barely cove Fresh seed about ten d FAl R ¿¿WEEK Coos & Curry County Fair . Myrtle Point, Oregon 4-H Club and Smith-Hughes Exhibits Carnival - Horse Races - Bicycle Races - Entertainment Standard Oil Announcer Car, with your old friend, Geo. Au» tin, announcing Catch the Greased Pig Contest AIRPLANE RIDES Reading Room. Dance at the Oaks Pavilion Every Night Bandon Silver Spray Orchestra C. E. at 7:00 p. m. for Junior«, In­ termediate«, Young People and Alum­ ni. Med-week prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Orchestra practice Thursday 740. WHAT IS wtthouta I Chadwick Lodge No. 18 I nsist •N fynui/ne, BAYER aspirin Because • ••• The Bayer Crow is not just a trade-mark, but a symbol of safety. That name tells you it cannot depress the heart. The tablet stamped Bayer dissolves so quickly you get instant relief from headaches or other pain. There is no disagreeable taste or odor to tablets of Bayer manufacture; no harmful quantities of free salicylic add to upset the stomach; no coarse particks to irritate throat or stomach.