Sentinel THF. PAPER THAT’S UREA LETTER FROM HOME —— VOL. XXV11I. ,. ..i —— n.!! 1 .■ i COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER », 1»32. NO. 48. Reducing City Expenses A B. P. W. Benefit ’ As a mearw of reducing city ex penditures the city council Monday evening, at an informal gathering af ter the regular seasion, agreed on a Was One of the Best High plan which will reduce salaries in the Two Men Steal Oliver Beaver’s engineering, water and street- de Car After He Had Fed School Plays JEver Pre- partments by one-third. The plan is Them—Caught Here .sentesbtfldre fer each Mr. Stacer, Mr. Epperson and Mr. Dungey to work but four Two young fellows, 21 and 30 years Almost a capacity house greeted days a week, arranging the time .so “A Prince to Order,” the Junior Class that two men will be on duty eaeh day. of age, were pioked up at different play, given at the Liberty Theatre The combined salaries of the three points in Camas valley last Friday last evening, and it was aa well pre men in the past has-Heen »335 per afternoon by Oliver Beaver and sented aS any school play given here month and under the new plan which brought as far as his home on the in two decades. will continue until th«re is need for Middle Fork, near the county line. He Mias Kathleen McClintock, who di service by the city, the Salaries will gave them their supper and then had to leave home for a few minutes. » rected the play and waa presented total »224. While he was gone they took his with a beautiful bouquet by the cast. The plan is one which has been during an intermission, had excellent adopted by many- industrial corpora car and started this way. As soon as he discovered the theft material from which to draw foY the tions and the city dads are to be com various characters, b*t she deserves! he phoned Deputy Sheriff Culver mended for their efforts to reduce ex whole-hearted connne«^)||tion for the penses snd at the same time throwing here. Mr. 'Culver at once notified mighty fine way in which they re no one out of a job, or at least not Marshal Howell of the approaching sponded to her cosching’and for the more than a third out. If it is found car and (hen called up the other By the little mannerisms and tricks of speech that there is not work enough in the local officers in the county. and inflection which are not natural to 1 departments to keep two men busy, time he was through telephoning there was a honking outside and an high school student and yet are of further reductions will be necessary. there wps Howell and the two thieves. such tremendous importance on the The marshal saw the stolen car go stage. It was not a mere recitation by as he stopped at the sign in front of the lines of the play which the au 1 of Wilson's Confectionery. He gave dience heard last evening, it was a chase out the highway and soon splendid interpretation of the author's crowdW—them to a stop. thoughts and ideas. They were bound over to the grand Betty Glaisyer, in the part of - The county Lions Clubs meeting, to jury by Justice Stanley who fixed “Granny,” was as natural an old lady, be held in the' Coquille Hotel this their bail at »1500 eaeh. Neither of grey haired and always busy at her evening at 6:46, will be attended by! them is an Oregon resident. They knitting as she could be at 70 yearn E. H. Shea, district governor for Ore gave the names of T. L. Richards and of age, and her plotting for the suc gon, and O. F. Tate, district secre John Westbrook. cessful marriage of her grandson waa tary, both from Portland, besides a carried out with all the success of an — large number of Lions from Marsh elderly woman. Deputy Sheriff Slugged field, Myrtle Point and Bandon. The play brought to the front the Deputy Sheriff Archie Philip is A good program has been prepared younger generation’s belief in their still in the Keiser hospital at North for the evening’s entertainment and: own infallibility, their disregard for I with Deputy District Governor R. E. I Bend’ and "<’t th. nnin!n„ hste k- »1— -—-I-___ entirely rational. That great actor of the silver screen, George Arliss, is the leading star in “A Successful Calamity," which opens at the Liberty Theatre, i. Thb* Waa the Coldest Morning Sumlay for a But the most important fact in in Coquille Since 1024— nection with the showing of thia Was 10 Degrees Then con film is that the picture is being shown as a benefit for the Business A Profes sional Women's Club. This organization is assisting in the ticket sale and will add their share of the funds received for ad missions to their “state convention” fund.. The convention will be held here in So there is a two-fold reason for witnessing this Geo. Arliss produc tion—entertainment of the highest ■ordet with good clean comedy and drama, and at the same time assisting the B. P. W. ladies who are always at the forefront of any progressive movement in Coquille. Mamie Rebekah Lodge- to Ob serve Golden Birthday Tonight This morning's thermometer read The members of Mamie Rebekah ing camo - pretty nearly setting a Lodge are celebrating their fiftieth ‘record for low temperature for this anniversary this evening. century, although back in 1888 old This lodge was instituted Dec. 9,- time residents tell of the'river being 1882, . the charter member» being frozen over at thia point and the ice Mr. And Mrs. S. E. Steward, Mr. and Mrs. C. Olive, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strong enough to support a span of Oxen. Nosier, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cartwright, Mr. and Mm. J. -C. Laird, Mr. and However, it was cold enough, too cold in fact, this morning’ juith the M m . R. E. Buch, 'Mr. and Mrs. H. J. official mark at 10*4 degrees above Collier, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Messer, A. Lillie, J. Rimmer, T. W. Drane, L. agro. The only known reading lower than that in the last 26 or 30 yearn E. Lathrope. was in 1924 or 1925 when the mercury The first officers were: Chaa. Olive, stood at an even 10 above. Noble Grand; Mary E. Nosier, Vice This sort of thing will make work Grand; Lucy E. Buck, Roc. Sec.; for garage mechanics and rather Alice Olive, Per. Sec.; N. J, Messer, Treasurer Burns Old Bonds takes the point out of an editorial, at Treasurer; J. H. Nosier, R. S. N. G.; On instruction from the county | least temporarily, in which« Len- L. Lathrop, L. S. N. G.; R. E. Buck, ove io referred to, on page four. But court. County Treasurer Chas. Stauff Warden; J. Cartwright, Conductor; this weather is unusual and your ac burned a lot of Coos county bonds M. Cartwright, Inside Guardian; J. climated Oregonian does not like , it Monday whieh had been retired and P. Messer, R. S. V. G.; M. A. Collier, interest in full paid. The list in because it is unusual. L. S. V. G. cluded the 8362,000 issue of road The thermometer yesterday morn Not one of the charter members of bonds in 191«, »150,000 in 1921, and ing and Tuesday morning was alto the lodge ia now alive. gether too much of a reminder of »150,000 in 1922. This Rebekah Lodge was given the what it used to do in Kansas and New name of Mamie in honor of a daugh York. Both mornings it stood at 23 ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Messer, a degrees above zero but to one who girl who waa loved by all who knew has become acclimated to soft and her, and having passed away in 1880, gentle winters en the Oregon coast, two years before the' lodge was insti it felt as cold as it used to at zero tuted. in the east or middle west. The wind The Are department was called to The old Odd Fellows hall which was yesterday, seeming to come from the Riverton at 11:46 last night when the razed a couple of years ago, to be north pole, penetrated like a knife, burning of a house, and a strong wind replaced by the beautiful new struc and there was no thawing tempera- blowing, aroused apprehension that ture which grace« the corner of First tne opinion nela by tnonc oxpoFicncou i . — ... , .. • . .. •• «• k .™ «»4 i-i — j -.-.—— a result of his act of kindness in (ture all day. in wordly affairs and was a very ac- * Jedb P r“ldl"< and all •» the tadtwtatere presiding tailtwistero M ■* “ the whole town might burn. and Taylor streets, was the first home irate presentation of everyday home " £ Ha ^ked t^ IXw £' The house belonged to Geo. Martin of this lodge, and the oecond and curate presentation of everyday home -e in | about two mi,M north of the HollJ «-nd, Tuesday, reported »3 I and was the large two-story white fourth Wednesday evenings of each life in America. America. "*>»"• DUk the ^Standard S^mp and within the distance of a degrees, but the thermometer at the I house on the left side, going to River month for regular meetings are the G V. Smith place here on Sanford, ton, this side of the store. It was same now as then. and mother of the scoffing young Oil Co., formerlv a member of the mile th* tr"«P ,truck ^th a „„.„lluenvea oy . warm Heights, uninfluenced by a warm' unoccupied except .9» pt by Bill Goodwin The records show that Mr. and sters, took the part of Mrs, Willings Oil Co., fognerly a member of the , "Map” of same kind on the uper part ZiZZ ZZ ? « a u : Medford den, was welcomed to mem- anih'had little furni- Mrs. J. S. Lawrence, who passed s Archie u •» 23. «nd it is one who slept there l and her faith in the ultimate success I of his neck, rendering uncon 'of the government registering kind. ture in it. He was asleep when the away a few years ago, joined this of her children was born out in the M as Florence Cary, who rendered scious. The tracks on the'highwsy Less than a quarter of an inch of fire started but supposes it caught lodge in 1886. For many years end. She gave a most faithful inter show, that the car ran about 150 feet “' | two piano solos in a most charming Min has fallen sb far this month and from the stove in 'which he had had a during the past thirty, sometimes one pretation of the part before leaving the pavement and . -, and sometimes both held office in Bill Floten, the spoiled son, waa not and pleasing manner, and Miss Gloria " I angling down the fill embankment the total for the “fiscal" year is now fire before retiring. Getz were guests at the dinner. 11M inches. The house was probably worth »800 'Mamie Rebekah lodge. quite as aaggreasive in forcing hie for 20 feet or more. It did not turn An unexpected, although niost or »900. Only a small insurance waa own opinions on the members of his The first delegate elected to Grand heartily received visitor, was Howard ov*Ir/1. Successful Christmas Opening carried on it. family as the only boy often is, but Lodge waa Laura Boutell, a slater of Whatever the fellow's in Bonniksen, of Coquille High, who gave-l The boys helped local residents tn ff. P; Beyers, and at present living hr he took his part exceedingly well. e Christmas Opening by Coquille were, he probably became scared, And Beryl Unsoeld, as his discarded a very interesting talk on Chrtetmas decamped when the car left the high- hants last Tuesday evening saw forming a bucket brigade to keep the San Joee, Calif. sweetheart, who triumphed' at the Seals, how they originated, the pur The Rebekahs of Marshfield, North wet. a large vivwu crowd gumcitu gathered VII on Uir the side- I roofs of neighboring T ~ buildings ~ ------ . He did not even rob the uncon “ end, was as adorable as "Granny” pro pose for which the annual sale of the scious deputy. walks when, the street lights went out! J*™* th* *?* transformer fuse Bend and Bandon have been invited claimed her. Nor waa Margaret Paul little stamps is conducted just before "* *“ to participate in thia celebration. Mr. Philip can only remember that as a signa) to uncover the windows. | burned out and the town was ’ in dark son any less near perfection in her Christmas, and included with it a talk the thug was tall and wore a brown .AH retail stores were open for a ness. except for the light from the part of vamp. She almost stole Bill on tuberculosis whieh contained con overcoat. couple of hours and were thronged burning building. « Christmas Seal Sale |7fl-50 from Beryl, but whether on the crest siderable information not generally On the way down the hose at the with those looking at the various dis-' Christmas Seal sale receipts last known outside of the medical profes of a successful love affair, or in the plays the merchants have on hand for bottom of the fire truck radiator evening totaled »76.50, according Bemee Named Roadmaster depths from ita overthrow, she waa sion. came loose, the water escaped and the Christmas trade. to Miss Mary Ella Cary, chairman of He claimed to have been frightened C. F. Bemee, an engineer at the always in part and helped carry the Every retail store in town had been the head on the fire truck motor the sale In Coquille, who states she is when requested to come before the Bay, __ ______ ______ __ , appointed part was ... on Monday plot through successfully. cracked. They were towed in the last specially decorated for the occasion more than pleased with the returns. Her friend, Bill's aister, played by den and give the talk, but he deliver-, time roadmaster by the county court and the display windows on Front, half mile to Riverton. Manuscripts were mailed today by Marianne Axtell, was another who ed it with an ease, assurance and to serve when an engineer’s services Taylor and First streets showed ori the local school children who are par gave a highly suucceasful presenta knowledge of his subject which many are heeded at a wage of M per day. ginal and interesting preparation for Council Holds Short Session ticipating in the health contest, spon W. D. Leaman, in charge of the the opening. tion. Her challenges to "Granny's” of his elders might envy. All were attractivee, City Engineer Stacer reported to sored by the county health aaaocia- utterances, and her support of the county shop, was instructed to accept whether the d'aplay was a Christmas San Archibald in a Wreck county warrants in payment for gas tree, well-arranged merchandise, or the city council Monday evening that tion, to Mm. Jess Forrester, of vamp’s love intrigues, her expression the water department waa draining Marshfield, general chairman of the their that of and her aelf-poasesMon made hers one , When a 240 pound man is thrown. from county --------- employees —-- who use ------------- one establishment which the reservoir at the head of Rink j contest, to be judged; the best three ef the evening’s nucceseea. from his car and lands on concrete car* on "trictly county work or showed train and truck loads of Coos creek and after cleaning it would be to be used for publicity purposes for Not being naturally of a flighty dis pavement he is auro to be badly dam- **»V«L county products. ready to close the gates and begin ac- the seal sale this month. position, the. part' taken by Edythe aged. That is what happened to San Mr» ®«rt Peterson was allowed An unfortunate failure in carrying A number of Coquille students par- Farr, who went into raptures and E. Archibald at Dallas last Friday. *210 bJ tb* court foT th* killing of out the program as advertised was cumulating next year’s supply after ’ tieipated in this contest, as well as was "thrilled to death” on the slight He was driving his car when a 1«- 114 be»d oi «*ttle who reacted to the that not sufficient members of the I the first of the year. A dance hall license was granted to giving their talks before the service est provocation, was a most clever year old boy, who did not have a tuberculin test aministered by Dr. W. band had been notified of the concert J. D. Graham who paid a quarterly, organizations of the city.* Miss Kath- piece of acting. driver's license, attempted to pass V Glaisyer. The county will pay »106 advertised, and the six or eight who Robert Bailey. B via, Eileen him. Jhe passing car hooked the of'«he'Anwunt and the state the other did assemble at the band hall could fee and filed hie bond in the amount erine Jane Hassler, publicity chair- of »500, with F. C. Hudson and A. O. man, arranged for the talks, and the Thurman and spun it about several times halfr not make enough of a showing to pay ' organizations responded well in mak Walker as sureties. A petition for the organization of to appear on the streets. though having minor ' roles, took' »nd Mr. Archibald was thrown out It was ordered that the concrete ing room for these five-minute talks their parte moot effectively. Nor the door. He landed on the pavement, a rural fire department at Marshfield But the streets and stores were Miss Beatrice aB<‘ a* EE1 thron’ged' wirh“pL>pte ever sidewalk at the corner of the Robt. in their programs. should the maid, who was frequently “•kidded up over the curb and to the ZE .Train building, on Hall street, be tv - Morris and Mrs. Marie 8tewart have seen, but seldom heard, Audrey Aasen, sidewalk. His left ear was split clear which it will serve established by the th, v.ney and th, wwhanta secured i t paired so that it would not endanger had charge of the talks in the schools, fail to be credited with one of the across, about a fourth of the way , wbat h»d hoped to, an inspection with Miss Phyllis Hall and Miss Jean natural presentations of the evening. down, he received a cut on the right There being 6700 ¿ans of meat and o( the chri.tma, stock carried this , pedestrians. The city released from improve Hill assisting in the high school. She was good. side of the head, his nose was cut vegetables on hand at the coqpty year. ment five feet at the east end of the Remember your dollar for the If any prompting was required dur- .nd he was so badly bruised about the farm, F. C. MeNeUy was instructed Church of God property on Hall Christmas seals can start one more ing the two hours and a half of the chest that fears were felt that pneu- to deliver 4,000 cans to the 'Busy Cor Delinquent Tax Sale, Dec. 31 Street The church society had sold i person on the road to recovery—send ner here, 1,000 to the Farmers Store performance it could not be detected monl, wooW develop. BandoV, I There is ta* of asking for another to A. Pook and had it in if you haven’t from the rear of the theatre. at Myrtle Point, 1,000 at Ha was rushed to the hospital, but 60-day postponement of the 1027 de- offered to turn over the »86 they woukj according U> a letter received by Mr. 1200 at North Bend, and 1500 at receive for it to apply on the improve linquent tax sale, but the matter has Marshfield for distribution to the Pictures Attract Crowds K. P. Lodge Elects and Mm. Don Estes yesterday, he ment assessment against the church not yet been decided. A postpone needy. They will be given out only Election of officers of Lycurgus *« able to return home Monday. The Liberty Theatre waa crowded ment would do no one sny good un property. Lodge No. 72, K. P„ was held in the j. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald, who had on county court orders. Sunday evening, after a very good less the property owner could pay in lodge hall Wednesday evening, the “ ” "* in Coquille for the 1 past " lived three matinee house that afternoon, for the Eastern Star Electa years and a half, left here the first Legion Conference Next Friday the next two months. There ie small following being choeen: showing of “Grand Hotel,” one of the chance that the county could sell any of November for Dallas where he is C. C —John Arnold. There were 75 members of the biggest releases of the past year. The regular monthly meeting of the V. G—E. L. Detlsfsen ’ equipment sales manager for the American Legion will bo held Monday property, and if the county bids it in Eastern Star present for the 8:80 Messrs. Clever and Wood did not •&- the amount bid would bear only 6 Mt. States Power Co. Prelate—J. L. Holycross evening, and on Friday evening, Dee. per cent interest while delinquent turkey dinner, served by a comm: littes vertise the fact but Coquille is the M. ofW.—E. N. Shull of eleven men, with Geo. A. Ulett as only point in the county in whieh 18th, the annual district conference K. R. &—Ned C. Kelley. Child Dental Specialist Coming will meet in Legion headquarters here taxes bear eight. And there would chairman, in the banquet room of the that picture is to be shown. still be plenty of time for redemption. Msecnic Temple laist evening. The M. of E.—D. F. Thompson The new proprietors are spending Dr. Charles Sweet, of Oakland, to talk over the past year’s work and M. of A.—K. E. Medford menu consisted of turkey and dressing, a lot of money to secure the best pic plan for next year ’ s. All ex-service California, one of the foremost child, Ministers to Exchange Pulpits : msshed potatoes and giblet gravy. tures to be had. Every change of I. G.—C. T. Selbig dental specialista on the Pacific Coast,, »re invited to attend the confer- O. G.—W. L. Kiatner Dr. Louis J. Kirby, pastor of the creamed rutabagas, celery, ice cream, program brings a high class picture ence whieh will be attended by Jack will speak on “Mouth Health and Ita Trustee—S. r,,— Church of wafem and coffee! and those partiei- to the Liberty and the public is show department commander, of.. Methodist Episcopal Important Relation to CTiild Health,” Eakin, „cfmrwHsni Installation officers wiQ under the auspices of the Coos Coun Dsllas; Carl Morse, department àdju- ’ Marshfield, and Rev. Philip D. Hart- paling seemed to enjoy the feed, ing its appreciation by ita patronage. The annual electionllf officers was take place on y, January 18. ty Health Association, Saturday, Dec. tant, of Portland; Sid George, nation- m»n. P»»tor of Pioneer Methodist, “Grand Hotel” ran also Monday will *“ exchange a ‘ held “ * during *' the " regulai itar session of and Tuesday evening and for the 10th, at 2:00 P. M., at the Coquille al committeeman; and Ray Jedb, dis- Church of Coquille, ~ trici' commander’ for district No. 4 Polpita next Sunday morning at the' the chapter, the following being chos- three nights there were at least one to Meet Tuesday Hotel. Everyone is invited to attend. which includes southwestern Oregon eleven o'clock hour. en for the ensuiuf‘year: hundred from the Bay who drove ov meeting of the Co Parents and teachers especially will and as far east as Klamath Falls. ---------------------------- * M.—Catherine Ruble. er to see it, besides a great many and as far east as Klamath Falls. Club will be held mi be well repaid for any efforts they from Myrtle Point, Powers and Ban L Mrs. Mulkey Improving Representatives from all the posts in rnoon, December 13th, make to hear Dr. Sweet’s lecture as don. the county and from Roseburg will be he is a nationally recognised author Mm. Martha E. Mulkey was resting at the Episcopal Pariah houae. A in attendance next Friday. ... ■ i easier yesterday and on the road to very interesting Christinas program ity on child care. The Junior Federated Music Club This lecture is an educational fea recovery. She underwent an operation hre been Arranged for thia meeting. will meet at the honm of Mrs. H. H. Mrs. J. $ Dalen win ten about ture and not for the purpose of rais at the Mast hospital in Myrtle Point last Saturday, at the hands of Dr. M. Coleman next Tuesday evening at Chriatmas', in France. Christmas ing funds and the general public is in quarter of seven o’clock, with Mrs. J. Ear) Wilson, for a bum ted appendix. carols will be. sung also and the Jenny vited to come and hear him. | E. Norton acting as ,«ouq»elor of the Dr. Wilson said yesterday she was Lind sextepte will ^Mg a group of, COUNTY LIONS MEET TO-NIGHT _ Chri a tmaa ¡songs. Caning sards IM tm »148. FIRE AT RIVER TONLASTNIGHT - .JL.IZL doing very well. elab.