-5? Made 8tWy Chib SOCIAL NOTES Mrs. R. A. J sub was hoateaa Tues Tuesday evening Mr. James Brady; day afternoon to the music depart- 'ment of the Woman’s Club, at which was given a surprise party by a num- Mrs. Lyman Carrier, chairman, pre ber of his friends at his home on sided. The club which was organized Earn First street The guests gath two yean ago aa an experiment has ered at the home while Mr. Brady was proved so successful that it is beyond absent for a short while and upon re Republican Candidate, born and the experimental stage now and the turning heflne be found them all there. raised in Oregon, with "Ns Inter members voted to withdraw aa a de Bridge was ths diversion, with re ests to Serve but the Public In partment club and organise as a muiac freshments served following. Mr. terests."—Hawley. club exclusively. The club has been Brady was presented with a lovely Ranking Republican on Committee directed by a department chairman gift, along with tors. McKeown and on Ways and Means, Chairman Re Mr. Pierce who received prizea for but at this time, the new organization publican Caucus of House, etc. elected the following officers for the high score. Enjoying the evening to Has obtained more than 850,000,000 ensuing years: preaident, Mrs. C. A. gether were Messrs, and Mesdames for Public Improvements in Dis Ed MceKown, Fred C. MeNelly, T. Rietman; vice president, Mrs. M. O. trict, and much Beneficial Legisla Hawkins; secretary, Mrs. H. H. Cole B. Currie, Hal W. Pierce, A. B. Col tion for Fanners, Veterans and lier, C. P. Zumwalt A. O. Walker. man; treasurer, Mrs. W. 3. Sickela. others. This change has been made so that HE IS CLEAN, CAPABLE. EX The Ecadrien ladies met Monday for as soon as the organisation is per PERIENCED. FAITHFUL. luncheon and afternoon sewing at the 1 fected, it may become federated with SUCCESSFUL the National Federation of Music home of Mrs. John L. Aasen on South Coulter street. Mrs. Hal Pierce was Read his Record of Successful Ser Gleba. . j vice in Voter’s Pamphlet. Mrs. Rietman, in a few well chosen an extra guest that day. The mem words, thanked the club for the honor bers present were Mesdames Roy (pd. ad. by Ronald C. Glover.) bestowed upon her and a rising vote Neal, W. V. Glaiayer, Earl Nosier, of appreciation was extended to M m . Wm. Zosel, Willard Bosserman and Carrier, department chairman, for the Geo. Johnson. very efficient manner in which she has conducted the club thia year. The Mesdames Ed. Mckeown, A. O. Walk Mrs. E. M. Kay invited guests in new officials do not assume their duties immediately as there will be -for three table» of Bridge at her home one more meeting of the club for this Wednesday afternoon of this week. year before they close for the sum Dainty refreshments were served late in the afternoon to the following: mer months. At the conclusion of the business jr, T. B. Currie, Frank Thrift, H. S. session the meeting was turned over Norton, Fred C. MeNelly, C. J. Zum to the program leader, Mrs. W. 3. walt. Wm. Zosel, Jas. Brady, H. W. Sickela. Her topic, “American Opera," Pierce •nd J. L. Aasen. was a difficult one, owing to the lim The weekly nseeting -of the St. ited number of American opera com posers. However, she proved fully James Guild met Wednesday at the Coquille, Bandon Moose Install Next Week at the Liberty adequate to the teak and had prepared Pariah House with Mrs. George Lor- Coquille and 'Bandon Moose lodges If variety is the spice of life, RKO- a most interesting paper on the sub ni and Mrs. Bert Folsom as hostess held joint installation of officers for Radio Pictures’ ail-star rollicking ject During the reading, airs from es. Attending were Mesdames James 100 Barrels Flour Coming Soon the coming year in the lodge hall here comedy “Girl Craay” which comes to various operas were sung and played. Watson, H. E. Hess, Edward W. Lor Red Cross Chapters through the last evening. There was a large at the Liberty Theatre Sunday is a snap- Mrs. Lyman Carrier sang “Land of enz, W. H. Mansell, C. A. DeLong, L. United State» are now distributing FREDERICK tendance and the evening’s ceremon pily seasoned entertainment dish. K the Sky Blue WateM," Indian opera H. Hazard, W. 8. 8icksia, J. W. Laird government owned wheat in the form ies were followed by an enjoyable offers mirth and melody, romance and ' by Cadman, Mrs. Hawkins accom- and Annie J. Robinson. of flour to needy families, and have food. Coquille officers installed were: action, beauty and atmosphere. I P*nist. The instrumental duet from requisitioned 1,137,963 barrsls of Yesterday the Contract Club ladies Marc 8heiley, dictator; Jas. Avery, In the east are comedy stem, a beautiful opera, “If I Were King," flour as of April 8, according to word vies dictator; Wm. Jackson, prelate; child prodigy, Broadway beauties, 'by Adams was superb. Miss Rover were guests of Mrs, George A. Ulett received by Mm. Ida Owen of the local f For Reelection , J. D. Bell, secretary; Orva! Morris, Hollywood aowboys, Mexican seo<v ! accompanied Mrs. Covalt, who sang at her homo at 240 South Moulton chapter. Street for dessert luncheon. Members treasurer; Jerry Peart, sergeant at ritas, two gun men, and polished vil- ! “At Dawning,” by Cadman, UNITED STATES Orders for livestock feed for arms; Fred Scheer, I. S. G.; Tom Her liens. The action shifts from city j Mrs. H. H. Coleman presented a attending were Maedames W. 3. Sick drought areas on the same date totaled els. J. A. Lamb, F. L. Greenough, bert, O. 8. G.; Tom Morris, trustee. tenement, to western dude ranch and pupil, Elois Wilson, who played “Sea 187,194 tons. Chapters ordering Bob Bennett is the retiring dictator Mexican resort and ranges from rip Gardena.” Mrs. Coleman preceded R. A. Wernich, R L. Stewart, F. S. flour number 1,755 and those seeking Emery, Goo. H. Chaney, L. H. Haz her with the explanation of this theme. for Ko-Keel Lodge, No. 588. roaring chases to rhythmic dances and livestock feed number 289. It Seeking The closing number on the program, ard and Paul Van Scoy. tender love seenes. The local Red Cross chapter has re The Coquille delegates to the State “ O Promise Me, ” theme song from Nomination at Primary on Heading the imposing array of Fred Coleman was given an inter quisitioned 100 barrels of flour for Christian Endeavor convention in talent are the inimitable Bert Wheeler Robin Hood was characteristically May 20, 1932, the first shipment, which will be Portland returned Sunday evening af and Robert Woolsey, who start ths rendered by the ladies* sextette, Mrs. esting surprise dinner party in honor Republican Party Ticket stored in the vacant room of the Sen ter three days at the convention. Over film as city slickers and wind up as Woodyard at the piano. Mrs. Sickles of his 18th birthday last Thursday tinel building and passed out on au 2,000 Oregon delegates were there. rough and ready westerners. preluded the song with the story of evening by his mother, Mrs. H. H. thority of the local Red Cross com Coleman, at their home on North Those attending from here were: Fer- the romance. The story deals with a girl crazy mittee—Mrs. J. R. Bunch, Mrs. Ida K. Henry street. Table decorations were rantine Swinney, Agnes Newton, youth who iz sent to the quiet of a Every number on the program was Owen, Mayor J. Arthur Berg and N. Rosa McQuigg, Faye June Nosier, Al western ranch to cure him of his of unusual merit .and was thoroughly >f lovely red tulips and narcissi. Dur- C. Kelley. ng the evening the boys played ping vin McQuigg and Bob Bailey. ient^ "K « weakness for beautiful women. He enjoyed by the large number presbni — ........ .j .»qf. i n ------------------- - ----- * =*'’ «png ’ and other table games. Prises importa a snappy jasz band, a bevy Marriage Licenses Gladiolus at Myrtle Greenhouse of Broadway beauties, dresses the cow Eastern Star Met Last Night 'or bridge which was also enjoyed were received by Bill Pook, who held April 22—Raymond E. Schroeder Our giada are healthy climated punchers in dinner jackets, and turns Beulah Chapter No. 8, O. E. 8., high «core, and Jesse Barton, for low. and Louise P. Matton, both of Co bulbs, offered at greatly reduced the ranch into a playboy’s paradise. held an interesting session last ev Seated at the table were Fred Cole quille. They were married last Fri Melodies which ars liberally ening, in their lodge rooms. prices: The man, Jease Barton, Lewis Donaldson, day by Justice E. A. 'Dodge at his sprinkled through the fast and furious 8 far Ue Chapter has been divided into two actidn and0 laughs are original com teams, with Miss Edna Robison as Tom Ostrander, Gordon Neil, Keith home in Myrtle Point. Alice Tiplady, orange saffron. Holverstott, Bill Pook and Bob Col April 28—Frank E. Putnam and Black Pansy, dark red, almost black positions by George Gerahswin, mod captain of one side and Mrs. Frances Thelma M. Way, both of North Bend. lier. y,.‘ ' ' Break o' Day, early pink and cream ern music’s master hit creator. Zosel as captain of the other. At They were married at the M. E. par Marshal Foch, light salmon pink each meeting one or both of these Mrs. B. "R. Sanders entertained de sonage in North Bend, Tuesday, by Student Body Nominations. sides is expected to contribute some Maiden Blush, prim, pink lightfully the Laf-a-lot club members Rev. C. G. Morris. Suuvanier, fleep yellow - For high school student body elec thing in the way of entertainment at her home Thursday afternoon. The Collection, 8 each of above 76c; tion which takes place next Monday, and receive pointe for their work. hostess invited Mesdames Goo. Sher 3 each of above 40c; 1 each above 25c. the following were nominated today: Pointe are alao received for the side wood, L. C. Sherwood, Harold Huddle, 8 far 20e For president—Gus Gaitaa, Linus having the largest attendance of and Lee Hand for the afternoon. He ha» been true to Oregon Jock London, salmon with red line« Seeley. members. Last evening Mm. Ora Members present were Mesdamee farmart, lumbermen, stockmen, Bengal Tiger, red, dark markings. For vice president—Alfred Plaop, Maury repeated a part of the secret Chas. Kime, Ralph Lucas, Ed Detlef- Ono Cant a Weed veteran«, fisheries and all other Los Angeles, shrimp pink. work of the order and so won points Morse Stonecypher. X «en, W. E. Cross, C. C. Bonniksen, vital interests of the state. Rose Glory, ruffled rose pink. For secretary—Madeline McKeown, for Mias Robison’s side, while Mrs. Wm. Myers, George Gilman, P. J. FOR KENT—5-room modern house, Zosel’s side staged an old-fashioned Virginia, soft red Maxine Collins. C/ean-Courogeout-Efficienf Jacobsen, W. D. Simmons and Miss bath, built-ins, etc., chicken lot and Flora, light yellow. For assistant treasurer — Betty spelling match, which Miss Robison’s Edith Jacobsen. Mrs. Bonniksen will Mb Record Insures garden. >12.50. Mrs. Carl Ensele, Collection, 8 each of above, 81.00, Glaisyer, Bertha Clinton. side won. The regular chapter ses vonnnuva rBisinji »vrvice entertain the club in two weeks. 354 North Heath. It* 8 each of above, 00c; 1 each above 35c. sion was followed by a few tables of For aaaistant business manager— for OREGON 8 for M« bridge, at which the sides were evenly Lin Swain, Tom Thrift. At her home Tuesday evening Mrs. WANTED—'Work caring for children, Mrs. Leon Douglas, begonia rose. For assistant Laurel editor—Anns matched. Mrs. E. A. Walker received Julius Rubio was hostess to the Entre housework, clerking or typing. Dr. F. E. Bennett, flame scarlet. high score on Mrs. Zosel's side and Barton, Florence Tway. Nous club with Mrs. F. C. Hudson and Dena Curts, 290 North Elliott, Co W. H. Phipps, La France pink. For assistant Hi Times editor— Lafe Compton received high score for Mrs. Jack Le Fevre as additional quille. It* Golden Measure, tall yellow. Miss Robison's side. Miss Harriet FOR RENT—45-room house and bath, Beryl Unaoeld, Audrey A assn, guests. Mrs. Litzenberger won the Giant Nymph, tall pink. double garage; fruit and place for For inter-class rivalry chairman— Gould won the spelling contest. The high score prize for the evening’s WANTED to buy a small flve-acre Purple Glory, large ruffled garnet. Craig Perrott, Fred Fuhrman. members were delightfully surprised garden, on Spurgeon Hill. Phone tract of long, good bottom land but play. Refreshments were served at Collection, 8 each of above 81.50; 39M, Coquille. 15t2* Other nominations ly be made by having several Myrtle Point mem- the close. Present were Mesdames H. not wide land and reasonably 8 each of above 80c; 1 each above 46c. from the floor before the election. I ibers down for the evening. cheap. No improvement necessary. H. Oerding, Walter Litaenberger, E. The following are the world’« fin ____________ ______ ____ Delicious The nominating committee consist- refreshments were served Write, Roscoe Cavene, Box 743, REWARD will be paid for return of It was L. Vinton, Kenneth Kistner, Otte est glads, prize winners all. Regular •d of Harold Koikhorat, Franc« Eg- following the social Start-. books, correspondence, etc., in trav Kellogg, Ida. ' 18t2* Davis and Donald Estes. retail price for each: W. H. Phipps, gleston, Anne Barton, Madeline Mc-'wtefl elling bag, taken from car alongside last night's session that 10c; Dr. F. E. Bennett 10c; Purple Keown, Goo. Ulett, with Helen Grier Beulah Chapter should extend an in of Adventist church, Sunday even FOR SALE—Some good 2nd hand Taukanao Club Notes Glory 5c; Golden Dream 15c; Minuet as faculty member. . vitation for a social evening to all the ing. Information would be appre furniture and ranges at Bargain Mm. Robt. Waggoner very pleas Chapters of Coos county, also to Port 20; Mrs. Leon Douglas 10c; Heavenly ciated. Initials “T. M. L.” on the prices. Will trade for stove wood or Blue 20c; Marmora 20c; Saraband Orford snd Roseburg Chapters, on antly entertained the Taukanso club bag in black. Notify H. A. Nier- any household goods Coquille Fur Lecture Date Changed Friday, May 13th. at the home of Mrs. Jack Page on 15c; Betty Nuthall 25c; Total, 81 JO. garth. Owner of bag, T. M. Lang- niture Exchange, 315 let St. Owing to the musical program at April 21st. Cards and sewing were I each of above for 81.25. berg, of Medford. 15t2* the Pioneer Church we have changed enjoyed during the evening, following During sale, or until May 7, 20% County Content Here Tonight the illustrated lecture of Rev. E. F. St., Salem, Oregon. 9tf which the hostess, assisted by Mrs. reduction on above prices. Atchley oa, “The Evils of the Cigar The Coos County interpretative Page, served dainty refreshments to: MYRTLE GREENHOUSES CASH ette—-The Enemy of Youth,“ from reading and extemporaneous speaking Mesdames Jack Leach, Myrtle Jonea, I for Sunday night to Thursday night, May contest will be held in the Pioneer R. M. Bennett, Stanley Fitzgerald, Late Model Used Cars 5. Wo have changed it so that other Church at 7:30 this (Friday evening. Carl Ensele, Wm. Peart, Vance Week SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR CO. churches may co-operate with us and Admission is free. ly, M. Simmons, Fred Wheaton, come to the service. Illustrated with Interpretative Reading — Girls Earl Schroeder, Fred Woodhurst, 8?. slides. (May speak ten minutes) Robt Waggoner, Jack Page and Miss Father and mother you owe it to . Marshfield—'Morley Brand on “A Virginia Page. The club will meet your boy and girl to get them to Cutting from Mary Cary,“ by Kate May 5th with Mrs. Earl Schroeder, Chevrolet Coupe Phone IM come to this lecture and don’t forget BoSher. Coquille Star Coach - with Mrs. Clarence Hurrel assisting. Anywhere, Any Time the date, May 5, 7:30 p. m. at the Myrtle Point—Doris Derry on “The Chrysler Coupe-"70” Church of God. Faith That Never Faltered.” Ford Truck Present» Pupils in Recital Goo. 8. Murphy. North Bend—Nadine Btekett, “The Essex Coach -- Mrs. H. H. Coleman is presenting WANTED TO BUY — Household 29 Ford Truck—stake body F r Mourning Veil.” y Coquille—Melba McCoy, “Cherokee her pupils in a series of two piano re goods, mason jars, stoves and, 28 Dodge Coupe Mbn Williams Entertains Club citals, at her home, the parents and Roses.” ranges for cash. Coquille Furni Logging Trailer friends being invited. Trios, duets The Emanon club met at the home 29 Chevrolet Truck—stake body ture Exchange, 815 let St. of Miss Lena Williams Tuesday even and solo numbers are also being giv (Six minutes fo apeak) 31 Harley Davidson Motorcycle ing, April 24th. Sewing was the di The subject will bo based oa “The en, Marjorie Clinton, Beverly Joan BRING IN your old Lawn Mower and 28 Chrevrolet Truck—Stake Body version of the evening. Delightful Tragic Era,“ by Claude Boyers, and Norton and Dorothy Belle Newton ap trade for good one or will make 28 Ford Cabriolet refreshments were served to the fol Harry Sackett will represent Marsh pearing on Friday evening; Lurene any length yours cut like new. Coquille Fur 80 Ford Truck-Duals lowing: Mesdames Raymond Cooper, fl eld; Cecil Barker, Myrtle Point; THghman and Mary Ann Schroeder on niture Exchange, 316 let St. 27 Chrysler “80” Coach E. D. McCune, Ends Newman, Ger Harold Clemente, North Bend; Avery Saturday; Margaret Belkrni, Lorein Our 38-Day Guarantee trude Lambert, Cliff Brockman, Miss Combs, Coquille. Child on Monday and Jack Newton, FOR SALE—at a sacrifice nine and es Ferrantine Swinney and Agnes 79-lOOths acres. If interested, The judges will bo D. Palmer Robert McLaren and Nira Coy on Newton, and hostess. Miss Williams. Young and WaBaee Dahlberg, instruc Wednesday evein ng. write to E. A. Felson, 4M State The club «rill meet in two weeks with tors in public speaking, Oregon State Miss Newton. Alpine Cool delivered in Cxxiuille College. for 86 a ton. cash. Phono 71. Holmkin A Son. W. C. HAWLEY 1. O. BAILEY STEIWER SENATOR Want Ads Used Cars For Less Hauling Trucking Alpine Coal Fir Wood Phone 71 HELMKIN 4 SON .