7" hi coQvnxi TÀLUrf tfeNTnoL. coqühxi OU0QN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, INI OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF By Lans Lonsv» Poets rave about th* red-breast*d robin that appears in the spring. There The interesting article appearing are a thousand robin» here in winter in the last issue of The Sentinel which where there u one in spring. I really ____________ was also recently published in the | believe that I saw a migration of Gold Beach _ Reporter, regarding Ira' robins during the last big storm. They ________________________ Johnson’s gun stock making and Fred, were coming from the north by the Caughell’s wonderful myrtlewood gun dozens. I counted a* high as fifty in stock which was made by Ira, was! on flock. In they came on the wing« taken from a sporting magazine but: of the wind. There are now thou­ it appears that whoever sent in the sands of them in our valley. Where clipping failed to state what maga-' do the poets and the naturalists get zine it appeared in. (I am glad to be1 that stuff of the robins coming in the able' to enlighten you an the subject. spring? This article appeared in the Novem­ I Last week a man, driving a car ber issue of Hunting A Fishing, pub­ j near Portland was stricken with heart lished at Boston, Mass. The article ■ failure-' He stopped his car and ___________ ____ Capt. 1 alighted. In the eeat with him was was written by none other than v n——— • conducts the d*- I “Molly,” pn Irish setter. Passersby E. r* C. Crossman, who « partment on shooting, guns and am- trie ® k to a work is recognized throughout the friven away United State*. The article published i “Fr® gon A ♦ *• ’ B. A P. W. Club Notes PAGI SOCIAL NOTES The members of the Business anui* Charneski, Annie J. Robineon,' three salmon taken, our party being committed with this weapon. Last Mrs. Leona G. Bryant as chairman. Edward W Lorenz, Muri Pettit, Geo. lucky enough to hook onto one of week a man ran amok in Seattle and The proceeds will be used for the state ' orenz, A. J. Sherwood, Lloyd Rosa,' W. H. Mansell, J. S. Barton, T. B.! these—a nice Chinook. Mrs. Morgan killed six people with a knife. A convention to be held here next Currie, E L. Vinton and E. A. Wood- I man stayed three people with an axe. hooked two; one, a monster. They spring. yard both escaped the gaff -fcuthe chagrin Automobiles killed eeven hundred Miss Margaret Belloni, a freshman • of all present. Earl Hamilton acted neople within a month in the United in the Coquille High School, gave an An interesting shower party was U skipper and did commendable States. The cry is raised to abolish interesting talk on ’Tuberculosis.** qiven Mrs.' Fred Christensen hurt Fri­ the revolver. Thirty-seven were work with “the kicker.” This was in connection with the There were many ladies fishing on killed playing football this season in health contest being sponsored in the day evening at the home of Mrs. R. B. Knife on South Beach street. Con- No one is the Sixes. The fair sex have grabbed the United States. schools by the Coos County Health Outer Guard—Mrs. Osai Gilman _ ersation and sewing were the eve- About four o’clock Mrs. Nelson served asking the abolishment of the axe, the off a lot of laurels this season. It association. • refreshments to those present: Mes­ M. R. C—Mrs. Marie McGilvery. ting ’ s pastimes, with refreshments knife, the automobile and football, used to be “hubby” that went out and The next meeting of the club will dames Chas. Kime, Pete Jacobsen, M. of F.—Mrs. Eula Schram brought home the bacon, but now- ire they? Why pick on the revolver? be d Chrietates party Each menú» terved about ten o’clock. Attending Jas. Shaver, E. A. Wimer, W. E. Capt. of Degree Staff—Mrs. Mary 'Hie affair were Mesdames Fred Chris- Was amused at an article in one of days it is different. Ch'as. Ashton is to bring a gift, the price limit be- tenaen, Preston Swindall, Oren Coy,^Cr»«' Ed Detlefsen, W, D. Simmons Arnold. can tew his Mgs, Fred McClelhui can >ur leading sporting magazines teat ing 10c. ,. Installing Officer—Mn. Inez Chase S. B .Finley, E. C. Finley, Inez Pink-1 and Georg« Gilman. file his saws and Levi Wilson can month. The writer wa* teUiag how - “Swressfu! -Calamity," starring Pianist—Mn. Olive Hickok ----- ar- 'ton, Cyril McCurdy, John Stone, hard it was lo hunt among tenderfeet “jerk his sodas,” each one serene in George Arliss and coming to the Lib­ Mrs. A. J. Sherwood invited a few Trustees—Mrs. Blanche Davis, Mm. Zirner Holverstott, Ernest Benham, and set himself up as an old hunter; hi* beliief that when his wife returns erty Theatre Sunday, Monday and James ' Rue*!*’ ■» for luncheon Thursday at Anna Wimer and Mrs. Margaret from that fishing trip that there will yet when he killed his buok he stated Tuesday, Dec. 11, 12, and 18, is to bo 0. L. Newton, Henry EUis, - -------- Richmond, Mrs. Cummings and Mrs. her home on South Elliott street f<||r Detlgfiwik____________ _ _______ ~ that it took him and his hunting be salmon steaks for dinner. sponsored,by the club. The next meeting will be a social Knife. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. , the pleasure of Mrs. Fred Slagle, dl companion two hours to dress it. It is claimed that dozens of trap­ Los Angeles, who is here visiting at gathering on the evening of December Bingham and 'Mm. Moon, of Myrtle Some buck! pers are seeking to trap bear, back of Baptist Young People Meet Point; Mrs. Freemont Jeffreys, of the home of Mrs. J: A. Lamb. ' Mr. 21st at 8 p. m. at the home of Mn. Ira Johnson called on me a while Miller’s range. Trapping has been Friday evening, December 2, a Slagle will join his wife here early Olive Hickok. Leneve. going on there all summer and up to back and he and my dad and I got to large crowd of Coos county young next week for a few days’ visit before date two cube Wave been caught It discussing old time*. We put in a|.K.ople gathered at the Parker Leath- Marriage Licenses The Luoky Thirteen club, which is returning home. Enjoying the lunch­ really is a shame to catch and kill mighty pleasant evening. Old hunt­ erwood home for an evening of fun composed of senior girts in the Co- eon were Mesdames Fred Slagle, C. Dec. t— Thos. H. Benham, of Myr­ little cubs. Their fur is practically ing experiences were related and fin­ and business. Fuhrman, - -- J. — A. -------- Lamb, Emma |Uiue mgn school, scnooi, spent a pleasant pieasam J. -------------- . ---------- luille high tle Point, and Hazel Norris, of North worthless. In fact I believe that ally all our guns were brought forth Old-fashioned 'games were the pop­ zfternoon on Saturday at the home of Lyons, Luckey L. Bonney, Harry A. Bend. They were married Saturday there should he protection afforded for inspection. Ira fell in love with ular divenion of the evening with M wl Ula Minard on the Marshfield 81,dt •nd J«”« William*, by Rev. R. E. Dunlap at North Bend. bear, just the same as our deer and my dad’s old Parker—the first ham­ much impromptu entertaining being ------- IX------- ——*———i game birds. Warring upon them con­ merless shot gun in this part of the hesitantly furnished by those who highway. The afternoon was spent 1 Mrs. Ralph Taylor entertained her stantly moans just one thing—they country. Ira says that he. would were unfortunate enough to be called In cards, with refreshment* served two-table contract bridge club which later. Those present were Helen ra.ther have it for a duck gun than will go the way of our buffalo. , upon. The evening’s spelling match Carol meets regularly "bvery two weeks, at _ Just a little demonstration of bait­ any gun in'thehe parts today. It is was terminated when Russel) Martin­ Robinson,. LaVerne Knife, her home on Thursday for desseert ed lakes was brought to my attention a nine pound gun and can stand the dale decided he could spell any word Young, Ethel Davis, Myrtle Murphy, luncheon. During the afternoon play One Cant a Word Bach Inaertinr Elizabeth Pierce, Florence Folsom, last week. Eight Marshfield hunters shock of. heavy loads with scarce a given to him, aa well aa to the othepy. Bonita Huntington. Next time th* Mrs. Le Fevre held high score and re­ in a two days hunt brought in 240 tremor. Our talk went back to the ceived a lovely prize gift. Attending CABBAGE FOR KRAUT — Beets, A short business meeting was held, ducks—their limit. A resident of days of black powder. In those days ifter refreshments had been served girls will meet at the home of Carol . were Mesdames Jack Le Fevre, R. E. Carrots. Will trade for county war­ Young. No date has been set this place informed me that he was that was the only powder known. to the following: Donaldo Mills, Dor­ ______ | Boober, Claire Gray, F. C- Hudson, rants or what have you. C. V. When we shot down in the marahes given three ducks by another Bay Mrs. I. 8. Robison’s home was the' £ K- Norcott, J. E. Paulson and D. E. othy Sauaaer, Hasel Fosmore, Roy Smith, 601-R, Coquille. It* shooter who told him that he, the the smoke would settle down like a Gurnea, (Ernest Gurnea, Frank An­ Raokleff. gathering place for the Mothere’ club giver, and another hunter had killed fog over the water. In jump shoot­ CASH for late model used cam. drews, John Andrews, Elmer Lud­ 250 ducks in on* days’ shooting. So ing, when a duck was fired at, the wick, Eva (Plaep, Werner Plaep, Al­ of the Roy district, which met on Southwestern Motor. Co. The J. G. W. club members and Wednesday afternoon of thia week. there you are! More ducks killed shooter had to duck down and look be­ fred Plaep, Yvonne Downs, Phyllis ' their huebands enjoyed together . a ' over there in one day than all the neath the smoke to see whether the Downs, Violet Howard, Teddy Miller, Refreshments were enjoyed by the very lovely affair, which was a turkey RANCH FOR LEASE—The Genxoli Avery, Ranch at Arago for rent for a term hunters in this valley will kill in an duck shot at, was falling or not. Jjhn Leatherwood, Olive Stewart, following: Mesdames Jas. dinner and evening spent in playing of five yean. For particulan see entire season. That’s baiting for Black powder is the most dependable Arlie Aasen, George Anthony, Evelyn Thos. Anderson, Ebner Shull, Roy hearts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Genxoli at Andrew Smalley’s .you! When the sportsmen of the powder made. It matters not what Torter, Wanda Lee Hickam, Irene Tennant, Harry Aber, Rock Robison, C. J. Fuhman on Spurgeon hill Wed­ Allie Miller, Frank Lane, John Mc­ United States get upon their toes and its age may be, it is always reliable, residence on Hall’s Creek. It* Burr, Donald Rosa, Wallace Howard, Nair, W. E. Cross, George Burr, J. nesday evening. Small tables, where demand justice and ask that real con­ may be depended upon, but today it Priseilla Miller, Aletha Leatherwood, four at each were served, were at ­ D. Bailey, E. Bailey, Stanley Stevens, FOR RENT—House at 123 So. Coul­ • servation measures be taken to safe­ ia almost obsolete Wallace Cunningham, Russell Mar­ and Chas. Kime. Mrs. Cora Mackey tractively decorated with burning red ter street. Call Alton Grimes, guard our migratory birda, that bait­ To you who wish to put down salmon tindale, Donald and Howard Hickam, candles, encircled with holly. Greens ing be abolished, then will we be as­ eggs for winter fishing I will give Jim Robinson, Jeanne Hatcher, Dall and-Mias Ida Oefding, who are teach­ and small decorated Christmas trees , phone 14-J. sured that the remaining birds vrill the following recipe; Place a layer of Saunders, Mrs Leatherwood, Mrs. M. ers of the Roy school, joined the were in the rooms and at the entrance FOR BALE OR TRADE—My home in be given a square deal. It’s really a eggs in a gallon pail. Put one pound C. Miller, Mrs. Alice Holverstotf and ladies after dismissing school, for a of the home. (a hearts Mn. Marvin Englewood, consisting of. 2 1-6 .short visit and refreshment*. Their crime—thia baiting proposition. More of sugar over the eggs with one table­ E. n,otor> bodF> which time will entertain entertain their fishing story now and then! The affair will be given p i i/Y ’"emb*rB of the club' i fenders, brakes, etc., on easy pay­ game birds? To p»e, it looked like a Enders, of Ashland, who is district husbands husbands. TM airair win t>* gi e ( Covem fop fpom Motor Co ’’Brook»” Pointer tells a good one bad move, thia elimination of boun­ president. At noon a luncheon at the ■at the W. V. Glaisyer home. Attend-! about an old muzkle-loading shot gun ty money. It means the increase by ’ _ „ „ I were Messrs, and Mesdames L. A. Chandler hotel was held, after which V C MoNstlv that he once owned. It w“’w*y leaps and bounds of the cougar, our the members returned to the home of John L. Miller, M. J. Harteon, Geo. Liljeqvist, J. 8. Lyons, C. MeC. John­ FOR SALE—74 cu. in, 1929 motorcy­ back in the good old days. Brooks deere’ worst enemy. Unmolested the cle in good condition. This is a fast, Mrs. Horsfall for their afternoon Johnson, E. M. Kay and two addi­ son, and Mrs. Marvin Lyons, of says that he used to shove a couple cougar will roam the woods, killing Marshfield; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Par­ double-cam motor and has short meeting., tional guests, Mrs. Ed McKeown and ker, of North 'Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. of handful* of powder down th* muz- h indrdeds upon hundreds of deer. It handle bars, bell shopped muffler Very interesting talks were mad* Mrs. J. E. Axtell. zle and a handful of «hot—point it at took 888,000 alone to run the Corval-, J. E. Walstrom, of Bandon. From cut out and other special features. by Mrs. Sidney George, of Eugene, a flock of ducks and that half the lis game farm last year. It appears Coquille were Messrs, and Mesdames Has speedometer and side stand. department president, and Mr*. J. W. birds in the flock would let go all to me that 85,000 could have been Thia «reek’s social activities brought J. A. Lamb, O. C. Sanford, Lyman Price 8188.15. Mclnturff, department aecretary and forth two large club dinner parties, Carrier, Bert Folsom, J. L. Smith, H. holds and come tumfoling down. He shaved off of* this expense and put One magneto equipped 61 eu. in. treasurer, of Marshfield, who recently one of which was given by the Study A. Young, J. E. Norton, Edward W. ■ays that it had an awul ki<* to it into a bounty fund. motorcycle with license, for 620. Thirty-eight returned from the national conference and that he got rheumatism from it Club ladies when they entertained Lorenz, M. O. Hawkins, Henry Lor­ See Macy Anderson at Geo. F. thousand dollars is a lot of m >ney to of department president* and secre­ their husband« at a dinner last Sun­ enz, M. J. Harteon, C. 3. Fuhrman, so badly that he had to quit shooting. be spent on raising Chinese pheas­ Burr Motor Co., Coquille. taries which was held in Inrfianapqlte. day evening at the home of Mr. and Mm. Birdie Skeel* and Mn. Emma ants. I believe that it could be put to After the business seaeions both WANTED TO BUY—200 head Pul­ a far better use. If the Chinese morning and afternoon, musical pro­ Mrs. C. Weldon Kline, which was very Lyons. decorated with cedar pheasant season was closed for three gram* were enjoyed, Mrs. John Noble beautifully lets, any breed. Write J. W. Royce. Marshfield, Oregon. Box 129. 46t2* years there should be a saving of and Mrs. S. F. Slover, of Marshfield, bbugha for the occasion. This was • Wednesday evening in th* W. O. W. 8114,000 realhoj by the game com- singing several lovely solos. Mem­ also a costume affair, with the ladies hall the Pythian Sisters had a pot on kinds miaeion; that is, if the game farm bers were preaent Jrom Marshfield, making their appearance in mens’ dt- luck supper for their families, with TAKEN UP—One brindle 2-year old was abolished for that length of time. Bandon, North Bend, Coquille, Reeds­ tire, while the gentlemen made charm­ about fifty being served. Small dec­ Steer, crop off left ear, underbit on The long table orated Christmas trees and holly were right ear; branded on both hips. It would mean twice the amount of port, Port Orford, Roseburg and ing looking ladies. Can be found at J. E. Ford C. ranch birds in the fields, raised from natur­ Ashland. There will be a district was arranged in the living room beautifully arranged on the . table, a I-ocil and Distance al propagation and possessing that eehool of instruction held in Coquille where covers were laid for Measm. general Christmas scheme was well on Marshfield highway. and Mesdames C. D. Walker, Luckey carried out, making a cheerful setting uroteetive instinct that pen-fed birds the evening of December 16. L. Bonney, George Jenkins, Harry A. for the happy gathering. After the FOR SALE—Standard make piano never seem to acquire. A man went to * doctor to have his Slack, George Chaney, J. Arthur dinner a regular business meeting. near Coquille. Will sacrifice for un­ ankl* treated. The doctor found that Berg, Keith Leslie, C. A. Rietman, With election of officers was held, was — paid balance. A snap. Easy terms. C. Weldon the ankle had been broken two weeks Raymond A. Jeub and resulted aa follows: Write Tallman Piano Store, Salem, before, yet the victim had had nothing Kline. Past Chief—Mr*. Hazel Pettengill. Ore. 45t3 done about it. So he questioned the M. E. E—Mrs. Bertha Croea. FOR RENT—Well furnished room, patient, who replied: *‘8W1, Doctor, E. 8.—Mrs. Mattie Jacobsen Stated Communication Mn. O. T. Nelson was hoste* yes­ dose In, and board for 926 a month. every time I say anything 1* with me terday to the ladies of the Laf-a-lot E. J.—Mm. Maggie SimMons Tueiu, Dee. 13, 7:30 p. m. my wife declares TH have to give up1 club with a very pleasant afternoon ■ Manager—Mm. Ada Shull r ~ Good home cooking. Fred Belloni, Election at Oflcers 440 «oath Coulter. 40tf -*»«. «**.» —“- -* “*•' Pro.—Mm. Bamiea Tlllnaaa •» '1 1 V ■w ■a 3 ■» ! « N Want Ads < I 4 i New low Price all of COAL Long HAUUNG Phon« ÍOIJ Í24L I Mansell Drayage & Chadwick Ledge No. 18 A . F A A. M. Delivery Co. \' I- li I « '■ !