The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 05, 1932, Image 1

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    he Coquille Valley Sentinel
—¿2—ms'!■ 1.
Doraath Get* Good Coatract
Another item of good news for
Coquille and Myrtle Point i* the *6,000
contract John Dernath A Sons have
Just mads for tomato and cantaloupe
boxes with the Dillard Fruit Grower*
Association. It mean* the operation
of two more drag saws in the woods,
getting out timber, more men on ths
payroll of the company’s sarw mill and
a corresponding increase in the pay­
roll of the valley.
Th* contract call* for from fifty to
sixty thousand tomato erate* and
crates, besides which he ha* order*
for twenty-five thousand peach boxes
from individual growers.
The contract* figures were slightly
higher than the bid* received from
other aections, but the Dillard people
were acquainted with the Dornath
box** and awarded him th* contract.
Mr. Dornath has also been supply­
ing shingle* for «he Roseburg market
for some time.
Victoria Speakers, Aug. 17
Hope to Resume Drilling Opera- Wonderful Concert by Mr*.
lions Next Week, But It
Oberteuffer and Mi** Cary
Will Be Soon
Tuesday Evening
■M I ■,».■1,1
The following very frank state­
Concerts like that presented in the
ment by W. E. Marrion, president of Pioneer Church, Tuesday evening, are
the Coast Oil Co., was submitted to so rare in Coquille that it is doubtful
the Sentinel thia morning.
Drilling if one comparing to it was ever before
operations have been delayed by the heard in this music-loving community.
non-arrival of a few leases, but it is Nor was it alone Coquille residents
almost certain they will be received who crowded the church and Ailed ev-
this week. And the sentiment some­ * ery available seat who enjoyed the
time* heard that the company was program. Musicians and vocalists of
waiting for financial help from the prominence were present from Marsh-
old Fat Elk company stockholders Aeld and Bandon and Myrtle Point
is incorrect. Mr. Marrion says that
The church had „been beautifully
it i* immaterial to him whether one decorated for the occasion, lending a
of them accept* the offer made by harmonious setting to the thrilling
Wann A Collier, in a totter recently I solos by the artists.
sent out, and the Sentinel is convinced
___ _______
_ ________
Marvel ___________
as those
that he is sincere in that statement { who knew her in her *ehool days all
Mr. Marrion’* communication follows: realised, ha* a wonderful voice, which
ha* been trained by masters in the
I am positively convinced that we oast to the point where every note of
are going to bring in a well. When it* pure tone is a pleasure to her
we shut down and cemented the hoi*, hearers. And with the beautiful tone
we had some oil and considerable is combined a most charming person­
gas and we had barely started to pen­ ality and a loveliness of appearance
etrate the sand. The amount or size which makes her presence on a pro­
Visitor* at th* Lions Club luncheon
of this wall will depend entirely upon gram doubly attractive.
the thickness and porosity of the sand. , Mrs. M. O. Hawkins, who accom­ yesterday noon included C. L. Ward,
We have every reason to believe th* panied both Mrs. Oberteuffer and superintendent of Coquille schools,
•and^ are thick and with the great in­ Mirri Florence Cary on the harp, at and the following members of the
crease of temperature in the last few the piano, deserves unstinted com­ Liona Den at Marshfield who cam* ov­
feet we drilled we feel confident we mendation for her part in making the er to pay a fraternal visit: Ray
are going to bring in a big well. At evening’s entertainment the magnifi­ Miller, Jack Lark, Cyril Jaamin, Mar­
vin Skipworth, Al Stuns, Ken Rich­
any rate we are preparing and will be cent success it was.
ard* and Henry Lecocq.
prepared to handle and control the
Nor is Mias Cary any leas deserving
The report of the swimming pool
situation regardless of how big it is. for her six number* on the harp, four
Before we «hut down we cleaned out of them solos and two accompanying committee was that the completion of
the hole and cemented it and it ia now Mrs. Oberteuffer, were the rendition* the bath houses, the walk across the
in perfect shape.
We could easily of one who has practiced tirelessly dam, and the installation of the
have gone on with our eight-inch hole and faithfully in learning to bring out spring board had been done by car­
but with the oil and gas showing and the beauty of the stringed instru­ penters from th* Smith Wood-Prod­
ucts plant, as a contribution by the
the heat increasing, it was taking too ment
management. Also that the pool was
many chancel
By many the final encore of the ev­
We have had some details to clean ening, in which Miss Cary played being constantly used by youngsters
up regarding some of our leases. This and Mrs. Oberteuffer sang, “Ah, Sweet from three or four year* of age to
has taken some time but it is always Mystery of Life," by Victor Herbert, ninety. Juat before noon yesterday
easier to do this before than after. was the most delicate and touching there were 50 enjoying the cool wat­
This work should be completed tMs offering of the evening. After hear­ ers from Dutch John creek and every
evening ther* is a large crowd there.
ing it frequently over the radio on*
The services of E. V. Hand, care­
We have
cotfid realise what the composer had
quarter inch casing and all the six- really done when he brought forth hi* taker of th* property, have been nec­
indi tools complete, including control great tribute to love, when it was pre­ essary only a few times, but it was
a good thing be was there.
head, Ashing tool* and
sented so splendidly in voice, harp
Ferb Emery, of the Entertainment
necesaary for bringing
and piano.
announced that a Lions
trolling a wall.
We will not repeat the program,
We have installed an engine and .which was published in last Friday’s picnic had been arranged for next
pump for pumping water and are lay­ Sentinel. Mrs. Oberteuffer’s portion Thursday evening, Aug. 11, at the
ing a hatf-mil* of pip* line and in­ of the program was presented in four Bandon city park at which indoor
stalling tanka *o aa to have ample sections, each section with a different baseball and horseshoe pitching will
The Bandon Lion*
supply of water to carry on opera­ theme thought. One section, of two be indulged in.
hhve been requested to join in, and
tions when we start.
.numbers, was sung in Hebrew and
It will only be a few days now un­ Italian, the others being in English. after the supper the crowd will ad­
journ to the beach for a bonfire
til everything ia on the ground and
The ladies of the Pioneer church
The win
will include
-_.11.~1_____ .v.___ *ne
ready to start and when we do start nUaionarv
" „
an<j sweethearts of Lion.,
there will be nothing to stop us un­ over 840 from the free will offering
Mr. Ward gave a ten-minute talk
til we have brought in what we are contributed by the audience.
to the club, the thought of his address
sure is going to be a big gusher.
being, what social service and com­
There has been considerable com­
C. of C. Met Wednesday
mercial clubs can do for ths schools.
ment recently, since we riiut a wa,
At the Coquille Chamber of Com­
Such clubs stand for certain fun­
regarding this well.
I have Itoard
merce meeting in the hotel Wednes­ damental values and are becoming
that some have said It ia just another
day evening, there were only half a more effective in dealing with human
skin game. Some want to know why we
dosen directors present, several be­ relations. For one thing they cause
are not drilling, others say if we are
ing out of town.
the individual to And himself, then
on top of a sand and so sure of a
F. W. Martin was named by Vice such clubs cause the individual to dis­
well, why don't they drill it in.
President Stewart, with the approval cover the needs of others and loyalty
Th* fact is we are not ready—and
of the directors, to be chairman of grows from the local club and neigh­
as for it being a skin game ther* are
th* Community Building committee, bors to state, nation and internation­
no reasons for anyone her* being
succeeding Wm. A. Zosel.
al relationship. He cited the swim­
skinned for I have never mked any­
C. W. Gano was named as chair­ ming pool project as an example of
one here to put a cent in this project.
I have been approached many times man of the entertainment committee what the comprehension of other’s
by different Fat Elk stockholders re­ for th* State A sscmsoiw Association needs by the Lion* club, results in.
which meets in Coquille next week.
Service clubs teach loyalty to the
garding what I was going to do for
The local chamber’s delegatee to home; they support the educational
them and if I was going to give them
a chance or opportunity to participate. th* county Chamber of Commerce program of expansion and betterment,
I could plainly see that for me to try session, which will meet at Bandon. and Mr. Ward asked permission for
Aug. 22, wer* requested to support the Coquille schools to keep the Lions
to deal with and satisfy 800 stock­
holders was completely impossible and the resolution adopted by the Coquille Club informed of local school needs.
Geo. A. Ulett who, with Mrs. Ulett
It resulted in my making a deal with chamber, asking that the State In­
Wann A Collier who were willing to dustrial Commission give all the hos­ and Junior, returned from Los An­
take on their shoulders th* obligation pitals in Southwestern Oregon an geles just before noon yesterday,
of handling the old stockholders.
( •ven break in caring for those com­ gave an interesting report on the
turned over to them it,000 share* of ing under the commission’* jurisdic­ Tenth Olympiad where he had wit­
Coaet Oil Co. stock for 85,000.00 to be tion and that the exclusive contract nessed the contests for two days.
distributed among the old stockhold­ with Wesley Hospital be set aside.
Although it is too late to effect
State Afwessors Here Aug. 11
ers who want it With this I gave
change this year, the local direc-
The Oregon State A*se**ors Asso­
them 100 acre* of lease*, well lo-.
cated on th* structure.
I felt that 1 tor* did not want it to appear that Co­ ciation, which meet* in Coquille next
those who wished to participate were quille was backing up on its original week, Aug. 11, 12, 13, erill be present
at least entitled to the opportunity. support of the county chamber reso­ at a bahquet in the hotel next Friday
evening, to which all Coquille people
Whether they take advantage of it lution at anyone’s dictation.
Captain F. M. O’Connor was here
yesterday from Victoria, B. C., and
through Lafe Compton made arrange­
ments for two representative« of the
Victoria and bland Publicity Bureau
to speak to a county meeting here on
the evening of August 17. That is the
date for the Coquille Chamber of
Commerce monthly forum meeting,
but it is hoped to extend the scope
of the session and make it also a
Coast Highway Association affair.
Herbert Anscomb and Geo. I. War­
ren ar* the men who will visit this
section. They are at »he head of the
publicity department of the Victoria
bureau, which is similar to the Coast
Highway Association, except that it
is financed by the British Columbia
government instead of by individual
The Victorians ar* looking for as­
sistance along Highway 101 in direct­
ing travel toward them. This section
likewise will appreciate their co­
operation in sending traffic down the
coast, and this meeting will tend to
bring about clouer relations between
the two sections.
Mr. Compton will serve a 75c din-
or not, it ia perfectly all right with
ner for this coast-wide meeting.
me. Personally I would rather they
wouldn't, for the leases alone today
| are worth many time* what they ar*
paying for them, besides the stock.
Nevertheless, I have given them an
opportunity and probably if it had not
.been for Messrs. Wann and Collier,
they would never have had it. And
at the same time when this well is
finished they won't be able to say I
did not give them a chance.
Alpine Coal delivered in Coquille
for *6 a to*, m A. Phone 71. Helmkin
A S mu
Relief Committee Request
The Coquille Relief committee is
now prepared to furnish labor for odd
jobs around the home or place in ex­
change for money, provisions or other
acceptable supplies. Payment for such
work done must be made to the com­
mittee, who in turn will compensate
the laborer with the necessities ot
life, flour, groceries, clothing or
whatever is needed.
Requests should be phoned to the
relief committee headquarters in the
Sentinel bunkiing (Ed Kreiger
promised to have a phone installed
there today) or application may be
made to Penny Sturdivant, investi­
gating member of the relief commit­
And it may not come amia* to again
request that all aplpication* for
charity by itinerants should be re­
ferred to the committee.
The full
co-operation of the public in this
matter will insure that none except
those who ar* willing to work for
what they get will bother to stop in
Ask Mr. Hartman’s Return
At the quarterly conference of the
M. E. Church South last week, the
official board voted unanimously in
favor of asking that Rev. P. D. Hart­
man be returned to the Pioneer
church here for another year. A peti­
tion Co that effect has been prepared
for presentation to Bishop Moore
during the conference to be held here
this month.
are invited.
J. P. Beyers, president of the asso­
ciation, states that Chas. V. Galloway,
chairman of the State Tax Commis­
sion, and John H. Carkin, a member
will be speakers on the program, dis­
cussing tax matters and th* proposed
initiative tax measure*.
Following the banquet a dance will
be given in honor of the visitors in
wme hell here, not yet decided upon.
The assessors will attend a banquet
at Marshfield Thursday noon and one
at North Bend that evening and will
go down to Gold Beach Saturday af­
With the crew of four happy to get
away on their trip to Loe Angele*,
th* "Marguerite" wa* towed acroe*
the bar at Bandon by th* Port tug,
turned loo** outside the outer buoy,
and with only the jib and spanker
sail* set, scudded away in a stiff
breese on the 1200-mile aail to San
Pedro. It was exepected she would
make port in from a week to ten day*.
Mr. Chaney’* hope* of leaving Wed­
nesday noon were dashed when it
was found that his clearance papers
had not been properly signed, neces­
sitating a trip to Marshfield that ev­
Another delay was caused by an
attachment on the boat, which i*
owned by Mr*. Chaney, and filed by
the state superintendent of banks, be­
cause of a claim held by the Farm­
ers A Merchant* Bank against the
Chaney Logging Co. The boat was
released when bond* were posted.
Paul Walker, with a kicker on his
river boat, pulled the “Marquerite",
down to a couple of miles below Lam­
ps, Wednesday morning, but when the
tide turned he could make no further
headway, and the Geo. W. Moore Mill
Co. tug eame up and towed the yacht
to Bandon.
About twenty of Mr. Chaney’s
friends rod* out on the Port tug yes­
terday to bid him bon voyage when
the “Marguerite” was cut loose and
her sail* caught the breese.
He in­
tended to go down the coast about 80
miles out.
City H m Houses to Reul
A letter from the state association
of fire chief* wa* read at th* council
session Monday evening, in which it
wa* requested that uniform ordin­
ances be adopted all over the state,
limiting the sise of gasoline tank* to
1000 gallons, with not more than
three on a 50-foot let, and requiring
that their tops be not lees than four
feet below the surface of the ground.
A* all tanka in Coquille comply with
the provision* of the request, except
s* to depth which ia three feet under
ground, according to the pres­
referred to th* fire committee for
report as to whether the proposed or­
dinance wa* necessary.
Recorder Leslie reported that the
city was now in possession of four
houses on Eleventh street, bid in when
no other bidder offered a cent for the
Liesch houses in the north end. Two
of them are occupied, by Geo. Jenkins
and Walter Litzenberger, and the
council set 820 as the rent to be asked
for the larger of the two vacant
Upon recommendation of City En­
gineer Stacer, he was authorized to
employ men who have not been able
to pay their water rentals to lay a
short water line on Ferry street and
to eut the brush around the big reser­
voir at the head of Rink creek. The
brush has not been cut there for ten
Paying Some Relief in Caah
One-half of the 810^38, or 85^18.98
included in the budget for relief last
December, was set aside by the coun­
ty court thia week aa a cash fund for
the relief of widows, indigenta and
the sick. Thia fund will not last two
month*, however, for the allowance
for indigenta made by the court thia
week amounted to *1928; for depen­
dent mothers, *1078; and there are
also hospital bills not included in
those two accounts.
Another order passed by the court
thia week was the cancellation of all
county warrants issued prior to July
1, 1925, and which have not been
called for. The list of these warrants
appears on page seven of this issue
of the Sentinel.
Farmers* Picnic Tomorrow
Roy W. GW, state master of the
Grange, will be the principal speaker
on the program of the Farmers' Pic­
nic at Norway, tomorrow (Saturday.)
Sports of all kinds and a big basket
dinner are the other featurea arrange-
ed for the day beside the music and
Cheater L. Ward to Speak
Chester L. Ward, new superinten­
dent of our city schools, wiM speak
next Sunday evening at eight o’clock
at Ae Pioneer Methodist Church on,
There will be no more Circuit court "Observations." Mr. Ward says this
until September, Judge Brand haring talk is for young people principally
begun hie month’s vacation last Mon- and that it will be illustrated with a
very interesting story of real life.