TUB COQUILLB VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE, ORBGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 4. IMS Bridge McKinley Notes Happenings Miss Haxel David earn* home Thurs- ’ day evening from Portland for a visit with relatives, while recovering from ■ an attack of flu. She la a xtudent nurse at the Good Samaritan hospital. The Plantation Jubilee presented by the Octave Club in the high school au­ ditorium Saturday evening was a - splendid program and much enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience. : The receipts of the evening amounted • to a little over IS2.00, one-third of i which will be used by the club and ! the remainder given for hot lunches I for the school children. i A. O. Hooton suffered painful, though apparently not serious, in­ juries Monday morning when be fell' /nd struck hie back on the step at the door of his workshop. He seems slightly improved this morning (Wed­ nesday) but will likely be confined to his bed for several days yet. The high school students are plan­ ning to give “The Night Cry” some time this spring. Work will be com­ menced on it sqon. Mrs. Roy 8. Luttrell, who is teach­ ing at Dora, spent the week-end here with her family at their home on King Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Hooton and children, of Coquille, were guests at the A. O. Hooton home Friday even­ ing. James Morrison has been ill for sev­ eral days with flu but was able to sit up Wednesday. A large number of relatives and friends from this vicinity went to Co­ quille Sundsy to attend the funeral services for Mrs. Lavinia Shields, who had been a resident of Bridge for sev­ eral years, until the first of the year when she moved to Fat Elk to be with her daughter, Mrs. S. M. Olsen. Oliver F. Clarke, school principal, is ill with flu and E. G. Ranton, of Myrtle Point, is substituting for him. Mrs. Harold P. Greer, of La Grandb, who recently underwent a major op­ eration at the Mast Hospital in Myr- • tie Point, had sufficiently recovered to leave Wednesday evening for her home. She had been a guest for a ; few days at the A. O. Hooton home. Safety First! Use Cow Bell Dairy’s Pasteurised Milk and protect your health. 90 million dollar reason if placed end-to-end, would Professional Cards