PACI Here’s a Thrilling Opportunity to Fitt Your Stocking Box! Saturday will finish the first week in our new location which is rapidly being brought up to an efficient ba­ sis for SELF SERVICE, which will be our plan for Saving to our Patrons who will find each item plainly marked. This week has been spent principally in marking PRICES DOWN, and by helping yourself you will save expensive service costs. All of our merchandise will bear Self Service Prices and it will pay you to investigate. Watch for Our Announcement of the Big Event Next Week Feature Items for Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 12th-14th-15th FANCY Mince Meat Don’t Delay! Carstens Mild Sugar Cured—Half or Whole HOSIER* — Mt. Vernon Dunham’s Best Thompson Seedless 332 First Street, Coquille, Oregon Sutter Club Large No. 2'4 cans Kerr’s Best Pineapple Fancy Golden SOCIAL NOTES Broken or Matched Slices IOC No. 2 PINT CANS Fancy, Tiny Grain White ^ua - _ ' BROWN No. 2 CANS Toilet Tissue Small Whites Flavor Foods PREPARED CAMPBELL’S OLD HOMETSEAD Green Olives PURITY Dunham’s > Course Cheese Meeting in Coquille, N ot . 1< Phone •1