Quicker Relief for Headaches Insist upon Puretest Aspirin when you want quick relief from headaches and pains. For it disinte grates fastest and therefore brings comfort in the shortest time. And it does not depress the heart nor irritate the stomach. Always say Puretest Aspirin! Puretest Aspirin Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. STATIONERS DRUGGISTS Chadwick Ledge No. 18 City Meat Market | Next Door to Post Office | Due to the success of our reduced PRICE SALE last week, we again offer the following Bargains. Grocery Dept. Meats Dept. LEAF LARD Pore Cider VINEGAR gal ESC Bring yotir own container LR 1W% Pore BREAST OF Tomatoes 2 cS*g 25c White Wonder _ _ SOAP _ ^/2C , , VEAL 9/zC With Packet fer Dressing Fry,M 10-"29c RABBITS “• Zl/z Average lfc » each STEER RABINS 4™ g . 26 c Pot Roasts 9 /2C As Law as COFFEE 2»*-69c With Cng and 8aseer Bacon H er Whele HAIRBURG and CHILI Crackers 2 pkg . 23 c I,R Meat lb I.R , . 9/2C “Suet Free** 2 Large Packages Soper Suds * 1$C STEW 2^ 25c AB Lean Lowest Priced Meats Ever Sold in Coquille JACK BARBOUR, the Singing Butcher Hiland Theatre! ADMIS81ON * •