TM COQUILLE VALLBY SENTINEL, COQUILLE OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER M, 1988. PAGE FOUR The Sentinel a «eoo MM« in a moo tswu TABLOIDS By W. 8. Sickels DUNHAM’S H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES Publishers The entire coot of discovering Am­ H. A. YOUNG. Editor erica (the Christopher Columbus ex­ pedition) io said to have been a little Every in the values from shelves (J, ALLuJUa less than $7,000. This now seems like Subscription Rates If are just looking for hot week-end you buy One Year......... ».......... ,................ $2.00 an exhorbitant price to pay for a Property owners in Oregon will be then store bulk purchasers. Six Months....................................... 100 chunk of unimproved real estate, even required to contribute $2,975,837.92 , Three Months......................... .. A® long frowned on the selling or under forc No subscription taken unless paid had the title been good. However, toward the support of state activities I us it up by on others. for in advance. This rule is bn para­ this wao not the case, as we later had during 1933, according to the annual to get a quit-claim fram the Indians. levy of the state tax commission- tivi. shop the It seems they were here first. Also unless relief is forthcoming in the they were the original yankeew—ca­ form of a sales tax or some other pable of driving a sharp bargain. form of revenue. Haven’t we boon suporting them ever Coos county’s share of the state, ,iince as part of the consideration of tax will be $69,122.7$, exclusive ef the ' that deal? Today we have the entire two mill levy for elementary schools, Advertising Rates country mortgaged, even unto the amounting to $48,211.78, which, al. f Hospital PURITY—by Golden Wert, Display advertising. 25 cento per third, and fourth generations, for though levied by the state tax com-' inch: less than 5 inches, 30 cento per 2 Pounds with beautiful Inch. No advertisement inserted .for three times what it is worth, and *e mission, is retained in the county and green glass, all for less than 50 cents. Readings notices don’t know what we did with the is npt properly a state tax. 10 cento'per line. No reading notice, money. , Qf the total levy for plate purposes S9C or advertisement' of any kind, insert­ 0 1,1 $1,565,047.58 is within the six per­ Morning ed for less than 25 cento. If yoU ever become an employer of cent constitutional limit and repre­ a ■ .. ..................... ; 1'r ------------ men, and want them for positions of TALL sents the difference between $8,006,- Entered at the Coquille PostolBcq as Per Doz. trust, include in your examination of 1047.58, the maximum which can be Second Class Mail Matter. Spitzenberg and the applicants this question: “Did ¡levied under this limitation, and $1,- you OMee Corner W. First and Willard St ,you ever carry newspapers?” If his 500,000 which, it is estimated, will be answer is in the affirmative, check it produced by the present income taxes. a “A hick town is one where the up thoroughly and if you find he The balance of the property tax is Box / served his routes faithfully, hire him. accounted for by special millage levies . - »1 —o I i mayor only shaves once a week, says th« Pathfinder. We never thought I have seen many carrier boys come outside the six percent limit and in­ and go. The good ones became suc­ cludes $1,307,621.02 for the state Coquille was a hick town and now we cessful men and none of them had the board of higher education, $102,169.32 know it’s not. advantage (?) of “higher education.” for interest on irrigation district e - - ■ Large Mill Run Jean Harlow, who was a co-star The faithless carrier boy, among bonds, and $1,000 for ths Soldiers and with Clark Gable in the showing of those under my observation, invari­ Sailors Educational Aid act Bars Wheat Large “Red Dust” at the Liberty theatre ably joined the over-crowded ranks of Acting upon a recommendation of here this week, was born in Kansas the mediocre. the World War Veterana’ State Aid City, Mo., in 1911. Her real name is commission the tax commission has To become an expatriate (please ex­ again waived the one-half mill levy Harlean Carpenter. Her father was a For dentist and she entered the films be­ cuse my making a noun of that verb) for the bonus commission. Reports cause she needed money. Her first will be sufficient punishment for In- received at the capitol +ndieate—that the wage for a picture was only five dol­ sull. I personally knew a man who mandamus • proceedings may be insti­ fled from this country to France to lars. tuted by interested bond holders to avoid an appearance in court as a compel inclusion of this levy on thq Yes, a Scotchman know« a bargain witness. I have always believed Ma ground that the constitution makes it Coquille Northmaid when he sees one >3ays the Pathfinder. action was more for the protection of mandatory. Because of the waiver of or Grahams The public ., library of Cambridge, his friends than for himself. They the levy last year' the funds of the 3 the entire Maifcg-, announced that all fines would were all together in some allegedly commission became so badly depleted Ibs. be /¿rgiven on books which had been crooked Matters of frenzied finance. country that it was necessary to discontinue out a long time, providing they ware Physically a powerful and robust loans to ex-service men last October, Telephone, 2 can 2 Tomatoes returned now. This offer brought in man, and in the prime of life, he died and the commissibn. found it neces­ one 65-cent book, “The Story of Scot­ in voluntary exile—of a broken heart 3 sary to float a new bopd issue to meet land” which had been out for 38 years He could not come home. Its obligations. . Sutter and on which the fines would have Whole The deficit in the state’s general amounted to $290. It was charged to Railroads lose business because fund ia fixed by the tax levy ait 13,- Strategem 2 cans Graham,Rye John Mackintosh. they will not reduce their rates to 850,000 and it is estimated that this meet the competition of the trucks. will be reduced _______ to „ $2,740,000 __ ____ by the __ And now it comes to light that the Telephone _ __________ _ thousands _ __ companies ipse end of 1933 if revenue corned’in as 3 F a... kaAMilvAMA ^1 aaon — 9-lb Bag youthful and inexperienced candidate'^ «ubscribers' ratherT than' mo reduce anticipate^'* for postmaster in Cbquille is getting ratee. Ditto the electric power coin-, 3 Quick a petition out to show that the 800 [ paniee ani| other utilities. Almost i Y A total of 897 residents of Coos to 1,000 signers on the John Leneve everything else has come down during Oats county have participated in the bonus petition are not so many. But Mr. these evil days, but not the utility and loan privileges extended to ex- 9-lb Leneve had practically the entire buai- rates. These are inviolable and sae- service men by the state of Oregon, neaa section of the city signed up be­ according to a report by the World No. 2% A few special Mixes fore his young opponent realized that War Veterans’ State Aid commission. the people of the community were not Just the Bakers A small group of Columbia pro­ Of this number 477 have elected to will receive the Christmas going to be slow in making their fessors, scientists, have launched a Breakfast GOCOC party. take the cash bonus, in an amount wants known. Scooter we gave awhy if new system and philosophy of gov­ aggregating $95,029.16 while *420 have % ernment which they have named exercised their loan privilege under ibs. she will call for it. TAXES PAID BY RAILROADS ■ ' .1 “Technocracy.” 'Through the appli­ the set to borrow a total of $962,400. Property taxes, state and local, paid cation to industry of technology’s in­ wish to the people of patronage dur* by the three principal railroad sys­ ventive activities machines and robots Farm property formed the basis of ing the and hope will and 100 of these loans aggregating $223,- tems of Oregon since Oregon em­ have replaced millions of men. The 400 while 820 loans in the county ag­ barked on its great state highway pro­ force (technology) that created these gram, amounted to more than $44,- thousands of Frankensteins has now gregating $729,000 were secured by city property. 000,000 up to the end of 1931; of this organised and woukLrepair the dam­ Save Twice The commission’s report shows that amount, approximately $7,600,000 was age to suffering humanity as reflect­ up to date 28,929 veterans have re ­ road taxes used in part for construc­ ed by the greatest volume of unem­ tion and improvement of highways ployment ever known. The following ceived their cash bonus from the state which were competitive with the rail­ is given by an electrical engineer as in an amount totalling $4,976,841.34 the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ roads. In addition, the railroads con­ an example of the havoc wrought by while 12,962 veterans have secured tiniee of the Senate while Earl Snell Eealaed*. “White Horse«” loans aggregating $80,560,125. gon for Coos County in the suit of of Arlington will wield the gavel in tributed large sums to the cost of pro- machines: There are three “ White Horses ” “In incandescent lamp Douglas Building and Loan Associa­ viding overhead and undergrade cros- j manufacture, one man-hour accLm^ the ¡House. Officiating at the desk in In England, one In Berkshire, one on tion, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Car­ Believed by many to presage the ul ­ the downs three miles east of West ­ r U ~*" V V llishea as _____ much as 9000 man-houie the Senate will be John P. Hunt of singe for highways. ;__ ___ _ __ roll S. Bertelson, Nelle M. Bertelson. timate removal of the executive of- Woodburn as chief clerk, assisted by bury In Wiltshire, and a third at Lnl- Samuel Bertelson, Nosier A Walker The taxes paid by the three steam accomplished only ae'ihort l a time fices of the State Board of High; line» in Oregon, the Southern Pacific,' pait M 1914/» l _ — -T Elisabeth J. Glatt, also of Woodbum, worth near Weymouth In Dorsetshire. Inc, a corporation and Alberta E. past as 1914.” Among the ___ remedies Skeela, défendante, for the recovery of the O.-W. R. N., and the S. P. A 8., offere»U Carroll 8. Bertelson and And while the people voted a mil­ receive a just share of what it cre­ legislators pledged to an economy Nelle M. ‘Bertelson of the sum of $1,- lion and a half, or some such amount, ates, although its advocates do not program the employed personel in buttonwood which Is termed the syca­ 777.67 with interest thereon at ten County courts in making the levy more In this country,- Is, In fact, a to enable the county or some sub­ say it in so many words. both branches i,i expected to be small­ percent per annum from December 21, for the school fund must take into member of the fig family and Is quite division, to engage in the business of th* further sum of er than usual. common In Egypt Its wood Is of a consideration probable shrinkage in $100.00 attomey a feea and ordering manufacturing and distributing elec­ particularly lasting nature and was the sale of the real property described revenue due to tax delinquencies, ac­ tricity, they did their best to nullify employed by the ancient Egyptians as the East .ialf of Lota ten (10) and cording to Attorney General Van, How “Wind” Came to Be such action by electing a power com­ for the manufacture of mummy cases. eleven (11) in block two («) of said Winkle, who in an opinion to C. A. Associated With Kansas pany attorney to the most important The sycamore of this country has Coquille Heights, Coos County, Ore­ Howard, state superintendent of pub-I gon. ■ • •• Kansas was tunned after the Kansu legislative seat a Coos county man found great popularity as a shade 8. For the recovery against the de- lie instruction, holds that the appor­ Indians, a southwestern Slouan I tribe 1 tree and Its wood, while none too can hold. Btrtetoon and tionment, which is based on the an- 1 who were living In the valley of whai I strong, has found considerable use That gag which speared in the Ore­ 2!' ®*rielson of the 0,t ttlree (3) of Coquille same token helped defeat J. E. Norton Drink cost 26 motorist« their Ore- ! Kansas State Historical sngiety. wrote The persimmon Is a native fruit Heights in Coos County, Oregon, as whom the Voter has always com­ as follows on this subject: "There Is and grows wild throughout the east, «nown by the recorded map or plat gon driver’s licenae during November, mended as a very able legislator. a Kanaa clan In many of the tribes of ern United Stales from Connecticut tnereor. yreording to Secretary of State Hoss’ the Rlouan family of Indians and In Considering that his clients are al­ 4. For the recovery of $20.20 costa to the (tarollnna and westward to A total of 84 licenses were revoked the ceremonies of all these tribes the and disbursements, and in pursuance Missouri and Arkansas. The Amert ways mixed up in legislative sessions, durmg the month for various infrae- representatives of the Kunsn clan were can peralmmon Is a done relative of °f an execution and orders of sale up­ it is a certainty that Mr. Goss did the Japanese persimmon, or date­ on said decree duly issued out of said tion« of the law. given the office of making a wind to want want the job and played his .on -Ji* S™» ot »««mber. clear the path. The name thus came plum, which' came originally from 193% I will expose for M]e and aell at cards just right to get it. We hope china. Thia tree beers a larger and public auction m the law directs, at Organization of the legislature to be associated with the wonk ‘wind,’ * Coos county wilt not rue the day it much less astringent fruit then the the oourthouae door in said county in which meets 1» special session next Whether It means wind or not no one picked a corporation attorney to rep­ American species and In more trop­ Tuesday to consider the state’s tax knows, not even the Indians, hut It has 27»°"’ o" Sat­ resent it in the state senate. ical, having been grown successfully urday the 28th day of January, 1933, problem, will be pretty much of a been used In this connection so long at ten «clock A. M. the said respect­ that 'Kansas' Is supt>osed to mean and in southern California. cut and dned affair, according to ad­ ive t-racte of real property, each to be Is accepted as meaning wind, and as .^parutely ejapuaid and sold. vance information reaching the eapi- the prevailing wind across the Great Calling cards 100 for 11X0. a ’nv bemade for eash in hsnd toi. Except for contests still waging plains Is from the south. It has come for some of th« minor clerkships the to be interpreted as the south wind. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF and will be subject to confirmation by •aid court. REAL PROPERTY So ‘Kansas' means the Routh Wind, 6e?«U.,,19^'Bin*’ OP,r,n' In pursuance of a decree of fore­ and the Kansas people would properly scheduled to preside over the des­ be called People of the Routh Wind or closure and order of sale dated Dee- H E H om sad duly 51t6 Sheriff vt Ooae County, Oregon. Wind —Pathfinder Magaaine, day you elsewhere, es to make week you can obtain wonderful “ ” specials, we suggest come to our for the of your policy at some articles at cost overcharging you . Be Thrifty and new way. Your Attention " Grapefruit 13 for 35C Lemons 15® Apples __Ä Per 59« Lettuce 5« Dunham’s Special 3 35®’ Ibs. FEEDS 73C CRANBERRIES » Morrison’s Fancy 3 leO9 15® Oranges By peck 39« QTS. 8 49« Popcorn 3 Little Buster ibs. ; SOAP Cr. Wlfite 5 19« Medium Peet’s Soap Powder Barley 3 1*79 93© 3e39 Scratch Krispies 3 Canoed Goods Fancy Com, No. 2 Ciña 33c No. No. IOC Case 24 $2.35 Fancy Dinner2canS 29« Case 24 $3.49 Bale Goods wheat, fine & coarse & white Flour 39C or Regular Roosevelt Highway Saur Kraut cans Brand CANS Kackle Mash Crackers Valley The talk of Toilet Tissue 4 Roll MILK ground fresh for Jonathan them We have which ­ Fri. & Sat. COFFEE Fruits-Vegetables our bag l/t for 39® Club Peaches No. l/t IOC Shrimp, Oysters cans RS« Salmon, 39C for 35c CANDY XOC left thing for that bridge */i I*» We 3 For thank past year sincerely happiness. Free Delivery Daily 39C ' this community for their that 1933 bring employment Dunham9» of Course Serve yourself &