m OOQUIIXI VAlXST BENTîNlL. COQÜILLR, ORBGON, FRIDAY, FRBÍÜAÍY 1», 1982. OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF By Lans Leneve “As I did not give you my past ex perience* as to panther, in th* wild wood*.'* writes G. G. Swan, of Myr tle Point, the old Ulmer who was with us a couple of weeks ago, **I will say I never saw but two in all my hunting trips. One was on a big log about forty steps from another party and Bi, aa we were headed for home with a pack of deer meat on our backs. We both shot about the same time and the cat jumped about twenty feet and went down a grease wood Men s MOOIl Bl gulch. Having no dog we did not follow the big cat. I was sure I hit it. On another trip two of us with a load of deer meat were coming home Value along a brushy hillside. A panther jumped from above me and just miss ed my head and came to earth just .below me. Before I had time to use my gun it was out of sight in brash. I was sure same scared. I think it was the cause of me being bald- headed. “Just across the river from my house, in the wagon road, Mr. Tomp Worth kins, afoot, met two panther. They Now were lying in the road. Having no gun, he picked up a hand spike and began retreating until he arrived at Stillwell’s. Mr. Myers, the next day having his gun in the wagon and. one of our good dogs, came along the road. demonstration...and FRII The dog treed a panther up a myrtle tree near where Tompkina saw the to and two the day before. Myers killed the YES, the very latest Philco Superheterodyne, a brand panther. A panther kilted a sheep for me. It showed that they jump on 1932 Baby Grand, with Balanced Unit*... for only 839.95! the back of deer, sheep and elk and You never heard of such a price for such a radio! Just look catch each side of their victim’* jaws at these features! Superheterodyne selectivity ...Screen Grid C. H. S. at Riverton Tonight and break the animal’s back. power.-genuine Electro-Dynamic Speaker...beautiful hand- Coquille draws a bye in the “A" * “Two of us went up on the head rubbed Mahogany cabinet...5 Philco BalancedTube*, i*cluA waters of Elk creek and had quite a League tonight, but rather than have ing new Pentode... and Philco Balanced Unit* throughout. variety hunt We took lunch with us his chargee idle Coach Hartley has and camped all night. The first shot Actually one of the most tremendous value* ever offered in scheduled the return games that C. radio! See it today! No obligation, and you can protect your- H. S. owes Riverton on the latter I had was at a deer. I was satisfied that I could see the ears of a deer team’s home floor. eelf on delivery. In their previous games, th* C. H. sticking over a bush. Nothing more SEI ITI TODAY! S. boys defeated Riverton, 29 to 28, of the animal was in sight. My good on the Community Hall floor. Since dog, Trailer, bayed a bear the same then Riverton has defeated two other morning, beneath a log. When the “A” League teams, Bandon twice and dog got too close the bear would make Coquille, The dog got out of his Marshfield once, 18 to 11. On the for him. way, then the bear would go back un other hand Coquille has bowed to Arago of th* “B” League in a brace der the log. Finally he chased the of games, 28 to 14 and 25 to 22. Jog away again and as the bear turn Arago ha* beaten Riverton, 22 to 17. ed back, my gun spoke to him and he many a doe ia shot down white stand ■ lion? And as you know, Amos Anally Tonight’* game will likely be any keeled over. Then I ran upon the ing in plain sight, the hunter figuring becomes exasperated and cries out, body’* until the Anal whistle is o'.ewn. log and ahot him again and the fun that perhaps it might be a buek; and “Now lookte here, cut out alt that' Riverton has two outstanding stars was over. Then we both ehot a big again I have known of men to become million stuff and let’s get down to in Van Leuven at center and F. Mc bull elk and were ready for home as *0 thoroughly disgusted trying to business. You mske me tired with Farlane, a guard, who will cause the we had all the meat we wanted. On find ■ buck, that in exasperation, they that six million, seven million, eight going down the creek the dog treed Red Devils plenty of trouble. would finally shoot down a doe. Now million.*' The other part of the double bill a bobcat. So our kill consisted of with a one doe and a one buck law, And from th* dosene and do**as *f will see the Coquille All-Btam pitted one d«er, a bear, an elk and a bobcat” all thia wasted do* meat would be opinions that I have heard expre***d < Thank you, Mr. Swan. Glad to against the Riverton Independent*. conaerved. by sportsmen, they, to*, hav* grown The local team hold* one victory over have you with us again. Now who’s Note by a newspaper th* other day very weary of th* figures pertaining the next old timer going to be? He ’ll the Riverton quintet, but einc* then where a man down Texas way had a to the number of birds and animals strength ha* has been added by the be here next week. Be sure and read gold fish and a bull frog farm. The that hav* been presented to them. A down-river basketeers and they are hie interesting experience. man who ha* had actual experiences At the state game commission farm wa* 20 acres in extent and wa* out to reverse the score this time. seeking even to catch sight of d**r, overran with bull frog«. Upon being Marshfield meet* Myrtle Point on meeting at Portland, held the first of quined as to how many frogs were on bird* and animal* in our dense thick thia week, a prominent sportsman in the armory floor. formed the members of the game his farm the owner said he could not et*, treat the census taking of wild “A" League standing: life as a huge joke. commission that the deer season was even estimate them. So there you Six white swans floated majesti are! This man who spends practical Mar* Wield 1.000 too long and that it should only be of ly every day of hia life amongst hi* cally upon the water in front *f the 20 days ’ duration. I cannot feature North Bend Gilbert Borgard home tho first of tho anyone familiar with the existing con bullfrogs, caring for them, and pre Coquille week. They did not linger long. Evi paring them for market, hesitate* to ditions, advocating such a thing. Myrtle Point risk a guess as to how many there are dently they were merely taking a rest What doe* be want to do, turn the Bandon before again resuming their flight for wood* into a regular battlefield ? With on his 20 acres, and yet census takers their Spring nesting ground*. a twenty-day season a hunter would of wild life, employed by the Biolog Read in The Journal last wssk ical Survey and game commissions, stand about the same chance* of get where a man shot a big bald eagle *n ting shot, as he would have stood over fare forth into our wild jungles to a golf links in Washington. Tho bird the top, on Plunder* Field. A* th* count our different species of wild life. Can you beat it? One censu* was on display in a «parting goods season now stand* hunter* are taking taker in this state, employed in the store. Perhaps it was a ease where their live* in their hand*, who go in ' Forestry'&s^ice states that there are “ignorance was bite*,” for there is a pursuit of deer, and what would it ■241 in rww'T&resi — fisher ........ ........... —____ it preserves in I federal law against th* killing of be if the season was converted into a ‘ - J____ ____ , . I .1 „ UÎ-U- ____ ____________ 1____ _______ ’ this state. Just to understand what these bird*—our national emblem. twenty-day law? The wood* would ' an absurd statement this is, one ha* You old timer* get your thlnUng be crammed with hunter* for twenty to have only a slight knowledge of the cap* on for I’m going to eall on each | day* and the death list would surely habits of thia animal. A fisher is one and every one of you for a story of mount. That’* the trouble today ' with the present law. It does not al- of the greatest travelers to be found some sort in the near future. among animals of the Northwest. He How a long enough period in which New Cams in Circuit Court to hunt deer, and over anxious, high •» credited with traveling at least a hundred miles a night and yet 241 of , strung, excitable fool* (I believe that Feb. IS—E. Drumm vs. Frankie them ar* reported within the bound«; ¡is an appropriate title for them) are Drumm. Suit for divorc*. if two forest preserves. It ia doubt I taking no chance* on letting a buek ■ Feb. 15—Mr*. Della Oldland Jonas ful that one man in ten thousand ; elude them for they have such a short vs. Jas. L. Ferry. would know a fisher track if he saw time in which to «secure one and *0 Feb. 15—Mrs. Della >no, or would recognise the animal it they are shooting at moving brash vs. Henrietta O’Brien self. The chance comes seldom in Ferry. •r a mere glimpse at any object, that the life of even an old-time hunter might possibly be a deer and just look Feb. 15—Mrs. Della Oldland Jone* to sight one of these animal* and even at the result. Five men shot to death v*. Henrietta Jacobs O'Brien. where they used to be numerous they in the woods of Oregon only last sea Feb. 16—Elizabeth Young v*. Grant are seldom seen now. So how ia a Young. Suit for divorce. son. A shorter season would simply forest ranger going to produce any mean more men murdered; mistaken Feb. 15—Douglas Building A Loan sort of proof that 241 fisher inhabit Association v*. E. C. and Ivy Roberta. for deer. This same sportsman in two forest preserve*? formed the game commission that Feb. 16—Nonda Anderaon vs. Sitka I do not pretend to be a census Spruce Pulp A Paper Co. there was no need for a doe law, that there are plenty of buck*. Well, per taker of wild life. 'I do not pretend Feb. 16—E. L. Co« vs. Oerding In haps there are, but just try and find to know the exact number of deer, dustries, Seattle Hardware Co. and ’em. It is a fact that bucks ar* be bear and birds and all other animal* Coo* county. coming scarcer each season. Does are in our forest*, a* these hired census Feb. 16—J. E. Paulson, administra on the increase. The big bucks, the taker* do. But if I was going to tor of the estate of J. A. Coliter, vs. prime breeding stock, are being kilted make a gue-e a* to the actual number John Dornath and S om . Feb. 17—Frances McLeod vs. Coos off at an alarming rate. I checked up of fisher in this entire state I would 3 plates on several hunting parties last sea not put the figure a bit above the 241 County Business Men’s Asaiu son and found that out of 188 deer that ar* supposed to be in two fores? Enamel Feb. 17—E. Mildred 8mith vs. Em preserves. that were sighted by different mem ory C. Smith. Suit for divorce. They are totally extinct in many bers of the various parties, that only Feb. 18—Herman Erickson vs. Wal seven bucks were actually seen. I parts of the stat* and are very rare lace Crouch. 4 believe that the killing of one doe in th* few places that they may be When an animal specie* is should be allowed in order to sort of found. Probat« Coart Items ■bout extinct it should not bo so hard balance Nature. Tho*. D. Gueriit, of Myrtl* Point, The fact of the matter is, that to figure out within a hundred or so was last Saturday apopinted adminis during the open season there are of how many still survive. But some trator of the «state of his Ute brother, hundreds of does killed and left to how when I read of th* report of G*o. H. Guerin, who died Jan. 29. rot in the woods. The same class of some of the** census takers of wild Ray B. Dement, Roy F. Garrett and men that shoot their fellowman down life concerning different animals, like W. Taylor Dement are appraisers of in cold blood, when he is mistaken for porcupines for instance, in a district the estate which is eetisaated jto e*n- a deer, ar* also responsible for the of eastern Oregon, listed a* 88,639, I of 87,600 in real property and death of many does. They shoot at cannot help thinking ef Andy, leaning 86,000 in personal. back in hia office ehair aadding up the a glimpse of sn animal in the brash, thinking perhaps it might bo a buck taxicab income, for th* benefit of Call Farr * Elwood for and if a dos is killed, nine times out Amos, and saying in a loud voice, of ten it is loft to thebussarda. Than “six million, seven million, eight mil- aadfnol. EW! RAISING SALE continues—don’t delay-take advantage of these MONEY SAVING BARGAINS ’ White Dress Sox Dress Sox Handkerchiefs Part Wool 35c value 25c value ONLY $39.93 4c Men’s Part Wool Work Shoes Union Suits Worth to $1.75 Values to $7.00 Baby Grand Radio Now 10c 17C BONE DRY Superheterodyne Men's and Boys Overalls to $3.00 Rlli£O FRII MEN’S WEAR Just as well have the beat. C. H. S. Badly Beaten by up*: North Bend Laat Friday S<x’uille <16) ______ , McCue (4) A North Bond basket ball team, hitting systematically on all eog*, ran away and left th* Coquille Red Devila in the lurch, 29 to 15, last Friday on North Bend (29) (11) Ward (9) Hughe* (8) Mullen N. Anderson (1) Rice Morgan (2) Helmkin (8) Sh*yer Williams ’ Davi* 1 Beetoy A. Anderson Elilngsen Lilljebo Ostrander (1) Referee: Earl Rice, Bandon. the bay team’s court North Bend’s performance was, perhaps, the pretti est put on this season in the “A” League, and though their short shots were few the long ones rattled the rim The local second team also met a with unerring accuracy time and reverse for the second time by the again. The Bulldogs of the bay sector took North Bend “scrubs,” dropping their an early lead which was never headed, encounter, 24 to 13. So far this sea and never really threatened after tho son the C. H. S. younger basketeers first half. Ward, fighting forward, | have defeated all comers but North was the player who started the scor Bend, the latter team being unbeaten ____________ __________ ing and ________ after once entering the enemy so far. In this laat game two of-the som "he seldom relented "in Ms assault Coquill«’* regulars were ineligible and of the basket. He was backed by »“• h,1P*d the *Tld whiU U Hughes and Mullen, who also dropped Line-ups: North Bend (13) in point after point. ¡Coquille (24) F 8teiner The score at halftime stood, 12 to J?c^,rthy H Nelson 8 for North Bead, and while the local Bailey " C Gatak* fans expected to see the Red Devils Stonecypher Nei* G find a scoring combination the red and Perrott Anderson G white basketeers were unable to do so. Galla» Referee, Ellsworth Morten On the other hand North Bend’s hoop ers sank long ones from the sides and center of the floor to rapidly pull away. Ward stood out in the North Bend line-up with Hughes and Mullen not far behind. For Coquille, HcAmkin was the leading scorer, but his point mak ing was equated in the second half by the scrappy playing of McCue who, as well, dropped in two field goals. Line- The other “A" League game last Friday ___________ aaw Myrtle _____ Point ____ win over Bandon by a huge 33 to 9 score. The first half ended, 17 to 4, m favor of the Bobcats and after that the Myrtle Point second string was used a good deal of the time. Calling card* 100 for 11 JO BIG PRICE « REDUCTION WestinghouseElectricRanges MODEL D84 MODEL D83 Large Oven—4 plates Gray Enamel INSTALLED $128 . Large Oven— Gray INSTALLED $120 MODEL D63 3 Plates-Gray Enamel Full Automatic INSTALLED EASY TERMS Mountain States $115 Power Company your ground DON’T DELAYI Ingtaltatloa aerial HEAR ITI CHAS. H. OERDING Oregon -IA