Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1932)
PAGI mu TURKEY Pound X’mas Candies, Nuts, Etc Next Week at the Liberty Clark Gabis and Joan Harlow, platinum blonde charmer of ‘ the screen, are seen together for the sec ond time in their careers in “Red Dust,” sensuous drama of Indo-China, which heads the program at the Lib erty Theatre for three days begin ning Sunday. “Red Dust,” baaed on Wilson Colli son’s successful stage play, is a ro mantic adventure story laid amid the rubber plantations of Indo-China. The screen version was filmed on a pre tentious scale with one of the largest settings ever constructed at the Me- tro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios. The plantation setting alone occu pied an entire sound stake and con tained eight separate rooms built around a large compound garden. Porches, mat roofs, and flooring of rough hewn timber construction were duplicated from photographs of build ings in the little known district which serves as a locale for the plot A complete rubber factory was erected as part of the authentic back ground, this setting requiring gallons of raw rubber sap, imported in sealed cans from Africa and South America. The actual process of congealing the rubber with acetic acid is shown be fore the camera. ultimately, Scott love with Miss MacDonald’s dead The . Law-Abiding Citizens (Continued from first page) after this great event, a group of men in Rome, the capital of the great Ro man Empire, gathered together and made laws for the protection of their people and property, and for the set tlement of disputes between citizens. These ten commandments from Moses and these twelve tables of law from Rome have been the basis of laws in European and American na tions throughout the ages. Even in our modern United States, we find these laws in state and national con stitutions. Certainly, these ancient traditions must be eternal: “thou «halt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shait not covet" are still suited to our needs. The laws of Rome and Greece consisted mainly of rights of citixens in matter» pertaining to debts, mar riages, property, punishments and others. These, we still find running through our complete system of gov ernment today. We, as citizens of our own United States, should abide by those laws, by thoee which were derived from them, and by those which were made by our representatives for our common good. First, what is a law? Webster de fines it thus: “A rule of conduct or ac tion which is prescribed or is formally recognised as binding by the supreme governing authority, and is enforced by a sancton.” To me, there are three main reasons why we should try to obey these rules of conduct. First, we will create liberty, both for ounselves and for others. Laws distribute liberty which is freedom to do that which is worth while. When we obey a traffic rule, for instance, in stopping at a stop sign, we are obey ing a law which creates liberty for that car on our right to pass through the intersection safely. By prohibit ing the lighting of fire crackers with- in the city limts, our government pro- tecta its citizens from possible death and Serious burns. The prohibition of the sale or manufacture of intoxicat ing liquors protects the liberty of men, women and children by feeling them of disturbing intoxicated persons who against who might might commit commit crimes crii sgdfnst these , things, which laws give us, we could have no freedom or hap-, fiieaa- | In addition to securing our freedom them. by protecting us against tangible All laws are created by intelligent, evils, the laws of the United States efficient, and uhselfish representatives insure certain definite rights. of 1» in our legislatures who are We are guaranteed the righb-to apeak thinking to better both major - and freely, to worship as we please, to minor conditions in our country. ■> have a trial by jury in caae we are Second, our lawn prevent serious accused of crime, and to have the accidents. If it were not for the benefit of many other similar privi traffic law that ears should travel up leges. ~~ on the right side of the highways, for Thus it can be seen that we should instance, our highways would be all be law-abiding citizens, because it scenes of daily confusion ending often times in slaughtering murders. By law, factories, school buildings, ships, and an public buildings are inspected for tHe purpose of eafety for the peo ple who work or inhabit these public places. There are many other ex amples of public protections from ac cidents. Third, our government gives us a fatherland and protection and bene fits which merit obedience to its laws. We should be so grateful that we have a country to live in and a flag to up- , hold that we should willingly try to do all we can in obeying its rules made for our own good. It has been proven by statistics I that year by year, crime is increasing. The J. Ci Penney Co of Coquille extends to its friends and patrons its Best Wishes for a Very Merry Christmas Happy and Prosperous Freddie, son of Mr. and Mri. Fred Vetter, of Arago, underwent ah' op eration for appendix removal on Wed nesday. Mrs. Irma Rohrer, Marshfield school teacher, underwent a major operation, Monday. Miss Barbara Richmond, home from normal for the holidays, underwent a tonsil removal operation on Monday. Mias Ruby Haskin entered the hos pital for treatment the same day. Dismjjsals from -the hospital the past week include Chas. Trumbull, of Bandon, Mrs. Ed Weekly, of Co quille, and ’Mrs. Owen Russell, of Bandon, on Saturday; Frank Bur bank, Valley View school principal, and Joyce Beckham, of Bandon, on Tuesday; Geo. Maas, of Norway, on Wednesday. Mrs. Raymond Cooper and infant son Were able to return to their home on Wednesday. If you want to subscribe for a Port land daily the clubbing combination we offer with the Sentinel will save you money. By Edythe Farr A long time ago, almost fourteen hundred years before Christ was bom, Moses, the prophet who was leading the Israelites from bondage in Egypt to the Promised Land, received from power on high ten great laws which were to penetrate throughout the whole world. Then, almost one thousand years Most Personal Gift Anyone can send Christmas gifts to your friends and loved ones but you can actually Say Merry Christmas to them by Long Distance The service is clear, fast and inexpensive. Our operators will be glad to quote you rates to any city in the United State«, Canada, Europe, Mex ico, and certain other countries. ¿WEST COAST TELEPHONE CO Want Ads PRACTICAL or Special* Nursing of any kind at a very reasonable price. Mrs. B. C. Minard, flOO-R, Coquille. IL