Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1932)
THE COQUILLE TALUfít WHAT IS WITHOUT A Iris tectori urn, lilac, white. Plant Sept, to Npv. Spanish Iris (Iris xiphium) bronze, yellow, blue. Plant September, Octo ber. t Iris, native species, many colors. Plant Jan., Feb. Tulips, Darwins, Breeders, Cottage, many colors. Plant October to Jami- •ry . , Anemone coronsria hybrids, many colors. Plant new plants Jan., Feb.; bulbs Sept., November. Ranunculus, in variety, many colors. Plant new plants Jan., Feb. Butba Sept, to' Nov.. ■ ’ — • . Scllla Campanulate, blue, white, li lac, pink. Plant Oct., Nov. Star of Bethlehem (Orinthogalium umbellatum), white. Plant Oct., Nov. Ornathogalum arabicum, white, blaok. Piant October, November. Freesias. many colons. Plant Aar. Sept. Spar ax in, scarlot, •> yellow. Plant Sept., Nov. Bahiana, purple, black, magenta. Plant Sept, to Nov. Tritonia, in variety, (Reg. fressia), tan, rose. Plant Oct., Nov. Watsonib, in variety, many colors.' Plant Aug. to Oct. Mariposa Lily, in variety (Calochor- ’ tue) many colors. Plant Sept, to Nov. Mission Bells (iFritillaria), many eolom. Plant Sept, to November. Dog’» Tooth Violet OErythronium), many colors. Plant Sept, to Nov. Brodiaeas, in variety, many colors. Plant September to November. Camassia. white, purple, sky blue. Plant Sept, to Nov. Spring Star Flower, (Allium), many colors. Plant Oct.. Nov. Kaffir Lily (Schiaostylis), crimson, scarlet. Plant October to December, Daffodils, trumpet varieties, yellow. • Plant Oct to Dec. Narcissus, Leedsii and Barii varitj eties, cream white with colored cups. Plant Oct to Doc. Narcissus, Posticus and Portas va- 1 rieties, white with -orange-red cups. I Plant Oct. to Doc. African Com Lilies (Ixias) many | colors. Plant Sept, to Nov/ Lady Tulip (Tulip Clusiana), white. 1 purple. Plant Sept. October. i Glory of the Snow (Chionodoxa), ' white, sky blue. Plant Sept. fo Ndv. ’ Clive Lily' (Clivia mantophylium), bright scarlet, yellow. Plant Octo- | for “Flowers in April:’ Bulbous Plants Iris, Bearded and German. colors. Plant Aug. to March, Iris oncocyclua and regalia ber, Nov. r Clintonia, rose-pink, greenish « yel- | Christmas Time is more enjoyable for Everyone when there is more time to Prepare and Enjoy the Feast. You need not pay high prices for Foods if you make your selections at Safeway today and next week. Our large stock of Holiday Foods is complete, and the price tags spell Savings in the Merry Christmas way These Prices Effective Until Christmas CORN S14C Blue and Gold Shoe Peg. Tiny Grains De licious Balco. None Better Pineapple 2 Hillsdale Matched Slices For the Winter Salads. CANS Lrg. Cana JELL-WELL Christmas Candy & Nuts All Fruit Flavors Seta Quickly LARGE PACKAGE - SHORTENING (Our Candies are first quality and are priced . accordingly. We quote quantity prices.) Vegetable Compound French Mixed Olives 17c This wonderful mix of Bon Bon Cremes st the lowest price ever sold. Highway Brand Ripe. Flour Fancy Walnut» LB- Extra Large Oregon Franquettes. Best Walnuts Grown, (Standard Site Lb. 13c) low. Piant Sept. Nev. i Bleeding 'Heart (Dlcentia Specta- I billis), rose-red, white. Plant Oct, I Nov. — Winter-blooming Oxalis, jose, white. I Plant Oct. to Doc. Lenten or Christmas Rose (Helle- | borons orientalin and H. niger), white, , purple, rose, pink. Plant Sept to Jan. | (To be continued) ( FRUITS and VEGETABLES Coquille Valley Pau. Delicious Largs Tea SPUDS Klamath No. 2 APPLES Fancy Spitxenberg ------ ,----- Store No. 469- FREE DELIVERY Phone 122 Free public Roadinc Room open in Church Building every Tuesday and Friday afternoons except holidays f-om two to five o'clock. The public is cordially invited to at* tend our services and to visit the