslie, ing their part meant not only cutting The Chamber of Commerce funds, responsibility which guided his con­ spreading all oveT the bottom* up work, such as taking girls to correc­ in the sum of 91000, and with S. M. down on public expenditures, hut per­ tive institutions at Salem or Portland. Nosier and J. L. Stevens as sureties, sonal as well. “Those of you who with only about 1900 as yet pledged duct of the public business.” there. Dr. M. Earl Wilson was"1 appointed was approved by the council and cannot afford to own automobiles for this year, will hardly be able to Out at th* Kanu Klub grounds, at Franklin D. Roosevelt said: mast give them up and cut all your take care of this |100 needed by the Brewster valley, th* water wpa within as secretary of the County Board of placed on file with the mayor. “I am inexpressibly shocked at the Coast Association, but if the average news of. Mr. Coolidge’s death. The sa­ a foot of entering L. H. Haxard’s Health, subject to confirmation by the The council adjourned at sight living expenses to fit your means,” bi _?.Ven i*1* Ttt**** ' **on <,u^er* ■ great loss in hia sodden cabin and only 1« inches below the state board, at a salary of WOO a o'clock, but the water and finance was what the assessor meant by the “,n increased tourist travel over the Coast and untimely passing.” year. floor of B*rt Gould’s ( committees held a session for an hour public doing its part. __ ___ Mr. Beyer*, Gao. Hampton, H. G. Highway, as a few who attend Coun- [ John The county license fee for doge was and a half more, discussing city busi­ Yesterday th* water level had W. Davit, who opposed ty Chamber of Commerce meeting. Coolidge for the" p'r'eaidency in'1924" Kent, C. E. Maybee and other* were set at 91 per year, regardless of the dropped six feet across the river here ness and the policies to be pursued who diff.re(1 from him po. I preeent to advocate and urge a larg- have heard it, showing a mhny fold; and unless another storm aeta in the sex of the animal. Thia ia the present this year. P«4*t«l **ba*«M* «Wk saan TA*» Ina W1AWOV* actual^return m cash for the moneys (|jtic«lly never questioned his integ- ’ er per capita edhool tax, but the mo ­ policy of moat of the counties in the worst ia peat. tion that the budget be adopted wae expended by the Coest Association, ' rity, patriotism or devotion to public stats. Ankle Broken and Sprained carried by a vote of 39 to 28. This there would be no question of financ­ duty, and friends and foes alike must Relief Aasn. Needs Supplies , i Mrs. Phoebe Harry, who had been wai simply an advisory expression of ing the association'« operation*. I regret that the country is deprived Busy Comer 18 Year* Old The Coquille Relief Association, in the Masd hospital at Myrtle Point how those preeent wished the court Many other matters of ptiblic in­ ' in. this critical time of his cool and which has been functioning again for( In BlMy Cerser advertisement since last Saturday, was brought home to act on the budget, and was not terest — taxes, schools, warrant*, > experenced judgment.” the past two weeks, with increasing j K Norton Eludes to the yesterday with her left Umb in a cast. etc., were discussed at considerable i binding in any way on the court. Alfred E Smith: ' “I had a strong activity, finds Ita .tock of clothing f>ct thgt thig, ,Ur, She sprained her ankle and broke the length by the director* Wednesday ’ admiration for him. Since he left ahoM, etc.; for xhildrM, woman and MrTe• * holo 1* the root. NEW COUNTY COURT SESSION C.ofC. WILL SUP­ PORT HIGHWAY