THE COQUILLE YALLBY SENTINEL, COQUILLE ORBGON, FRIDAY, DfcXEMBEK M, 1932. Coquille Merchants and Business Men Extend New Years Greetings To Friends ¿4LHAPPV jsrew ye.AQLi NILES MOTOR CO. rvrd sales have led all makes in the entire U. 8. each month since May when volume production of the V8 began. COQUILLE LAUNDRY CO Ideal Bakery A. L. SIMPSON. Prop. YOUR BAKERS B est wishes best wishes 5or the <EU? O^EAR, PORTHE NEW year Coquille Machine Shop J. A. Lamb Co. C. W. GARDNER, Prop. Hardware, Sporting Goods T. WARNER - Men’s Wear SUCCESSOR TO WM. A. ZOSEL H. LORENZ SHOPPING CENTER SINCE 1887 Rackleff Pharmacy D. E. RACKLEFF, Prop. FRED KUNZ GARAGE Hotel Coquille LAFE COMPTON, Prop. City Cleaners PHONE 103 L ECONOMY CASH MARKET ---------- SOCIAL NOTES —«— An interesting evening party was arranged by Barbara, Beryl and John Unsoeld for Monday, with the affair held at the home of thbir parents, M t . and Mrs. Goo. Unsoeld on North Coul ter street. After all had gathered at the home a few hours of the evening were spent enjoying the Christmas dance at Grahams Hall after which all returned to the Unsoeld home where refreshments were served. The af fair was given in honor of Mias Janet Robinson, of Bandon, and Miss Bar bara Unsoeld, the latter planning to leave Jan. first for Areata, Calif., whore she will enter the Humboldt State Teachers College. Miss Robin son is already a student there. Out of town guests wore Miss Janet Rob inson and Ray MeNair. of Bandon, Steve Andersonj of Langlois. Coquille guests were Mwwes Helen Robinson. Carol Young, Betty Glaisyer, Margar et Paulson, and Fred Fuhrman, Al- lingion Glaisyer, David Smith and Mioses Pauline and Grace Elling- sen received guests at an attractive teg which was given yesterday after noon from four until six o’clock at the home of their mother, Mrs. Pearl El- lingsen, at 534 south Henry. Guests from Marshfield, Bandon arid Coquille were included. Receiving were Mrs. Ellingson and her two daughters; as sisting about the rooms and serving were Dorothy Glaisyer, teabell Un- Mieses aoeld and Doris Compton Martha Jane Webb and Grace El- lingsen poured the flrat hour, with Misses Pauline Ellingsen and Helen Sweet, of Bandon, presiding later. This proved to bo a very enjoyable af fair for the younger set many of whom are away attending school and are on ly home at holidays times. This oc casion made it possible for them to meet many of their friends. Herman Ellingsen._________ — was one of the club members while* joyed Thursday at the home of Mrs. living in Coquille. Members present were Mee^amee C. D. Walker, F. C. Hudson, E. L. Vinton, Walter Litaen- oerger, Otto Davis, Donsld Estes, Jul- ius Ruble, Kenneth Kistner. Cecil Elwood in Marshfield with a pot- luck luncheon served at noon. Motor- ingbver from Coquille were Mesdames W. E. Cross, C. C. Bonniksen, Frank F. Schram, E. A. Wimer, Ralph Tay- Feeds, Flour, Hay and Grain — iiismmm hie work at Oakridge after spending mas vacation with her parents, Mr. two weeks with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fish, at their home on and M m . Lake and family were dinner Myrtle Creek. New Cases in Circuit Court Doc. 27—Hugh Barclay va. Geo. W. Ferrey et al. Want Ads LOST—Brown leather Puree, Monday night. Leave at Sentinel office. Re ward. it for their patronage the past TRAPPERS ATTENTION—Highest prices paid for furs. Guns bought, sold and traded. Leneve’s Sporting Goods and Hardware Co. Coquille, Oregon. 51t4 DRESSMAKING Alterations and plain sewing in exchange for farm produce: Hens, potatoes, hay or what have you. Mary E. Chownlng. Gen. Delivery, Coquille, Ore. IHt2* PRACTICAL or Special Nursing of any kind at a very reasonable price. Mrs. B. C. Minard, 40041, Coquille. It. CASH for late model i Southwestern Motor Co.