winter Believe It or Not eans zWe are prepared to supply you with all those little dainties that go to make the Thanksgiving Dinner .complete. You know that little touch that makes the difference between an ordinary dinner ’ and a real Honest to Goodness Thanksgiving Dinner. Center Traction Means Safety! SEE how Goodyear puts TRACTION in the center—bit husky blocks of rubber— TRADE YOUR TIRES THAT S 1.-1 P FOR tires t h a RIP! GOOD ri All ALL-WEATHERS O OD YEA* SPEEDWAY Supartwiat Cord Tins SHELLED ALMONDS '/j lb package JV 1 lb package gfo FIGS—White and Black ' in yt and 1 lb packages — Beautiful Fruit You’ll like them TOKAY GRAPES CRANBERRIES - POMEGRANITES MINCE MEAT—in Cans, in Glass, in Bulk. FFANCY POPCORN S ervice S tation Busy Corner Grocery Want Ads r ■