The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 25, 1932, Page 8, Image 8

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-------- >1-......L... 111 ■
Expect A b 8-Club Bail
League to Be Formed
A chain found last Saturday morn­
ing by Officer English awaits an own­
McLain Lump Coal, *6.00 per ton,
cash. Manaell Dray A Delivery Co.
Phone 224-L.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Waldron,
of this city, an eight pound baby boy,
on Monday, March 21.
The American Legion Auxiliary
will meet Monday evening, March 28,
at the Legion hail to sew.
Mrs. Aaron Wilson went out to Al­
bany last Saturday for a week’s visit
with her daughter, M m . Ralph Harry.
M m . Caroline Lorenz became ill
with pleurisy Wednesday night and
was very ill, but to somewhat better
Mrs. F. S. Emery will have charge
of the story-telling hour at the libra­
ry from 2 until 2:80 p. m., Saturday,
March 26.
Chas. Doane, candidate for the re­
publican nomination as county com­
missioner, was a Coquille visitor
Install« Gas Lighting
Mrs. Geo. E. Binder, a pioneer of !
the Coquille valley who has resided 1
here since 1872, passed away at her ’
home in the north part of Coquille, at ;
1:30 last Friday afternoon, aged 68 I
years, three months and 29 days. She i
had not been well for the past year, ,
since she fell and broke a limb, and I
had been taken to a hospital at the i
Bay several times in toe last five i
Funeral services were conducted at
the Dona chapel, at one o’clock Sun­
day afternoon, by Elder A. A. Baker, ,
of Myrtle Point, and interment was i
in the Dora cemetery.
Leah Rumina Krantz was the i
daughter of Michael and Lucinda i
Krantz. She was born Nov. 16, 1863,
in Newton county, Mo., and came with i
her parents to Coos county in 1872.. .
They settled at Dora and it was there >
she was married to Amos Hatcher, ,
and to them three children were born i
—Nevy Hatcher, of Coquille; Mrs. .
Frank McCreary, of Coquille; and I
M m . Perry Neal, of Remote.
Some ydan after Mr. Hatcher’s
death she was united in mariage to
Geo. E. Binder, Nov. 1, 1913, in Co­
quille. Mr. Binder survives aa do the
following brothers and aieten: D. C.
Kranz, of Coquille; M. J. Krantz, of
Dora; W. L. Krantz, of Wilbur, Ore.;
M m . R. M. Minard and M m . A. J.
Mayse, both of Dora. She is also sur­
vived by four grandchildren.
Must interest has been evidenced
among local reaiidente in the new gas
lights recently installed at the “Coffee
Cup” by Natural Gas Corporation of
These an the first lights of thia
kind to bo used in this community,
and make the “Coffee Cup” practically
a 100 per cent gae installation, aa this
now fuel io already being used for
cooking and water heating.
Morris Bros., proprietors of the
restaurant. have used gas lights pre-
viotmly and found them very satiafac-
tory. This was the reason for their
installation at their present place of
business, and they are proving quite
R. H. Rush, local representative for
Natural Gas Corporation of Oregon,
advises that an increasing number of
local residents are continually taking
advantage of this new service, and an-
tieipates this number will repidly ex-
pand with the arrival of the first
warm days of spring.
Sunrise Prayer Meeting
The Christian Endeavor societies of
the Church of Christ will have a Sun­
rise Prayer Meeting service Sunday,
March 27, at 6:00 o’clock. Everyone
will meet at the church and proceed to
Patterson’s Grove if the weather per­
mits. The public is cordially invited.
Deeds Recorded
No Other
can be
like this!
Pure and clean—the first requisite of the cotton
you use. And this patented package of Firstaid
Absorbent Cotton keeps it so until the moment
you use it.
Why take chances with cotton that lacks this ex­
tra precaution? Get a Firstaid Package today!
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc.
Ask for Sunday Concerts
By Title Guanntee A Abstract Co.
Walter V. Leusch, sing, to R. J.
conveys Lot 19, Blk. 2,
Empire Development Co., to Jakob
Rahnato, conveys Lota 8, * and 10
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Johnson, of
Blk. 1 1st Add. to Empire.
Portland, were Coquille visitors the
Avis Dunbar et vir. to W. M. Hillar
past week end, and were guests at the
jt ux, conveys Easterly half of Blk.
C. J. Fuhrman home.
16, Empire.
M m . Ralph Taylor and Mrs. Jack
Coos Bay Lumber Co., to Addie
Thompson and her small son returned
Hastings Finney, conveys mineral
Tuesday from Portland where they
righto on NEK 'NEK Sec. 25, T. 26
had been visiting for two weeks.
3. R. 18 W.
On the Coquille hour tomorrow,
W. J. Sweet Timber Co., to W. J.
from 11:30 a. m. until 12, two local
Sweet, conveys lands and timber on
young ladies, Joy Norton and Leah
'arious tracts in Sec. 20, T. 80 S. R.
Rover, will be heard in a piano duet.
11; Sec. 21, and 17, T. 28 S. R. 14,
3ec. 18 A 19 T. 29 8. R. 10; See. 25
Mrs. Aletha Hale left this morning
»nd 36 T. 29 S. R. 11 etc.
for a few days in Portland, accom­
W. J. Sweet to Coquille River Land
panying her friend, Mrs. F. S. Dimon,
Co, conveys same as last above.
of Seattle, who had been visiting her
Elizabeth Rogers (fmly Sell) et vir
since Monday.
to Leonard L. Sell, conveys Lot 6,
Mias Alda Sloan, who is attending
the Bible College at Eugene, came in
3WK 8ec. 20, T. 28 S. R. 18 W.
the first of the week to spend the
C. H. Fox to Busan N. Fox, K int.
spring vacation with her parents, Mr.
n tract in SEK 8ec. 82 T. 28 S. R. 12
and Mrs. W. A. Sloan.
W. W. M.
If you want to subscribe for a Port­
Phillipa A Hambaugh Realty Corp,
land daily the clubbing combination Stanley Cabin at Beach Robbed
to Gustav F. Scharr, conveys lots 11
we offer with the Sentinel will eave
and 12, Blk. 21 Crawford Point and
The old trouble is recurring at Ban­
you money.
Lota 27 and 28 in iBlk. 26, City of Coos
don. Beach cabins are being broken
The officers of the Myrtle Union into and robbed. The latest to be re­
Phillips A Hambaugh Realty Corp,
Christian Endeavor met at the Church ported is that of J. J. Stanley's where
to Arthur Nave, conveys lots 15 A
of Christ last Sunday in conference thieves jimmied a window and re­
How Far on a Quart?
16, Blk. 5, Riverside Add. to Bandon.
for the work of the two counties and moved all the provisions in the cabin,
An unusual motor truck mileage
, Phillips A Hambaugh Realty Corp,
in preparation for the state conven­ as wall as a safety razor, some dishes
contest is to bo held March 26, 1932
tion at Portland on April 20.
and other articles. When Mr. Stanley’s ' Geo. F. Burr. Company, CoquiHe, to Wm. M. Henderson, conveys lots
17 and 19 Blk. 26 Crawford Point
Mr. and M m . Herschel Bunch and son-in-law, Bob Bennett, reported the Oregon, has planned a new and inter­
Leia 8. Simpson and L. J. to J. B.
young son arrived here Monday morn­
esting contest for all motor truck
Vollmer et ux, conveys lots 17 and
ing from their home in Moscow, where iff, and Harold Varney took finger­ driven in this community. There are
20 Blk. 8 Simpson Add. to North
Mr. Bunch is connected with the Uni­ print pictures of the culprit The of­ no restrictions nor requirements other
versity of Idaho. They are visiting ficers also have the rise of the rob­ than that contestants know how to Bend.
Walter H. Leedom et ux. to L. W.
at the D. J. B. Bunch home and ex­ ber’s shoe for he stepped on the bed drive a car.
conveys E. K lota 18 A 14,
pect to leave for home tomorrow.
The contest should stir up some in­
Blk. 18 South Marshfield.
fect impression.
teresting competition between many
D. V. Yeoman, candidate for the
Walter C. Buckingham, to Julia
of the “good driven” around CoquiHe. Catherine McLaughlin, conveys lot
democratic nomination aa county sur­
Dollar Day on the S. P.
Mr. Burr is offering a valuable prize
veyor, was a Coquille visitor this
Beginning yesterday the Southern to the driver who takes a new Model U Evergreen Terrace.
morning. He is planning on getting
D. L. Buckingham and wife to Julia
over the county during the next six Pacific is offering another of its Dol­ A-2 International truck the greatest C. McLaughlin, conveys Lot 9 Ever­
distance on one quart of gasoline. The
weeks and becoming acquainted with
evening round trip tickets can be pur­ truck used will be a regular model green Terrace.
all the voters.
John Thomsen and Martha K. Fran-
chased at one cent a mile. The re­ taken from stock and equipped with a
son and Henry Franson to J. R. Mil-
Mr. and M m . Geo. A. Ulett left Sat­ turn limit is April 5, allowing an one-quart glass fuel tank.
ton and Reta L Milton, conveys Lota
urday noon in their car for San eleven day trip for those starting to­
Driven will take their turn at the 23 and 24 in Blk. 9 Townsite of East
Francisco. From there Mr. Ulett day.
wheel, starting from Mr. Burr's gar­ Marshfield.
»rent on south to Loo Angeles on busi­
age and driving until the quart of
Oscar McAfee, to Mary J. Snod­
ness for the Smith Wood-Products Specials at Nosier Beauty Shop gasoline ia exhausted.
grass and Nathan M. Snodgrass, con­
plants. They expect to be back the
Manicure or ’Hot Oil scalp treat­
veys Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, Blk. 17 Boise
latter part of next week.
ments, With Finger Waves or Marcel, Russell Keizer Files for Coroner Add. to Marshfield and NK NWK
The Federated Junior Music Club for >1.00 only on Mondays and Tues­
Another candidate for nomination NEK SWK Sec. 86 Y. 28 R R. 18.
will meet at 6:46 next Monday even­ days.
on the republican ticket for the pri­
J. C. Doane to Fannie C. Doane,
ing, March 2», at the homo of M m . H.
Plain Shampoos with Finger Waves, maries, May 20, was filed Wednes­ his wife, conveys Lots 28 and 29, and
H. Coleman on Henry street. M m . J. on Mondays and Tuesdays for 75e.
day. Dr. Russell Keiser is seeking re­ SK Lot 30 in Blk. 24 Railroad Add.
E. Norton will speak to the club on
Bring your own net for wet Finger election as coroner.
to Marshfield.
grand opera in general, and on ■
th* Waves at any time for 26 canta.
Emma Martin and Ira E. Martin to
Prospective candidates have until
opera, “Aida,” in particular.
April 6, to file their petitions with the Caroline Shaffer and B. F. Shaffer,
Ask about our Tulip Oil Wave at county clerk.
Students coming home from eol-
her husband. Lot 28 Blk. 3, Simpson
or regular wave at *6.00 They
lege for the spring vacation in H
Heights Add. to North Bend. Contract
past week included Alice Fish, David are guaranteed.
of sale.
Nosier Beauty Shop.
Smith, Warner IPlaep, Oka Eckholm,
Coos County to Fred L. Wilson,
With a view to giving each town a
Ray Woodyard, Allfngton Glaisyer,
jonveys WK NWK Sec. 82 T. 80 8.
Graydon Anderson and others. They
sent its problems, a meeting of Camp R. 10 W. W. M.
To TaxpayeM and Friends:
will all return to school Sunday.
Phillips A Hambaugh to H. E. Mc-
I am a candidate for nomination to Fire Guardians, Assistants, and others Nichols and wife, conveys lota 11, 12,
Edward H. Joehnk, referee in bank­
the office of County Commissioner on interested from the several towns of 18, and 14 in Blk. 26, City of Coos Bay
ruptcy, has called a meeting of the
the Republican ticket. If I am nom­ the county, and also from Roseburg,
Phillips A Hambaugh to Earnest
creditors of the bankrupt Otrding
inated and elected, I win work for is to be held in Coquille Friday even­ Park and wife, conveys Lota 19 and
Industries, Inc., to be held in his of­
PROGRESS WITH STRICT ECON­ ing, April 1, with a 6:46 dinner at the 20 in Blk., 2 Central Add. to North
fice in Marshfield, at 10 a. m„ April
OMY. I will do my utmost to secure Coquille Hotel. This was decided at a Bend.
4, at which time they may present
special meeting of the Coquille Camp
lower taxes.
Estate of James Denholm, tran­
and prove their claims, and elect a
Fire Guardian association Wednesday
script from Multnomah county.
evening at the home of Mrs. Leona
A. L. Heller and wife, to Helen B.
Maloney, convey« beginning 68 rods
S. of NW corner NWK Sec. 14 T. 27
A Clever Display Window
S. R. 12 W. W. M., thence E. 80 rods;
Kennett Lawrence returned Satur­
That is some farm acene in the So. 30 rods; W. 80 rods. No. 80 rods
day from Portland where he spent a
Busy Corner Grocery window which to beginning.
couple of days with his brother, Per­
Alice N.
ry E. Lawrence.
Although ho has
No trespassing, hunting or fishing section of the Coast Highway running Fish, conveys 8K NEK, SEK NWK.
his bad days, Perry is considerably
better than he was when Kennett was permitted on my ranch just north of along in front of the house, barn and SEK NEK Sec.20T80 8 « 11, and
chicken house.
The last two men­ NWK SWK Sec. 21, and part of
up there st Christmas time. He to Coquille on Fairview road.
tioned buildings were mkde by the SWK SWK Sec. 21 and SEK SEK
Joe Scolari.
able to talk more easily and has gain­ H*
children at the Washington school. Sec. 20 in T. 80 8. R 11 W. W. M.
ed more than 20 pounds in weight.
Real radishes are growing in the
»and, and the whole scheme makes a
very attractive window display.
V. R. Wilson, Optometrist. Eyes
Glasses fitted.
lenses duplicated. Grimes Building,
Coquille, One.
Out of the base of the sport world
comes a now baseball circuit which
will carry on for the Southwestern
Oregon district in the realm of the
grand American pastime as the South­
ern Oregon Coast League.
Organised last Sunday evening at
the meeting held at Bill’a Place, the
Southern Oregon Coaet League will
receive its baptism into schedule play
on the tentative date of April 17.
Previous to this, April 10, two of the
teams, those representing Eastside
and Coquille are listed to give the
conference an unofficial opening when
the two aggregations meet in sn ex­
hibition game on the local ball dia­
Representatives Glen» Heggett, of
Reedsport; Jim Whittey, of Eastaide;
Earl Graham, of Powers; C.. J. Cling­
er, of Sutherlin; Pat Connelly, of Ban­
don; and BUI Foritier, of Coquille, at­
tended Sunday night’s meeting, as
well aa others from these various
towns and many from Coquille. Del­
egates from Gold' Beach did not ar­
rive, due to the poor condition of
the roads after the storm, and no one
showed up from North Bend nor
Business transacted showed that
Bill Tighlman, local retired business
man, was elected president of the
league, be accepting the office on the
understanding that if it was the will
of the representatives they could
choose another man and he would
serve pro tempore. R. F. Stockwell
wss appointed to draw up by-laws to
govern the league and these will be
presented at the next meeting, Sun­
day, March 27, for approval.
will include such necessary clauses as
are needed to cover rules concerning
outside players, officials, umpires,
power of officers, salaries, disputes,
At present the plans for the league
are twofold. Either there wiH be an
eight club circuit or one of six teams.
In the former case the schedule will
be one which will carry straight
through till the latter part of July, or
In the latter case a split-season will
be employed to end a short time later.
All this will be threshed out at the
meeting on Sunday.
It is hoped that there «rill be full
representation from the eight towns
at two o’clock Sunday afternoon at
Bill’s Place so that the questions on
hand can be decided upon. The meet­
ing is open to anyone wishing to at­
Mrs. Geo. Binder Buried
Allington Glaisyer, and F. W. Ber­
tram and Lion Jassman, of the .
Marshfield den, were guests at th»
Lions Club luncheon yesterday noox.
at which 29 Coquille Lions were .
present. The first two spoke briefly,
but Mr. Jassman commended the Co­
quille den on the generosity it dis­
played and the life shown at the ses­
sion. Many clubs will pass the buck,
if they do not wish to undertake
some cauM or movement, or claim all
the glory if they do, was his comment,
but here you are perfectly willing to
co-operate and share with other or-
ganixationa the credit for some
worth while accomplishment.
Feri) Emery, in the absence of the
tailtwister, performed in a highly
creditable manner, the job of painful
extraction, nicking Henry Hess and
Ray Jeub for the limit, and Mveral
others for a lesser amount.
- The suggestion was made that the
band be asked if a series of Sunday
afternoon concerts in the city park
would agree with their plans for popu­
lar entertainment, and the Lions ex­
pressed the desire to co-operate in
every way possible in promoting the
band’s usefulness and progress.
was also commended for the fine pro­
gram presented Sunday at Marshfield
Alpine Coal
Fir Wood
I UI i Dry Hardwood
Quick Service
• • >.
Gene LeFevre
Rebekahs Name Delegates
At the regular meeting of the Re­
bekah Lodge Wednesday evening the
following members were elected as
delegates to the Grand Lodge: Evelyn
Oerding, first delegate; Myrtle Ben­
ham, second delegate; Harriet Schaer,
alternate. Fred Schaer was rein­
stated. The members were sorry to
learn that Sister Porter is very ill.
After the business meeting games
were played and refreshments were
served by the Good of the Order com­
mittee. The Past Noble Grande club
will meet with Mrs. Birdie Skeels Fri­
day evening, March 25. The members
are requested to bring their needle,
thread and thimble.
Card of Thanks
To the neighbors, friends and rela­
tive« who so kindly assisted us during
the illness and after the death of our
wife and mother, Mrs. Geo. E. Binder,
and for the sympathy extended us
after her passing, we wish to extend
our sincere thanks.
Also for the
floral offerings at the funeral service.
Geo. E. Binder,
Nevy Hatcher
Mrs. Aka McCreary
Mm. Nita Neel
Failure ms
The late Oscar 8. Straus was
erons both with hie money am
He hated slander.
A parlor communist in Mr. Straus’s
hearing slandered thia millionaire and
that. They were all swindlers, their
fortunes were all founded oa the
sobs of widows and orphans, all their
money was tainted, and so forth and
Filipino Police
The Philippine constabulary, the po­
lice force of the Islands, numbers «,-
«26 enlisted meu and 896 offlcen.
The annual report of Brig. Gen.
Rafael Crame, head of the force,
shows 2,410 constabulary la Mindanao
and Sulu, where the Moros are
troublesome. The enlisted pern
la entirely Filipino, but a numb
American offlceM are la the service
from the rank of colonel down to third
The Bisshieg Tadpole
Biologists are trying to find out why
tadpoles Mush. Maybe biologists use
that kind of language while examining
the sensitive little animals—Seattle
Dally Times.
Safety Flrat! U m C ow Ml Dairy's
Pasteurized Milk and protect year
Hiland Theatre!
Two Days Only
Garbo and Novarro—they’re now together!
Garbo, the unrivaled, and Novarro, the Prince of Romance, bring you
now a drama that will remain forever in mind and heart!
Ne Show
A builder of American Youth ... An athletic coach who molded
elean, wholesome characters,
well as strong, able bodies! But in
his enthusiasm he lost sight of the fact that his son wanted the hu­
man understanding of a father, not the hard discipline of a coach'
A Heart-Throbbing Drama Told Midst the Spine-Tingling Thrills
of Sport
Jack Heit
Richard Cromwell
Joan Marsh
The Perfect Crim. . . Perfect Alibi , . Perfect Mystery Drama
Justice Court blank« for sale at thia
__________ ChBdra« 10c