Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1932)
^7’ r* ■ AV«', t : ■ o*- iW £ 7-.< j,r- B” ' V-* Tv>Ç ■> *«<■• / •’ ,’ ' • % 1 ' * ■ L v ' ■Á -A*'* 9 \ COQUILLE ▼ ALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18. IMS. import Briefs . MEDFORD’S GROCERY FREE DELIVERY PHONE 166 ! Specials for Saturday, Only Calumet Hour Coffee Bliss Vacuum Packed. While it Lasts Try this new inviting Guaranteed I blend of fine quality cof fee. If for any reason Swan & River hardwheat flour does not give com plete satisfaction your money will be promptly refunded. Thompson’s Seedless 49-lb SACK 1 lb.Can - 21c Raisins 15c 4 lb.®»» Double acting Baking Powder 86c 5 1b.< ■ Sugar Pure Cane 6 25c Specials for Saturday & Monday Spuds si- Catsup “ Crackers Mince Meat Alpine Milk ; Salted Wafers Kerr’s Best Coffee Tomato Juice Golden West A wholesome drink 3 regular 25c Pumpkin Pearls of Wheat regular 25c Pure Vegetable Short ening \ Fancy. No. 2’/i can 9c EACH 25' Snowdrift Cans 1 k SENSATIONAL MEAT PRICES 17c | I By Mark 8oeley Coquille or Marshfield—take your the Thirteen Official Count for Coquille and Corn County Measures Voted upon November 8 | choice? One is the underdog, while I the other ia riding the high-crested I waves as the leading ship in the race for the Coos county high school foot ball championship. However, under dog or leader, we can't see much dif ference between these two elevens that are to clash on Athletic Field in Coquille tomorrow afterhoon at two o’clock. This game has a decided bearing on the championship issue. A vic tory for Coquille will give the Red Devils an opportunity to tie for the championship, while defeat will only mean that another local team has not passed the barriers. To give Coquille this tie Marshfield must win from North Bend on Thanksgiving Day, thus giving the Pirates and the red and white local forces a like record If North with a percentage of .833 Bend should beat her traditional op- . ponents she would win the champion ship with *n ev*" L000 standing. Can Coquille defeat Marshfield? Well, tomorrow’s game will tell the tale, and if determination, pep, and other such indications mean anything we are looking for a hopped up Red Devil football team to face the Marshfield Pirates. On the matter. Coach Hartley has little to aay. He realizes that based on season scores the team mentored by Coach Osborn should be allotted the odds to win the fray. Once already this fall his war riors have bowed to Marshfield, but in the two following games the Red Devils came back, to drub Bandon by a 32 to 0 count and to outplay North Betid in a 6 to 6 tie game. Since then Coquille has played her two games with Myrtle Point and the fee turn tilt with Bandon, while pdlnting toward the big engagement with Marshfield. On Armistice Day North Bend and Marshfield fought to a scorelem tie, and in this battle Marshfield was un able to gain as much yardage against her opponents-« as Coquille did against the same team. This proves to some extent that the Rod Devils power attack has the goods when tn proper functioning order. Two weeks of constant practice without a game to interfere have been 'used to tune this offensive to its highest key, and now CoSeh Hartley and his charges j are ready to go. Yes, yes, all-American, all-section, all-state, and all-conference teams are chosen, so why not an all-county mythical eleven from the players of the high schools at North Bend, Marshfield, Coquiljy, Myrtle Point, and Bandon? Somebody must pick one, so why can't we do it? Others might do the same, but if .so, our guess is as good as theirs. One guesser is as good as another. However, it is nice to have an all league team selected, for after play ing for all he is worth throughout a season, an outstanding player is ap preciative of the fact that hie work has been noticed. Thia year the first squad players will likely be selected from among the three leading teams, Marshfield, North Bend and Coquille. Each club has real outstanding per formers, deserving special recogni tion, while on the other hand there are hard-plugging, consistent playing athletes of as much value to their Voting Qualification Trial Without Jury 8% Tax Limitation Oleomargarine Tax Rogue River Closing Higher Education Appropriation Prohibition Law Repeal University Removal Tax Supervision »«0,000,000 Hydroelectric Appropriation Foot Pound Calculation Engineer’» Coed Work A foot pound ia a unit of energy squal to the work done In raising one pound svolrdupols against the force of gravity rhe height nf one foot. Only a few years ago the devastat ing floods of centuries were stopped by the work,of American engineers on the Yellow river In China. ¡MZE POULTRY, butter and eggs must never be without cupboards to go to. Behind the daily activity of Swift & Company’s organisation lie the simple ambitions of 55,000 employes and 48,000 stockholders — to live modestly, but well, and to deal fairly with each other and the rest of the world. Hamburger Ground daily 2 19c HAMS Swift’s Premium By the Piece 16c Lb. Steaks Juicy and Tender 15c »= BACON Swift’s Empire Half or Whole Lb. • 16c 1635 Books Loaned in October The Coquille Library ia observing “Book Week” from Nov. 13th to Nov. 19th. The theme of «Rook Week ia “Jtooks for Young Americana." Thirty or more new book* for children have recently been purchased. The librarian reports 1635 books loaned in Octaflter, 1153 adult Action, 327 juver”« fictior^ 95 adult nonfic tion,' M juvenile non-fiction and 151 magazines. Doris and Marilyn Compton gave the library the following books: "A Treasury of Indian Tales,” Bayliss; "Five Little Pepper and How They Grew,” Sidney; “Adventures of Dan ny Meadow Mouse,” Burgess; "Geor gia Finds Herself,” Watkins; "Pi oneer Twins,” Lucy Perkins; "Nanette of the. Wooden Shoes,” Bramm; “Her- di,” Spyri; "Hans Brinker of the Sil ver Skates,” Dodge. '—Dorothy Glaisyer. Swift & Company Pwreeyore qfjtae/owfo i