TU OOQÜnxa taixbt bbntinkl , coqüiu A díígon , fbìdat . ìùlt I, IMI PAGI MX T the sharp-shinned hawk are the most destructive of all hawks. They prey By Lans Lenovo almost altogether upon game girds, Written from Washington and other small birds and poultry. Not long ago I noticed whore the Cooper's hawk is really the most de­ Fat Elk Gun Club was going to launch structive of all hawks. This hawk is a drive on hawks in the fields across bluish gray above and white below, from Coquille, which brings to mind finely barred with brown. Tail long, the fact that each day there are many barred with black and a slightly Nature lovers throughout ths United rounded tail. The distinguishing States who are taking sides with the mark between the Cooper balk and hawk. The habits and diet of each the sharp-shinned hawk is the tail. speoies of hawk« have been investi­ The tail of the aharp-shinned hawk ia gated and eareftdly studied and in­ square ended; otherwise they are formation advanced stating that cer­ identical. A strange fact exists when tain species of hawks are a great as­ combatting any predatory bird or ani­ set to ths farmer and that all clasaes mal to save the livaa of game birds. of hawks should not be classed as For instance, hawks ar* slain to save chicken thieves. The statement is game bird* while they in tarn war up­ made that the harm dona to game on the natural enemies of game birds. birds by certain species is far off­ They are forever catching th* big rata set by the good they do in ridding the that destroy young bird*. On several farmer’s land of such pests as mice occasion* I have had them tear ekunks and about twenty species of injurious to pieces that I have caught in my rodents. The food of the red-tail traps, which proves that they no hawk, often called chicken-hawk, con­ doubt attack and kHl this animal sist* of small animals, as high as whenever an opportunity present* it­ seven mice being eaten at one meal. self. It is rather interesting to study Its food also consists of insects, the battle for existence that each liv­ crawfish, small reptiles and a small ing thing of the forests is waging con­ percentage of birds. The above is the stantly. Out there “where only the average stomach contents of 478 fittest survive” there is a perpetual stomachs of red-tail hawks, examined battle being fought day and night. by a certain out-doors man. My per­ From the tiniest insect that flies suid sonal dhservunee of this particular the most petite bug that crawl* upon specie* of hawk has classed him as the ground, on up to man, the battle somewhat of an outlaw and in th* goes on and on. Esch speecies has past I have always taken pains to go enemies ready to pounce upon them. far out of my way to take a shot at one The birds prey upon the insects; th* of these birds. Many of them I have | larger birds of prey devour the shot with game birds grasped in their smaller, while they in turn are preyed talons. They are usually to bo found upon by still larger birds of predatory perched upon a dead snag that com­ specie**. The little field mice is prey­ mands a view of woodland spots fre­ ed upon by several species of small quented by quail. predators. While they in turn ere The red-shouldered hawk is an­ preyed upon by the larger predators. other large hawk and is seldom dis­ And so, one and on goes th* struggle tinguished from the red-tail. In fact, I for existence, while man, the arch a person must be wall versed on the enemy of all the lower animal orders, hawk Fife to be able to distinguish one prey* upon them ail. One thing is of these birds from the other. In the certain and that is, the total exter- OUT-OF-DOOR8 STUFF these birds showed poultry, twelve others, bird* including one quail, 102 mice of several species, 40 other small animals, 48 reptiles and amphibians, 92 insects, 18 spidere and seven crawfish. One had eaten nine house mice and a meadow mouse. The Bwainson Hawk also somewhat resembles the two above mentioned species. This bird is said to seldom touch game birds and appears to exist mostly on grasshopper* and in­ sect*. In several instance* the nest* of small bird* have been found in the same trees where these hawks nest and the young never molested, a fact which speaks rather in favor of this particular hawk. Th* goshawk. Cooper’s hawk BB