Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1932)
THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME - VOL. XXVIII. NO. a. ____ COQUILLE, 0006 COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 4. 1932 Community Chest Feb. Report Subscriptions for Chamber of Commerce This Week Will Total 1800 ____________ »__________ The following ia the report of the Community Chest for February, 1982: Balance on hand Feb. 1 - 1108.73 Disbursed in February - 78.42 Balance March 1 • 132.81 Thirty-seven families or individuals were aided with meals or orders for groceries with the above amount. At the supply depot in the Sentinel budding, which ia operated on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday after noons by the ladies of the Woman’s Club, there were eighty-one orders for clothing, shoes, canned goods, sugar or potatoes given out by the ladies. Besides this, Mr. Kelley made 24 trips to the depot to supply de mands outside of the regular hours; making a total of 105 individuals or families who were aided from the de pot in February. Supplies at the depot are running low and any donations of shoes, cloth ing or food will be very acceptable. I MUSICAL EVENT Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Gilman Brilliant Program Presented by Called by Death Thia Woman’s Club Music Morning Department Must Observe Stop Sign* City police officers, Wm. Howell and Louis English have begun a more rigid enforcement of the stop sign ordinance. As usual when a little leniency is shown, some auto drivers have taken advantage of it and are disregarding the stop and slow signs entirely, and the officers are now handing tickets to all offenders. And they add “the ordinance says stop, and shifting gears and going on through without stopping is not suf ficient” Several collisions have hap pened recently at intersections in the business district because the signs were disregarded, and the police say the practice miut stop. THEY WILL DRILL Provided Lease Co-operation In Given by Land Owners of * This District \ -------------- Robert L. Stewart, chairman of the M m . Elizabeth Jane Gilman, a pi One of the most brilliant events of Before leaving the first of this week Chamber of Commerce membership oneer of Coos county, who came here the entire season was the musical for Portland, J. J. Jutsy, secretary committee, reported at th* directors’ as a child 70 years ago, passed away fete given at the spacious R. A. Wer treasurer of the Coast Oil Co., stated meeting in the hotel Wednesday ev at the home of her son, Geo. Gilman, nich home, just off the Marshfield that If the company could secure th* ening, that 8523 had been subscribed on Third street, thia morning at 9:20 highway, last Friday evening, spon leasee they need and on the usual one- for this year’* work that day and that o’clock. sored by the music club of which Mrs. eighth royalty basis that the Fat Elk the probable total, when the drive is Lyman Carrier is Chairman. The She had been an invalid for years, well will be carried to a greater depth, finished will be around 8800, about and until becoming bedfast five beauty of the room* was enhanced by but failing in this the equipment will two-thirds of the 81268 promised last months ago, had used a wheel chair spring greenery and lighted tapers be moved out. year. All but 895 of the 1981 sub for a long time. Dr. J. W. Wheeler throughout the house. It was the The possibility of gas and oil de Choral Club March 10 scription has been collected. gives the cause of her death as bulbar guest night of the club and a large velopment is recognized by the com The Coquille Choral Club will hold While subscriptions this year ar* paralysis. number of friend* responded to invi pany and if Whole-hearted co-opera- its next meeting Thursday evening, smaller than last th* committees wet* The funeral services will be held in tations. tioir is received a thorough test by successful in signing practically all the chapel here Sunday at 2 p. m.; « Peggie Wernich, in colonial dress, March 10, at 7:80 p. m. in Pioneer drilling will be carried through. Hall. Election of officers for this of those who subscribed last year, interment in the Masonic cemetery. directed the guests from the driveway with a few new contributors. Mrs. Gilman, whose maiden name to the hall where Mrs. George Chaney, year will be held at that time. That speculators who are endeavor The first forum meeting of the for Morras, was born in Fayette Mrs. George Jenkins, Miss Inez Rover ing to secure oil and gas leases in the year will be a noon session in the ho county, Iowa, Dec. 15, 1854, and cam* and Miss Florence Cary were in the area of the old Fat Elk Company’s tel dining room on Wednesday, March with her parent* to Coo* Bay. Mrs. ing line. Martha Carrier and well are hindering the actual develop 16. President Ul*tt announced that E. A. Wimer, whose mother was a ra Oderkirk attended them to ment of this possible industry in our he would have an outside speaker for sister of Mr*. Gilman, tells of her the cloak rooms. Those to assist community can be stated as * fact the occasion, and a musical program mother’s story about the trip up from (about | the rooms were Mesdames C. and the hope that their possible hold will also be arranged. San Francisco. They camo on a sail 'Weldon Kline, R. A. Jeub, C. A. Riet- The “no treepass” advertisement ings will become valuable are doomed Arrangements for the Coo* and — — ---------- ---------------- — , --------- - _*man, H. C. Gant, J. E. Paulson, Geo. ing vessel in just a few days but a' One of the matters referred to the which appears elsewhere in this issue to fail. The land owner should re have storm which broke just as they ‘ A. Ulett, L. H. Hazard, O. C. Sanford, Chamber’s industrial committee, of i Curry basketball tournament and is signed by Cyril McCurdy, fol member that the lands are far from which C. E. Nilas is chairman, was been settled for some time, and now reached the Coos Bay bar, drove them . R. B. Rogers, W. S. Sick«!*, C. V. lows what might very easily have being proven oil bearing and have no . that of supplying coal to the new sol alb is in readiness for this big sport off shore and it was three week* Smith, Leland Peart, Geo. Jenkins been a fatal aaccident to Mr. McCurdy potential value for oil and gas. diers’ home at Roseburg when it is event to be held in the Marshfield before th*y finally reached Empire. and Misses Ines Rover and Catherine laat Friday afternoon. He was «fork Through the efforts of certain buai- armory, March 10, 11 and 12.* The The deceased was married to A. M. Wernich. built. If the government plans on ing in the bottoms with his back to nesamen of Coquille, responsible oper using eoal, the Coos county fields are following week the winner will par Gilman something over 50 year* ago Mrs. Wernich, Mrs. Lyman Carrier the hills when a bullet struck him ators have been induced to make a the logical place to secure it, and th* ticipate in the state tourney at Salem, here in Coquille, and she has been a and M m . J. E. Norton received the just above the right temple, passed thorough geological examination of Chamber will endeavor to secure a representing this district resident of Coquille and vicinity ever guests at the door of the drawing under the akin for an inch and came the Coquille district It is essential Eight teams are listed to battle in since coming to Coos county. Mr. Gil room where chairs were placed for consideration for the product of thia out below. in a new country such a* this is, in so the local tournament which promises section. man died in September, 1897. Ninety er more who assembled to It possibly was a spent bullet but it far as petroleum production is con It was reported that an effort ia be to be the closest since the inaugura Of the three children born to them, listen to the following program, ar struck him with sufficient force to cerned, that reputable companies seek Again George is the sole survivor. ing made to secure the co-operation of tion of the games in 1925. Other ranged by Mesdamee H. C. Gant, M. spin him around and partially stunned ing to explore and develop our dis this year an underdog may eome forth surviving relatives are Eldon and 0. Hawkins and C. A. Rietman: ail Coquille stores in handling locally him. trict be given the entire structure in to cop the honors as Myrtle Point did Elda made bread, 100 per cent. Gilman, grand children; Piano Solo - - Margaret Beet Dr. Jas. Richmond, who dressed the question, otherwise it will be an ex A report submitted by the Ideal in 1931, for so evenly matched are sisters-in-law, Mrs. Clare Miller, Co Vocal Solo - Oran Rickard wound, mid it looked like a larger tremely difficult matter to induce any Bakery management showed a drop most of the quintets that there is lit quille, Mrs. Huldah Morras, of Ban Mrs. Hawkins, accompanist hole than a .22 rifle would have made. capable operators to enter our terri don; nieces, M m . Annie Wimer, Co Vocal Solo of 81500 in wages and with two leas tle to choose between them. - Mrs. H. W. Covalt Mr. McCurdy heard no gun report tory. The land *is worth nothing as Of the eight teams four will be quille, Miss LeUa Miller, CoquiHe. regular employees in 1981 from the Ines Rover, accompanist and had no idea where the bullet far as its possible petroleum content* 1930 record. Approximately 2000 from th* “A” League, two from the Mrs. Georgia Robison, Portland, Mrs. Indian Character Reading, Mrs. R. E. came from but its downward range are concerned until it is developed in pounds of Willamette valley bread ia ' ' “B” League, and two from the Port Mary Foltz, Bandon; and a nephew, Boober, Mrs. Hawkins, accompanist indicated that it was either from the to production, and some inducements shipped in here weekly, which results Orford sub-tourney to be held March Leo Morras, of Bandon. Vocal Solo - . M m . Paul Walker hill or beyond it. and encouragement muat be offered 5. North Bend, Marshfield, Coquille in diminished output by the local Mr*. Woodyard, accompanist The same day his brother, Verrill, operating companies who are willing plant. The Ideal Bakery is making a and Myrtle Point are the “A” League »etch of Violin and Harp badly slashed his foot «rtrile cutting to gamble their skill, time, and money Both Hi* Feet Frozen p*4*e to meet the eutaide competition taaasa, while Arago and Goes River Mrs. M. O. Hawkins brush in the willowe, and the boys do to develop our district. Th* experi Information reached the Mt. State« 1 Harp Solo Mias Florence Cary and it Is hoped full co-operation by will represent the “B” League. Port not know whether it was their un enced and legitimate operator or oper Power Co. office here Monday that the all local dealers «rill put the plant to Orford and Riverton are already list M m . Hawkins, accompanist lucky day, or whether they were ators are not going to pay any fancy ed to compete in the sub-tourney and Copco camp 1, about ten miles from ' Ensemble Mrs. Carrier, voice; Miss running full capacity again. lucky to have gotten off «rithout worse prices for the privilege of risking the winners of the Brookings-Gold Sitkum, had been broken into and a Cary, harp; Mr. Neideigh, damage. A fraction of an inch in the their money In developing interests of lot of equipment stolen. Sheriff Hess violin; M m . Hawkins, piano bullet’s course might have killed those who have gone out and secured R. L. Tucker New M. P. Editor Beach and Bandon-Langlois games will complete the quartet. These and Deputy Culver went up to Sitkum “The Rosary” Mr. Neideigh, violin; The Myrtle Point Herald, which Cyril. leases for speculative purposes only. frays are to be played thia week. If by car Tuesday, then with homes, and M m . Hawkins, piano; changed hands Tuesday moming of The experienced operator «rill not pay previous results have any bearing on part of the way on foot, over snow, Mis* Cary, harp. this week, presents a greatly changed Baseball Season Is Due bonuses or inflated royalties in un the outcome Gold Beach and Riverton and the wont kind of mountain travel, Vocal Trio, M m . Carrier, Mrs. Covalt; first page appearance. R. L. Tucker, proven areas, when acreage in Okla started to look for the culprit. Again Bill Fortier will attempt to or should carry away the honors. M m . Walker; M m . Hawkins, acc. who came from Woodland, Calif., and homa within the vicinity of production Fortunately for the fellow they The “A” League teams will gain Every number was of unusual merit ganise a county baseball league, as a in the past thirty days was sold by purchased the Herald from Geo. E. found him, about ten miles from Sit their rating according to their stand and reflected much credit on the par district circuit, and toward this end let Hamilton, is a live-wire newspaper ing in the percentage column. The kum, in the mountains. He had found ticipants who wcto at their best. There ters have been sent to all towns in the Indian Land Agency for 82.00 per man. Associated with him will be his two “B” League fives will be the the going too tough and had started is a tendency this colonial year to re the county and to Gold Beach and acre. father, J. L. Tucker, who also comes We have "been advised by the parties number 5 and number 6 teams, while back, and when found was suffering vive the songs of “Auld Lang Syne” Roseburg. A meeting has been call from Woodland. who are having the investigations On* of his ed for March 20 at Fortier ’ s place. the sub-tourney equads will be consid with both feet frozen. and this was featured in the program. The new proprietor was on a Jrip skiis had broken in a 65-foot drop, his League baseball has not been play made that if the necessary acreage ered as the last two aggregations. Each number called forth unstinted north, according to reports received, ed for two seasons in this section and can be secured under proper lease North Bond or Marshfield, accord head had been injured and he would applause and repeated recall*. looking for a location. Passing hold-rights that the well will be car ing to the results of th* Friday night have perished but for the timely arri Following a short social period the its return will be welcomed by the ried to a point of production or to a through Myrtle Point, he saw the Her fans of Coquille and the other towns. “A” League games will then meet the val of the sheriff. company was invited to the dining ald office, dropped in and inquired point of definite determination. There Hie- name is Chenvia Coffey, a number 5 team and the others will room where a dainty collation was Of course, the independent ball that fore we would say to the land owners what Mr. Hamilton would sell for. Re trapper Who ha* made headquarters has been played for the last two sea follow according to their rating. served under the direction of Mes ceiving the information he returned Rein Jackson, veteran referee of around Powers. He was brought to dames C. T. Skeels, 0. C. Sanford, F. sons was very fast and highly popu before giving leasee on their lands to the south and was back again in for oil and gas purposes to find out the Knife hospital here for treatment. the Portland High School League, and S. Rover and Weldon Kline, assisted lar, but the expense is much greater for themselves whether they are leas side ten days to close the deal. one of the state tournament referees, than county ball. by a bevy of young maids and ma Mr. Hamilton, who has published has been selected to officiate at all Fortier has made no announcement ing to the parties who have agreed to Main Street Cafeteria tron*. M m . Sanford and Mt*. Hazard the Herald for seven years, «rill con games. The other officials are Fred about the local chances, but with complete the well or whether they are tinue to make his home there until “Select what you want to eat and poured at an elegantly appointed Perry Roper, Bill StewaTt, Ray Wood leaaing to parties for purely specula Schepman, ticket sal*; O. L. Williams table centered by an elaborate cande school is out, meanwhile looking for tive purposes. and Carl Morrison, scorers; and Har pay for what you get” at the Main labra and delicate greenery. Many yard, “Jug” Lorens, Art Pulford, Carl ’a new location. That he will not long Street Cafeteria next Monday even ry May and Richard Hughes, timers. Gilbert, Marion Fischer, and a few lingered to a late hour, loath to leave remain away from newspaper publi Will Open New Milk Depot The first game will start at 3:00 ing, March 7, at the Business Wom the pleasant acene which «rill long be others, he has the nucleus of a good cation is a certainty. en ’ s club rooms in the Laird budding. p. m. Thursday. There will be two club. Weighill Bros., who have been con The public is invited to attend this remembered. preliminary games that afternoon and ducting a milk route in Coquille for Crow Still Interested Here two the same night. The semi-final cafeteria dinner put On by the Busi the past year, disposing of the prod- Junior Class Skits Enjoyed R. B. Crow, a brother of Edward H. games are listed for Friday night and ness Women's Club and all members Suita Over 1929 Collision uct on their dairy ranch, have rented The Liberty Theatre was well filled Crow, who spent some weeks here last are especially urged to come and Tuesday evening of this week the the Anais for Saturday. the Shelley building, just north of fall and took several leases on black bring their families and friends. jury in the esse of Cecil Holland vs. both Wednesday and Thursday even the Safeway store, and will open a ings for the C. H. S. junior class sand land, arrived her* Wednesday There «rill be lots of good, tempting Howard'F. Myers brought in a ver milk depot there. A concrete floor Farmers’ Night School evening from Loe Angeles. He flew eats and it will be worth your while dict for the plaintiff for 1208. The plays. Not a great deal of action can over a portion of the room has been be produced in one-act skits, such as up to Medford in five and one-half Last Tuesday evening the night to attend. Begin serving at 6:30 p. m. case was the result of a collision on installed, they have purchased pas hour* and was told there that there school for the farmers was held in the All business women are reminded October 31, 1929, when Myers ran were "Burglar Proof" and “Curses, What a Night!" but the yung people teurising equipment and expect to was no landing field in Cooe county, high school building. There was a to tune in on KGW Monday from 12 into the Holland ear on the had been well drilled by Miss Mc also install a soft drink fountain. so came over by stage. With two air largo attendance and many topics per to 12:15 and hear Miss Martha Gasch, waterfront road at the Bay. The They will open for business as soon as ports on the bay, another at Myrtle taining to the care of permanent and our state preaident, talk on “Women’s plaintiff had stopped his ear because Clintock, the director, and presented the equipment can be assembled and an entertaining brand of the old type Point, and a suitable landing spot hill pastures were discussed. Some Civic Obligations.” he had run out of gas and the de put in place. of “meler dramer.” It must be said near Coquille, it ia a little strange of the points brought out were: Prop fendant crashed into it. that Craig Perrott put a lot of *e- that such misinformation should bo er Mixture and Kinds ef Seed, Rate of New Manager at Dunham’s The case was on the first two days Before William H. (Alfalfa Bill) tion into hie part, and the kitchen given at Medford. Seeding, Rotation of Pasture, Rodent Deb Abrahams, recently named as of the week. and since Wednesday fork duel between Craig and Fred Murray, Oklahoma’s picturesque gov Mr. Crow came to arrange for ship Control, Weed Control, Irrigation. ernor, can enter the Oregon primaries manager of Dunham’s store here to morning the jury has been hearing Fuhrman was very cleverly done. ping a part of the machinery his These schools are held by the succeed B. L. Baird, who is trans evidence in the ease of Mrs. Cora After the juniors* portion of the as a candidate for the democratic brother has stored here, to Mexico, Smith-Hughes department of voca Maybelle Howard against Myers for ferred to Marshfield, came down from program was completed, the actons, nomination for president at least 1,000 where they have mining operations. tional agriculture ef Coquille High personal damages sustained in the Myrtle Point yesterday to begin his singers and all cnnected with the pre- registered voters muat sign petitions He says that he and E. H. Crow «rill School. Everyone is invited to at same collision. It will be finished to duties here. Mr. Baird has proved sentatin enjoyed a party at the home asking that his name be placed on the probably be up here again, possibly tend. The next meeting will be held day. ballot, Secretary of State Hoss has in himself a very successful business of Audrey Aasen. next week, but he had no information in the Coquille High School building formed Murray’s sponsors. as to any operations which might be Tuesday qvening, 8 p. m., on March 8. man for he took the management of the local store when its affair* were On 2-Day Schedule Few Week* Women and Peace conducted in Cooe county. Game Protective Association at the lowest ebb and brought it up “Fifty yearn ago the only women's The Smith Wood-Products plant to the point where it shares on equal Say* School* Most Important The annual meeting of the Coos Japanese Will Quit closed Wednesday evening for the rest organizations working for peace were terms with other groceries the patron County Game Protective Association a dozen group« in Europe organized Alex Austin, Coos river rancher, of this week, but will be .in operation The Japanese are evidently not as age and confidence of the people in again next Monday morning for a by men a* ladies' auxiliaries to the will be held in the Coquille city hall case-hardened to world opinion as was was a Coquille viaitor Monday. He this district. couple of days. For two or three Universal Brotherhood of Man. Today next Tuesday, March 8, at 7:30 p. m. thought when they started their war doesn’t take kindly to the idee that weeks, it is expected that the plant women’s organizations, having a total Election of officers will take place at on China, and the rising tide of world the schools may not all be kept run Coquille Schools Will Run will run on a two days a week membership of several millions, have that time. wide criticism has caused them to seek ning next year, believing that it undertaken to study the problem ef for eome method of “saving their would be better to forego any govern The Sentinel is very pleased to schedule. Like New Medford Home George A. Ulett, manager of the how war can be abolished and to work face," while they withdraw from the mental branch or function rather learn from Lyman Carrier, member conflict at Shanghai. The end of that than close the schools. And if every of the school board, that there is no company, stated Wednesday evening for its abolition.” A note from Dr. J. B. Gillis to the The subject will be discussed at the Sentinel this morning says they are eastern trouble appears to bo near, one who can do so pays his or her or possibility that the schools here will that the company has more business and the world peace conference at its taxes this spring there wilt be no be closed next year, and there has in sight now than it had at this time city hall tonight (Friday) beginning getting nicely settled in their new _ spring is the at eight IFclock, led by M m . Leona home in Medford, “and think we will Geneva should bo given much credit more year’s holiday talk. It’s up to been little thought that they would be. last year^but the early for this quick termination of what the press and civic organisations to Mr. Carrier says that whether school quiet time in the battery separator Bryant. Everyone is invited to St- like our new location very well. We might have boon a world conflagra keep the need for tax payment before warrants can bo cashed or not, tbs businesa and they «rill be running on tend and to participate in the discus- miss the nice, soft water, for hare the tion. * • water is very herd," the public. * slow ball for * while, siox. schools wiU b* ran as usual. B. B. TOURNEY NEXT WEEK CYRIL McCURDY HAS CLOSE CALL