Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1932)
, . .------ 7^ \ a \ fi* ■ *•* f « -. ; I *——•* * THE COQUILLE VALLET 8ENTTNEL, COQUILLE OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1932. OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR PRECINCT NO. 40, COQUILLE SOUTH WEST ■ ’ ■ ,1 * ... I < . 4 _______ Coos County, Oregon, November 8, 1932_______________________ ■ Mark X between the number and name of each Group, Candidate or Answer voted for. UNITED STATES ' Vote for One Group CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT, AND FOR ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. ..................... au.,*/------ To vote for President, for Vice-President. and for Elector« of President and Vice-President, the voter shall mark one X between the number and the bracketed names of his choice for President and Vice-President. Esch ballot so marked «hall be counted as one vote for each of the five candidates for prcsidential_ejectore_to_support the voter’s choice for President and Vice-President. COMMUNIST CANDIDATES _____ ______ r SOCIALIST LABOR CANDIDATES REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES •»____ For President. William Z. looter. For Vice-President, For President, Verne L. Reynolds. For Vice-President, i® 12 For President, Herbert Hoover. For Vice-President, 14 James W. Ford. For Communist Presidential Electors: John W. Aiken. For Socialist Labor Presidential Elec Charles Curtia.- For Republican Presidential Electors: Frank M. Cox, of Marion County; Oscar Ruuttila, of Clat tors: Harold S. Berger, of Deschutes County: E. S. Cook. Mrs. C. P. Bishop, of Marion County; Elisabeth E. Pet- sop County; George P. Berglund, Goo. W. Gay and Violet R. W. Huff, Mack Johnson and George J. Weltman, of tinger, of Clackamas County; Charles H. Carey, Lloyd R. Olson, of Mu 1 tnomah County."** Multnomah County. Smith and David S. Stearns, of Multnomah County. SOCIALIST CANDIDATES DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES 11 ■ For President, Franklin D. Roosevelt. For Vice-President, IS John N. Garner. For Democratic Presidential Electors: Amanda J. Hart, of Clackamas County; E. T. Hedlund and Robert A. Miller, of Multnomah County: Will M. Peterson, of Umatilla County; R- R- Turner, of Polk County. r > a k For.'President, Norman Thomas. For Vice-President, James H. Maurer. For Socialist Presidential Electors: Ralph G. S. Junkin, of Linn County; Gaylord Mallett and Willard H. Martin, of Multnomah County; B. J. Owen, of Lane County; J. W. Pearson, of Yamhill County. i . « TT STATE FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR IN CONGRESS Vote for One F. E. Coulter, of Multnomah County ‘Liberty Party Principles’—Independent IB Walter B. Gleason, of Multnomah County Democratic 19 Sverre Jacobsen, of Multnomah County 20 A. G. Krueger, of Multnomah County Communist 21 Frederick Steiwer, of Multnomah County Republican 22 Joe A. Thomas, of Jackson County 1 ¥ 17 Socialist Labor Socialist FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, FIRST DISTRICT, Benton, Clackamas, ClaUop. Columbia, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson. Joaenhine. Lane. Lincoln. Linn. Marion. Polk. Tilla- mook, Washington and Yamhill Counties Vote for One As ——T-’srrr---- —s——— -------------------- £0 w. ei. ouLier, oi uane uouniy ‘Liberty Party Principle«’—Independent 24 Lee Giddings, of Linn County Socialist 26 Republican ’James W. Mott« of Marion County xxeryvy v* ouïr*weAinerj oi viacKanias vounvy 27 Upton A. Upton, of Clackamas County Socialist Labor Hal E. Hoaf, of Clackamas County D. R. Midwood, of Desqhutes County Ray H. Wiseatrver, of Yamhill County ________________ DISTRICT it’i-’ Rufus C. Holman, of Multnomah County Republican 1 32 J. W. Maloney, of Umatilla County Democratic 33 Minnie McFarland, of Umatilla County 84 Michael Ward, of Deschutes County -- ........ . . , . ...... . ! ■ « 1 Socialist (I Sbcialist Labor , I , FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL Vote for One 36 Republican 87 Socialist Labor 38 Democratic SECRETARY OF STATE Vote i<>r One 81 86 FOR 28 29 30 'r FOR STATE TREASURER Vote for One Alfred P. Dobson, of Multnomah County Democratic J. E. Hosmer, of Marion County Socialist C. H. Svenson, of Clatsop County Socialist Labor I. H. Van Winkle, of Marion County V Republican w FOR SENATOR, EIGHTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Coos FOR REPRESENTATIVE, SIXTEENTH REPRESENTATIVE FOR REPRESENTATIVE, SEVENTEENTH REPRESENTA TIVE DISTRICT Coos and Curry Counties. VoteforOne and Curry Counties.___________ Vote for One DISTRICT. Coos County ’ 'Vote for One 48 W. H. Bennett,, of Curry C ounty ____ Democratic Democratic 41 John D.Goaa, of Coos County J. H. McCloskey, of CooS County Democratic 39 44 Louis L. K n app» of Curry County Republican Republican 42 John G. Mullen, of C om . County Republican 40 J. E. Norton, of Coos County FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY^ Coos County. Vote for One Ben C. Flaxel, of Coos County.________ Democratic William E- JKnlsh, of Coos C o un t y, ..............Republican------- 46 4jL_ T“2—■ COUNTY FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 47 Charles F. Doane 48 W. H. Kmmady FOR COUNTY CLERK 49 Lloyd W. Oddy 60 George F. Winchester FOR COUNTY AS8ESSOR 61 Vote for One FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Vote for One FOR COMM1SSIONER OF THE PORT Republican 62 ’ Martha E. Mulkey Republican-Democratic _________ !__________ 66 F. E. Dräns ’* Democratic 67 John Yoakam - FOR COUNTY CORONER , Vets for One Vote for One 63 Russell Keizer . Republican Democratic J. —' Republican FOR CONSTABLE, District No. S FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR Vote for One 68 Harry Perrot Edwin H. Kern Republican Vote for One 64 E. L. Vinton Republican-Democratic 66 J. P. Boyers OF BANDON Vote for Twe Democratic-Republicah Republican-Democratic Vote for One Republican-Democratic Democratic «¿■À ASSEMBLY TAXPAYER VOTING QUALIFICATION AMENDMENT — AMENDMENT AUTHORIZING CRIMINAL TRIALS WITH SIX PER CENT TAX LIMITATION AMENDMENT—Purpose: OUT JURIES BY CON8ENT OF ACCUSED-nPurposc: To Purpose: To pennit the enactment of laws limiting to tax To amend the constitution so as to limit the mount of tax that provide that any accuaed person in other than capital ^fiMS, payers the right to vote upon questions of levying special may be levied in any year by the state, or any county, munici and with the consent of the trial judge, may choose to relin taxes or issuing public bonds. Vote YES or NO pality, or district, to not more than the total amount levied in quish his right of trial by jury and consent to be tried by the any one year of the three years immediately preceding, plus six 800 Yes. I vote for the amendment judge of the court alone, such election to be in writing. psr centum thereof, except for the payment of bonded indebted Vote YES or NO ness and interest thereon, instead of such limitation being based •01 No. I vote against the amendment. upon the levy for the last year immediately preceding as now ■ , ■ .... ■, ......... t 802 Yes. I vote for the amendment provided by the constitution, the same change to be applicable to newly created taxing districts. Vote YES or NO o 308 No. I vote against the amendment. 304 Yes. I vote tor the amendment 105 No. 1 vote against the amendment. t «Bp REFERENDUM ORDERED BY PETITION OF THE PEOPLE OLEOMARGARINE TAX BILL—Purpose: To levy a tax of 10 A BILL PROHIBITING COMMERCIAL FISHING ON THE ROGUE RIVER—Purpose: To close the Rogue river to com cents per pound on all oleomargarine sold in the stats of mercial fishing; to prohibit fishing for any kina of fisir in Rogue Oregon, also to require the payment of an annual license fee . of >5.00 by any person, firm or corporation who shall distri- river, its tributaries, or t within a radius of three miles from the bute, sell, or offer for sale oleomargarine in the state oT Ore- center of its mouth in i any manner except with rod or line held gon. Vote YES or NO *- in “ the ■ •— hand ' — and * ’ by v hook or hooks baited with natural or artifi cial bait or lure; providing for confiscation of all other fishinn; >06 Yas. I vote for the proposed law. gear usejj unlawfully; forbidding the sale, barter, orex-h or possession or transportation outside of Josephine. Ja. .von M7 No. I vote against ths proposed law. and Curry Counties for such purpose, of any fish taken from such water; and providing penalties. Vote YES or NO 808 Ÿes. I vote for the proposed law. 809 N^J^roteagMM^h^ropose^tejr^^^^^^^^^- HIGHER EDUCATION APPROPRIATION BILL — Purpose: To sppropriate an amount of money, originally fixed at >1,181,173, of which >500,000 was vetoed by the governor, _ leaving a balance of >681,173, from the general fund of the atate. to be expended under the direction of the State Board r* — - Agricultural - - of Higher Education for A the . ~ Oregon State Col- Orei 1 lege, — the ‘he University of Oregon, and the three state normal ■ -noole during the years 193 - years 1931 and 1982. Vote YES or NO 810 fee. I vote for the proposed law. 811 No. I vote against the proposed law. PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION BILL TO REPEAL STATE PROHIBITION LAW OF OREGON —Purpose: To repeal the general prohibition law of the state of Oregon, which prohibits the manufacture, sale, giving away, barter, delivery, receipt, possession, importation or transpor tation of intoxicating liquor within thia state and provides for the enforcement of such prohibition; and thus to do awsy with prohibition and its enforcement in and by the state of Oregon. ” Vote YES or NO s 812 >18 r'1 Yes. I vote for repealing the law. No. I vote against repealing the law._________________ THE FREIGHT TRUCK AND BUS BILD-Purpoee: To provide for securing information and making recommendations for re distribution of license fees and charges imposed for use of the public highways upon the several classes of users thereof, by the State Highway Commission making investigation and deter mination of the cost per unit of traffic, of the construction and maintenance of such highways, classification of motor vehicles and the relative effector operation of each class upon the high ways; limiting the sise, weight and load, and stating conditions for operation of certain vehicles thereon; requiring permits for and regulating contract haulers; imposing additional charges upon certain operators for compensation. Vote YE8 or NO » >14 Yea. I vote for the proposed law. 816 No. I vote against the proposed law. BILLMOVIN g IT n IVERSITY, NORMAL AND LAW SCHOOLS ESTABLISHING JUNIOR COLLEGES—Purpose: To move the University of Oregon from Eugene to Oorvallis and consoli date it with the Oregon State Agricultural College under the name of Oregon State University; move the normal schools from ^AshlandjJjajGrandejn^^nmouthJoJEujemB^nd^onsoHdate them under the name of Oregon State Teachers’ College; estab PERSONAL INCOME TAX LAW AMENDMENT BlLI^Pur- lish Junior Colleges at Ashland and La Grande, dispose of Ore pose: To further reduce property taxes by advancing the tax gon Normal School property at Monmouth; move the Univer rates on net personal incomes in excess of >6,000.00 trom 6 to sity Law School to Salem; all eaid institutions snd the medical a maximum of 8 per cent; substituting an exemption from school at Portland to be conducted as units of said Oregon the total tax of >10.00 for a single person, >20.00 for a mar- State University; making university president ex-officio secre ried person, head of a family, or husband and wife, and $4.00 tary of board of higher education. Vote YES or NO for each dependent, instead of the present income exemption« of > L600.0 q 7 >2,500.00 «nd >400.00, ri»<pectiv«ly; and amend >14 Yea. .1 vote for the proposed law ing the provisions of the law so as to apply to the entire in- 817 No. I vote against the proposed law._________________ come of residents from personal service. Vote YES or NO TAX AND DEBT CONTROL CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND- Y—• 1 vot* tor the Proposed amendment. '»■*“ MENT—Purpose: To make the power of the state, counties, No. I vote against the proposed amendment municipalities and ^IKricts to levy taxes and incur indebted <23 ness subject tfi such limitations and control as may be pro STATE WATER POWER AND HYDROELECTRIC OONSTL vided by general law. Vote YES or NO TUTIONAL AMENDMENT—Purpose: To require all water 318 Yes. 1 vote for the proposed amendment. for power development and water power sites now or here after owned by the state to be held by it perpetually; and au 319 No. I vote against the proposed amendment. ’ thorising the state: to control, develop, lease water power and TAX SUPERVISING AND CONSERVATION BILL—Purpose^ power dtee; control, use, distribute, sell, dispose of electric energy; separately or with ths United State.,*other statee or To provide for a local non-ealaried tex supervising and con state subdivisions; acquire from such sources water power and servation board of three members for esch county, appointed • ectric energy; fix rates and charges for water power and by the governor, to review budgets and regulate tax levies ol eiectrit energy ; loan the state’s credit and incer indebtedness the county and of all municipal corporations therein; for ap not exceeding 6 per cent of assessed valuation; commission of peal from any order of said board, either by the levying botlj three nonpartisan elected members to administer these nowero or by ten interested taxpayers to the state tax commission; providing for said board holding hearings and making advis _________________ Vote YESor NO ory recommendations ae to special tax levies and incurring in 834 Yea. 1 vo te for the proposed constitutional amendment. debtedness, also compiling statistics and publishing informa- —ton concerning public finances; repealing present tax super 8» No. I vote against the proposed constitutional amendment vising and tax conservation law. Vote YES or NO 320 __ Yes. 1 vote tor the proposed tew. I T CITY OF COQUILLE FOR MAYOR 69 Vote for Ox FOR COUNCILMAN, FOR TERM OF TWO YEARS FOR RECORDER Vote for One 64 F. G. Cesile C. W. Gaso J. Arthur Berg f Vote for One FOR COUNCILMAN, FOR TERM OF FOUR YEARS Vote for Throe 60 Henry Belloni ~ ............ ■’ - «1 Ray Jeub I A," H—tLHeSôÿ-------------------------------------------- — a r - ». . i ■ ■ t *• ¡9 9 A f ■ '...ST«' . ✓ ■ ' ‘ j'r v 9 / •