SAVE Fruit Jars PINEAPPLE No. 10 tins, grated . SNOWCAP SHORTENING 4 4 pound Pail 8 pound Pails - - 7 Luxury Fancy Grade MACARONI - SPAGHETTI EGG NOODLES 6 packages ... 25c - Campfire MARSHMALLOWS 1 Pound Package Otoe Brand—No. 1 tins BABY LIMA BEANS a . FANCY SUGAR CORN Dixie Style BACON and BEANS RED BEANS KNIGHTS DILL PICKLES Per Doz. • 15c Don’t celebrate your 4th of July trip with tire blowouts. Nothing wrecks the holiday frame of mind so completely as a struggle by the roadside with a flat tire. We’ll gladly inspect your tire equipment beforehand. Carroon Brand GRAPE FRUIT No. 2 tins - 2 for 33c BURBANK HOMINY No. 2 «/2 tins, 2 for - £5c OVAL SARDINES Tomato or Mustard 3 for .... Busy Comer Grocery Latest Lifetime Guaranteed MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Our On 3914.M-3R JiilM-Jl 2814.75-1« 27x4.75-2« MxS.M-11 Full ■dr tai Mru M Oiw«i.i Tub. • .71 ».«« •71 4-»l 4-»« •74 4-77 4-57 .71 l.nn • 4— SJ* Me. Mi lack in Pair. TBS' tai Pair. Mr 34x5.40-24 •1.14 31x5.44-21 S.1« ¿7« 1.17 2815.25-18 «-«• «.>7 l.M 3115.25-21 «•77 i.i* NUKB^a »•»7 »•M Tub. 2714.W-21 •4.77 •4.M • l.«3 W14.M-X ».M •-H r Myer» 1» much improv- appendiciti» operation, suffering with rheuma- ••4» «.17 1.7» 281Í75-H • 1» 4.1» 1.17 3tai.7S-M • •4» 7.S4 •7« *-4« 1.17 MsS.M-N ••7« 4.M «»». Fun Or «ratas — 11.»« 11.10 6 50-30 !«.«• 7.00-arZ *•*4« 17-»« 7.50-30 .. ... imi fi.25-30 17.«« C oquille S ervice S tation Phone 133 25c Delivery