^jpi OOQtHLU VALUT SENTINEL, COQUILU OM800M, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER », 1>U these Precious A new star of the saddle to thrill you in a red-blooded Story of the great outdoors! Thunder­ ing action and roaring romance that holds you spellbound in its grip! VITAMINS 1 Plus COMEDY NEWS CARTOON Use Your Coupons Friday & Saturday Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc DRUGGISTS STATIONERS Another Camp Fire Group At a meeting of the Coquille com­ mittee which sponsors Camp Fira Girls Groups, met at Che city hall Monday evening to discuss executive plans. Another group, under the guardianship of Mias Gertrude Mehl, is now in the process of forming. SUNDAY & MONDAY Nov. 27 - 28 Probate Court Items Wm. Bettys, of Coquille, was last Saturday appointed administrator of the »3,000 estate left by H. W. Hol- verstott who died at Fairview, May 4, 1917. The appraisers are Walter Norris, William Judd and C. A. Bar­ nett. Mr. Bettye was also appointed ad­ ministrator of the 1600 estate left by John J. Holveretott who died Feb. 14, 1932. The same three as above were appointed appraisers. Chadwick Lodge No. 68 oKAr Coquille Special Added Attraction 1 DayOnly A Technicolor Musical Revue Talking Sexational Drama That Unfolds The Naked Truth Tuesdays WEDNESDAY &THUR. PAL |NIGH*| WOMEN ONLY First Show 7 P.M. ON THE STAGE Professor of Sexology * APPEARING AT EACH SHOW .No Advance in Admission ADMISSION Children Students Adults - . • . . j . ¡ ] Matinee Sunday » ■* . i«e a 26c LIBERTY THEATRE *