TO COQUILLB VALU* âfwtttttt, COQUILLB, OBBGON. FRIDAY, JULY IS, IMI PAGI THREE SOCIAL NOTES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY IS - 16— “SKY BRIDE" SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUE8DAY, JULY 17 - 1* - 19 r__ M o_____ » M FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY 22 "Roadhouse Murder Transfer and Delivery Local and Long Distance Hauling Mill Wood Howard vs. divorce. Accident Accident Logging Accident Probate Court Items Mrs. Nellie J. Prey, of Coquille, was yesterday appointed administratrix of the *1260 estate left by her late mother, Mrs. Martha E. Custer, who died June 9. The appraisers are R. L. Medley, V. R. Bailey and R. L. Stewart. Want Ads Hauling Tracking Anywhere, Any Time Hr Wood •ny lOTWth FOR SALE—Standard make of piano near Coquille. Will sacrifice for unpaid balance. A snap. Easy terms. Write Tailman Piano Store, Salem, Ore. 27t3 FOR SALE OR TRADE—16 young pig«, 2 month« hid. See Harvey Wyatt, one-half mile north of Fair­ view school. It* Mrs. T. 3. Stevens entertained the! aoigh>fw>rhood children Monday af-' ternoon at her home in observing her 1 son, Jack’s, fifth birthday anniver-1 nary. Mrs. Julius Ruble and Mrs. Walter Oerding assisted Mrs. Stevens in entertaining the children with games and in serving. The luncheon i table was prettily decorated in a pink I uufd white color-scheme, with a love- ’ ly bouquet of pink sweet peas used for a centerpiece. Present were Frankie Rowe, Clarence and Florence Campbell, Geraldine Oerding, Laura Emily Ruble, Jerry and Laurel Fuller, Bonald Dungey, Virgina Campbell and Jack and Dale Stevens. The “Entre Nous” Club ladies spent a delightful evening on Tuesday of this week at the home of Mrs. Donald Bates on South Beach street, with cards as the diversion. Mrs. Vinton carried away the honor prize. ' In two weeks Mrs. Hudson Will enter­ tain the chib. Present were Mesdames Ethel May Strong Walter Litzenberger, F. C. Hudson, Mrs. Ethel May Strong, aged 40 Julius Ruble, Harry H. Oerding, C. D. years, wife of Frank Strong and Walker, Otto Davis, E. L. Vinton and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bichard Barnes. Jackson, of Gravel Ford, passed away in Mast hospital about 2 p. m. Tues­ Wednesday afternoon the m-’asion- day, July 12. ary society of the Church of Christ In addition to her husband and par­ •et at the home of Mrs. W. H. Wimer ents, she leaves to mourn her death on Spurgeon hill. Mrs. Fred Schaer, two daughters, Mrs. Floyd Harry, of president, directed the business meet­ Floras creek, and Frieda Alberta, of tag. which was followed by a prayer Gravel Ford; three sistern, Mrs. Carl given by Mrs. Sloan. Mrs. F., T. Hollenbeck, of Campo, California, Weighill read the scripture lesson. Mrs., Arthur Coffey, of Silver Lake, Jlrs. Cal Young, leader of the devo- Oregon, and Mrs. Andrew Maiden, of onal exercises, read an article on McKinley, Oregon; and one brother "The Light of the World,” after Everett Jackson, of Gravel Ford. which Mm. Farr gave a talk on the Funeral services were held from same subject. Those attending the the Schroeder Funeral Home at 2 p. meeting were Mesdames C. C. Farr, m. Thursday with Rev. C. H. Barklow D. F. Thompson, Joe Staninger, Fred officiating. Interment followed at Fox 8ehaer, Cal Young, W. L. Bailey, Bridge cemetery on the North Fork.— Henry Tiedeman, Willard Sloan, Chas. Myrtle Point Herald. W. Hill, Chas. Yarbrough, Ernest Benham, Mattie Gaslin, Frank T. Engineer Association Has Picnic Weighill and Miss Jennie Lafferty. Sunday the members of the Profes­ Mrs. Lyman Carrier entertained in sional Engineers Association of Southwestern Oregon, along with a delightful way the ladies of ¿he their families enjoyed a very pleasant Jenny Lind sextette for a couple of day picnicking near the fsdls in the days this week at her beach cottage county park in the Fairview district. at Bandon. The sextette group which After doing justice to a delicious pic­ a few years ago added much to the nic lunch, games of various kinds musical activities in Coquille, has an­ were played, with also some enjoy­ nounced that they will again be ac­ ing swimming and hiking. Those tive this fall. On Wednesday evening from Marshfield were Mr. and Mrs. the Indies returned to their homes in C. F. iBesse and family, Mr. and Mrs. Coquille. They were Mesdames C. T. Alfred Mathison, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Skeels, George Johnson, M. 0. Haw-' D. L. Buckingham and family, Mr. kins, J. L. Aasen, Paul Walker, John , and Mrs. Rudolph J. Hillstrom and Miller and Mm. Delbert Oberteuffer, sons, Mr. and Mm. E. K. Burton and of Columbus, Ohio. two eons, Mr. end Mm. J. W. Foster i Bor the pleasure of her sister-in- and family and Major T. F. Maginnis. law, Mm. W. H. Pook, of Seattle, Coquille members were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Vinton, E. H. Kern and Mr. Wash., who has been here visiting the and Mrs. J. N. Gearhart and family, past two weeks. Mm. Frank Pook en-. tertained guests for three tables of; of Dora. bridge at her home Tuesday after- ■ noon. At the close of the afternoon Mrs. Pook served refreshments to the , following: Mesdames W. H. Pook, W. D. Simmons, Jack Arnold, Fred • Hickok, E. C. Yarbrough, Ray Simp-' son, E. A. Wimer, Josh Ruble, F. F. Schram, Geo. Gilman, and Mm. Otto Witlmsrk, of Olympia, Washington. continues Until Saturday Night y Mtr opporr it «tty to savo moro! radically reduced to clear NOW- r___ 1 Noot*OrhU»t SUMMERY MODELS for Sporta! for Dress! Foot colora! variety— ia Straws t ba Sty ba! Regardless of former brice—OUT THEY GOJ Goy, Peppy Cchott Prints MUSTOONOWI Sctrn A toi»! The “Needle Workers” club ladies and their husbands enjoyed a weinie and marshmallow roast Tuesday ev-1 ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kern, the occasion being in i honor of Mrs. Melvin Kern who was celebrating a birthday that day. A very pleasant evening was spent sit­ ting outside around a large bonfire, l with singing, which added much to the enjoyment of the evening. Mias Jeannette Pook, who has been enjoying a visit from her cousin, Miss Doris Pook, of Seattle, entertained in Doris* honor at her home Tuesday ev­ ening. “Gouge” was the diveruion, with Barbara Richmond winning the high score prize and Florence Cary consolation. Present beside the hon­ or guest were Misses Florence Folsom, Elda Gilman, Laura Davis, Mary Ella, Florence and Dorothy Cary, Fredah Baxter, Katherine Jane Hassler, Barbara Richmond and Mrs. Dave De- Voto. . A group of young folks motored to Broadbent where they enjoyed a pic­ nic supper and swimimng party on Wednesday evening of this week. In the party were Misses Frances and Bernice Eggleston, Ruth Brandt, Laura Davin, Glenada Kendall, Grace Ellingson, Marjorie Knight, Elda Gil­ man, Hasel Mansell, Florence Folsom, Jeannette Pook, Charlotte Walmark, of Olympia, Wash., Doria Pook, of Seattle, Wash., Tracy Leach, Ray Detlefsen, Belmont Ireland, Jas. Wat­ son, Clifford Judd, Tallent and Har­ rison Greenough, Jimmy Carmody, Bill Pook, Alvin Shaver, Bill Floten, Dwain Fitzgerald, Warden Ellis, Ken­ neth Laird and Karl Dement, of Myr­ tle Point. Fulb Fashioned Many other useful and seasonable items at Drastic Reductions 332 First Street, Coquille, Oregon