FAGB FOUR« * ’ The Sentinel m COQUILLE YALLRY SENTINEL, COQUILLE OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER ». »»»» commiasoiner he has learned about the condition of the roads, and how that condition is affected by federal co-operation or lack o^ adequate main­ tenance. What he haa learned haa convinced him that the average motor vehicle owner will be better off finan­ cially if federal co-operation is con­ tinued and the highways maintained adequately. It is a business proposition for each motor vehicle owners. If he is finan­ cially wise, he will figure it out for himself.—Oregon Voter. owned plants, the office of state1 tax. The personal property tax ia WHAT IS •V’ ar printer being one of the most lucre- included in the license fee in Oregon, tive positions within the gift of che but is collected separately in the other ¿tales. a SOSO SArtP ia a Meo TOWS state. The difference in average tax paid H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES Records of the state industrial ac- by the motorists of the three states Publishers cident commisaion show that by far has been made necessary because of H. À. YOUNG. Editor the greatest percentage of accidents the difference in population and the QM ■Sac also a small tree to illustrate hl* talk, Place: City Hall. is amony poorly paid workers. Em­ car registration. Oregon has only which I am sure was enjoyed by all SubHcriptiea Rates Time: 7:30 p. m. ployee who pay the higher wages nt- 264,000 cars as compared with 459,000 present. s , ' One Year ............ *a 32.00 When: First and Third Tuesdays. tract the more experienced craftsmen in Washington, and over 2,000,000 in Six Months .......... LOO In the cup contest there ww only President — Geo. W. Taylor, Sr. with the result that their operations California. Three Months.......................... . .60 one entry, a fine-growing miniature Trees.- Mrs. John A. Martin No subscription taken unless paid are more free from accidents. The While the car registrations are garden which was entered by Joy Pet- Cor. Sec ’ y — Mrs. Nellie Whereat. for in advance. This rote is impera­ commission ia advocating a more fa­ very unequal, the highway systems of tive. tingill. Naturally she carried home vorable rate for industries which co­ the three states are about on Ji par. Owing to the Merchants’ Holiday the cup until next meeting. operate in the reduction of accident With a leaser registration and a com- Opening Tuesday night, the -Flower Mrs. Beyers had a fine entry, de­ with greater penalties for the care­ partive highway system, it is neces­ Lovers Club held a short session at picting the holiday season. It showed less employer who fails to safeguard sary that Oregon motorists pay more their regular meeting in the city hall. Santa Claus with his empty sleigh his workmen. per car in order to enjoy equal facili­ Election of officers for the coming draw»-by his faithful reindeer going ties. "• • year and a tree pruning demonstra­ home after visiting the little boys Despite predictions tha.tr> thé gen ­ Following is a chart showing the Advertising Rates tion by L. E. Alexander were the and girls. 'Botfi’entries were decided­ eral fund was almost exhausted and number of cam' registered and the Display advertising, 25 cents per main things on the program for the ly clever and I think the grown-ups the state would soon go bn a warrant amounts of license fees and gaeoline inch: less than 5 inches, 30 cents per evening. Election of officers was the of the club got as much out of it as , inch. No advertisement inserted for basis, salaries of officials snd em­ tax collected in.the three state«. Note first one taken up and-the following teas th-n 50 cents. - Reading» notices did little Bruce Martin, to whom that California's three cent gae tax ployees as well as other current ex- Politics does indeed make stringe 10 centy per line. No. reading notice, were elected for next year: President, Santa and his reindeer particularly or advertisement of any kmu, insert­ bedfellows. Only a few short months P««««» continue to be paid in cash, raises thirty-nine million dollars, or Geo. W. Taylor, Sr.; first Vice presi­ ago Secretary of State Hoes was the J“at wh»« the money come» from is more than thirteen million for each dent, Alton Grimes; second vice pres­ appealed.- ed for less than 25 cents. TTrrr~ ■ myatery around the cent of tax. This one cent gas tax of “forgotten man” on the board of con- somewhat of a Do you folks know that plants,' ident, Clifford Kern; third vice presi­ Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as trol while Governor Meter and State «P'tei. but there is a well-defined thirteen million dollars ,is more than1 seeds and bulbs' make wonderful dent, L. E. Alexander; treasurer, Mrs. Second Class Mail Matter. Treasurer Holman -manipulated the suspicion that the recent sate of the Oregon niotortet pay« in total gas ’ John Martin; secretary, Mrs Edna Christmas gifts? Why not try it out À strings that made the puppets jump. I »50,000 in tidier»’ bonusbon^s tax and license fee combined. Kern. Mrs. Nellie Whereat is' in this year. Many a person haa become Office Corner W. First and Willard St No. ears License Gas Tax | Interested in gardening just through Even in those days, however, it was may have had something to do with charge of the publicity work. ft. At least it te known that thè Registered rees Fees is to me rvegistereo piwtl«n «ver Mr Alexander rave such gifts. Our next cup contest Is freely predicted that the Meier-Hol ­ Lans Leneve in- hie. Out-of-Doora bonus eommission waa not in any i Oregon 364,115 35,977,428$ 6,186,918 interesting and instructive ^e Christmas wreaths and our next man combination could not long sur ­ a # W..k*r. asoMa hnmam <., a , aoa ■ ver y interesting and instructive ____ v stuff this week asks where the poets pressing need for that amount of Wash’n 459,683 2,098,696 11,104,927 " m^ng itate»" brmidieà m^ting te on Dee. 20, 1982, at 7:30 <„.* — .nt, n,u,k it ir will «ili pro­ r.ur 9 2,043,281 ru*» vai »,763,274 o * m « ov » “Ik on tree prumng, uaing Drancne» • “get thqt stuff about robins coming vive. The expected break began to money just now, although Calif. 39,863,637 ■ of trees, in old and new growth, and P m- Don^ forget. in the spring?” Lans fails to take in­ be noticeable several weeks ago but bably need it all and more too to meet th« threP . ._____________ .4, ______ _____________ . .TI'..._____J-JUILL The real difference in f to accoiint the wonderfully fine win­ did not manifest itself in open re­ bond retriement and interest pay­ atatqs, however, is found in the per- i bellion on the part of Holman against ter weather we'have on this coast Methodist Episcopal Church ments before the end of 1933, especi­ sonal property tax and the methods • The Pioneer Methodist Church during the winter month«. The birds Meier’s domination of state affaire ally if the one-half mill tax levy is of assessing. Philip D. Hartman, pastor. Evening Preaching 7:36 p. m. can etay here and be as comfortable until this past week. Morning worship at 11 a. m., with Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:80 p. Washington haa only 247,000 of the The first indication of a break be­ waived again as it was last year. as in the spring months in the middle 459,000 cars registered on the assess­ a mesoage by Dr. Louis J. Kirby of tween the Governor and State Treas ­ west and aouth. And the poets, The gavels with which the presi­ ment rolls. Preaching at Bandon 11 a. m. California managed to Marshfield. whose accuracy he questions, were urer came when the former suggest­ dent of the state senate and the catch 1,612,000 of the 2,000,000 plus Evening message by the pastor on, Scriptural, Spiritual Preaching. Ev­ ed thé dismissal of, W- W . Ridehalgh writing in that section where things eryone welcome. as supervisor of transportation. Hol-, speaker of the House will rap for cars registered. Washington assess­ “The Satisfying Christ.” -are frozen up-tight for several months Church school kt 10 a. m., Lyman order in their respective chambers at ed 54 per cent of the registered ears G. A, Gray, Pastor. man opposed the move but was out ­ each winter. Give the weet Oregon Carrier (superintendent. 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Ore. voted by his colleagues on the board. the forthcoming legislative session while California assessed 74 per cent coast credit for it, Lana. The Wesley Eellowwhip Group con­ California cars are evidently a let- Last week when the governor criti- will be made from the wood of an venes in the auditorium at 6:30 p. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist ancient oak tree wlych graced the su ­ tfe better aa a class than the Wash ­ sized the administration of the state • BEER, THE PANACEA for a study of, “The Secret of Hap­ Coquille, Oregon his criticism preme court grounds prior to the ington ears, as the 1,500,000 Califor­ Serious Americans, concerned over printing department piness in Christian Living,” Mr. Ches­ erection of the new state office nia cars were assessed at »247,000,- drew fire from the treasurer who let Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. such trivia] issues ao recovery from building. When thia building was put 000, 900, qn e message. Special!music. All uries everywhere. Beer will carry bond of sympathy between the gov­ changed the attitude of many Oregon cars are registered in either Wash­ welcome. < • food and Clothing to the needy and ernor and Hoss has also been grow­ politicians toward this form of taxa­ ington or California. The Christmas program« will be speed up the wheels of idle industries. ing until now the once "forgotten tion and organized labor as well as given on Sunday, Dec. 18th, and Mon­ Beer will raise the prices on farm man” is apparently firmly established organized agriculture regal'd the in­ MUST BE SOME TAXPAYERS day, Dec. 19th. products and send an automobile and in the good graces of Meier, supplant­ come tax as preferable to a sates Uncle Sam may print envelopes in a radio to every home. Beer will ing the .itate treasurer as the “rod tax. Church of Christ competition with local printers, do ^stabilise the credit situation and and staff” of the administration. dental work in competition with den­ start hoarded money into free circu­ Turner B. MacDonald, Pastor Superintendent Byrd of the state tists, he can loan money, run banks, lation. Beer will lift the mortgage Sunday, 10:00 a. m. Bible School. With 63.2 per cent of its 1981 institution for feeble minded wants to conduct commercial shipping, handle on the old home, pay the taxes, paint Ned C. texes still uncollected on November change' the name of his institution. railroads, buy wheat, sett- groceries, Departments for all ages. the house and supply the children Kelley, superintendent. 20 Coos county stands fburth from Governor Meier facetiously suggests and operate milla, but there is one with college education. 11:00 a. m. Communion and morn­ the top aipong the counties of Ore­ that it be designated a branch of the thing he cannot do—cannot pay any And besides all these important ing worship. Sermon by the pastor. gon in point of its high tax delin­ state board of control. insist on genuine Bayer Aspirin! Nfit dividends in conducting all this busi­ functions, beer will do such little odd , 2:30 p. m. Monthly executive meet­ quency. Only three other counties— jobs as fill the coal bin, sew on but- ness.—The Lind, Washington, leader. xily lor its lately, but for its t/itui. ing of the officers of Myrtle C. E. Curry, Grant and Wheeler—show a Auto License Fees Compared tons, patch the trousers and dam the I"he tablet stamped Bayer dissolves Union. higher per cent of delinquency, ac­ socks. How foolish of millions qf Church of God (Oregon State Motor Ass’n)* 6:30 p m. Primary-Junior, Junior, flf once. It gets to the seat of pain cording to reports filed with the people to think that beer is an unnec­ Please don’t forget that the Church Intermediate, Young Following is the average license People and state tax coommiaeion. Ths Coos without delay. It is many minutes essary element in a progreasiive civ­ of God, 7th and Henry streets, two Alumni C. El groups meet for devo­ county report abows 8996,771 still fee, gas tax and personal property taster than any imitation you can ilisation and incapable of furnishing unpaid on the 1831 levy, 8677,928 still tax paid by Oregon, Washington and Mocks north of . the Henry afreet tional». buy, and time counts when you’re the panacea far all its economic Ws! bridge, earnestly invites you to attend California cans: Wednesday, 7:80 o’clock, Bible due from the 1930 levy and 8240.430 —Christian Science Monitor. ¿¿L- •I tn pain! For quick relief of headaches, services there. License Gas Personal Total ’delinquent from 1929. StUdy. Willett Jessee, leader. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Fee Tax Property :olda, sore throat, neuralgia and A cordial welcome awaits you at all The delinquency in tex payments Advises Motorists to Ponder for the state as a whole on the 1931 Preaching 11:00 a. m. Tax the services. rheumatism, periodic pains, and * Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. -Motor vehicle owners- will do well levy totals 815,880,961 or 38.76 per Oregon 822.63 323.42 946.06 rther suffering, stick to the tablets Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Thurs-' 26 35 86.57 87.48 to consult their own financial interest cent of the amount levied. Multno- Wash’gton 4.56 . Baptist Church rf Bayer manufacture. All druggists. before they permit themselves to be mas reports the lowest percentage of California 4.77 19J51 7.22 31.50 day. We are studying the Book of Sunday School 10 a. m. stampeded into demand for a heavy delinquency, with Curry county show­ The above table vividly shows the Revelations now. B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p. m. Every one welcome. reduction in their license fees. ing the heaviest delinquency. Moat difference in the average motor vehi­ Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Pastor, Rev. Geo. 8. Murphy- Get your pencil out, sharpen it to a of the big wheat counties, of eastern cle fee collected from the motorists Prayer meeting Thursday evening. fine point, and figure. Oregon show delinquencies of 60 per in Oregon. Washington and Califor­ We invite you to come. Figure how many miles you will cent or more. If you want to subscribe for « Port ­ nia- ' The most favorable run your -dfr during the next few condition is shown by Willamette val­ White Oregon has by far the high­ land daily the clubbing combination Men’s trousers cleaned and pressed, years on highways and roads which ley counties. Curry county, with a est license fee of the three states, it, we offer with the Sentinel will save 36c; ties 10c. No-D-Lay.' are not paved. Figure what the un­ delinquency of 78.8 per cent tope the does not collect a personal property. vou money paved surface, now so smooth with list with Grant a close second with its* oil gravel or oiled macadam coat, 70 per cent wdl feel like under your wheels with­ Total delinquencies for the state in a year or two if,that surface is not for all years to date amounts to the maintained. startling sum of 334,205,388 or al­ Figure how much extra you will most equal to the entire tax assessed have to spend for repairs and tires if for last year against property other these highways and roads are permit­ than utilities. ted to deteriorate. State printing promises to figure Figure whether it is to your advan­ prominently in the next legislative I tage to have the U. S. government session. Rumor has it that Govern­ spending federal money putting main or Meier will recommend abolishment I Oregon highway« in better condition, of the state owned printing plant in in co-operation with the state. ( his message to the lawmakers but he And then figure which will actually refuses to commit himself as ypt cost you more during the next few He did, however, eoamnft himself to ' years—repair bills under a low license a new policy of throwing big printing* fee, or the payment of a high license jobs for state institutions and depart­ fee such as will assure the mainten­ ments open to competitive bids this ance of Oregon highways and their past week. In this position he was orderly improvement. supported by Secretary of State Hoss Newspapers and politicians make with State Treasure- Holman the themselves popular by agitating for only member of the printing board to free reduction. They are applauded by oppose this policy.. The state first motor vehicle owners who- do not take acquired its own printing plant in the time tn figure. 1913 when it purchased the plant of Leslie Scott did some sound figur­ the late Willis S. Dunn^way, former ing in the Sunday papers a week ago. state printer. Prior to that state He is conservative, but as highway printing was handled ia privately WITHOUT A I Ottici antf BAYER AaA.it/ BAYER ^ASPIRIN