k TM COQUILLE VALLET SÉW+tMlL. ÔÔQÜILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 1*. 1982. ' ■ J'g X! Th» f.dlowlng students have done exceptional work in the various sub­ jects t to tatd below for the second grading period of the second semes­ ter of the Coquille high oesheol: English 2—Howard Bonniksen. English 4—Marianne Axtell, Edythe Farr, Anne Barton, Beryl Un s osi d. English 4 — Frederick Fuhrman, Bernice Eggleston. English 8—Kathleen Collier, Don­ ald Farr, Frederick Fuhrman, Vada Swinney, Barbara Unaoeld. Remedial English —Duane Fitzger­ ald. Latin I—Edythe Farr. General Mathematics—Betty Brady, I Geraldine Minard, Gretchen N«*l, Powell Yarbrough. Geometry — Edythe Farr, Betty [Glafeyer, Delos Shinn. Commercial Law—Donald Farr. Générai Science—Jim Robinson, | Norman Berry, Archie Hansen, Leon- | ard Lawhorns, Howard Bonniksen. Parental r.-spcn.iib Jity is moving outward to include community respon­ sibility; Every child is now our child. • have injected eo many artificial conditions into onr industrial civiliza­ tion that the old normal relationship of mother and child, child and family, family and neighborhood, have changed. f “The problem of how to steady our children agamrt the high-power im­ i pact of new forces wnich have devel­ oped in our modem civilization; “How to protect them physically and mentally to the utmost of our abilities; Your favorite colon look «van mora “How to extend and strengthen CM AIMCI riin — __ th« .1. Rapid- D._J charmin« in ENAMELOID thus-* community forces which stand Dryinj Decorative Enamel. to the child in place of many of the It's really fun to me a brashfett room set earlier responsibilities of home and! £>w beautiful under your brush. The finish parents; «« quickly, no inconvenience, porcelain­ “To evaluate our school curricula in 1 like, rich and ever so durable—and easy to the light of rapid changes in our so- 1 clean. You’ve been waiting for this sugges­ cial scheme, expanding their func­ tion. Buy • can of Enameloid « /wv tions at thoee points where the mod­ today. Per pint. ............................. Biology—Charles Gaslin, Beryl Un­ em home is no longer equipped to aoeld. train children; Chemistry—Donald Farr, Frederick A Colorful, Velvety Finish for Walls “At the other end of the line to And Fuhrman, Gertrude MeM, Carol Bal­ ways and mesne to strengthen the hands of parents through education, ing. r World History—Arlie Aasen, Mari­ as rapidly as possible equipping them anne Axtell, Alfred Ptaep, Howard with new knowledge concerning chil­ Bonniksen, Archie Hansen. dren; USB 4*nWIN-VnXlAM4 «UAUTY BBV4U4 United States History—Frederick “To discover the machinery by BBB BB4T PAINTIN4 BB4VLT4 Fuhrman, Gail Hufford, Madeline Mc­ which the benefits of preventive medi­ Fast-Dri Varnish for Floors Keown, Delos Shinn. cine and sanitation, of social agencies, Civics—(Kathleen Collier, Bernice can be extended to all children—in Yoe don’t hsve to wowy when year floor is flrtsbed with MAR-NOT Fsst-M Floor Varnish. Use them—let the children pUy on them bocaese Mar-net is die Eggleston, Donald Farr. the country as well as the city—which P ,^><***f*w7 R"*’*’ and printed linoleum floors we know of.J Shorthand—Robelie Oderkik. too often now are enjoyed by the priv­ Typewriting 2 — Audrey Aasen, ileged few; Do.£LMta*~MKBEPING UP WITH DAUGHTER" Anns Barton, Edythe Farr, Drtoe “And in the midst of our crowding KGO—Every Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock Shinn, Beryl Unaoeld. sargernem to help lift our children to Bookkeeping I —Florence Cary, higher level«, to guard them against I Bertha Clinton, Gertrude Mehl, Delos our own oversealous programming— | Shinn, Este Stewart. 321 West Front Phone 103-M Coquille, Ore. to leav« them sufficiently wide mar­ Agricuture I—Leonard Lawhome, gins of free time and free space for I Cecil Laws, Glenn Mast, George Wil- the great and joyous adventure of I son, Cedric Cross. growing up aa personalities operating Agriculture II—Darrell Anderson, under their own motive power. With I Harold Berry. . Leetar Cunningham, all this that is now open before us, we | Harry Hetmkin, London Jenkins. have the challenge of the future. Agriculture IV—Delbert Donaldson “Our function should be to help par­ Lawrenee GiMltan, Stanford Newton. ents, not replace them. The acces- Home Economics I—Geraldine Mc­ soriee which our civilisation hia Carthy, Fake McCue, Harriet Webb, brought for the care, protection, and Elois Wilson, Kathleen Collier, Faye development of the child, should be June Nosier, Helen Pinkston. accoseoriee to the home and not sup­ Home Economics II—Bertha Clin­ plant it. The success of our civiliza­ ton, Verna Halter, Jean Hatcher, tion has come through the relationship Jewel Jacobson, Kathleen Collier, of the home to children and conse­ Rose Matnsy, Lorraine Simpson, quently to citizenship. In other Maxine Simpson, Margaret Staninger, words, there must be a decentraliza­ Lodema Cross, Lois Harry, Ferry 1 tion into the local field of the great Hughes, Ruth Brandt, Yvonne Cross, mass of tho problems which we have Tesaie Ruble, Vada Swinney, Eileen been studying. There must likewise Thurman. be decentralization of the information COQUILLB which we have gathered so that it will re>*ch every mother and father, every News Notes From Powers „ . , , ■ EtheJ 9U<1« wa« in Powers Satur- school board, every health officer, and every legislator in the country." County Spelling Contest Mustcal numbers will include pieces I jay by the Junior High School band of Mrs Sadi; Pyt)UrT1 daughter, It is the purpose of the Child Health The county spelling and declama­ tory contests are to bo held in Co- North Bend; glee club of Bandon; vi-1 Franc.*, were visitors here over the and Protection Conference to see that ovary child in every part of the state en