The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 02, 1932, Page 7, Image 7

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    Santa Has Filled The Christmas Store
With Practical
(Continued from first page.)
escaped from the nmk and fled north
' . ----------- to the Willamette valley.
Late in
name of a- native Indian tribe, has the summer a military post was os-
only one syllable, and, very appro- tablished near Battle rock, and during
priately for a member of the Web- the following winter a ship bringing
foot state, it rhymes with goose.
reinforcements was wrecked on the
Both counties are mountainous and *a nds pit north of the entrance to Coos
well supplied with riven. They are bay, the soldiers camping on the
nearly the same sise, the greatest beaeh four months while they waited
width of each being about 87 miles, for a ship to carry them to their des­
although. in length the New Hamp- tination 50 miles south. The ship
shire codnty exceeds by 20 miles the that Anally came, in the spring of
05 miles of its western sister. Like- 1882, was the flrat vessel to enter
wise the general shape is similar. Coos bay.
Each increases as the county ex-
Cold and coal were discovered along
tends south, until near the southern the coast, and men flocke^to the dig­
end the county contracts suddenly inga. Empire City, for years the
from ita greatest width to an ex- county seat, was established on Coos
ploring segment that climbs the bay, where MarsNVsld. farther inland,
mountain wall beyond which lies the •• now the metropòliis of the south­
rest of the state.
ern Oregon coast. Bandon, one of
One county is bounded on the weet the most popular of Oregon’s beaeh
by Hall’s stream and the Connect!- resort«, was built at the mouth of the
cut river; the other by the Pacific Coquille river, and Coquille, the prea-
The hills on the Canadian1 «nt county , seat, sprang up in the
border in the north and the White central valley whore the river stops
Mountains in the south, with thè ( its northward course and curves to
connecting boundary line of Maine the west.
crossed by the Androscoggin riverì Although gold and coal attracted
and its tributaries, serve to isolate phe early settlers, later arrivals came
the New Hampshire county.
The to farm the rich soil along the rivers
Pacific county is cut off from the
provided natural highways for
rest óf Oregon by the Umpqua and 30 miles into the interior.
Rcgue river mountains on the north panned gold was soon exhausted and
and south, and the main range of th* operation of the coal mines even-
thè Coast mountains on the east, tually became too expensive, but the
Through “notches” in the White agricultural resources of the county
Mountains highways enter one of the were steadily developed, f
Across “passes” in the
The United States government
Coast mountains they enter the other, early recognized the importance of
Coquille, the county seat of the Coos bay and began a project of
Oregon county, and Concord, the cap- harbor improvement that is being
Ital of New Hampshire, are nearly still carried on. A lighthouse south
the same distance north, both being °f the entranct and a coast guard
but a few minutes of latitude north station north offer protection to the
of the 43rd parallel. Lancaster, the many ships that pass along the coast
county seat' of Coos county, New “v enter the bay for cargoes of lum-
Hampshire, had 2,887 inhabitants in ber.
1930 and is a little larger than Co-
Although the valleys have been
quille, with a population of 2,782. stripped of their valuable timber,
Coos county is the largest of New much of which was burned by the
Hampshire» ten counties. There are settlers, who considered trees things
14 Oregon counties smaller than Coos to be destroyed, and the more aceee-
eóunty, Oregon, and 21 that are »¡Me hills have been denuded by log-
larger; Oregon’s biggest county, Har- K”»g companies, in whose wake are
ney, being larger by 592 miles than thousands of acres of gpunt stumps,
the whole state of New. Hampshire, the eastern and southern portions of
The principal rivers of the New the county are still forested. Douglas
Hampehiro county are the Connect!- dr. Tideland spruce, and Port Orford
cut and the Androscoggin, into which, cedar are the most valuable lumber ;
flow all the lesser* streams except trees. Japan sends ships for the bulk I
a few in the extreme south that find of the exported cedar. Douglas flr is |
their way into the Saco river. Un- transported to South Africa and
til the removal of the great pine and other distant lands.
During the |
spruce forests that originally covered World war Coos bay was a center of i
the mountains and valleys, the An- activity for the famous spruce divi-1
droscoggin river was the scene of an- ,l0n °f the United States Air Service,
nual log drives that give employment which used immense quantities of se­
te hundreds of expert rivermen who
»pn»ce lumber in the manufacture
drove the logs to Berlin or on into
Maine. Now. however, short-length
The Coquille rives is one of the few
Handkerchief Sets
Imported Swiss Lawmi and Irish
Li nan Hankies with exquisite plain or
colored embroidery, also lace-trimmed
in lovely designs.
Other Hankies
I’/^C 5« IOC
Now Folks
This Matter of
Christmas Presents
Sheer white lswn with plain or col­
ored fine embroidery. Many exquisite
designs at these small prices.
’VE NOTICED that One Store has arranged to
make your 1932 gift budget go farther than ever
before. You can plan on spending less money this
year than usual, and still buy finer and better gifts, if
you shop at THE CHRISTMAS STORE! Come and
See these beautiful gifts. There is a whole store full
of bright new items - - all priced in keeping with the
Your Dollar will do more than ever this year
. . Yours for a Happy Christmas
Dainty Neckwear for Gifts
Lovely Imported Lace
Collar & Cuff Sets
Stylishly Conservative
You can't go wrong on these smooth, aoft cape gloves in the
fashionable ilip-on style! They have contrasting stitching and
are unlined. Either black or brown.
Fine Quality Kid Gloves
A marvelous gift at a marvelously low price! Fine soft kid
skin gloves with neat contrasting design appliqued on the cuff.
Contrasting stitching. Black or brown.
jd A
Fashion Jewelry
Gorgeous 3-Strand
Do Your Gift Shopping
Coquille, Ore
* .
Do It at the
Christmas Store!