THB COQUILLB VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE OREGON. FRIDAY. DECEMBER Boy Scout Notes THE LEADER CAN ACCOMPLISH TOMORROW VRDLZT PRESE The intar-patrol contest within the troop started Wednesday night at Court of flonor. The contest is ba tween the four scout patrols in the troops to see 'which has the most •scout spirit.” These patrol activi ties! will include advancement at Court of iHonor, patrol hikes, patrol meet ings, patrol behavior and patrol good turns, and also points for attendance at these meetings. The patrols seemed all “pepepd up" and are ready to get to work for the contest which will close April tot and the competition they will put up means that an early start picks the winner. So if any person is called up on by a group of scotfts to do a good turn, let them. in because they are * working for the scout spirit and also the points which they will receive for the act of kindness. And if any per son knows of anybody in need of help, just notify Scoutmaster Wade Arstill and he will gladly give you assistance from any patrol or patrols in the troop. Wednesday pight at Court of Honor a good turnout' of scouts for advance ment was shown, it included .three first class rank anad five merit badges, and that is an improvement over the last successful Court held in Novem ber. Most of thia has been caused by the patrol contest, so you can see how much more interested the Scouts are by this rivalry. At the meeting Monday night merit badges were handed out to the Scouts who had earned them last Court of Honor. Orvil Weekly received merits in Bookbinding and Firemanship; Kenneth Arrell, Bee Keeping; Nor man Ricketts, Bookbinding; and Don ald Stevens, Firemanahip. Patrol meetings were then held after the meeting.—Scout Reporter. Taukanso Club Notes Longer • Larger • Faster • Smoother • New in Styling • More Economical • And Featuring Fisher No-Draft Ventilation / * ’ 1 J j r . I i** . ”1/ "" ’ K-glft - -'Mf* ' * will be Chevrolet Day throughout as well as more economical. Improved Free Wheel l the new car that millions have ing ia combined with a “silent second’’ Syncro-Mesh Chevrolet engineers have developed a been watching and waiting for—the latest product gear-shift. of the world’s leading builder of automobiles—will go remarkable new invention that wins a complete vic- tory over vibration : The Cushion - Balanced Engine Mounting. And as far as prices are concerned, several on display: the New Chevrolet Six—at a new scale of low prices. Front, side, rear—inside, outside—everything about this new car ia advanced, improved, exciting. Longer wheelbase makes it the biggest automobile in models now sell at the lowest figures in Chevrolet today’s low-price field. The latest principle of car Chevrolet has the advantage of being the world’s largest design, “Aer-Stream” styling, gives it a totally differ ent, ultra-modern appearance. The new Fisher builder of cars for 4 out of the past 6 years. Chev rolet builds cars in greater volume—buys materials in bodies are larger, wider —faultlessly streamlined— greater quantities—does everything on a bigger, more swung lower to the road—and offer the first basic economical scale. . Hence, Chevrolet is in a posi St * history. Chevrolet is able to do all this because On Thursday, Dec. 8th, Mrs. Geo. Burr was a delightful hostess to the Taukanso club at her Home on the Fishtrap highway. A pleasant time was spent with sewing and cards, fol lowed by refreshments. Those pres ent were: Mesdames Wm. Peart, A. L. - Burch, W. Simmons, Earl Schroeder, M. Bennet, J. MdGuffin, J. MdNair, Jack Page, J. Leach, R. Robison, C. Mackey, Eva Preston, Vance Weekly, J. Miller, O. Rakestraw, Misses Mar jorie McGuffin, Mary Ann Schroedr, Mary and Irene Burr. New Cases in Circuit Court Dec. 10—E. W. Gregg vs Henry L. and Lottie W. Aber. Doc. 12—Fred T. Guerin vs. Leona Guerin. Dec. 18—F. T. Goodman vs, 6. H. and Viola Browning, Fred F. Dobbyn and Earl D. Dobbyn. Dec. 18—Mary Leighton vs. AFvie Leighton. Suit for divorce. _ Dec. IS—A. E. Seaman vs. Thomas Music Co. ♦ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN ANO FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS improvement in travel comfort in over ten years: tion to provide a better car at a better price than In the Matter of withholding from Fisher No-Draft Ventilation. Chevrolet perform could possibly issue from any other source. The Delinquent Tax Forectoeure Sale, Certain Pieces of Real Property. ance in every gear is faster, flashier, more brilliant. leader can accomplish what others dare not try! Order CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY. DETROIT. MICHIGAN The time-proved six-cylinder engine is more powerful The County Court having heretofore postponed the Delinquent Tax Fore closure Sale until December 31, 1982, at 10 o’clock A. M. and it now appear ing to the Court that there are a number of persons who may not be able to pay their 1927 taxes in full prior to that date; IT WILL THERiEFORE BE THE ORDER OF THE COURT and the AU price» f. o, b. Flint, Michigan. Special »quipmant extra. Loar ¿»livered price» and »ary Q. M. A. C. term» \ Public in general ia hereby notified that the owners of property on which . the 1927 taxes are delinquent and have been foreclosed upon will be withheld from public eale on the Or A eiMISAL MOTORI VALUE t der of the Court providing that 60 per cent or more of the 1927 taxes are paid prior to the date of sale. IT WILL BE THE FURTHER OR DER OF THE COURT that all pen alty and 60 per cent of the interest on COQUILLE, OREGON such payments will be refunded when and if the taxea are paid in full. I St. James Church 4-Square Christmas Programs thing and brings it to church that community. TT WILL BE THE FURTHER OR (Episcopal) Next Sunday evening, Dec. 18th, ' night it will mean a good Christmas DER OF THE COURT that a copy of The Pioneer Methodist Church Church school every Sunday at 10 thia Order be published in all county at the Foursquare Church a very beau i dinner for the less fortunate. Philip D. Hartman, pastor. a. m. Perry Roper, superintendent. ; newspapers. tiful and impressive Christmas pro I The Foursquare Commissary De-, St. John’s Day, Dec. 27 Morning worship at 11 a. m., with The Rev. W. E. Couper of Emman-1 Dated December 16, 1982. Joint Installation of Officers gram will be given by the young peo pertinent is opening again now that D. F. Thompson. of A. F. & A. M. and O. E. S. ple of the church. The pageant is the Coquille Relief Association ha*' a message by the pastor on, “The In uel Church, Marshfield, will hold ser called, “Christmas with Christ.” The closed down. It will in the future be dividuality of Duty.” vice and preach Sunday evening. Doe. County Judge. Subject . of evehing’a discourse is,' 18th, at half seven o’clock. church is beautifully decorated for known as the Foursquare Commissary ■ OUUJW;1 Wm. Hagge,, the Christmas season. A splendid Exchange and will be open Thursday “Seeing the InvisiW* i" ” Commissioner. It ia the plan of th« Church school st 10 a. m., Lyman musical program will precede the ; afternoons. Methodist Episcopal Church ■ Jno. D. Carl, presentation of the pageant. The church to have those who find it poa- Carrier superintendent, Commisisoner. Evening Preaching 7: fifp. m. It The Wesley Fellowship Group con twenty-five piece Foursquare orches sible to bring their own cast-off or Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:80 p. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE tra will render a number of selections. outgrown garments and exchange venes in the auditorium at 6:30 p. m. STATE OF OREGON FOR Monday evening, Dec. 19th, the them for their present needs. In this Chester L. Ward, leader. • COOS COUNTY Preaching at Bandon 11 a. m. I way the commissary will be kept sup Both departments of the Yorn* Sunday school department will give Scripture , Spiritual Preaching. Ev In the Matter of the Estate of T. E. plied. Of counse, those who do not People's Division meet at 6:80 p. m. their Christmas program on “Follow Robb, sometimes known aa Thomas eryone welcome. E. Robb, Deceased. ing the Star.” Thia promises to be have a garment to exchange will be for devotionals. G. A. Gray, Pastor. LUMP COAL Notice of Final Settlement. I Boys and Girls’ World Club meet* one of the most beautiful and im- gladly helped. 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille. Ore. Notice is hereby given that the Mrs. The ladies of the church, under the in Pioneer HaH at 6:30 p. m. nreseive Christmas programs ever io undersigned has filed his Final Ac be given by the local Foursquare supervision of Mro. R. B. Knife, will Chas. H. Oerding in charge. . count in the matter of the Admini* Church of Christ Prayer meeting Wednesday evening tration of the Eatate of T. E. Robb, Church. There will be about fifty meet every Thursday afternoon to deceased, sometimes known as as ’ RANGE COAL Turner B. MacDonald, Pastor Christmas program Friday evening children participating in full costume. sew and make comforters. Friends are Thomas E. Robb, Robb. deceased, d<-<eaeed, and the Sunday, 10:08 a. m. Bible School. Thoma* Special music will be furnished this invited to come and join them. There by the 8unday school. County Court for Coos Count ~ ~ County, Ore- Choir reheasal Saturday evening, Departments for all ages. Nad C. gon. has I sot Saturday night, as well, by the orchestra. There has been a great demand during the Saturday, ‘ the 21st day Kelley, superintendent. of January, 1983, as the day, and the will be large bags of candy and nuts present cold weather for comforters ______ F. G. Leslie, director. »JV. IriS. llrOO a. m. Communion and morn County Court Room in the County Special vocal musical numbers at given out by Banta Claus to all ehil- *nd several have been given out. In Delivered Court House at Coquille, in Coos dian' present | asmuch aa there is now no other ae- both services Sunday. Some old fa ing worship. Sermon by the pastor. County, Oregon, aa the plaee for' 4:80 p. m. C. E. groups meet for hearing objections to said Final Ac Suqday night will be “White Christ- üye agency dispensing clothing vorite hymns rendered Sunday eve Coquille Valley Bitumin- mas" for this church aa all members in Coquille it will ' be appreciated if ning by special request devotionala. count and' the settlement of said es- Wednesday. 7:80 p. m. Bible take. A cordial welcome awaits you at all and friends are asked to bring some ; you will sent to the Foursuare Churoh . ous Coal Co. December, Study. Willett Jessee, leader. article of footetuffs and place it under your cast-off garments or telephone of the services of our church. 1982. McGourty & Mills Visitors welcome at all services. the Christmas tree. Later thia will all Mrs. Knife and they will be called for. Administrator with^t^e^Wiil An be placed in baskets and given to thé I It ia the desire of the Foursquare Safety First! Use Cow Ball Dairy s Phone Î71-M nexed of the Estate of T. E. Robb, de Warranty and Bargain A Baia needy for their Christmas dinner. If, commissary exchange to render a real Pasteurised Milk and protect your ceased, sometimes known as Thomas Deoda for aalo at The Sentinel office. I. Robb, deceased. every one denies themselves some-! Christian service to the needy of this health. 4!T5 AT A NEW SCALE OF LOW PRICES Coach $515 Sport Roadster $485 » • Coupe $495 Sedan $5*5 * Cabriolet $5*5 Sport Coupe $555 ON DISPLAY TOMORROW iiljgjllf AT YOUR LOCAL DEALER’S SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR CO. Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A. F. I A. M. DECEMBER SPECIAL $4.00 ■< $3.00 — 7*