.« THE COQUILLE FALLET SENTÍÑtL COQUILLE OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER t, IMI PAGI THEBE SOCIAL NOTES ■Mrs. F S. Emery invited a number of child-vn ta her home last Friday afternoon from 2:30 until 5 o'clock, to help celebrate her daughter, Bet­ ty’s eighth birthday anniversary. For the occasion Mrs. Emery’s mother, Mrs. A. Taylor, of Walpole, New Hampshire, sent her little grand­ daughter Ml the table decorations, which were in a color scheme of yel­ low and white, which included favors and candies, much to the delight of the little guests. Invited were Phyl­ lis Bunch, Margaret Ann Wilson, Annabel and Helen Martindale, Joan Knight, Patricia and Martha Berg, Jean and Joyce Willard, Harriet Toiler, Gwennie Elrod, Wanda Lou Bell and Lorepe WHlard. Gay Raymond io the moot recent addition to the Dufwin Co. appearing hero at the Liberty theatre today and Saturday. Misa Raymond hails from California and recently transferred to the Portland company from Oakland, California. She immediately won a place in the hearts of theatre-goers throughout the Northwest. Their 40th Anniversary On Sunday, September 4, 1892, J. J. Stanley and Carrie B. Goodman were married at the residence of the bride in North Coquille by Charles Wilkins, Justice of the Peace, the witnesses signing the marriage certificate being C. C. Myers and Mrs. Cash Goodman. After a wedding dinner, Mr. Wilkins, who was also a photographer, took pictures of the bride and groom. Mr. Stanley was county clerk, lived at Em­ pire, the county seat, and issued his own marriage license. Last Sunday, being the fortieth an­ niversary of the foregoing event, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley celebrated by tak­ ing a trip north on the new auto road. They went to TiNamook where they spent the night, going the next morn­ ing out to Oceanside beach, then back to Hebo, Dallas, Rickreall, Drain, Reedsport, Marshfield and Coquille. In those days, it was a good half day’s drive from Coquille to Empire. Today, the drive to Tillamook is not difficult to make in a half day. Time and change have arrought wonders in appearance amj conditions of the landscape traveled by them since their wedding day and last week end. Vitale-Martin Our marrying justice had a rather unusual couple before him last Saf- urday, not for the cause which might be inferred when we say he had them before him, but in a happy event wherein Frank A. Vitale and Mrs. Carrie Martin were made one. The unusual part of the event is that on April 8. 1920, Miss Mae Martin, daughter of Saturday’s bride, was married by our justice to Gust Manos and this couple now has four children, so the bride of last Saturday has four grand children. The former bride and groom, aa well as another son and daughter of Saturday’s bride, accom­ panied the happy couple, the ceremony taking place at the residence of J. J. Stanley, Justice of the Peace. The parties all reside in North Bend. Transfer and ©elivery Local and Long Distance Hauling Agents for McLain Coni Mill Wood Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co Safety First! Use Cow Boll Dairy’s Pasteurized Milk and protect your health. Calling cards 100 for 31.M. Hauling Tracking Anywhere, Any Time Alpine Coal Fir Wood •ny kn«lh » Phone 71 HELMKIN & SON Oaly Real Wild Horse. The only true wild horse at the present time Io the Mongolian wild horse, which exists In large numbers oa the plains of Central Asia. This la the ancestor of the domestic horse. Bright Girls A contemporary poet axks : -Where are the bright girls of the pasti" Per haps some of them are administering cautious doses of paregoric to th* bright girls of the future. Ornamental Tableware Knives and forks that look*llke gold, but art much more durable, have been produced by a British manufacturer, ising an alloy of aluminum and cop. per. Altogether Aaiaaal Silk la purely an animal product, since It la a secretion from silkworm* or the larvae of silkmoths, from which they spin their cocoona About Oorsolves All of life's varied experience^ are '•nt the stuff we teat our anula upon. Doctor Surprised on Birthday A lovely birthday surprise party was given Dr. J. F. Young last week by a group of friends. The evening was enjoyed with various games and dancing. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodhurst and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pointer, Miss Eva Cox, of Langlois, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robison and daughter, Thelma, of Norway, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Culbert­ son, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kramer, Bud and Clifford Mill­ igan, Mr. Dye, Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Luth­ er Daniela and daughter, Elizabeth, Gordon Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Bird Nosier and Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Young. Bent Seed Growers Meet A meeting of the directors of the Coos District Bent Seed Growers was held at the county agent’s office Wed­ nesday evening, September 7, at which time marketing plans were discussed snd an announcement was made by George Jenkins, secretary of the as­ sociation, that approximately seven thousand pounds of bent grass seed had been sold through the headquar­ ters at Coquille during the last month. Mr. Meade Murray, representative of the Washington Improved Seed as­ sociation, was present at the meeting and gave a survey of the marketing conditions in general. On Monday evening a group of club ladies entertained their husbands at a seven o’clock dinner, which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Collier on the Myrtle Point high­ way. Mr. and Mrs. Hal W. Pierce and Mrs. R. F. Miller were addition­ al guests that evsning. After the dinner Bridge was played with Mra. McKeown and Mrs. Walker winning the ladies’ prizes, the gentlemen’s be­ ing won by Mr. Collier and Mr. Walk-' er. Coven were laid for Messrs, and: Mesdames Jas. Brady. T. B. Currie, • A. 0. Walker, Fred McNelly, Ed. McKeown, Hal W. Pierce. A. B. Col- Mer and Mn. R. F. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Yates, of the Dutch West Indes, who are here visiting at the W. K. Atchison home in Marsh­ field, were honor guests at a very enjoyable evening on Sunday of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Cary.- Miss Mary Ella Cary assisted Mrs. Cary in arranging and serving. Cards were played, with Mrs. Miineau and Mr. Dillon winning the high score prises and Mr. Schwarz and Mr. Yates the consolation. Those enjoying the affair were Mr. and Mars. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Atchison, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schwarz, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hutchinson, Mrs. Catherine Mullen, Mrs. W. J. Mineau, M'es Marion Atchison, Roy Miineau. Bob Atchison, end Teddy Schwarz, all of Marshfield, and the Cary family. Mrs. Kenneth Kirtner entertained the Entre Nous club Tuesday evening at the home of Mra. Donald Ectes on South Beach street. The hostess in­ cluded Mrs. Richard Barnes and Mrs. Geo. Jenkins for the evening. Mrs. Vinton was honored by receiving the high score prise. Members attending were Mesdames Julius Ruble, E. L. Vinton, F. C. Hudson, Walter Litzen- ■>erger and Donald Estes. Mrs. Frank L. Greonough waa a luncheon hostens Thursday at her home at which »he complimented two out-of-town guests, Mrs. L. H. Bran­ stetter, of Capetown, Calif,, who is visiting both in'Marshfield and Co- tuille for a few days, and Mrs. Jane Williams, of San Francisco, who has ’pent the summer with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Lamb. The luncheon table was prettily decorated with a center­ piece of mixed colored asters. Covers were laid for Mesdames L. H. Bran­ stetter, Jane Williams. J. A. Lamb, H. A. Young, J. E. Norton, R. A. Wer- nich, C. J. Fuhrman and Paul Van Stoy. BBIABTMINT • ITtll 332 First Street, Coquille, Oregon A Million-Dollar Valar in IV aar—Co mfort—Convenience / UNION-MADE Pay Day’s A dozen special convenient features make work easier! The sturdy 2.20 deniin and triple-stitched, bar-tacked construction ensure extra durability I BOYS’ Afro/ //are* TeWay* Lifalitna LOW! Heavy Grade Bittle NiakaTt W»rth! FLANNEL GLOVES COTTON Socks Blue • Brown Mixture! White Top, Heel, Teel Tro’ff Ffod N—a Battar at mgp KC Btfr PENNEY’S "NATION-WIDE" Built for Hard Wear! 4/«rays ro /As JoAf Afro/ Thay Lika Hard Waar! Moleskitt Work Pants Socks oí Natural Random Cotton I $1.49 These WILL WEAR! EXTRA QUALITY COMBED COTTON : Union Suit* VALUE an«< howl 69c Correctly sized and they stay that way I SIZES The Needle Workers club met Mighty comfortable and a whale of a buy Thursday afternoon with Mn. E. A. to 52 at this price I Long or Wimer with cards aa a diversion. short sleeves. Present were Mesdames Ralph Taylor, W. D. Simmons, Frank F. Schram, Geo. Gilman, E. C. Yarbrough, Fred Hickok, Ray Simpston, Jack Arnold, Marriage Licenses WANTED—Stenographic or book­ Josh Ruble, W. E. Cross, Ed Detief- keeping work. Have had three Sept 2—Wm. E. Alderson and Mrs. sen, Swain Donated, C. C. Bonniksen. yeans’ experience in a law office and Velma Goodwin, both of Leland in In two weeks Mrs. Yarbrough will en­ seven yean in a sheriff’s office. Josephine county. tertain the club. Write me at 930 «rd Street, Mc­ Sept. 3—Frank A. Vitale and Mrs. Minnville, Oregon. Carrie Martin, both of North Bend. Birthataaee Revised Sept. 8—H. C. Gerhard, of Gardin­ Help yourself to a birth.done— tor er, and Marjorie Ann Ray, of Bandon. STRINGLESS BEANS For Stale—Not a string in a carload. Try them. laundresses, the soapstone; for archi­ They were married by Justice Stan­ tects, the cornerstone; for cooks, the Phone 601-R. C. V. Smith. We de­ ley at his office here on Tuesday. puddingstone; for soldiers, the blood­ liver. It Sept. 7—Gilson Wardin and Cath- stone; for politicians, the blarney­ erine Keily, both of Ashland.^ They po R »ALE — Our residence on Esst stone; for borrowers, the touchstone; for stock brokers, the curbstone; for were married Wednesday by Rev. T. 1 First Street. Will sell at price shoemakers, the cobbleetone; for bur­ R. Jackman at the Foursquare par- i much less than actual value. No glars, the keystone; for tourists, the sonage. reasonable offer from reeponsible Yellowstone; for beauties, the peach­ Sept 7—Lyle Hardman, of Bridge, ' buyer will be refused, Part cash, stone; for editors, the grindstone; for and Catherine Koch, of Myrtle Point1 motorists, the milestone; for pedestri­ They were married by Justice Stanley | balance terms. John E. R om . 34tf ans. the tombstone.—U. 8. 8. Colorado at his office here, Wednesday. CONTRACT for 100 cords of shingle Lookout. Sept. 8—Donald L. Adams and Hel­ bolts available to reliable party. en Muriel McConnell, both of Myrtle We will also trade shingles for Wall Lizard. MwltlpUed Point. They were married here yes­ shingle bolts. See John Dornath Back In 1920 a few little European terday at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. A Sons at Valley Warehouse, Co­ wall lizards escaped from their owner G. A. Gray. quille. 84t2 in West Philadelphia. They liked the climate and surroundings so well that they have multiplied and spread and now form the third species in the Io- rallty. , 40 on Livestock Judging Trip Approximately 40 4-H members and leaders participated in livestock Judg­ ing practice at the J. E. Ford farm on the Coquille-Marshfield highway, Monday afternoon, where H. S. Cad­ man, leader of the Coquille calf club, had arranged clauses of sheep, hogs and beef cattle for this purpose. From there the group went to the Wilson and Cook farm on the Fair­ view highway where dairy cattle were judged. J. C. Penney Co. Calling cards 100 for SI.50. Want Ads FOR RENT—10-acre ranch, house with 4 rooms and bath, orchard, city water and lights, garage, etc. On highway, three blocks from high school. See LcRoy Rice at Ideal Bakery. «ltf SECOND HAND BRICKS, for sale FOR RENT—Well furnished rooms, make a good home, at reasonable or trade. Call at C. L. Willey shop, price. Also will furnish board to «70 Front St. it* those who desire it, good home cooking. Fred Belloni, 440 South CHOICE SWEET CORN for Canning. Coulter St. 75c sack. See Holt at Tway ranch. CfiHBSciWÄCtt The greet theater of virtue Is co Mteact —Cicero. FURNISHED HOUSE for rent, on FOB SAL»—74 cu. in. Hartey-Dsvid- Spurgeon Hill, 773 West Fifth. 5 aon motorcycle in good condition. With license, «84. Easy terms if rooms and plenty of garden room. See Miaa Goldie Child at the house, deaired. See Macy Anderson at Geo. F. Burr Motor Co., Coquille. it*