instinct seemingly asserted itself to such an extent that this season she returned, bringing with her four of Weil, fellows, deer season is still on her brood, probably all of them that and slill the elusive buck, apparently had escaped outlaw gunners and pre more elusive than ever this season is dators. Anyway, those grouse are es . «sing pursued f rom the old orchard tablished on the Newton farm and are choked with meadow grana to the top as tame as ean be. A person cab most erf-ss of the great Cascade ..walk right up to them. And what is range. Saia), fem patches, vine-maple more, the hunter that shoots any of thickets, old burns, new burns and the thoss birds during the open season is deepest are being combed for certainly going to get one healthy The ZORN -MACPHERSON SCHOOL "JUGGLING" BILL AT TAX- his buck*.*iip. Last issue I spoke of PAYERS' EXPENSE - ESTABLISHES 4 NEW SCHOOLS, CREATES 8 bawling out in this column. buck ague." I have put two and two NEW TYPES Of SCHOOLS - BOTH UNTRIED esd UNNEEDED. The fifteenth of October the Chi together, or rather one and one to nese pheasant season opens. I won Under the gutoo of economy, unk nown interests propose this extrava gether—a buck and a tenderfoot It der how many of you know just how gant building and wrecking program, which claims to be a consolida is a wonderful combination for “buck and when this wonderful game bird tion of On-gon’s higher educational system. There ars fivs earn ague.” Well, here you have it The was first introduced into Oregon. It’s er ccs now, and if thia bill ia approved, there will still be five campuses -after a raid has been made on the taxpayers’ money! title is "Buck Ague.” quite *a little story. In 1881 Judge The followup facte will enable evere taxpayer to prevent thia The sun, which had beat down with Denny, Counsel-General for the Unit ■ experiment which endangers our higher educational system, and an intense heat during the whole day, ed States at Shanghai, accompanied by results in a tremendous financial outlay by taxpayers. had finally dropped behind the tops of his wife, arrived in China. Mr*. Denny the western hills. A soft, golden glow was greatly impressed by the gorge spread over the tope of the rugged old ous CHneee pheasants. Tnese birds mountains. The cow! caw! of a crow were trapped by the Chinese and This bill actually create« 4 NEW schools—a junior oollege at La came floating down from above, as never shot and furnished a great I Grande and Ashland; a law school al Salem; and a teachers’ college :he bird winged its way from a dis source of food. She prevailed upon at Eugene. In addi addition, it “junka” the Monmouth Normal School, st 8700,000, »uu andjuee but one-third valued at $700,000, wm « *#«** w —«»«» of the facilities _ of the tant grain field to tall, green trees to her husband to ship some of the birds See a sensational program of amazing feats of University-at Eugene. Thia di: arrangement willI result to a trem»- roost for the night The whistle of s’ home to Portland, Oregon. Fifty were lay by taxpayers for additional NEW schools, NEW dous financial outlay by taxpayers for additional NEW schools, N EW magic varied with pleasihg musical features and mother quaH seemed to intemify, ;w oouraes courses and NEW equipment. There are STS five ‘ departiueuta, NEW shipped and arrived at Seattle safely, campuses _________ now. „ If L this _r, bill _____________ to approved 1 there —A will still St™ bo *77 five lather than break the stillness. Ai but en route from there to Portland novelties by Miss Mabel Sperry, brilliant young campuses; “ the ----------------- *“ ' be ----------- “ erect > usm ; but, in addif addition, taxpayers will forced * * to the golden streak grew smaller and they trampled on each other and all musing facilities for the Uuiveraty law school and library at new housing xylophone artist. smaller in the west the whole woods dormitories to accommodate 8eiem; provide NEW t'7 were killed but six. These were liber seemed buried in peaceful rest tudent ----- body onto the Corvallis eam- the greatly increased student , poured ----------- - --------- — — ated but nothing was ever heard of pus; and equip two NEW junior colleges and a teachers’ college Admission, 25 cents and 50 cents. z Crack! The snapping of a twig them. Nothing daunted, the Dennys with new and costly facilities for conducting t NEW and untried caused the man lying prone behind a made another shipment in 1888. The system. log m a green fern patch to raise hk birds were loaded on a ship bound di head alightly and peer in the direction rectly for Portland this time. A large of the sound, ft came from the edge space was cleared between decks and Benefit of the Coquille Band of a dense thicket screened by salmon Two NEW TYPES of sohooto are created by this bill—two junior bamboo and other native shrubs were colleges and a teachers' eoUege—both untried and unneeded in berry bushes. Satisfied that he had placed there to give the birds a sense Oregon. To educate students for junior standing in technical heated the.sound the man again drop >f security. They arrived safely and and scientific college courses, requires expensive toboratoriee sad ped from sight. Thud! Thud! Th. equipment, thus tripl.eating the same facUitiee now maintained at were released by Mr. Denny’s brother s-und came clear enough this time the university and State CoIl.’RC. The paastog of this biH sstab- >n hie farm near Lebanon. The leg- for about thirty yards. A pass at Sport Briefs Ushes the principle of STATE SUPPORT TAX for all or an? and there was no mistaking it. A slatara was in session at that time tempt w*a intercepted by Seeley, and ^ior oollege* Every town in the State of Oregon will then have By Merit Seeley smile of satisfaction lit the man’s face will and passed a law protecting the birds from Bandon’s thirty-five, the ball right to demand a junior eoltegel Every togiiature _ ------ Whet an improvement in the Co- as he slid the barrel of his rifl» 'invite log-rolling bills lor appropriations for new junior coliegee in for ten year«. This was the stock was smashed over for the first touch quijje football team) Though the through an opening in the fern. His ambitious loralitira. Taxpayers of this state are asked to vote oa from which our present supply of down. Ellis Newton carried it over Red Devils were facing the lightest, this eoetly junior and teachers’ college experiment, with every eyes were fixed on the little gras*; Chinese pheasants sprung and wher- with an eight-yard slant over tackle. expenditure made at their expense. most inexperienced teem in the coun opening bordering the salmon berrt cyer the birds are found in the United The try for point was not good, ending ty in Bandon, one could easily see that thicket And then, aa if by magic, States today, their lineage oan be the quarter 8 to 0 for Coquille. Coach Hartley’s strenuous week of the object of his quest stood before Shaver and N. Peart entered scor traced directly to that ..Oregon ship BASIC STATE TAX for Ugher education by a SINGLE work after the Marshfield show was him! The man’e breath escaped with PENNY. You will pay the came tax for stats schools as you ment in 1888, except for a few addi ing terra firms in the second quarter, bringing good results. The lade a sharp hissing sound; his hsart seem do now il this bill to approved. tional shipments that have been made but after each touchdown the try for blocked, ran, and tackled better. Best ed to be pounding in his throat, fairij in recent years. The last ever heard point was again fruitless. Shaver of all, though, was the improved spirit, Choking him. For a whole half day concerning the Dennys was that the scored his points on a line smash af the Red Devil* seemed to be football he had laid here waiting for thia very rood judge had passed on and that ter all of the Coquille backs had conscious, and to want to play football chance. And there before him stood Ms wife- was still living at Portland worked the fall down the field. A cut instead of ping-pong. his prize! And what a prise—a beau r. The A.JSFK. and entjoying good health at the age back on an end run sent Peart across School Moving BUI eatibUshing *T SCHOOLS. In this Bandon fray Coach Hartley tiful six point buck. And how proud of M. That was six years ago. The as he streaked thirty-five yards with showed good judgment by using al ho looked, his big heed of horns per rood lady may etill be with us or may out being touched. The score at half most every player on his squad; so as fect in e/ery detail towering above lave joined her husband, but be that time saw Coquille leading, 18 to 0. M. Smith, Cbairw V. H. Young, SswWtoy to test their individual ability. the long pointed ears that eeemed as it may, the sportsmen who pursue 618 Pacific Two touchdowns in the third quar To mention a few of the boys, we stretched forward in a vain attempt to the gaudy colored “chink” should al ter ended the day’s scoring, though PAIO ADVj catch some unfamiliar sound. The big ways harbor a tender spot in his heart Coquille threatened at different times, saw particularly the work of Shaver, full; Seeley, end; Plaep, center, and .. brown eyes, seeming unusually soft in for Judge and Mrs. Denny. but fast-tiring the red and white Ireland, guard. Shifted to the safety the rays of the setting sun, seemed to A Swanton, yesterday, asking for the The wild (t) turkeys are still thriv forces could not run up more points. Marriage Licenses position, Shaver exhibited real ball be gazing straight into the eyes of appointment of a guardian for Amelia ing tn differqpt parts of Southwestern On the first second-half score a carrying ability, while as a line plung Oct. 4—Robert McAlpine and Rogers, an infirm person, whose estate the man. They seemed to hypnotize Oregon. Many flocks have been re blocked- Bandon punt was scored by Blanche Peak, both'’ of Manshifield. and hold him spellbound. Forgotten jected seen by hunters during the McCue as it rolled over the goal line. er he was dangerou* at all times. Cap to estimated to bo worth 87600. They were married here Tuesday by was the deeply weapon he held in hjb opening days of the doer season. Plaep, Red Devil center, blocked the tain Seeley played his usual great Rev. P. D. Hartman at the Pioneer hands. It »had been .righted down to While on our little trip at the opening ball, the impact ending it back twer.- game, holding in almost every play Church- parsonage. the finest point for just such a chance of the season Bill Ferbrache observed ty-five yards over the lint where Mc tried around him, boxing hia tackle Oct 4—'Walter Mannila and Elsie with increasing regularity, and lead 4B thia. Forgotten was the long trip a hawk nailing about in the air over a Cue sprinted to get it Helmkin Reed, both of Myrtle Point. They into the hits and all the hardships given point and goinx there found an plunged over to make the extra point ing hia team in real style. Plaep and were married by Judge Thompson st Ireland in the middle of the lino were ■-offered; forgotten was the premia«’ old hen turkey and eleven young. Burch, flashy Coquille back, who the court house, Tuesday. These boys in in operation and equipped to to bring home freeh meat and a head Bill opened up on the hawk on the shown great promise as a hard-hitting,, in almost every play. proved to be the chief thorns in the handle aH kinds of Ifh of horns to hang over the fireplace. wing and the third shot the bird loot consistent ground gainer, smashed Probate Court Items work. Fred Schoer in manager of Everything was forgotten as th: all interest in the turkeys. The shoot over for the final touchdown on an Bandon attempts to get past the the shop which is located on First Bennett Swanton, of Marshfield, hunter lay there shaking at though a ing did not bother them in the least. off-tackle buck. „ Shaver wormed scrimmage line. Each player, however, deserves a street, alongside Richardson Gar- was on Tuesday appointed adminis chill had seized him, while the cold They kept right on feeding. They’re through to score the one-point marker. mention for the work at Bandon. Ye», trator of tiie |250 estate left by H. sweat ran down hia brow in streams. sure wild all right! One other Couille touchdown was the team showed improvement, so let’s W. Miller, who died at the Bay, June SEE US FIRST AND WE WILL He swallowed hard in a vain attempt I believe that a rabbit has more lost when a player was offside. On see Coquille High’s Red Devils keep 14. GIVE YOU A SQUARE DEAL. to dislodge his thumping heart which aliases ¿than any man, bird or beast. the play Bandon punted to the Co it up and wade though North Bend A petition was filed by Liljeqvfot seemed stuck in his throat. And then, Some df the trade names under which quille fifty-five yard line where Shaver like a flash the buck whirled and this animal’s fur are sold are as fol picked up the ball, started to the and the rest. plunged into the thicket The man lows: black fox, brown fox, leopard, right reversed his field and with the Come and see the Dutch couple in leaped to his feet and ran serosa the lion, red fox, seal, tiger and white aid of beautiful blocking, went over native costume and dance at Grahi small opening, gun held in readiness, fox; all being rabbit skins dyed and the goal line. Hal), Oct. 18. and peered into the thicket. Hia knees treated. Rabbit furs also appear as were fairly knocking together and the Arctic, Australian, bay seal, beaver- New Cases in Circuit Court hands that held the gun were vibrat ette, electric beaver, electric seal, Sept. 30—First National Bank of ing like a high tension magneto. A electric mole, erminette, French chin Coos Bay vs. Cocoon Seed Co. bluejay, seeking his nightly roost, chilla, meskin beaver, meekin ermine, Oct. 8—Geo. H. Tupper vs. Reine jabbered disgustedly at finding man meekin moline, meekin seal, minkony M. Tupper. Suit far divorce. Stated Communication encroaching on his domain. Cursing equirreline, visonette. So you see, Oct. O—Firwt National Bank of beneath his breath the man whirled Tues., Oct. 11, 7:30 p. there ia many an aristocratic chin car Coos Bay vs. D. L. Farleigh and O. M. and started down the rocky trail that essed by simple bunny fur in disguise. Casper. led to his distant camp. The shriH If, while hunting this fall 'you are screech of a small owl seemed to mock him as he cursed, and then the little caught in a thunder storm, do not seek shelter beneath a white fir tree, owl’s big brother took up the cry with ft is a pretty generally understood his own booming voice, “who, who”. fact that lightning will strike a And the min stumbled along the white fir above all other trees. The rocky trail shouted fiercely, “Me! You white fir seems to attract the bolt old bald-headed ape.” The glow had more than any other tree with the vanished in the west, the curtain of possible exception of the sugar pine. darkness was drawing closer about the wilderness; in the distance the cheerful glow of a eqmpfire lit up the surroundings. A man threw another log oq the fire sending a shower of Coquille’s red-jerseyed football sparks high into the sky. 'Bout time Mac got in,” he ro- team encountered little trouble in m*|,ked turning anxious eyre up the sweeping to an overwhelming M to 0 trail. "Sure hope he gets a crack at win over Bandon High last Saturday, that big buck on the ridge. If he ever as the local huskies rushed their op ■ does, it’s his meat. That boy is some position completely off their feet to shot Best target shot on our rifle gain ground almost at will. Scoring touchdowns in all but the range back home.” Slowly the old timer knocked the dead «she. from final period when Coach Hartley was the bowl of his pipe and atone from using every available reserve, the Red hh seat win* a bi< tree. *Tv. Devils used straight power tactics noticed”, he said, “ «taint always the throughout the contest in crushing target shots that knock over the back. Bandon. Bandon’s light team of inexperienc Sometimes they get buck ague.” Now and then a person to found ed players could present nothing but who really gives our game a break- a the ability to fight, and take punish ment. The power rushes used by the person who enjoys seehfg wild life •rive and propagate; oae who does red and white seemed to Mft the Tigers off their feet aa they fought St 7^ “,or uMlf“h raotive- *nd' just as soon as the game has hrii to stop Coquille’s marches. Bandon did not once seriously threaten the Red Devil goal, making slay it Our hat to efT to Geor». Newton who ha.dtopl.yed re.laporT- the most of her yardage in midfield. "*J«Wp ra the propagation of ram. At the start of the game the Bandon- itee made one fiourish that looked MMa. A year ago an oM hen grouse <=«• to the Newton ranch mingling good, but ft soon ended. After re ceiving, Coquille marched for a first with the domestic fowL Did George down, but in the next ten yards she ro out and knock her over for hi. was held and forced to kick. From near the twenty yard line, The old bird’s »»»•»♦•♦♦»eeeweeeeee S eeeee «♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦e o e»»»« OUT-OF-DOOBS STUFF ■ - HOT CONSOLIDATION D— r Labs f Leneve By but a COSTLY EXPANSION! Friday Evening, Oct 14 Coquille Community Hall New Schools Established ' COQUILLE New Types of Schools Proposed vote 317 x NO! SCHOOL TAX-SAVING ASSOCIATION G. 8 8. Blacksmith Shop NFW BETTER Chadwick Lodge No. 48 A. F. A A. M. light •l-*3 Aches and PAINS DEMAND