Ml THE COQUILLE VALLET 8BNT1NEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 4, 1932 MYRTLE POINT ITEMS “The Four Fluaher,’’ a play given by the high school faculty, was pre sented Friday afternoon and evening. Everyone who attended reported one of the best plays that has ever been presented in this community. It was an amusing story of a young shoe clerk, who through cleverness, per sonality and plenty of wholesome faith in himself, becomes a million aire. The cast may be characterised aa follows: Jerry Dean, a sweet and sympathetic young girl, the faithful —tomorrow you may wish you’d changed cashier in the shoe «tors, Miss Sick; Evangeline Gay, a breezy, aggres to Goodyears today. sive newspaper woman on the wrong Those old tires may have gone farther than you have any side of thirty, Miss Linn; Horace right to expect, but don't trust them too far. And you Riggs, ■ brittle old man of fifty who know your next puncture will wipe out all you’re “sa- ¡looks every day of it, L. P. Linn; ing.” Better change to new Goodyears, THE leading ' Andy Whittaker, the best ehoe clerk make, today. That's safer, wiser. Let na show you the in town, Mr. Rickard; Mrs. Dwight big value we’re offering for little •y- Allen, k, society woman, Miss Barker; June Allen, the only child of a wealthy family, Miss Alverdee; Dr. Giles Far aday, a young doctor, Mr. Sawyer; Latest lifetime guaranteed. P. J. Hannerton, an important banker, Each Size Mr. Essman; Robert Riggs, a young 0 • / •> i college student, Andy Newhouse; Ira $ 4.79 29x4.40 Whittaker, a millionaire, Mr. Church; - 5.35 29x4.50 Mr. Rogers, an automobile salesman, - - 5.45 30x4.50 James Lewellen; Mr. Gateson, a gray - - 6.35 28x4.75 haired jeweler, Jean Presslqr; the « - 6.65 29x5.00 maid, Miss Lindros. - - Mrs. Arthur Bennett and Mns. J. 6.75 30x5.00 W. Leep, of Norway, spent Saturday - 7.00 31x5.00 at the Florence Guerin home. f» « 7.55 28x5.25 Walter Donald left laak week for • «1 7.75 29x5.25 Wisconsin, where he will visit for a • - 7.90 30x5.25 month or six weeks, having received - • word that two of his sister« were se 8.15 31x5.25 riously ill in a hospital there. - 10.95 32x6.00 Monday morning Mns. T. M. Stover « - 11.10 33x6.00 was pleasantly surprised by her neph ew, Ernest Terry, and wife who came Sat. Wed. TUNE IN to visit her; the Terrys are from San Radio Programs Goodyear Coast • to - Coast N. B. C. Franciseo. Mrs. Walter Huff returned home the first of the week from Portland, where she spent a week with her little daughter, Margery, who is in the Shrine hospital. V. V. Hagerdorn «pent the week- Coquille, Oregon end in Salem with his mother. Phone 133 Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Laird and daughter. Marguerite, were business STRANG’S GARAGE HOOKER’S GARAGE visitors in Grants Pass last Thursday. Day and Night Service Open Day A Night Mrs. M. J. Morrison returned home J Tuesday after spending two weeks in Portland with her'brother, Albert La I ship when they defeated the Riverton i Branch, who has been in the Good Sa Live News From Arago ' squad 19 to 16 Friday evening at Riv maritan Hoapital. Mrs. Geo. Hampton spent Monday Mrs. Walter Huff received the sad erton. The teams were evenly match visiting her mother, Mrs. B. 8. Wal ed and displayed wonderful team . news the first of the week that her len, of Myrtle Point Mrs. Wallen , work. The game started off with a father in Germany had passed away has been confined to her bed the past 4 to 4 score at the end of the first very suddenly February 12th. two weeks, but is able to be up a lit Miss Marguerite Laird has been ill quarter. Arago was in the lead by a tle at present. few points at the half. With four with the flu the past week. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Robison enjoyed Mrs. Ella Payer, of Indiana, ar minutes to play Riverton again tied a visit Thursday night with Mr. and the score 14 to 16 and Arago by some rived last week ,to make her home Mrs. Lynn Averill and little daugh clever team work managed to score with Mrs. L. L. Strong. ter, Donna, of Corvallis. They were another field basket and converted a * Mrs. G. L. McRay is confined to her Fish. A pleasing program was then Riverton News Cleo Bush and Helen Nulf. enroute to Gold Beach on business. foul shot in those last few momenta bed with the flu. She has been ill for given u follow«: A review of their Doraine Harmony and Geraldine Mr. and Mrs. frank Miller enjoyed Riverton boys and girls played their and won by the final score of 19 to 16. about two weeks but is slowly recov wedding day, in poem form, by Mrs. a visit Sunday with their daughter last league games of the season at Rogers visited school Monday. Both The Riverton girls defeated the Ara ering. W. W. Gage; “Silver Threads Among Lakeside Wednesday night. and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clif Both were former students from Leneve. go girls by a large margin, thereby The Methodist Ladies Aid met Wed the Gold/’ by I<evi Bunch and Jennie ford Summerlin, of Lee. were victorious, the boys winning by Doraine plans to start to school here winning the *'B” league championship. nesday at the home of Mrs. Tom Hall Bogan, Mrs. L. Bunch accompanying The Ladies Aid has discontinued a score of 33 to 14." Despite the fact next week. She will be a freshman Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Aasen, Mr. and on the old Coquille road. on the piano and Alice Bunch on the that it appears the victory was an in high school, which will make six their regular Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Geo. Hampton, Mm. L. R. Hamp Miss Thelma Snyder is in charge of violin; two violin solos by Raymond meetings until further notice. The easy one, both teams played hard and teen in the freshman clasa. ton, Mrs. C. E. Schroeder and Mrs. the office at the Mast hospital during Benthin; “Just a Song at Twilight," Iva Ward and Edith Van Leuven, change was made owing to the busy Sarah Barklow attended Grange at the time that Mias Irene Hayes is on by Mrs. Mary Gage, Jennie Bogan well. One outstanding feature on the from Parkersburg, visited school last season. Riverton team was the manner in Myrtle Point Tuesday. her vacation. and Levi Bunch; two recitations by Friday. Also Lucille Harmony, Ger Mrs. Fred Lafferty attended the Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson, of The G. M. Parker family surprised Mrs. J. V. Leep; two darky recita which Frank and Bill McFarlane aldine Rogers, and Mary Sachett, of Ladies Club at Myrtle Point Monday played to and with each other Klamath Falls, visited friends and Mr. Parker Thursday evening with a tion by Mrs. Ray Benthin. After the Leneve, visited the same day. afternoon. relatives in this vicinity last week. party on his 67th birthday. The ev program a delicious lunch was served throughout the game. The lineup of Mrs. Lester Clausen, of Leneve, had Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow and the two teams was as follows: Lake Mrs. Emily Hickam entertained ening was spent in games, after which of gold cake and ice cream. Those the misfortune to burn her hand very Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward and side, Merregant and Jacobson, for Wednesday afternoon in honor of her refreshments were served. The guests attending were: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. badly with hot grease Wednesday eon, Gerald, made a business trip to little son, Kent’s fourth birthday. A were Elmer Russell and his mother, Bunch, Mrs. Mary Bennett, Mr. and wards; Simeon and Noble, guards; morning. Gardiner Saturday. They also visited Lindros, center. For Riverton, F. Mc number of his little friends were in Mrs. Helen Ru^tell, Mrs. J. G. Bing Mrs. Martin Nagel; Mrs. C. George, The operetta, “Polished Pebbles,” is the Bert Pauli family there and re vited in and they spent a very pleas ham, Mr. and Mns. Forest Moon and Ham Bunch; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Farlane and W. McFarlane, forwards; to be delivered at the gymnasium on port Mrs. Pauli in very poor health. Smith and Hull, guards; Van Leuven, ant afternoon playing games, after family, Mr. aqd Mrs. Ted Johnson Epps, Mrs. Steve Epps, Mr. and Mrs. Friday, April 1st. It is under the di Mrs. Edith Woodward enjoyed a which refreshments of pink ice cream and daughter, Patty Jean, Mr. and Walter Gage, Rose George, Mr. and center. Subs for Riverton, Schroeder rection of Mr. Haan and will be the visit over the week end with her and Sacket. and cake were served to the following Mm. Bair and two daughters, Mr. Mrs. Ray Benthin, Mr. and Mrs. Diere daughter, Evelyn, who is teaching Riverton will be represented at the first operetta ever attempted here. guests: Glenda Stewart, Dorothy and Mrs. Turner MacDonald, Mr. and Bogan and son, Eugene, Henry school at Brookings and does not get basket ball tournament at Port Orford AU the characters of the play are Ayers, David Moomaw, Donna Moo Mrs. Joe Mast and Rev. and Mm. E. George, Mrs. W. W. Gage, Mrs. Frank home often, this being her first visit Saturday. The other schools to have chosen from among the high school maw, Jimmie Milani, Laura Bernice V. Ostrander. Fish, Mrs. Mary Gage and Helene and since the holidays. teams there that day will be Gold students. The chorus is made up of Due to an unavoidable circumstance Bonnie Gage, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. C. Robison made a trip to Rose and Gerald Thomas Lillie, John Paul Beach, Bandon and Langlois, and our the seventh and eighth grades. The burg Thursday and drove home a Root, Patsy Milani and Junior Gul- the Oregon Products dinner will be Bennett, Mrs. J. V. Leep, Mr. and boys will draw names after they ar school and town orchestra will play a strom. given March 8th instead of March Mrs. Levi Bunch, Dorothy, Gretchen few musical numbers before the oper new International truck. Mr. Robi Mrs. Frank Burbank has returned 4th. It will be given in Schroeder’s, and Alice Bunch, Mr. and Mm. C. A. rive at Port Orford to see which one etta. son will haul milk on the lower river of the schools they play. If Riverton home for a while. She has been keep hall. Bennett, Mrs. -Florence Guerin and to Bandon again this summer and ow The Riverton Independents played “Guest Day” was observed by mem Esther Guerin, Estella Bennett, Mrs. wins at Port Orford the team will go lbe Lakeside Independents at Lake ing to the increaae of milk was forced ing house for Mrs. Martha Mulkey at to the tournament at Marshfield be Coquille. i bers of the local Woman's Club Mon Lily Fish and Dr. and Mrs. J. R. to purchase a larger truck. ginning March 10th; but if they lose side Wednesday night and won by the Arago Bull Dogs made a good show day afternoon at their regular meet Bunch. Mrs. S. L. Lafferty visited her sis at Port Orford, it will be the last narrow margin of 23 to 22. The Myrtle Point Bobcats meet the People from here who attended the ter, Mrs. Hartley, at Bradley’s Lake ing when they played the Marshfield ing. Each member brought two per game. Pirates Tuesday evening after school. sons who were interested in the club. North Bend Bulldogs in the local gym Sunday. games at Lakeside Wednesday night Riverton boys lost to Arago bojna The 4-H calf club for the coming The game was played to give the team Powers and Coquille clubs each sent nasium March 4. The Bobcats expect last Friday night on our floor, The were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nulf and fam year was organized at Arago Wed a little practice on the armory floor delegates to attend the meeting. Af to win this game, although the Bull score was 19 to 1«. Our girts, how- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Van Leuven and nesday of laat week. R. M. Knox, as before tournament next week. Marsh ter the business meeting roll call was dogs defeated them by ten pointe in ever, won from Arago girls the name family, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Martin sistant county agent, was present and field won the game, but only by the taken and each member . responded the former game. and Ileene Harris. with a favorite short poem or quota T. M. Stover was a visitor at Port night. And after winning from Lake assisted them in the organisation. small margin of 19 to 23. side girls Wednesday by a score of tion. The Coquille club presented a Orford Sunday. Joseph Fetch, Price Schroeder, Clyde New Cases in Circuit Court musical program which was the same John Gearhart had his finger badly 10 to 0, our team stands as the undis Coquille F. F. A. Broadcast Lillie, Melden Carl, Luray Miller, Lee puted Coos and Curry county cham Feb. 26—'Hilda V. Peterson vs. as that given in Coquille last Friday smashed last Wednesday while work Collier, Herbert Carl, and Woodrow The Coquille chapter of the Future pions. Our team has been coached by Theodore E. Peterson. Suit for di ing in the machine shop Robison registered for this year’s Farmers of Ameica fom Coquille evening. Miaa Louise Smartt, of Eugene. She vorce. Mr. and Mrs. Verne McGill enter school. The end of his work and officers were elected as fol High School gave a 30 minute pro has done such splendid work with our Feb. 27—Credit Service Co. vs. P. lows: president, Herbert Carl; vice gram over radio station KOOS, tained at a dancing party Friday amputated. girls, we are happy to have bad her. H. Black Motor Co. night. The occasion was to honor the The Myrtle Point fire department president, Price Schroeder; secretary, Marshfield on February 25. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Kight and three Feb. 27—In the matter of the liqui Woodrow Robison; Melden Oarl was That the boys’ efforts were appre birthday of Miss Katherine Hoch. was called out Saturday evening be little children from Rogue River spent dation of the Bank of Southwestern About twenty-five enjoyed the even cause of a fire in the Zumwalt apart again elected leader. He acted as ciated was shown by the number of ing. ments but it was extinguished before Monday and Tuesday of thia week at Oregon by A. A. Schram, state su leader last year and finished all club phone calls the station received. the W. W. Kight home. perintendent of banks. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Johnson, of the department arrived. work 100 per cent. Mr. Knox also W. M. Cunning, local Smith-Hughes Friends here of Jack Carlson, of Mar. 2—-Walter A. Urell vs. Eva Dave Parmeter, of Bandon, is the awarded achievement pins to the fol Vocational Agriculture instructor, Hillsboro, Ames Johnson, of Marsh new manager in Dunhmn’s, Of’couree. I 8um"er’ T**‘’*‘ word * Urell. Suit for divorce. io wing members for the completion had charge of the program and gave field, and Miss Imetta Johnson, of . .t .__ . V__ _____ - — ceived ceived a a verv very seriou® serious ent cut on on tK* the u> leg Mar. 3—A. A. Schram, state super- ‘‘ of one year’s work: Joseph Fetch, Ray some interesting facta on the Future Sixes, were guests at the R. F. Gar A. Abraham, who has been here for below the knee while cutting wood a intendent of banks, vs. G. and Mary to some months, has been transferred Cornwell, Clyde Lillie and George Farmer organisation and vocational rett home Friday evening. few days ago, and was rushed to the W. Wingate. Pauli. Three year pins to Freddie agriculture as taught in the high Mr. Rickard and his civics clam Coquille. Keiser hospital in North Bend for Mar. 3—State Industrial Accident at Frank Young is employed Milani, Joanne Milani, Willie Sinko, school. went to Coquille Wednesday to hear treatment Jack was a former River Commission vs. Jason L. Jewett. Brookings, doing carpenter work. Woodrow Robison, Wallace Carl, Lester Cunningham and George a trial. Mrs. A. M. Cooper and Mrs. Caro ton student. Clara Deism an, Leo Collier and Rich Ayres played two cornet duets. Friends and relatives gathered at line Train arrived home from a The primary children who were one Camp Fire Girls Notes ard Delam an. Four year pins were The F. F. A. five-man quartet com the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bunch hundred per cent in spelling for the month ’ s visit in Los Angeles with Cheskehamay Camp Fire group presented to Laura Milani, Iola Robi posed of Harry Helmkin, Delbert Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock to cele entire week just past were: Leona held a meeting in the basement of the son, Price Schroeder, Melden Carl. Donaldson, - Carl Yeoman, Russell brate the 50th wedding anniversary relatives. Huston, Nellie Roe, Nancy Roberta, Junior High School Monday, Febru- Mrs. Arthur Kane, of Gold Beach, Leadership pins were also presented Martindale and Ernest Cooper, sang of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bunch. Miss Alice Church and Virginia King. ,rY Miss Shone, Ruth Osborne to Laura Milani and Melden Carl. the following groupa of songs includ Dorothy Bunch played the wedding left the Meat hospital last Wednes The students on the honor roll fOT Mrs. B.B. Watkins, of Halls Creek, ing their greeting, “How do you do march and Mr. and Mrs. Bunch took day, having recovered from a major the last six weeks’ period, with no «nd Alice Wheeler completed the re quirements for the Woodgathers’ spent several days last week visiting Future Farmers, ” “Neopolitan their places beneath an arch of ever abdominal operation. grade below a “two,” were: Choris rank. at the 8. L. Lafferty home. Nights,” “My Grandfather’s Farm,” greens and golden daffodils; they Mae Hartwell, Marie Dye and Georgia Reporter, Norm. McKeown The Arago Bull Doge tied with Coos “Let me call you Sweetheart,” and were attended by Mm. Mary Bennett, Justice Court blanks for sale at thia Philpott. Those receiving no grade River for the "B” league champion- their closing theme. sister of Mr. Bunch, and Mrs. Lily office. below a "three” were: Violet Mor*«, Calling carda 100 for 9140. Don’ rag! Goodyear Pathfinder Coquille Service Station “T t; i, ,'T --Í ■ I