Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1932)
choice FURS! new W oolens ! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER "OFFICE GIRL’—A musical Corned, SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4-6-3 Jack Oakie fa 'Million Dollar Legs" v _. . _Wlth W- C’ FieW*’ Audy Clyde and Ben Turpin You’ll huff—and you’ll puff-^and you’ll laugh the house down! Okay Uakie with the screen’s ten dizziest mu^-gs! See the Olympic team that Jack built from a bunch of Klopstokisn puddle-jumpers! . WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7-3 Lew Ayres in “NIGHT WORLD” With Mae Clarke and Boris (Frankenstein) Karloff. Drams «talks the steps of folks who frequent night clubs! Yes- drama, and thrills, and laughs—and sometimes tragedy—but always Life! And it’s all in this glittering, gorgeous, different picture that shown you things you wouldn’t have believed poesible. Mill Wood LAY-AWAY PLAN A smoll Jtpoiit boUi yottr ¡tletticm! PENNEY Alpine Coal delivered In Coquille for 36 a ton, cash. Phono 71. Helmkin A Son. (RODÄY.Ö) Plans for one of the greatest picnics or frolics to be held this season in the Coos Bay district by Beaver Legion No. 171, will be held Sunday and Monday (Labor day) at the Doan Brothers’ Lake Tahkenitch Auto Camp about six miles north of Gardi- Merchant—Miss Jean Riverton —■ Frederick Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Greenough en Bancroft -MUs Irene tertained a group of friends Saturday evening with two tables of bridge. Those enjoying the evening were Mr. Hauser — M ms and Mrs. W. V. Giaieyer, Mrs. Geo. H. FOR SALE—74 cu. in. Harley-David Chaney, Hall Chaney, of Portland, son motorcycle in good condition. and Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Zentner, of With license, *S4. Easy terms if Bandon. desired. See Macy Anderson at Geo. F. Burr Motor Co., Coquille. FURNISHED HOUSE for rent, on Spurgeon IHU1, 773 West Fifth. G rooms and plenty of garden room. See Mis» Goldie Child at the house WANTED—A man to do shingling for canning beef. Weighill Bros., opposite Depot. It* No. 70, Eden Valley — Mrs. Helliwell. No. 71, Alder Crest — Mies FOR SALE—Purebred Guernsey Bull ' \ 14 months old. Weighill Bros., Coquille. It* S tat - c F air Hauling Trucking Anywhere, Any Time Meredith Dancing Classes Sept. 9th. at Moose Hall, Laird Coquille. Ballet, Taps and Ball every Friday afternoon and Register at Coquille Hotel or E. Meredith, North Bend. two-day singing, SOCIAL NOTES Fir Wood any length open Bldg„ Room night. write Want Ads