MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Tire Up ! —at record-breaking | TT Low Cost a . PLANT GOODYEAR PATHFINDER and enjoy fresh vegetables out of your own garden this summer. Our Stock of Size 29x4.40 29x4.50 30x4.50 28x4.75 29x5.00 30x5.00 31x5.00 28x5.25 29x5.25 30x5.25 31x5.25 32x6.00 33x6.00 Beautify Your Home By planting flowers. Look over our flower seeds. You can find about anything you want. OTHER SIZES EQUALLY LOW Coquille, Oregon Phone IM STRANG’S GARAGE Day and Night Service HOOKER’S GARAGE Open Day & Night While Mrs. Helen Endicott ia en joying a three months’ leave of ab sence from the telephone office. Miss Wilda Barker is taking her place. Mrs. Mary Chaney went to Portland last week. She entered a hospital there for a minor operation. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Mast, of Lee, are ill at the home of Dr. Mast. Leland L. Linn, John Eaaman, Clar ence L. Church, Pat Rickard and Mrs. Aileen Barker attended the basket ball sub-tournament in Port Orford Saturday evening, Mr. Rickard ref ereeing the games. The Epworth League of the Metho-1 diet Church here are the proud pos*J FERTILIZER Both Garden and Flowers Busy Comer Grocery day in McKinley listening to a lecture and demonstration of kitchen equip ment, given at the McKinley hall, Thursday, by Mrs. Zelta Roaenwald, extension specialist of home econom ics from Oregon State College. Those from here were: Mildred Benham, Zilphia Krewson, Flossie Wilson, Reba Alford, Ethel Abemnathy, Mary Laird, and Blanche Piohaska. Mrs. Roaenwald expects to bo back again in two weeks to deliver another lec ture on kitchens and kitchen equip ment Misa Doris Durrell and her mother were Myrtle Point visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prohaska were visitors at Roseburg Wednesday, where Mr. Prohaska attended a busi ness meeting of the Mountain States Power Co. men. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawhorn have completed building their new house and are now ready to move in and be gin housekeeping. They were Marsh field visitor« over the week end. Merley Kenyon, of Myrtle Point, is up here surveying a logging road for J. E. Paulson on the South side of the valley. Ruby Yarbrough is ill at her home with a bad cold. Sunday school attendance was 58. All officers and teachers were present except Julius Benham. Mr. and Mrs. Benham were Myrtle Point visitor« Sunday. the Dad 1 Willow Bridge Happenings ter Biases, Betty Miller, Lois Medley. The dental contest is under way. The following pupils received Rood Teeth buttons: Josephine Robison, Maxine Avery, Gen« Bonniksen, Clin ton Burr, Laura McNair, Walter Bl anca, Dorene Robison. Several others will soon have buttons. The Mothers' Club gave a party Saturday night in the school gymna sium, inviting every one in the com munity. Games and dancing furnish ed the amusements after which re freshments were served. Six boys gave a flag drill at the regular meeting of the Coquille Grange, March 3. The boys who took part were: Clinton Burr, Ithemer Rob- iaon, Harold Shull, Rockey Robison, Richard Avery and Laurie Robison. The Mothers’ Club met with Mrs. W. E. Cross Wednesday. March 2. The 4-H clubs have set April first as Achievement Day. Their pro jects are nearly completed and they are to arrange their own program. The pupils are enthusiastic about the spelling and declamation contests to be held in Coquille April 23. Each Roy School News contest will have representative« from The honor roll for the fourth term this school. included the following pupils: Ronald Burr, Ida Gerlach, Joeaphine Robison, Card of Thanks Ernest Detlefaen, Jimmy Avery, Clin ton Burr, Gene Bonniksen, Laurie We desire to express to our friends Robison, Lois Medley, Dorene Robi and neighbors our heart-felt thanks son, Betty Miller, Kenneth Bonniluen. for their sympathy and kindness dur Pupils receiving Palmer Awards ing our recent bereavement and for this term were: Jimmy Avery, Jo the floral tokens at the services held sephine Robison, Clarence McNair, for Mrs. A. M. Gilman. Richard Avery, Rocky Robison, W«l- Geo. Gilman and family. Brewster Valley HilandTheat re! SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY, MARCH 13 - 14 - 15 Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper in “The Champ” eyes, your own heart will tell you that there has come to one of the greatest pictures ever created by genius of man! FRIDAY - SATURDAY, MARCH 18 - 19 Where life is measured in seconds a love drama is untangled! Thrills as Boundless as the Sea! “Fifty Fathoms Deep” Children 10c