GIFTS TRIMMINGS A wonderful line of Books, Games, Toys Gifts for Everybody Trimmings for Package or Tree We Invite You to Visit Thrift’s Grocery next Tuesday evening, between 7:80 and 9:30, and inspect What we have in stock, will not be urged to buy, but we do want you to know our excellent assortment of stuffs. . 4 '■ Ornaments Tinsel - Icicles Tree Tops Tree Lights Tags - Seals Box Paper Hankies Candlesticks Kapok Pillows Chenile Rugs Batik Scarfs Chistmas Card Special 18 Cards - • 49c 12 Cards - - 33c CARR'S VARIETY STORE ‘ . ¿4 • A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY TILL MONDAY Pumpkin Del Monte, size 2Yi Ripe Oliver Ifft. Super Quality, 9 oz. tins jj’n 5 n>s. M. J. B. Coffee with 2 pkgs. M. J. B. Rice FREE 6 Snowdrift CAN’ display soon. WHAT IS Sliced Apricots Sliced Pineapple Shrimp Dodge Mince Clams Warrington's wtthout Pt. Bottles Kerrs, in Bulk. Thrifty Throngs Trade THRIFT In new location in Laird building FREE DELIVERY The Democratic Planks Following are the principal policies of the Democratic party, as expressed in the platform of 11932, on which Gov. Roooeyelt was elected, and which he has accepted “100 per cent": Repeal of the 18th amendment, im mediate modification of the Volstead act and action by the states to pre vent the return of the saloon. ■ Drastic reductions in federal ex penditures, . a balanced budget and sound currency. A "competitive tariff for revenue," with reciprocal tariff agreements with other notions and an international economic conference to restore trade. A “fact-finding tariff commission free from executive interference.” Restoration of agriculture; control of crop surpluses; better financing of farm mortgages. “Enactment of every constitutional* measure that will aid the farmers to receive for basic commodities prices in excess of their cost.” Strict enforcement of the anti trust laws. Protection of the investing public by federal regulation of holding com panies, utility companies and stoA exchanges. St. Jaasea Church Removing the government from “all (Episcopal) fields of private enterprise” except to Church school every Sunday at 10 develop public works in the common m. Perry Roper, superintendent. interest. “Conservation, development and use of the nation’s water power in the public interest.” Extension of federal credit to the states for unemployment relief and constructive programs. An adequate army and navy “based Knife Hospital Notes Chas. Turnbull, of Bandon, under went an operation for gall atones on Monday. .Leonard Jackson, a ten-year old boy, living near Johnson Mill, sub mitted tozan operation for appendici tis, Wednesday afternoon. Rev. T. R. Jackman, who had taken some flowers to the hospital Monday, slipped on the wet steps as he was leaving and so sprained and bruised hie back that it was necessary to bring him back to the hospital, after he had gone home, for treatment for a couple of days. He was able to leave the hospital Wednesday. ing described real property, to-wit: Commencing at a point which is the Northwest comer or the intersection of Spurgeon and Dashney Streets in the City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, and which said point is ap proximately 907.38 feet South and approximately 412.60 feet West of the quarter section corner on the North boundary line of Section 1, Township 28 South, of Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian in Coos County, Oregon, and running thence North along the West Boundary line of Dashney Street 162 feet more or less to a point, thence Weat on the line parallel with the North line of the said Spurgeon Street 100 feet to a point, thence South on a line par allel with the West line of said Dashney Street 162 feet ty a point on the North line of said Spurgeon Street 100 feet West Of the place of begin ning, thence East along the North line of «aid Spurgeon Street 100 feet to the place of beginning. Said sale being made subject to re demption in the manner provided by law. Dated at Coquille, Oregon, thia 1st day of December, 1932. H. E. Hees, 47t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. tuuf • BAYER Pathfinder and/ Both 1 a fuH year ONLY Coquille Volle, 1 - Sentitisi -„-'.ï 4