It IMI. PAGI FOUI F!— The Sentinel A CSSS SAMS HI A MOO TOM H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES H. A. YOUNG. Editor Entered at the Coquille Postatile* Second Class Mail Matter. WHO RULES THETT. 8, ORGAN­ IZED SOCIETY OR GANGLAND? There is not a father in the land who would not do th* same as Col Chas. A. Lindbergh did in offering to deal with gangsters if they could bring about the return of hi* kidnapped baby. But when this is written, gang­ land ha* been able to accomplish no more than have the organised peace forces, the police organisations, and it mitigates to some extent the feel­ ing that civilised society in the United States i* at the mercy of racketeers. The supreme effrontery of Al Ca­ pone, in offering to find and return the little tot to its parent*, m ex­ change for his freedom, ha* been uni­ versally condemned by the press and all good citizens. But it is not strange that this scum of the earth, much of which is native in southern Europe, should have an exaggerated opinion of its power, and feel that it can accomplish what the officers can not. And why should they have respect for law enforcement officers? Were it not for th* venality of polio* of­ ficers, the gangsters would never be abl* to acquire the position they do in th* daily life of our large cities. Th* hug* racketeering profits ar* split in buying protection, and gangland knows that it is safe aa long aa th* avaricious ar* named to enforce the law. Some day the pati*nce of Unci* Sam—the people of th« whole United State*—will snap and the gangster will be hunted down without mercy. And the punishment due the kid­ napper is the same as that meted out to the murderer—death. bor’s baby serosa the street. Th* six-y*ar-old girl in Cineinatti who was kidnaped and murdered was our neighbor's little girl. Jimmy DeJut*, th* Ohio boy, kidnaped, was our neighbor’s boy and when th* press dispatch«« said be was found there was joy and thanksgiving in all neighbors’ bom«* of the hind. There is a non-undemtandable de­ pravity in the humand mind that leaps into action in many person* when cir­ cumstance« offer opportunity for them to glut their depravity. The multitude of useless letters, telegrams and phone calls that have poured in on the Lindberghs from irresponsible* and the motl«y erowds that have swammed around the vicinity of their home and made the street of th* little town of Hopewell crowded highway!, are evidences that the abnormal mind does on fresh pasturage. When a notorious gangster offers his •id to help fihd the baby on the con­ dition that his prison sentence is an­ nulled, it looks as though he thought that law and order and public safely ar* subject* for trad* and barter, and to advertise his gangster importance, the meat and drink of his life. "Must gangsters do it ?’’ An editor­ ial in the Oregonian of the 8th insL, covers the ground as to any reported deal made or to b* made with cer­ tain gangsters for their influence with the kidnapers to return the baby. If any such offer has been made, that is a bid for gangster rule, not law rul*. There is a question in my mind wheth- ed Lindbergh ever made that request. It sounds more like gangdom adver­ tising. The statement of Mrs. Lind­ bergh that she places responsibility for the return of her baby boy on the officers of the law. "And that she hss faith in the efficiency and in the ade­ quacy of qualified public servants” for th* reason her father was that kind of man. Sounds as though the self­ advertising of gangland detectives has had its day. R. A. Easton. * frHUlsJ?1 coln-Lanj county line and Derry crook in Lan* county to open th* project for all-year travel, th* report point* out. ‘ “Completion of the reinforced con­ crete bridge across the Rogue river in Curry county eliminates the ferry which will be of material benefit to through traffic,” th* report reads. ‘Th* shortening of the ferry crossing st Coos Bay by the extension of the slips has permitted the establishment o. a 20 minute round trip schedule. Free terries were established Jun* 1, 1951, at the Court highway crossing* of Yaqulna Bay and Atoea Bay which ha* resulted in greatly increased travel. "On th* northern part of the Coast highway, haa been com­ pleted from Newport through Wald­ port and Yachats to the Lincoln-Lane aunty line. North of Tillamook, 2.5 miles of new grading have been com­ pleted together with a new bridge Lasting Quality at Low Price across Wilson river and an oveccross- ing of the railroad tracks at Juno.” Tha attempt of the *t»te boa-d of control to limit travel and hotel ex­ pense* ter stat* official* and em­ ployee* may be without legal effect, a* Attorney General Van Winkle ha* advised Secretary of State Hoss, but it is not expected that many memben. of th* state’s official family will at­ tempt to take advantage of this situa­ tion to ignore the board’s order. Ex- oept for the 13 elective state officials —including members of th* supreme court—«nd their subordinates, the vast majority of th* 3500 officials and employees on the state payroll owe their jobs, either directly or indi­ rectly, to either th* board of control or to some member of the board, es­ pecially Governor Meier. While the order fixing a maximum of five cents a mile for the us* of privately owned automobiles on state business, as well as the order fixing maximum allow­ ances for meals and hotel rooms both came out of th* board of control they represent th* expressed policy of Gov­ ernor Meier and in case of this kind his word will doubtless stand aa the law regardless of its strictly legal as­ pects. W. W. Ridehalgh, special investi­ gator who has been checking up on expense accounts, declares that mem­ bers of so-called self-supported boards and commissions, are the most extra­ vagant members of the state family when it comes to high living. As the result of a meeting of one of these commission* in Portland recently the commissioner* presented claim* of 84 a night for hotel rooms with m*ak**«t G2.75 a day. Inasmuch as this ex­ pense was incurred prior to th* date of the board of control order it was approved. Hereafter, Ridehalgh warns, these claim* must come within the specified maximum or they will be turned down. Every registered voter in Oregon, regardless of party affiliation, will be privileged to participate in the pri­ mary election thia year. Hertofore this privilege was limited to members of the two major patries but the non­ partisan judiciary law enacted by the last legislature has let the bars down to all registered voters ao far as the judiciary is concerned. Thia year Oregon is to elect two supreme court justices for the posi­ tions now occupied by Justices Henry L. Bean and George M. Brown, both of whom are candidates for re-elec­ Agitation for a state-owned power To those who imagine the Coos Bsy tion. In addition there are to be Timpj is a county institution with a* elected ten circuit judges. Four of plant to supply electricity to the cap­ much interest in the Coquille valley these latter are in Multnomah county. ital group of buildings and the various as in the Bay section, we refer them Other districts in which judgeships state institutions located in the vicin­ to the basket ball story it carried last become vacant this year include ity of Salem received a severe set­ Saturday. Coquille’s outstanding and Clackamas county; Morrow-Umatilla back thia week in a report prepared clean cut victory over MarshAeld counties; Union and Wallowa coun­ by Claude Lester, engineer for the High, was hidden beneath the gloat­ ties; Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler public utilities commission, which ing that Myrtle Point had defeated counties; Polk and Yamhill counties, shows that the state is now buying its “juice” from a private utility cheaper the county conference champions, and Lake county. North Bend. The non-partisan judiciary law pro­ than it could expect to produce it in Nor did its selection of an all-coun­ vides that where there are more than Its own plant. The staee’s electricity ty star five do justice to Harry Helm­ two candidates for any judicial office bill for 1981 totalled <83,977.81. Under kin, whose position is at center and these candidates shall be entered in a materially reduced rate now in ef­ who eclipsed every other pivot man an elimination contest in the May pri- fect this expense will be reduced to in the county. The Time* shunted maries, the two high candidates then approximately 825,000 for 1982. Loo­ him to guard, a position he does not going into th« finals in the November ter estimates that operation of a play. election. Where there sre only two Diesel plant of sufficient sise to supply candidates there will be no need for the state’s needs would cost 843,893 a year or 818,000 more than the cost of John Philip Sou.«, “The March the May elimination. Filings already electricity under the present arrange­ King,” whoa* death occurred Sunday in in for the supreme court positions, ment. A bill sponsored by Senator Reading, Penn., was th* best known however, insure • non-partisan judi­ Burke and passed by the last legisla­ and most popular band leader in the ciary ballot in the May election re­ ture authorized the construction of a gardless of the situation in the con ­ history of th* United States. His state-owned power plant. No appro­ martial music, and the famous band test for the several circuit judgeship*. In addition to the nonpartisan bal­ priation was made with which to fi­ which he has directed for years, have nance the project, its sponsom claim­ made him a leader with none to dis­ lets registered Republican* and Dem­ ocrat* will receive a regular party ing that the plant could be paid for pute his crown. nominating ballot at the May election out of savings to be made in the on which to express their choice for "juice” bill. A committee named by R. A. Easton’s Weekly Letter delegates to the national conventions, Governor Meier has been studying the This morning we saw our neigh­ president and vic* -president of th* problem for several months but have bor’s baby, across the street, sitting United States, presidential electore, never expressed themselves as to the at a window tied into her chair. She United State* senator, representative feasibility of the project was rubbing the window pan* with in congress, secretary of state, state her hands, was gtoeful and of happy treasurer, attorney general district at­ Liver Fluke Can Be Controlled countenance, a picture of baby loveli­ torney, state senator and state repre­ Stockmen of this county will be glad ness. That is our baby across the sentative. Twenty-eight of the state’s to know that serious losses from liver street, seen from our window. Her 38 counties will elect district attor­ ■fluke can be prevented with the use of father, a police officer on duty, was neys thia year while 1« state sena­ copper sulphate, according to infor­ shot. Her mother with the other chil­ tor* are to be named. The Republi­ mation given by Dr. Robert Jay, Fed­ dren and the baby ar* carrying on. can* will name 13 delegate« to thetr eral Veterinarian, who recently devot­ When w* saw our neighbor’s baby at national convention, seven from the ed two days in Coos county with the the window this morning I thought of state at large and two from each con­ County Agent studying liv* stock par­ The Democrats th* Lindbergh baby, stolen from his gressional district asite problems. crib. That baby is my neighbors’ will elect ten dalegate«, four from the In areas where conditions are fa­ baby, too, and I know th* grief that state at large and two from each Con­ vorable for the propagation of liver gressional district wring* th* heart dry of th* mother fluke these parasites have caused and father of that baby would ba suf­ heavy losses to livestock. Sheep and fered by our neighbor across the The outstanding highway accom­ goats ar* especially susceptible and street if her baby was snatched from plishment of 1931 was the practical in some places all of th* sheep grating its bed by a tig*r from th* human completion of the Coaat highway on fluke-infested pastures have suc­ jungles of the cities. Th* same grief which has been an objective for many cumbed. Invasion of the liver of cat­ would be suffered by any of th* moth­ years, the state highway department tle by fluke is not usually th* cauae of ers and tether* of th* nation and declare* hi a report just released. death, although a heavy invasion in world in like affliction. That Is why The grading of the remaining unite cattl* up'to ten months of ag* may be sympathetic grief and hope circles in Lan* and Douglas counties, the con­ fatal. One of the losses from fluke in th* glob* for this young couple bereft struction of several bridges across cattl* la lack of condition; further of their firstborn, not by death, but minor stream* and th* surfacing of losses are caused by a waste of feed by the despicable depravity of the graded unite were undertaken a* a in an attempt to bring cattl* to «*«r- human beast. Not because they are part of th* year’s program and are ketable condition and the value of the Lindberghs, but because they ar* now advanced to practical completion. liver is now deducted by many packer* Lindy and Ann*, neighbors to th* There remains now only the surfacing from th* sale of cattle originating in wbol* world. Tboir bsby is our neigh- of the 18-mile unit between th* Lin- flukey area* sine* th«*« liver* srs con. The NEW Il-Ton, 4-Speed INTERNATIONAL $$ | 5 Model A-2 . for the 136-lnch wheelbsw choisis, f. *. b. factory A RE you in the market for the one beet track investment? Then come in and get acquainted with the brand new I j-ton International—the Model A-2. Here ie an all-around track, high in quality and low in price. e Look over this good-looking truck in detail, inside and out It has 4 forward speeds, and its powerful engine generates plenty of power with unusual fuel economy. There are 22 ball and roller bearings in this truck The vibration-free clutch, cam-and- lever steering gear, and 4-wheel mechanical brakes are among the features you will appreciate. Step into the comfortable cab. take the wheel yourself, and try out its speed and power on the roads. The A-2 will give you performance that you can realize only through a demonstration. Don’t be content with leas than Inter­ national quality in a truck you will want to drive for years. Now we are able to offer it to you at a very low price. The new A-2 assures you dependable hauling, low upkeep expense, and remarkable operating economy over a long period of years—it is the most economical truck investment on the market. It is built in two wheelbases—136 inches and l60Hnchee. Bodies for hauling every kind of load are available. Geo. F. Burr Motor Co.H Phone 195-J 335 Hall St. Coquille, Oregon locust, eight mulberry, eight ash, four demned for human consumption. Jersey Breeders Ass n Will The school children The symptoms of fiuke infestation Distribute Pure Bred Bulls black walnut. each had a tree to plant which will be sheep are partly those more or lees properly tagged and cared for by them common to injury by any internal garimite. He«ry infested sheep lag - One of the important functions of individually. the newly formed Coos County Jersey The hall board is giving a benefit behind and do not graze with th* flock. Breeders’ Association -will be to dis­ dance Saturday night for the purpose The wool is rough and brittle and • swelling often appears beneath th« tribute bulls coming from high test­ of raising funds to install proper jaw. Large amounts of fluid which ing. registered dams and registered lighting plant. Mr. and Mrs. Joe accumulate in th« body cavity may re­ sires among the dairymen in this sec­ Myers are in charge of the supper ar­ sult in the belly being distended. tion, according to statements made by rangements. Emaciation, stilted gait and a peculiar George E. Hampton, president of the It seems thst George GJenn's camp fixation of the muscles of the belly association. There are quite a large is about through with its logging •re other symptoms usually present number of dairymen in Coos county operations which means a few more whose herds are partly made up of in the ranks of the unemployed in according to Dr. Jay. Many of To rid sheep of mature flukes, cap­ registered Jersey cattle. this district these cow* have been tested and have sule* containing 1 c. c. dose* of carbon The daily papers carried an item tetrachoride are given with forceps been found to bo high producers. about a man badly injured in Detroit, It is felt by the Jersey breeders that Mich., in the rioting at the Ford plant. or other instruments. It is advisable to follow with a second treatment in a plan such as this will be helpful to The man's name was Harry Bennett from three to four weeks to kill the many dairymen, especially those who and it is possible he is the son of Mr. young flukes which were not killed by have a small herd and who cannot af­ and Mrs. I. J. Bennett of this place. the first treatment. A third succes­ ford to spend a large amount of They have a son, Paul, in Detroit, and sive dose is usually given to complete 1 money for a sire. Such a dairyman while the last letter from Harry said the destruction of the maturing ; *U1 *iven the fr*« ua* • »»ull with he was then in (New York it is quite flukes. In general, sheep should be.