atthsdoorofb * ginn , ncagain WHAT E Place: City Hall. Time: 7:30 p. m. When: First and Third Tuesdays. President—Goo. W. Taylor, Sr. Tree*.--Mrs. John A. Martin Cor. Sec’y—Mrs. Nellie Whereat. A HAPPY NEW YEAR’ AND MAY EACH DAY OF THE COMING YEAR BE FILLED WITH HEALTH HAPPINESS AND THE UT MOST PROSPERITY WITHOUT verrucosus), bloom* March to June. Madrone Tree (Arbutus menziesi), white, blooms Sept to Nov. Portugal Laurel (Pruhus luaitan- ica), white, blooms April to July. California Cherry (iPrunu* illicifo- lia), white, blooms March to May. Catalina Cherry (Prunus intergri- folia), white, bloom* March to May. Thunberg’s Barberry, pale yellow, blooms April, May. Torch Azalea (Azalea kaempferi), orange-red, blooms April, May. Azalea hexe, scarlet, blooms April, May. Azalea mollis (Flame azalea in v**r- ‘•ty), yellow, orange, blooms April, May. Flowering Currant, yellow, bloom* March to May. Fuschia (Flowered gooseberry), scarlet, blooms March to June. Deutzia gracilis, white, blooms Ap ril, May. Deutzia lemoinei, white, blooms Ap ril, May. Deciduous Flowering Shrubs Pearl Bush (Exochorda grandi flora), white, blooms April, May. Spirea, Anthony Wwterer, white- red, blooms Jun* to October. Japanese Flowering Cherry (Prun us serrulata), pink, white, rose, bloom* April, May. Flowering Crabapple (Pyrus flori bunda), pale pink, rose, blooms Ap ril, May. if Year End Sale! store you will find lowered prices prices, Throughout the Store Listed below you will find fitting examples. ‘Here is a bargain event that you should not pass up. Good Merchandise going in a last chance sale. Well, the holiday season over, we now begin to turn our thoughts to spring and already a good many of us are planning our flower beds to hide the rsvages of the recent cold Casco Dills ■mall tender tip* spell. Of course the exact amount of damage cannot be told at this time wishing from1 ' and I am in hope* that spring will show up less damage than is antici pated. However, it is a foregone con clusion that many of u* will plant more annuals thia year than evef. In of Coquille, Oregon Columbia River Chinook fact the growing of annual* on a larger scale is a movement that seem* to be sweeping over the entire country “THOSE OLD NEIGHBORS OF YOURS” CAN and well it may, for there are no pret tier blooms than those pf our annual flower* and they ask nothing more than do our perennial borders, that is to keep the old blossom* cut off that they may cheer us that much longer. 1 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE I have noticed for some time that 8TATE OF OREGON FOR the annual is once more to come into COOS COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of T. E. its own; magazine after magazine Robb, sometimes known as Thomas have had articles devoted to thia class E. Robb, Deceased. of Dowers, and usually give lists of Notice of Final Settlement. - the most worth while varieties. In Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ha* filed hi* Final Ac the last number, January 1983, of the count in the matter of the Adminis American Home is a fine article on tration of the Estate of T. E. Robb, this subject. 80 lets get out our cata Bechtel’s Flowering Crabapple, deceased, sometimes known as logues and some of these rainy even shell pink, blooms April, May. Thoma* E. Robb, deceased, and the County Court for Coo* County, Ore ings make out a list of what seeds we Sacred Cherry of Japan (Prunus gon, has set Saturday, the 21*t day will want and then send for them yedoenais), white, pink, spring bloom Alber* Flapjack or Maximum Amaizó Butterscotch of January, 1933, as the day, and the early *0 as not to have to wait for Pancake County Court Room in the County them when we should be planting ing. lb Can lÇc Court House at Coquille, in Coos Japanese Weeping Cherry (Prunus them. County, Oregon, a* the place for subhirtella péndula), rose pink, spring The advertisements of the new cata hearing objections to said Final Ac blooming. count and the settlement of said es logues are beginning to make their Persisn Lilac (Syringe pérsica), tate. Dated thia 15th day of December, appearances in the various magazines, purple, lilac, rose, blue, bloom« April, but many of us have our old stand May. 1932. bys.’ However, it is well to change L. A. Liljeqvist, Japanese Quince, in variety (Cy- Administrator with the Will An sometimes and get new strains. An squares * « donia japanoci), white, »cartet, pink, nexed of the Estate of T. E. Robb, de ceased, sometimes known as Thomas I nuals are our best cut flowers. Do rose, bloom* Jan. to April. f LB. E. Robb, deceased. ,49t5 not forget that Red Bud (Cerci* canadensis) rosy i • \ Now for more ’’flower« in April;” pink, blooms March to May. Flowering Evergreen 8hruh*. ■; European Red Bud (Cerci* ailiqua- Daphne odora, white, pink, bloom« I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE strum), purplish rose, bloom* March Dec. to May. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE to May. • COUNTY OF COOS Daphne eneorum, ‘Rose daphne, asuorted flavor* Roses, many colors. Plant naked PORTLAND MORTGAGE CO., a Sun Maid Sultanaa pink, blooms Feb. to April. corporation, Plaintiff, roots Nov. to March. Set out potted Heather (Erica) Scotch, pinkish va. plant* any time. Nellie Schuh and Bernard C. Schulz, lavender, blooms Oct to Jan. Flowering Vine* her husbznd. Defendants. California Lilac (Ceanothu* az- Trumpet Vine (Big nonia meedi- To Nellie Schulz and Bernard C. ureus), deep blue, blooms March to Schulz, her husband, defendants: ana), orange-yellow, blooms March to IN THE NAME OF THE STATE June. May. OF OREGON: You, and each of California Lilac (Ceanothus spiae- white Yellow Jasmine (Jasminum primul- Edwards Dependable you are hereby required to appear sus), light blue, bloom* Mar. to May. inum), primrose yellow, blooms Mar. and answer the complaint of the White California Lilac (Ceanothu* plaintiff filed against you in the 5ÇC to May and intermittently. above entitled Court and cause with -- - - —.... — in five (5) week* from the date of Influenza cion. If aeusceptible penson comes in the first publication of thi* summqps. Safeway You to-wit: On or before the 13th day of (Oregon State Board of Health) contact with influenza he almost in January, 1983, and if you fail ao to variably contracts the disease. Influenza is a highly communicable appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judgment and disease. It comes on suddenly with a , Live outdoor* as much as possible ' decree against you and each of you fever lasting three days. There is a and avoid crowded place*. Wear for the sum of 8838.53 with interest feeling of great depression and a clothing suitable to the weather and thereon from February 20, 1932, at 122 gjj Store 469 FREE DELIVERY the rate of nine (9) per cent per an marked lowering of physical vigor. avoid dissipation of any kind. Simple nourishing food io the moot healthful. Bronchitis and pneumonia may rap num, for the further sum of 372.90 with interest thereon from June 16, idly follow, especially when the victim Wash the hands frequently, particu 1981, at the rate of ten (10) per cent attempt.« to return to hi* work too larly before eating. If you have in per annum, for the further sum of Old Papers, good-sized package at hours of 10 A. M. and 8 P. M. »49.64 with interest thereon from early. Failure to give in to so short fluenza, however mild, go to ted and Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 7th AugiMt 15, 1932, at the rate of ten an illness and the natural tendency of stay there until your physician says The Sentinel for 5 cents. (10) per cent per annum, for the the vigorous male to “fight-it-off" it is safe to arise. Remember that day of December, 1982. further sum of 816.00 with interest the exhaustion from influenza is us NOTICE OF FILING FINAL AC L. H. Hazard, President , thereon from August 16, 1932, at the when indisposed undoubtedly accounts E. D. Webb, Cashier. 48t5 COUNT rate of ten ( 10) per cent per annum, for the fact that while more females ually out of proportion to the mild Notice is hereby given that the un for the further sum of »100.00 attor are attacked, the death rate is usual ness of th* symptom*, and great care ney’s fees, for the further sum of ly higher among male*. muat be taken to prevent injury to dersigned has filed his final account FORECLOSURE SALE as Executor of the Last Will and »10.00, for searching records, and for Influenza spares neither age nor the vital organa. NOTICES IS HEREBY GIVEN, Testament and of the Estate of its cost* and disbursements incurred. Nancy Caroline Hermann, Deceased, 1 That under and by virtue of an Exe For a decree th*t pistetiff’s mortgage sex. The strong and the weak, the in the County Court of Coos Coun- cution and Order of Sale issued put of is a firet, prior, valid and subsisting rich and the poor are apparently e- tv Oregon, and that the Honorable D. | i the Circuit Court of the State of Ore lisa for th* amount of the judgment qua! in susceptibility. Influenza oc- Hew te Taka Fiagerprieto said gon for the County of Coos on the prayed for herein upon the real prop The equipment for taking finger F. Thom peon, Judge of the cum at all season but it has a decided ertv described in plaintiff’s com Court, has set Saturday, the 81et day 30th day of November, 1932, in a print* consist* of a tube of prlnter'a plaint For a decree that plaintiff’s preference for cold weather. World of January, 1983, at the hour of 10 certain cause in said Court pending mortgage be foreclosed and that you wide epidemics occur in regular cy Ink, and an inking *iah on which the o’clock a. m. a* the time, and the wherein The Valley Building and Ink 1* first distributed. ■ roller, and County Court room. Courthouse, Co Loan Asoociation, a Corporation, is and each of you be baYred and fore cles. an Inking plate on which the finger* quille, Oregon, a* the place, for hear Plaintiff, and Gertrude Grace Norton, closed of all right, titte, claim er in A* with so many serious communi «re Inked, and ixwlblr a card holder. ing objections to such Final Account is Defendant, Case No. 10083, of said terest in and to the real property de scribed in^ plaintiff’s complaint, sav cable diseases the firet symptonm are The last Item Is not absolutely essen and the settlement thereof, and that Court and commanding me to aell the ing and excepting, the right of re those of a common cold. In influenza, tial, but can be of valuable assistance all persona objecting thereto must file hereinafter described real property to their objections on or before said date satisfy the sum of »1870.16 with in demption, for judgment and decree terest at 9 per cent from 29th day that the real property described in however, there is much greater de In holding the fingerprint card In place and time. Date of first publication Friday, of November, 1932, an Attorney fee plaintiff’s complaint with all ite ap grees of debility and depression. to prevent blurring. Rest results can of 8230.00 and costs and disburse purtenances, right*, vriptere* _and Many who have the disease in a mild be expected from the use of black Dec. 23, 1982. Date of last* publication Friday, ment* 816.90, together with accruing easements, be sold by the sheriff of form do not go to bed but continue to printer's Ink for It dries so rapidly costa, I WILL ON SATURDAY, TILE Coos County, Oregon, a* on «Mention, that fresh work can be handled Imme Jan. 20, 1983. , 81st DAY OF DECEMBER. 1982, August H. Bender, after giving the notice required by mingle with their fellow-men and this diately with very little danger of at the hour 10 o’clock in Executor. tew. that any p«rty to this *uit may contributes largely to its spread. smudging. the forenoon of said day at be a purchaser at said sale, that said S. D. Fulford, Even in the simple form of influ purchaser be let into immediato noa- enza there is usually • feeling of Attorney for Executor, the front door of the County Court sesaion of the property described te residing at Coquille, Oregon. 50t5 House in the City of Coquille. Coo* Hew to Care for S«reea* chilliness and of weakness; there is a pteintUT* complaint and «wry part Screen doors and window screen* County. Oregon, offer for sale and thereof, that said sheriff give to said rapid rise of temperature to about 103 when being stored «way for th* win- sell at publie auction, to the highest purehaaer, a certificate of sale and or 104 degrees; and there may be NOTICE TO CREDITORS and best bidder for cash in hand, all . ter should hie thoroughly brushed and after the time allowed by tew for re Notice is hereby given that the un the right, title and interest of the demption, unless arid property de- soase cough, some hoarsene«* and cleaned and perfectly dry. When the sribed in ptetatiff’.compirint «hall soreness of throat. Les* often nausea, screens are taken out In the spring dersigned ha* been appointed by the said Defendant in and to the follow County Court of the Stet* of Oregon ing described real property, to-wit: have been redememd, a deed. For vomiting and diarrhea accompany the they should bq brushed and cleaned Commencing at a point which ia the judgment and decree that the plain attack or it may/begin with a sharp before hanging and If a light cp*t ef for Coo* County as the Administra Northwest comer of th* intersection tor of the Estate of John J. Holver- tiff herein have and recover of and nosebleed. | acreen pein stAtt, Deceased, and that all persons of Spurgeon and Daahney Street* te from you and each of yon., ,«"7 <*«- having claim« against the said estate the City of Coquille, Coo* County, The most seriou* complication h t",t “P the ficiency of said jtogm«t s^hmay ar* required to present them te the Oregon, and which said point is ap remain after the application thereto pneumonia, which may develop in a | n*tel7- >n undersigned with the proper vouchors proximately 907.38 feet South and of the proceed* from the sale of the few day« after the onset Other com- m?»ht at the law offices of s. D. Pulford in approximately 412.50 feet West of the property described in P1al,ntlT* *^*7 Ration, in steMitia, empyema, kpn- j First National Rank Building in Co- quarter section corner on the North NOTICE TO CREDITORS nlsint herein, and I quille, Coo* County, Oregon, within boundary line of Section 1. Township sillrtis, pulmonary edema, pnvgmo-1 further relief a* to the Court may Notice is hereby given *•$*** six month* from the date of thi* no- 28 South, of Range 13 West of the How seem meet and equitable In the thorax and a pereistent cough which I, Willamette Meridian in Coo* County, iiCF. 1 , \ dersigned h*s to«" Oregon County Court of the State o W Dated and firet published this 2nd Oregon, and running thence North ^This^ummons is served upon you may teat Jpr month*. Simple, unfio«*- . Mano-j k plicated case* of influenza dd net ¿iej that are he along the West Boundary line of day of December, 1982. for Coo. County as the bv publication in the Coquille Valley Daahney Street 152 feet more or tor of th* Estete of H. W- Hoiver William Bettye, Influenza death* in Oregoni<1922 tcr( aeon ralnet Sentinel, a "«"»toPT Administrator of the Estate of les* to a point, thence West on the 1931 were a* follows: 1] cautions ar John J. Holveretott, Deceased. 47t5 line parallel with the North line of 1922, 387 deaths the said Spurgeon Street I'M).feet to 1987, 263 deatoa a point, thence South on a line par 1923, Ml death* 1928, 3«3 deaths allel with the West line of said Daahney ■ NOTICE 1924, 123 death* 1989, 3<% death* Firet'*NMÄk Bußding te Co- Street 152 feet to a point on -the «aid Court, signed by the Honorsbo 1925, 20« deaths Notice is hereby given that the an 1930, 204, death* North line of said Spurgeon Street quille. Coo* County.Orer™.»'^ J T. Brand, Judge thereof, duly made nual meeting of the shareholders of 100 feet West of the place of begin 1981, 202 deaths 1928. 828 deaths six months from the dzte of this no and entered herein on the 81st,day the First National Bank of Coquille, ning, thence East along the North People die of influenza in C^regM nf October, 198*. ' CDated and first P“b'i,h*d Oregon, for the election of Director* line of said Spurgeon Street 100 feet p.ted and firet ptAHstod thi. 9th in all seasons but the winter and e«r1y te the place of beginning. for the ensuing year and for the spring month* are particularly dan of December, 1982- Said sale being made subject te re day transaction of *uch other business as demption in the manner provided by Firet^ational Bank Bldg., gerous. The signs and sytaptom* *f a Administrator of the JCstate may properly come before the meet law. cold are always danger aignala, espe W. Holvenstott, d— Coquille, Oregon. Dated at Coquille, Oregon, thia 1st ing. will to told at the office of said cially when influenza ia prevalent etere alike Cake A C‘to. day of December, 1932. id the lamb Bank, in Coquille, Oregon, on Tues At thi* time every suddenly acquired H. E. Hees, Safety Fi day, January 10th, 1938, between the 47t5 Sheriff of C om County, Oregon. coM should te regarM with «napi- Pasteurised An«w ter FUfelW. health. •4 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ASPARAGUS 14c MALT 39c CAN PICKLES , ÄaRrt MC SALMON cXS* IOC Pre=lnventory Clean Ip < FOR flfc SYRUP 2*/i Pancake Flour - 5 lb 4ÜOZ. PKGS. can SOAP BACON RAISINS JAM . 3 14C COFFEE BEANS 2 LB. Cui Wishes and Yours A Happy and Prosperous New Year Phone No. K’1 fella»“ 4 Í