COQUILLE VALLET SfJMWlL, COQUILLE OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER ». litt. Geo. Chasey Writes of Last Half of Marguerite’s Trip Place: City Hall. Time: »:00 p. as. When: First and Third Tuesdays. President—Goo. W. Taylor, Sr. Tress.--Mrs. John A. Martin Cor. See’y—Mrs. Nellie Whereat Correction In the account of the display by Mr. Royce of ths Coos Nurseries at the re­ cent flower show, the word “orien­ tals” was used instead of “ornamen­ tals,” which should have been used.— Nellie Whereat, Pub. Chairman. Another interesting meeting was held by the club Tuesday evening and although the attendance was small, it was a lively meeting. Zin­ nias were used as the contest flower and there were several fine bouquets brought. Mrs. Ida Owen carried off the cup with a bouquet of Tom Thumb and Button varieties of these flowers. Mrs. Schroeder, Mrs. Beyers and Mrs. Pettingill also had some fine zinnias there. A beautiful basket of astern was brought by Alton Grimes and some one else had a bouquet of fine white ones. The display of the evening was that by Mr. Taylor. It was a huge bouquet of Lilium Auratum or Gold-banded Lily of Japan. Three stalks had grown together and the open blooms were so thick that it was impossible to count them. There were also several unopened buds on the stalk. Mr. Taylor aaid the lHy was grown by Mm. Richard Danielson about four miles thia side of Bandon. Mrs. Danielson rsises many fine flow­ ers at her home; some of the flneat anemones I ever saw, she raised. Mr. Taylor had offered a prize of 25 mixed glad bulbs to the member guessing the correct number of blooms on the lily, the members putting down their names and the number of blooms. When the petals have dropped, the bloom stems will be counted but until then, it will be impossible to tell just how many flowers it has. As chairman of the program com- steering had not been very good. De­ The Pioneer Methodist Church cided to hunt a little further north Philip D. Hartman, i, pastor. for land and began to suspect that we Rev. Claude Ireland, pastor of the might be south of the Santa Barbara (Continued from first page.) The Salem Chamber of Commerce M. E. Church at Fort Snelling, Minn., Islands. Changed course northeast is staging a down town parade to her- will preach at both morning and ev­ wig he was on his own, part of the and after runing ten miles sighted 1 aid the opening of the 71st Oregon ening service, Sunday. Fog conditions are ex­ State Fair. W. M. Hamilton, ohair- time as a sailor, part of the time as a mountains. Church school at 10:00 a. m., Ly­ mittee, Mm. Beyers has several in- soldier serving Prussia. The last half treme during the month of August ; man of the chamber's special state man Carrier, superintendent Both departments of the Young tereeting features planned for several of his life he has been in thia country particularly. In the morning visibil- fair reception committee has been meetings ahead. At the next meeting working as a ships carpenter and mill­ ity was generally limited to from one 1 named by Douglas McKay, president People’s Division meet at 8:30 p. m. there will be an interesting article by wright. He is now about AS years aid, to three miles. The fog would lift in of the chamber of commerce, to head for devotionala. Prayer meeting Wednesday even­ one of the clnb members and possibly weighs about one hundred and ninety th® afternoon but it was frequently the organisation of the parade. difficult to know whether one was As Monday is also Lane County ing 7:00 p. m. a set of slides, from Oregon State and looks and talks like a German. I leaned quite heavily on O. D.’s ox- looking at mountain tops or clouds Day, the parade wiN, in a measure, re­ Choir rehearsal Saturday evening. College. These latter may not get her. until the following meeting, but P«rience in view of the feet that up through the land haze. From about solve itself into a reception ef Salem Special vocal musical numbers at it is hoped to have them for Septem- to thU tta,e my own h*‘ bew‘ r,theT four o’clock until midnight it was gen­ neighbors to the south. Lane county both services Sunday. ber 20. C. L. Ward, city superinten­ sketchy, most of it gained as a pas­ erally fairly clear. Of course, we never will arrive by special Southern Paci- A cordial welcome awaits all at all dent of schools, has given Mrs. Beyers senger on a fifteen thousand ton sighted mountains when the visibility fle train from the south in the morn­ of our services. If you do not wor­ ship elsewhere come with us. the use of ths machine from the high steamship rather than the skipper of was only a few miles, but we could ing with three bands. Heading the parade will be prom­ school to show the slides, which is a forty ton sailboat My idea was to see mountain tops frequently when much appreciated by the club. As a launch our life boat the evening we the land haze entirely obscured the inent member» of the Salem Chamber Methodist Episcopal Church of Commerce and of the Eugene and part of the program, Mm. Beyers road were uncomfortably close to the coastline itself. Evening Preaching 7:30 p. m. At five ws sighted a point of land Lane county Chambers of Commerce, extracts from “A Lesson from the Rogue river reefs. I thought it might Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. and a white building that resembled a be easier to row a mile and a half to wearing ten gallon hats, cow-boy re ­ German Schreber Gardens,” which is horses. in the September, 1982, number of shore rather than to swim that dis­ light house at about throe miles dis­ galia, and riding cow-boy Preaching at Bandon 11 a. m. "Better Homes and Gardens" maga­ tance in case the ship went on the tant. I could not identify it from Douglas McKay, grand marshal of Scriptural, Spiritual Preaching. Ev­ the sailing directions. Henry Hen ­ rocks. O. D., however, was impertur ­ the opening day parade last year, will zine. It was very interesting and ev­ eryone welcome. ery .town and city, as well as individ­ bable. He had told me previously that drickson said he had seen this point again act as grand marshal this yer. G. A. Gray, Paator. several times from lumber schooners he had never in his life as a boy or At the head of the procession will uals could learn a lesson from it if 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Oro. bnt he did not know what one it was. ’»e the Queen of the Rodeo, aceom- thsy would. There is still lota of va­ man at sea been frightened. So far cant ground around our own town as I was able to Judge it was the My reckoning indicated that we should oanied by many princesses from Church of God which could well be used to advantage truth, unadorned. Those reefs must he pretty well into the Santa Barbara hroughout the state, all mounted and in raising food and flowers. Every­ have looked exactly the same to him channel but no islands showed up n cow-girl costumes. In the parade Corner of Seventh and Henry Streets Pastor, Rev? Geo. 8. Murphy thing grows so well here with a little from the sea aide as they would have towards the south and the hills back will also be Ed Wright and Curley 10 a. m. Sunday School. care that there is no need of any one appeared to a person walking on the of the lighthouse did not look high Fletcher, managers of the Strawberry being without lots of fresh vegetables beach. At my sugegstioa that we put enough for the mainland to me. Our Roan Rodeo and Night Stampede; Abe 11 a. m. Preaching services. our lifeboat overboard, he said, course was east by south whether we Lefton, America’s outstanding out­ and a supply for canning. 6:45 p. m. Young People’s meeting. were in the channel or south of the door show announcer; Bonnie Gray 7:45 p. m. Evening services. Evan­ Our next contest for the cup is to “Everyding else first and den dot.” In the previous article I left our islands so I went to bod. After dark on her »10,000.00 sorrel “King Tut;” gelistic message. be mixed varieties of asters in tin ship sheltered behind Cape Bonito, the helmaman identified the light Paris Williams from Hollywood, 7:45 p. m. Thursday evening prayer cans, decorated or undecorated. Tuesday night’s meeting was the first northern headland to the Golden Gate. from its flash period as Point Concep­ world’s champion lady trick rider, and meeting. one for some time that we have not In the morning we were preparing to tion, which meant that wF had been Fox Hastings, who bolds the world’s taken in a new member. Our club year sail up the Bay, had raised the anchor thirty to forty miles further out to -'hampiomhip in being the world’s First Church of Christ, Scientist is fast drawing to a dose; there are and some of our sails, but were not ea than there was need. In place of foremost lady steer bulldogger. Coquille, Oregon In the parade win ride Salod and only seven more meetings in this making much headway away from being in the channel we were just at Sunday School at 9:80 a. m. Konorex, Cossacks of the Imperial year. It seems to me that it would be the cliffs which surround thia anchor­ its entrance. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. At one A. M. I stepped on deck and age- Suddenly I noticed the Cape Russian Army, and Mias Tnity Soko- a good idea for us to begin to ley Subject for next Sunday, “Sub­ some plans for actually accomplishing Bonito Coast Guard power boat hov­ received a shock on seeing a string of loff, also of Russia, who is one of their stance.” bright lights strung out a considerable ering around us in a fashion that sug ­ troupe. Next in the parade will be something for oyr community besides Wednesday evening meeting at 8 just having jolly instructive meet­ gested that they expected us to get in­ distance along our starboard beam. the famous battle-axe, pick-axe, and o’clock. Five of Uncle Sam ’ s battle cruisers butcher knife artist, Steve Clement«, to trouble. At my request they took ings. Think this over, members, and Free public Readinc Room open in bring your ideas for discussion at our a line from the Marguerite and not were passing us in the fog not over a and also Juan Acosta and Carlos Or- Church Building every Tuesday and next few meetings of this year. Re­ only pulled us out into the fairway thousand feet away. The leading ship ’ego, bullfighter champions of the Friday afternoons except holidays member our garden club should reach but towed us across the straits to the would sound its horn or siren where­ Plata de Toros of Mexico City. Many from two to five o’clock. '» beyond the confines of our own homes. San Francisco yacht harbor which upon each ship in turn from the leader -»there of the world’s famous cowboys, The public is cordially invited to at­ back would take it up, after trick ropers and trick riders will be fronts on the Marina. This is a Coquille has no city park worth men­ tend our services and to visit the which the leader would repeat and so part of the frontage which was in ­ In the parade, sueh as Hank Darnell, tioning and the time is coming and Reading Room. coming fast when we should have one cluded in the Panama Pacific fair on. They were not steaming very Frank Studnick, Pete Knight, Harry Knight, and many others. grounds of 1915. One was impressed rapidly but seemed to us to be in un­ and it seems to me we might possibly Church of Christ The parade will not be complete do something about that. Let us ail by the clean lines of the motorised comfortable close formation, in ap­ Turner B. MacDonald, Pastor life boat and the completeness of its without Shorty (Jack), Knapp, Hoot pearance scarcely more than a vessel's do something. Come September 20 1 funny bow-legged clown and . Bffite School 10:00 a. m. Ned C. equipment, including mast, sad, oars, length between the successive ships Gibson's and we will talk it over. educated mule, who will compete Kelley, superintendent. Departments spare linos, etc. It developed that the The leading ship was lost in the fog Ms I captain had seen many years service »head before the lights of the last for the attention of grown ups and for all ages. Sermon, 11:00 o’clock by the pas­ on the Southwestern Oregon coast and showed up astern. We could not help youngsters with Homer Hokum with that one of the seaman was well se­ but recall the disaster to the destroy­ his mule, both of whom are classed as tor. Come and enjoy the spiritual Time quainted in Marshfield. ers some yean ago at Capo Arguello the West’s outstanding Rodeo clowns. messages. C. E. at 7:00 p. m. for Junior«, In­ It had been our intention to attend when the miscalculations of the prin­ termediates, Young People and Alum­ the last sessions of the Olympic ciple navigating officer put several of At Liberty Theatre Tonight ni. --------------. games but it was now the 12th of tl|em on the rocks with loss of life. I , Med-wtok prayer meeting 7:30 p. August and plainly impossible for us have been told that on that occasion in. Wednesday. to reach Loa Angeles in time. Conse­ several officers knew that a mistake Orchestra practice Thursday 7:30. quently we laid over in Frisco four had been made and that they were days, visited friends and completed a headed for destruction but that the few details of equipment code of the navy made it impossible Foursquare Gospel Church At noon on the 16th one of the for them to deviate from their orders. 259 E. 2nd Street power yachts at the Harbor tied on Military codes generally strike the Rev. and Mm. T. R. Jackman, Pastors to us and set us down the Bay beyond unateur as being wooden headed and 9:45 a. m. Sunday, Bible School. Fort Point and Cape Diablo. The 'inlntelligent. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship, ser­ westerly wind which prevail at this Next day we raised land towards mon, “Holiness.” season of the year at San Francisco die south. It turned out to be Santa 6:30 p. m. Crusaders. was blowing and a moderate sea run­ Cruz island and we lay at anchor in 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. Ser­ ning. I wanted to be far enough Smugglers’ Cove this night at its mon: “Who’s Who in Hell." down the Bay before casting off the ¿astern extremity. We were in the We are expecting our Division .' of­ tow line to be able to get to sea on company of one auxiliary schooner ficers, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferies, the first slant without beating. We yacht, “Water Wagon,” a cabin cruis- here to conduct a public service Tues­ were compelled to make one tack but af, “Migrator” and four sword fisher­ day, Sept. 13th, at 7:30 p. m. cleared Mile Rocks on the next and men. Throe boats are fitted up with “Cathedral of the Air” cervices over very shortly were coasting along that abnormally long bowsprints with a KOOS Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sat­ part of the city which has been built perch on the end for the harpooner to urdays at 1:80 p. m. up on the sand dunes and hills which .»tend in readiness to plunge his weap­ front on the ocean below Golden Gate on into the body of the sleeping or W. C. T. U. President Here Park. This is not a substantial nor unwary fish. One of these boats had A splendid lecture was given by an artistic part of the city. The ap­ token one broadbili and a smaller Miss Maud Aldrich, of Greeham, Ore­ pearance from seaward is as if some •ized marlin for which they said they gon, national W. C. T. U. lecturer, at child had make a rectangular ar­ received twelve and throe cento a the Pioneer church Tuesday evening. rangement of a quantity of discolored pound. The Albacore is becoming Mrs. E. A. Woodyard, accompanied by cubes of sugar on a sand beach. The very scarce they say. We visited one Edythe Farr, sang a beautiful solo. Star of Both Film and Stage block after block of small two-story boat which was diesel-powered and Miss Aidrich urged all voters to with Dufwin Comedy Players stucco fiats might be so mistaken in manned by swarthy men, probably Si­ perspective. cilians. . Ned LynCh, who plays prominent register before October 8 and then At eight o’clock we obtained simul­ Next morning there wan no breath charatcer parts in the Dufwin stage go to the polls and east a vote at the taneous bearings on the Faralon.and of air. The boat drifted idly about productions, has appeared in the fol­ general election.. The national W. C. T. U. has ex­ Montara Point Lights. About mid­ until two o’clock when a light breeze lowing talking pictures: “Murder Will pressed its policy in the following night we had bearings on Pidgeon and sprang up and lasted about six hours. Out,” “Bright Lights,” “Bad Man,” Ana Nuevo Lights. At daybreak we We broke the morning’s monotony by “Blonde Crosy,” “The Payoff,” “Lit­ words: “We do not dictate to our were out of sight of land off Monterey swimming in the ocean and wptching tle Caeear,” “Shadows of the Law,” members their political affiliationa, but Bay. At four o’clock the base towards the pelicans which seem rather out “Beloved Bachelor,” “Ladies of the because the first step for a repeal or land lifted and we had glimpses of of place in thia locality. At five Big House," Beyond the Law,” “Play­ modification amendment is the pro­ high mountains but failed to make o’clock we were off Point Hueneme, boy of Parte,” and “Touchdown.” In posal of such an amendment by con­ any identifications. The wind had the northern extremity of Santa Mon­ addition to appearing in the above pie- | gress, we will support for congress i only such candidates as declare for continued steady and fresh since leav­ ica Bay.. Three six-meter racing tures Mr. Lynch has been under con­ ! the retention of the Eighteenth ing Frisco. It became stiff during Moopea overtook us and several hours tract to Henry Duffy for the past ten the night and I considered heaving to later twjp more. These craft were yearn, appearing in prominent roles in I Amendment and its supporting legis­ several times and reducing sail. I re­ without running light*. A steamer all of the Dufwin theatres on the Pa­ lation. We will maintain the same lieved the helmsman at 4 A. M. The passed when one of them was near us cific coast. He appears on the stage policy toward candidates for state and boat had been on port tack for two during the night. The helmsman at the Liberty theatre today and to­ eounty offices and for state legisla­ tion. days and was well off the coast. Dead flashed his flashlight on his sails morrow with the Dufwin Company in Misa Aldrich will meet with the reckoning gained from compass bear­ which could be seen very distinctly. “Why Wives Worry.” county ministerial association next ings and taffrail log readings indicat­ Another day of light aim and we Monday at the Christian church, at ed that we were below Cape Concep­ sighted Point Vincente just after »un­ New Cases in Circuit Coart 10 a. m. tion. The line of the coast below this set. I expected the wind would die The local W. C. T. U. will hold • Sept, i— Pacific Savings A Loan cape bears generally about east and out about the usual hour of eight business meeting in the same church Assn. vs. Sigma Thorton et al. went At 6 A. M. I decided it was o’clock for this vicinity which would Sept. 3—Portland Mortgage Co. vs. at 2 p. m. time to head Tor land. Visibility was have left us drifting around the har­ fair and there are no outlying reefs bor approach during the night hours. Leona A. and Roy Mercer et al. An Ununual Accident Sept. 3—Portland Mortgage Co. vs. along thia portion of the coast. I Several steamers passed ns, some tried to put the boat about single- bound in, others out. Contrary to ex­ Myrtle Lodge No. 8, K. ?.. et aL An unsual accident occurring on Sept. 6—Globe Automatic Sprinkler Labor Day resulted in about 830 handed but could not make it. I could pectation the wind freshened a trifle not haul in the mainsail Mieet alone ao that we crept along at about two Co. vs. L J. Simpson and Russell worth of damage to a sedan parked nearby. although it was in six parts. The boat knots. We were abreast Point Firmin Hawkins. Sept. 7—Lavra Morgan vs. Goo. B. rode the long combers easily with at one A. M. We made out the lights John Arnold pumped into hie water white caps in every direction. This of numerous battleships in the harbor. Morgan. Suit for divorce. tank, until it was nearly full, when it Sept 8—A. A. Schram, superinten­ suddenly, without a moment’s warn­ pe is noted for its heavy winds and After rounding the jetty end, marked sometimes called the Cape Hom of by its light, we sailed between some dent of Banks, vs. W. H. and Geo. L. ing, gave way and toppled over onto North Pacific. Called the crew of these leviathans with signal lights Dindinger and Dennis McCarthy. the road. It fell on the back end of after they arrived on deck we put flashing from their masts and fast ’ Sept. 8—Ethel Crabtree vs. Clar­ the E. C. Roberts’ sedan, breaking out the rear glass and mashing the top boat on a course east. We sailed motor boats plying constantly be­ ence Crabtree. Suit for divorce. r-two miles in an easterly diree- tween them, and anchored st about Four men standing near the sedan, Alpine Coal delivered in Coquille when the tank fell, had to run to es­ without sighting land. I began three o'clock. San Pedro lay about wonder what had become of it and two miles north and Long Beach for »5 a ton, cash. Phono 71. Holmkin cape injury themselves.—Myrtle Feint Herald. that some rf the night about five miles southeast. à 8on. Try It Yourself Next Mother of 7—Still Young