TO COQÜILL3 TALLO BÉÑTINBL, COQÜILLI OOGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER I. 1»M. , Sport Briefs ’ . By Mark Seeley Coquille'* gloomy basketball aitua- tion still remains as such, but indica­ tions point to a happier feeling later on, if necessary developments materi­ alise. Helmkin is still out of the fold and, though it appears that the cen­ ter of last year’s quintet is definitely lost, there are a few hopeful« mildly expectant of his return. Harry doos not like the idea of leaving hie team­ mates and if he possibly could do so he would return. However, let’s for­ get what we haven’t got, and work with the attending players. “ Though Jack McCue, forward, will depart from the team after the first semester is over, it is expected that a oui tqble player will have been de­ veloped before he leaves. For the first three games McCue will tesm up with Linus Seeley, forward, and Ab- vm Shaver, guard, tp give Coquille a lineup which might poMibly give the Red Devils a flying start. To these , two must be added two other players ' and they are to be picked from the I large'' array of reserves and second tesm men from last year. Among them Jack McCarthy and Bob Col­ lier are leading candidates, having | Professional Cards I DR. H. W. HERMANN Optometrist Coquille Hotel 2nd Friday each month Latent methods of fitting glasses AUCTIONEER Live Stock—Ranch 'and General Sales service. Thoroughly ex­ perienced and practical. Beef Cattle wanted. Write me what you have. F. R. SMITH Box 72 Lakeside, Ore. Title Guraatee A Abstract Ce. Abatracta of Title, Notary Pub- plete abatract plant in C om Co. lie, I m . Bond». The only com- J. E. AXTELL, See. Coquille, Ore. Phone MM DR. J. J. LESLIE DENTIST Hours 9-12 m, 1 to > p. m. Evening by appointment Over Hudson Drug Store six months from the date of this no- txe. Dated and first published this 2nd day of December, 1932. William Bettye, Administrator of the Estate of H. W. HolveMtott, deceased. 47t5 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY T I Jn pursuance of a decree of fore­ closure and order of sale dated Novem- oer 3, 1932, and duly entered in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon ! for Coos County, in the suit of Doug­ las Building and Loan Association, a corporation, plaintitf, vs, Oerding In­ dustries Inc., Coos County, Oregon, a body politic and corporate, Portland Mortgage Company, a corporation and G., W. Ingram, trustee in bank­ ruptcy of Oerding industries Inc., de­ fendants, for the recovery of the sum of one thousand five hundred sixteen and 92-190 (»1516.92) dollars with in­ terest thereon at ten per cent per an­ num froin November 3, 1932, tne fur­ ther sum of one hundred twenty-five (»125) dollars as attorney’s fees and plaintiff s coats and disbursements taxed at »13.80, and of an execution upon said decree and order of sale I duly »sued out of said court on the 19th day of November, 1932, I will ex­ pose for sale and sell at public auc­ tion, as the law directs, at the court house door of eaid County in the City of CoquiUe, Oregon, on Saturday, the 10th day of December, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. the real property situ­ ated in the County of Coos and State of Oregon and described in said de­ cree and order of sale as follow«, to- performed on the “A” squad in the 1931-32 season. • All in all we can’t eee that Coach 11 Hartley haa too poor an outfit to work with. The team may not be as fast as the Hartley quintets during the past three winters, but we hope that by tournament time it' will be in high gear. Seeley can supplant Helmkin at > center if Hartley sees fit to make this ( move. Tall and rangy, Seeley has i performed in the pivot post before,1 seeing duty there while playing Jun- I ior High ball and as a recruit during i his Freehman year. Last season he | occssionslly pastimed as a center. Hartley can also use Morris Stone- | cypher, “B” squad center, in the poai-; I tion, but thia basketeer seems more ; I suited to be a guard. Other rangy lads are also turning out with a pos- srbility of filling the vacant shoes. In the event that Seeley is used aa the center, McCue will likely start at i I 1 I 11 forward and Shaver at guard. Me-t, Carthy last year was a forward and I Collier a guard, so if these boys were < used Coquille would have a promising, though not too well experienced, team. There are other players, though, who must be given serious consideration. Stoneeypher, aa mentioned before, is very promising, while Gus Gailaa, Bob Bailey, Deloas Shinn, Earl Morris, Justin Cary, and Giae Gould are also Working hard. The latter two are newcomers, while the others were *‘B” squad, men last winter. Morris also has seen “A" equad duty, and much is expected from him this season. He haa been showing much class in prac- tice. Super values Are yours every day in the week at Safeway. We’re buying more good values right now for Cash than ever before. Get your share of these Super Values that we are passing along to our customers. It\s a Happy H ay the Safeway SATURDAY AND MONDAY SAVINGS Salad Dressing Pancake Flour Fresh Bread Li? Gold Medal. A Best Fooda Product. Save the Safeway. » 10c ! 17c 3 /4-Pint JAR ’ Sperry’» Extra Quality, Super in Quality, Super Flavor I Large 40 oz. PACKAGE Ixiaves Freeh Made Quality Bread Favorite, White or Whole Wheat, Super Coffee Values aikway lr Coffee Pkg.ZffQC EDWARDS DEEPEND- ABLE. The World’s Choice Quality - Coffee. Vacuum Packed. ■J*. can v WHITE BEANS, Fancy Small White Beana ■ RED BEANS Fancy Recleaned 55c RICE California Fancy Broken lbs. 10 lbs. 10 tbs. 4 Pickles Best Foods Bread and Butter JAR Jell-o The New Package, Hot Water not needed. 2 PKGS. Matches Winner Brand. 6 box Carton Valley Brand Quality Pack. CASE CAB1S SZ.SS No. 2 VAe «o.z Can IOC ■ ■ Floor Shortening Fancy Quality. SAFEWAY. Best Hard Wheat. 3 LBS bag Raislps 4 ÍU. 19C Sultanas. VCe. *5® Fancy Pack IOC $1.09 Dates Fancy Imported., 2 ib. PKG. See Our Display of Christinas Gift Suggestions Lot three (8) of block two (2) of Myrtlewood, m Coos County, Oregon, as ehown by the recorded map or plat DR. J. F. YOUNG thereof, filed in the office of the Coun­ Chiropractor ty Clerk of said county. (Note: Cheap Candy is not sold or Manufactured by Safe­ Said sale will be made for cash in 345 So. HaU Big Woods Minnesota Valley way) hand and will be subject to corilirma- Next Door south of City Hall Trouble is brewing as usual in ths SATIN or BROKEN Mit Ä — tion by said court. The nsw phone 102-M Of them, Beautiful Pieces J» R>S* Dated at Cequille, Oregon, Novem­ other basketball camps. ber 9th, 1982. Myrtle Point is perhaps better fitted H. E. Heaa, PEANUT BRITTLE, MONSTER GUMS W for the coming schedule, having as a 44t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. JAS. W. WHEELER nucleus four lettermen from last OLD FASHIONED CHOCOLATES LB. Physician A Surgeon IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE year’s team, including Leonard Shel­ CHOCOLATES, an extra Nice box of Handmade Choeo- Ellingson Bldg. Coquille ton, all-county forward, who last year The Efficient Washing Powder 8TATE OF OREGON IN AND 1,t 1Z. Leave call* at ran wild throughout ths yeague. Shel­ FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Hudson's Drug Store or at Co­ ton is expected to start from where A. H. Clinton, Plaintiff, quille Hotel he left off in the spring, and with the vs. aid of the other veterans, make a Oaie Joyce Clinton, Defendant, strong bid for the 1983 bunting. Due Summon DR. J. R. BUNCH Taste Tells, A Food Seaaoner To Oaie Joyce Clinton, the above to sickness Shelton did not enter play in the last tournament Thin has named Defendant: DENTIST IN THE NAME OF THE STATE been given m the reason for Myrtle X-RAY Service OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ Point’s elimination. Max-i-mum Fancy Quality quired to aDpear and answer the 2 Laird Bldg, First Strict The lettermen who will work with Complaint tiled against you in the Coquille, Ore above entitled suit, on or before Sat­ Shelton are Jerry McConnell, center, Gallon urday, ths 84th day of December, snd Earl Woods and Edwin Rackleff, Golden West Pure Vegetable Oil, (Bring container) 1982, said date being after the expir­ guards. Woods will be out after the ation of four weeks from the date of Altogether Coach the Amt publication of this Summons, first semester. GRANT CORBY and if you fail so to appear and an­ Esaman has three three-year men at Lev For the Laundry. Full 8iae, 8 ox. bars swer said Complaint, or otherwise turning out, many of whom have had srker Bldg. plead thereto, for want thereof, ths much experience. Summing it all up Plaintiff will apply to the Court for Coquille. Ore. the relief prayed for in his Com­ the Bobcat situation ia very bright, Medium Golden C Brown plaint, to-wit: For a decree dis­ and at present Gasman's basket solving the marriage and marriage thrower* are tie favorites to lead the contract now and heretofore existing between Plaintiff and Defendant; race. J. ARTHUR BERG Next week we will review the other that the Defendant have her maiden Attorney at Law name, Oaie Joyce Magill, restored to teams, as well aq reporting further Room* 1 A > her, and for such other and further news about Coquille and Myrtle Point. Farmers A Marchante relief as to the Court may aeem Juat i —— 1 the and equitable. forenoon o? »aid day at _j*' good. *, I nual meeting of the shareholders of The first Coquille basketball team equally The grounds upon which said relief the front door of the County 4 ourt ‘ Oh? ’ Ole exclaimed, “ if that's the 1 ths First National Bank of Coquille, la baaed in said Complaint is deser­ to take the floor this season, the •q__ _ ... ___ ~ Houae in the City of Coquille, tion. Christian Endeavor five, won ita ini­ way you do business, give me * back Oregon, for the election of Directors County, Oregon, offer for eale> This Summons is served upon you DR. W. V. GLA1SYER by publication thereof in the Coquille tial game, 18 to 1«, defeating the the money I paid you the other day for the ensuing year and for ths »ell at public auction, to tbe hig VETERINARIAN ______________________ and best bidder for caah ________ in hai I, ill Tonight at for that tnaurance policy on my wife’» transaction of such other business as - Valley Sentinel, pursuant to an order Marshfield Endeavor. the right, title and interest of ths of tbe Hon. J. T. Brand, Judge of the 7:S0 this same local team will play at may properly come before the meet­ CoOMff * M m I in«»«* life. ” •aid Defendant in and to ths. follow­ above entitled Court, made, dated and the Coommunity Hall, meeting an in-1 ing, will be held at the office of said ing described real property ,to*i(tta >| CoquiUa, Ore. , entered on tbe 22nd day of Novem­ dependent club composed of ex-high Bank, in Coquille, Oregon, on Tues ­ ber. 1982. and which order requires Commencing at a point which is the that the date of the first publication school stars. day, January 10th, 1933, between the Northwest corner of the Intersection of said Summons shall be on the 25tb of Spurgeon and Daahney Street* in J. A, RICHMOND In last week's game the following hours of 10 A. M. and 8 P. M. day of November, 1932, and the date the City of Coquille, Coos County, Endeavor boys saw action, Jesse Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 7th PHYSICIAN and 8UBGBON of the last publieation thereof being Oregon, and winch said point is ap­ Holverstott, Miller, Chard, Combe, day of December, 1932. Friday, the 23d day of December, proximately 907 M feet South and »nd-Barkar Building 1M8. L. H, Hazard, President approximately 411.60 feet West of the Lorens and Seeley. Coquille» Or* J. ARTHUR BKRG. quarter section corner on the North E. DTWebb, Caahier. 48th Attorney for Plaintiff boundary line of Section L Township c i r OB m UM, ('amp Fire Girls Notes Residence and P. O. Address, Co­ 28 South, of Range 18 West of the FORECLOSURE SALE Willamette Meridian in Coos County, quille, Oregon. 4At5 The Camp Fire girla met at Miss i. J. STANLEY NOTICEE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Oregon, and running thence North . .. " ■ ■■■ ...... 1^.-J J-.-. -- . — Hassler’« house Tuesday and talked That under and by virtue of an Exe­ dong the West Boundary line of over the popcorn ball aale. Doria LAWYER NOTICE TO CREDITORS cution and Order of Sale iaaued out of Daahney Street 152 feet more or more energy and furthermore less to a point, thence Weat on the - Notice is hereby given that the un­ Chapman resigned as reporter for out I've never had a hungry moment” Office tn First Nation* Ban! | the ' Circuit Court of the State of Ore- dersigned has been appointed by the group and J,ane Kramer took her f Fat folks should take one half tea- «£" for the County of Coos on the line parallel with the North line of i day *of November, 1932, in a the aald Spurgeon Street 1/K) feet to County Court of the State of Oregon place. The Camp Fire girla’ manual* ’f°^i“«Lr7nCtoe mJ^ing *bf ‘” ^tain ¿auae in said Court pending Building. Coquina. Oregon in »aid Court pending a point, thence South on a line par­ for Coos County aa the Administra­ came Wedneaday for those who had Ji th, ’ SAFE LnntoE wherein The Valley Building and Valley Building »nd allel with the West line of said Daahney tor of the Estate of John J. Holver- te^a^fthAusa™« of I'oan Association, a Corporation, is Street 1S2 feet to a point on the stott. Deceased, and that all'perwon« ordered them. y 7d" i^L °‘0U M pi.intiff, and Gertruds Grace Norton, North line or said Spurgeon Street . NOTICE TO CREDITORS having claims against the said estate Reporter, Jane Kramer. aak for and Defendant, Case No. 10088, of aaid- 100 feet West of ths place of begin­ are required to present them to the Notice is hereby giv« j Ph.™- Court and commanding me to sell the ning, thenee East along the North undersigned with the proper vouchers get Kruechen at Fuhrman a Phan» hertlnafter bribed real property to line of said Spurgeon Street 100 feet Ole Olson ’ s old auto had caught at the law offices of S. D. Fulford in KXTSLISlMtWy the sum sum of of »1870.1« »1870.1« with with ta- in- to the place of beginning. 4weeks i. but1 •’Mhrfy the First Nstional Bank Building in Co­ Are and burned up. An it was in­ bottls that last« 4 weeks I» but cent fro- quille, C om County, Oregon, within sured, , Said aale being made subject to re­ he went to the insurance «flics a trifle and if after the first bottle six months from the date of this no- to get hi« money. He was handed a you are not joyfully satisfied with re­ of November. 1932, an Attorney fee demption in the manner provided by of »230.00 and costa and disburse­ law. sults—money back. < ment* »16.90, together with accruing ' Dated and first published this 2nd ' claim book to All out and was told Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 1st ii-iipr - costa, I WILL ON SATl RDAY, THE day of December. 1982. I that he couldn't get the money but day of December. 1982. A NOTICE 31st DAY OF DECEMBER. 1982. William Bettye, .-I H. E. Hees, . i that the insurance company would Heaa, Firn NÌùo^Uìank Building in. Co­ in 1471* Sheriff C om County Oregon, Administrator of the Estate Notice is hereby given that the 47tft replace hia quille. Coca CORN SAFEWAY CANDY ~ C.V 2 <*• 17« Gold Dust p*KÏe 17c LB. BQX Hot Sauce 3 Cans 10c FRUITS and VEG Peanut Butter 15c ETABLES lbs. 69c Oranges N,TeU 2 Doz. 23 c Salad Oil Sweet Spuds 4 ,bB- IOC Lima Soap 9B»r>ipc Squash lb . l1/^ Brown Sugar 4%. M® Celery Store No. 469 Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat In Just 4 Weeks KW- * -Sriì Sr maar FREE DELIVERY 5c Phone 122