í PAGIfOVB » T— COQUILLE VALLtT SENTINEL. COQUILLE OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1982. s The Sentinel TABLOIDS By W. 8. Sicitato A R. A. YOUNG aad M. D. GRIMES _ Publishers H. A. YÖUNG, Editor Subscription Rates One Year........................................ 42.09 Six Months .,.••••••• ••••••••*. 1.0® Three Months......................... .00 No subscription taken unions paid for in advance. This rule is impera tive. » » 4 Advertising Rates Display advertising, 26 cento per meh: .less than 6 inches, 80 cento per inch. No advertisement inserted for teas than 60 cents. Readings notice. 10 cents per lme. No reading. aStteS, or advertisement of, any kind, insert ed for Jess than 26 cents. . Entered at the Coquille Postoffiee Second Class Mail Matter. If the state of Oregon would devise a new system of tax laws, on a just and equitable bams, everyone would have cause for thanksgiving. But -o continually hunt for additional in come, or sources of tax funds, in ad dition to those we already have, to tiresome. The burden is teeayy enough now. Let’s not tinker, bat adopt a comprehensive, sane and logical tex system.________ There to cause for rejoicing in the United States over the meeting of President Hoover and President-elect Roosevelt in Washington, Tuesday. That is that the present head and the future head of the United States arr agreed in their opposition to cancella tion of European countries war debts to the U. 8. We may lees the friend ship of some of those nations, but they were glad enough of our sup port and assistance during the war, and should not be allowed to welsh on their just obligations. Whether the United States will ever make col lection remains to be seen. Mrs. Raymond Robins, wife of the noted dry advocate whoso disappear ance was so much of a mystery for ten weeks and whose discovery in the North Carolina hills a week ago was Just as much of a surprise, is em phatic in her defense that Mr. Robins did not disappear intentionally; con tending that it was a real ease of amnesia. But that he should recol lect and remember her a couple of days after being found does seem a little strange. Such circumstances have happened before but usually the victim does not recover his memory so quickly.________________ PROHIBITION, A FAILURE? (The Pathfinder) Is prohibition a good thing? No body knows; it has never had a chance. When prohibition was adopted, all good people assumed that the law would be respected and that it would at least be given a fair trial. But there were too many against it. The police were down on it naturally; they will arrest a poor autoist for parking wrong and then let fleets of boose trucks pass in the night, week after week and year after year, with out even seeing them. The lawyers were mostly against it, many of the judges also. The doctors hated the restriction on their right to prescribe alcohol if they thought it beneficial. The legislators who passed the laws were themselves largely opposed to prohibition; they might like to provide it for others, but they had no idea of accepting it for If there was a “rain of meteors last week, as it was announced there would be, Coquille folk were denied witnessing the spectacle on account of the weather. This particular phe nomenon is supposed to have 33-year periodicity and if it failed of appear ance altogether many interesting ex planations, alibis, etc., may be ex pected from our scientists. There are many theories regarding meteors, but to be perfectly candid with the gentle n— reader, neither Prof. Einstein nor mysslf can tell exacts what they are. At Klamath Falls the other day an accommodating circuit judge con vened court at 2 a. m. to hear a plea of guilty to morale charges from a prisoner who requested that he be sentenced and sent on his way to the penitentiary as soon as possible. This fellow's time was doubtless worth a lot of money and he did not wish to be detained any longer than need be. His idea of thé value of time was irobably developed while driving a flivver, and unnecessarily passing >ti»er ears on the highway. We be- :ive he is the same bird who has pass ed us so many times. Wo should like to hear explained he high principle behind the law that Term its the sovereign state to take from counties, cash in advance, the entire amount of state’s proportion of the tax levy, when periiaps the county has not succeeded in collecting over a third of it, and never win collect all of it. Since writing word« the answer comes flashing across the horizon of our intellect: Tbs county gets to keep *U of the The State of Oregon is entering the real estate business on a large scale through its World War Veterans* State Aid Commission. In almost Ivory city in bhe state soldiers’ loans are defaulting in both principal and ntorest, and in addition the Commis sion is paying taxes and improvement '.ions. In a great many cases, it to re ported, the borrowers are relinquish ing titles to the Commission, making foreclosure proceedings unnecessary. For a time the Commission took the attitude that it would refuse to pay improvement liens, defying the cities on the ground that they cotfid not bring suit against the State. How ever, the Commission has adopted the policy of paying these improvement liens and will not test the matter in the courts, a position that to at least morally sound. Otherwise the cities would be compelled to absorb these liens st total loss to the taxpayers. Coquille to in line for some heavy payment« from the Commission, which will be received at an early date. The Jones “Fiv*«nd-Ten” Law put on new GOODYEARS for winter BRAKES atop your wheels but it takes t s that trip to atop your car. Smooth tires are like banana peels on slippery roads. All winter long you need the full» tractive grip of new Goodyears. Get this protection now. Save money on punctures, rep. rs, delays. ‘ • ' ■ * *• '-•* *•’ • ' A Value You Get Because Millions More People Buy Goodyears .... Goou ~ rÄ« SPEEDWAY M Ovwaias tes? Inrt«. Tub. (herU:* c ÖS t T™ Prkwof Each Ewb in Pro. Tub. 3® x 3HRC •9-7« 99.M 9 91 4.75-29— 99.39 •3.X3 91.99 9-59 9.49 1.19 4-19 9.9« 1.95 5.00 19 ».*3 9.49 1.31 4.49 4.39 i.oe 5 00 20 4-97 4.47 1.95 |.99-21__ ».»• 9.49 1.33 «•«7 9.18 1.00 8.29-21-.. *.M 9.97 1.33 4.44-21..... 4.50 20 .... 4.50-21 _ 4.75-19..... A , Coquille Service Station Phone 133 Emporia editor and man of letters. After the big meeting it was my privi lege to be one of a small group that had a pleasant visit with Robins. This meeting of republican insur gents was a most earnest and emo tional affair. Prominent men were breaking ties Vith the “grand old party,” in which they had been lead ers for many yeans. Several of them were shedding tears, and Henry Allen and William Allen White were among these. Hokever, as to well known, they, and most of the insurgents, later returned to the g. o. p. fold. participation to designate the new roi 'ule has with- tivities drawn his suit and a new suit has the biennial feast of legislative been filed in the name of Duncan appropriations. Just what the legis Bruce McDonald, Columbia county lature will do with the proposal, of farmer and taxpayer. The ground for course, remains to be seen. The ac complaint is similar to that set forth tivities and their budget needs fol by Dunne. McDonald contends that low-: Bonus1 commission, 81,060,000; designation of the Wolf creek high emergency board, 8150,000; predatory way as a part of the iitate highway/ animal eradication, 8134,000; county program wm a legislative function fairs, 8110,898; board Of health, 887,- ¿.nd not Within the province of the 026; state engineer, 867,621; state ’ highway commission, fait, >76,000; Pacific International, Removal of W. W, Ridehalgh from 875,000; battleship Oregon, 880,000; the state payroll as supervisor of public utilities .commiMion, 827,947; transportation was by the painless bureau of labor, 824,180; humane so method. Instead of firing Ridehalgh ciety, 8104)00; Eastern Oregon live the board of control merely abolished stock show, >10,000; alfalfa weevil his job. Ridehalgh was employed 18 control, 810,000; department of months ago to check expense accounts Americanisation, 88000. The amount of state officials and employees. In a totals 91,869,969 with the big end of it recent report to the board he claims represented in the bonus commission’s a reduction of *126,000 for the bien budget. Hansen, however, has ap nium through a sealing down of hotel parently overlooked the fact that the bills and automobile travel expense by bonus eommiseion’e fund to not a leg reason of this scrutiny of expense islative appropriation but is provided claims. by a special millage tax set up in the If Governor Meier decides to go through with his proposal for the re Obviously a clumsily disguised - bit lief of the property tax, as he is ex pected to, it to believed here that he of propaganda in opposition to the will convene the legislature in special demand for a reduction in automobile session to consider the enactment of a license fees, a statement issued by Leslie M. Scott, chairman of the state dales tax. • a The special session theory is based highway commission, « following on the necessity for speedy action if meeting of the commission here last the proposed relief is to be reflected week, calls for the expenditure of in the 1083 tex payments. First half *15,500,000 in atote and federal funds tax payments, it to pointed out, are on new construction work over* a The program, due on or before May 6. The coun period of six years. ties must rdtait the state’s portion of which includes highways in every the tax by June 6. Any legislation section of the state, is contingent up enacted by the regular session would on non-interference with the present not become law until 90 day« after volume of revenue of the highway de automobile license adjournment of the session. A special partment from election, in the event the act was re fees and gasoline taxes. ferred, would occasion still ftutitesJ Secretary of State Hoes is already delay so that rt would be along about the first of July before the issue could being besieged with applications for be definitely- determined. In the licenses covering the operation of beer meantime the first half of the taxes parlors and other refreshment vend would have been paid necessitating a ing resorts in view of the recent re refund and readjustment of the pay peal of the state prohibition laws. ments with all the red tape and in The secretary has advised all appli- cento io far that the federal Volstead convenience involved therein. If enacted at a special session in act still prohibits the sale and use of December or early January the tax intoxicants and ne provision has been act could become effective, run the made for licensing under state protec gauntlet of a special election if neces tion. state constitution over which neither he as budget director nor the state legislature has any control. And while Hanaen is out with his scalping knife arbitrarily triming off a commicrtion here and pruning down a budget there a number of legisla tors are known to have their toma hawks al) whetted up to raise Henry’s scalp on the ground that the office of budget director, carrying with it an annual salary of 86000 is about as useful as a fifth wheel on a wagon. The work which now requires the full time of a high salaried, official was formerly done in three months’ time every two yearn by a 8200 a month clerk, these legislators point out. Defeat for re-election, after 34 yearn of meritorious service in con gress, was a blow that hastened the death of Senator Wesley L. Jones of Washington, who succumbed last Sat urday in a private sanitarium in Se attle. He was the author of the fam ous “Jonee five-and-tan” law. With all the talk about the “Jonee Act,” to gether with the denunciations of the law as a grossly unfair proposition, there seem to be few persons who know what the “Jones Act” to. In brief, it provides that violations of the Volstead act (illegal sale, School Committees Thankful ' . ** .» ' * 1 e ' transportation or manufacture of in The communities of Ashland, La toxicant«), are to bo classed aa fel Grande, Monmouth and Eugene, asso onies, instead of misdemeanors, and ciated together during the past sever as such must be punished by the im al months in a state-wide campaign themselves. In fact many of our moat position of a fine not to exceed 810,- against the Zorn-Macpherson school 000, or imprisonment not exceeding active lawmakers are confirmed boos moving bill, hsve expressed their ap era, who can’t wax eloquent unless flve years, or both. The “must” tooth preciation of the support and confi has since been extracted from the they are tanked up. dence shown by the voters of the Finally, drinking was made fash law, however, and the amount of the state in ’defeating the bill in a state-' ionable, and sottish all-night gin fine or imprisonment is within the sary and be in operation, if approved, ment recently issued by bhe joint com Frank J. Lonergan, « peek er of the mittee. The statements reads: parties became the accepted thing jurisdiction ef the trial judge. well before May 6 so that the neces - everywhere. Country clubs sprung up sary adjustment could be made before House of Representatives, is now of- "The overwhelming defeat of the like magic, because this gave people A Tearful Time ta K umm Recalled the first half tax payments become ficiating as governor of Oregon in the Zorn-Macpherson bill was brought absence of .Governor Meeir who is about largely through the whole- a chance to drink without let or hin The latest episode in the life of due. In the meantime the state tex com-! •P*ndinK *be Thanksgiving drance, under the guise of playing Raymond Robins, now in the writing, hankegiving holidays holiday« hearted volunteer effort of thousands mission will make its annual levy in Cal 'fomia. f Lonergan « right to, of friend« of higher education in thia golf. (narrating his mysterious disappear .-------- ---------------- ' .. — U A. L .a «nviiur V* lugntn 9XJUC«L10n in tn is *PFI «!*•« llDnplii by hv Attor- A If ni»_ <tata, ik _ active _ the assistance of the In buaineM it has got so that the ance In New York ten weeks ago, and December as usual, pausing approxi-;the office “• best way to secure a contract is to the finding of the noted reformer in mately *8,600,000 of the state load, Iney G«"»™1 Van Winkle who, in an preM, sUte and community amoeia «•«»«»• office, ex- tions, clubs and societies, and the un- pass a bottle or a case of whisky to North Carolina a few days ago, suf including special millage taxes, on to oPi",°" the man (or woman) who has the de fering from alleged amnesia), recalls property. Any relief for this load Plain* thM ,hi’ R**®» as speaker of tiring activity of thosfe charged with cision. Conventions of all sorts have » to my mind a pleasant contact with will depend upon what ia done later House is not affected by the ex- particular responsibilities through responsibilities through degenerated into drinking orgie* No Mr. Robins back in Kansas in 1912. in the way of enacting the sales tax piration of hw membership in the ; the Association with committees and Uxri.laturo »ha terms „r —J ana legislature. While the of 1 leg-' president would dare enforce prohi It was during a big meeting being or some other form of new revenue. groups organized to .»rry on the bition, as it would hit too many good held in Topeka, for the purpose of A tax of one percent on gross re islatons expired November 9, or the campaign, . _ • To those persons who friends. __ organising the Kansas division of the tail sates in Oregon, H is estimated, day after the general election, the '. gave ■ so unselfishly so that the present attorney gene^ldi^rentia^ between tortjtutions'might "r^ta Even if the 18th amendment isn’t Bull Moose party, supporting the would produce approximately 92,400,- ____ ai.tf formally repealed, it will no doubt independent candidacy of the beloved 000 a year under present «editions. legislators and officers of the legista- legtola-1 ' t _____ ; ~ continue of service to the state, and to become a dead letter. It will be Teddy Roosevelt for president I at If applied to utility sates this figure ture, who, he explains, hold office until the organisation) and th* press nullified, like some of the other tended that meeting as a member of would be increased by about 8600.000, their successors are elected and quali-, wi)lh to express our appre amendments. The supreme court has a large delegation from Independence, bringing the total up to approximate fled. Strengthening Lon er gin’s cion.” admitted that a constitutional amend Kansas. In that delegation was Alf ly >8,000,000 or nearly, if not quite right to the1- office, also, is the fact ment doesn’t enforce itself and that if M. Landon, now the governor-elect of enough to cover the current needs of that the necessity for an official ex Share in Forest Receipts the people choose to forget it or evade Kansas. Landon was a mere boy the state. The Mississippi sales tax ists, no other provision is made in the it there is nothing to do about it. Bo then, but was a very promising young art, referred to by Governor Meier, constitution for filling the vacancy For the fiscal year ended June 30, if Congress passes a bill doing away politician. — - applies to til iretail sales, including and Lonergan is on the job as “de 1932, the state of Oregon received with the Volstead act, as appears like The meeting was attended by fee* of professions] men such as facto” governor, with plenty of “color 830 547.68 and Washington 848,46237, ly, we may look for the practical end thousands. Robins was the principal doctom, lawyers and dentists. of title” by reason of the speakership being one-quarter of the annual gross’ of the “noble experiment” of prohi speaker—truly the “spell binder” and to give him a decided advantage in receipt, from the 22 national forest, bition which never prohibited. the “silver-tongued,” he was unsur Opponents of the Wolf Creek high Iny dispute' that might arise over his located in these two states. Th^v A sad. sad affair, for all concerned passed in that time. Other speakers way have adopted a new plan of at authority to act amounts, to be used for road and —except the bootleggers, who have wore Henry Allen, later governor of tack. State Senator Joe Dunne who echool purposes, were returned to the built up one of the biggest industries Kansas and United States filed a complaint against the highway Budget Director Hansen proposes counties in which there are national ia the country in spite of the laws. and William Alien White, the ission attaeking their authority eliminate ac- forests. Finds Partridge Does Little Harm to Crops The Hungarian, or European gray, partridge In the United States to not particularly harmful to crops, studies of 80 birds by the biological survey. United States Department of Agricul ture^ Indicate. In the fall and winter these birds feed largely on green leaves, grains of wheat, corn, oats, barley, and seeds of ragweed, foxtail grass, and bind weed. The cultivated grains seem to be picked up mostly In stubbl. fields, and the Investigators believe this Indi cates no Injury to growing crops. Content's of the crops and gizzards of the birds examined showed that animal food made up 0 per cent of their food. The young birds, tn par ticular, displayed a liking for grass hoppers, beetles, and other injurious Insects. This partridge has been Introduced into numerous North American locall- ties and has become well established in some of them, particularly in south western Canada, Washington state, southwestern Wisconsin, southwestern Michigan, and • northwestern Ohio. As It to a comparatively new bird In this country Its habits are Interesting to sportsmen, ornithologists, and farmers. Calling cards 100 for 81.60. * Better Coffee Every Time! Çolgman E lectric C offee M akers » A Coffee that to always mellow, rich and satis fying to easy to make in ths Coleman Coffee Maker. Brews it the ‘‘no-boil’ way, retaining .all the fragrance and flavor. The Colonial model ia beautiful in design. Fin ished in special process, sxtra durable nickel plate. Six or 9 cup size a Ebonized handle. Has extra large heating ele ment. The non-spUl epout ia a feature you’ll like. Extra quality cord and plug. This attrac tive coffee maker to an idesdgtf t fci r any nnc ato nn S** Your Local Dealer