v*; TO COQUILLR FÄLLST 8BMTUUCU COQUILLR» 0*BOOM. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY It, 1331 PAGI TWO Greater Value for the 1932 Dollar! G oodyear P athfinder r Fall Overall« 29x4.40-21 29x4.50-20 30x4.50-21 28x4.75-19 29x4.75-20 29x5.00-19 29x5.50-19 8.57 8.90 |4«30 5.45 5.55 6.45 6.57 6.80 8.35 8.65 Housewives They are better tires this year than ever before. Better in mileage; better in tread-wear; better in protection against blowout; better in puncture* proofness. TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES! BACON Morrel’s Flitches—sugar cured Per Pound ■ 16c TUNE IN Wed. . Sat. Goodyear Coast - to - Coast N. B. C. Radio Programs SWEET CORN Silver Thistle or Yacht Club 3 Cans ... 33c Also over KOOS 12 to 12:15 every day A r A ' , .. i .. Phone 133 HOOKER’S GARAGE Open Day & Night Wayne Woodward is emetine a large garage this week to house his The young people were delightfully entertained Saturday evening at the trucks and sedan. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest home of Mr. and Mra. C. E. Schroeder in honor of their daughter, Lola, it joyed a visit last week being her seventeenth birthday. A niece, Mrs. John Dameron and chil very pleasant evening was spent play dren, Bob and Anna Lou, of Bandon. George Gillespie is recuperating ing progreesive “cootie," Gordon from an attack of the influensa and Fleming taking high honom for the boys and Iola Robison high score for is still unable to be about his work. Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward the girls. Afterwards dainty refresh ments were served to the following are having a new bouse built at thia guests: Joe Sinko, Mr. and Mrs. Gor time. Willis Hoover, of Myrtle Point, don Fleming, Melden Carl, Laura Mi and John Myers have the contract Arago Bull Dogs have two league lani, Willie Sinko, Herbert Carl, Milo Griffin, Walter Moore, Rural Griffin, games scheduled for this week. On Harold Fish, Mary Helen Watkins, Tuesday evening they met the Lake Evelyn Doyle, Bessie Lewis, Woodrow side quintet on the local Boor and will Robison, Gladys Bayles, Joanne Mi meet the Bridge team Friday evening, lani, Richard Delsman, Doris Currie, also on the local floor. Mrs. C. C. Robison returned Wed Clara Delsman, Ernest Milani, Price Schroeder, Keith Kribbs and Lois nesday evening from Eugene. She, with other Grange Lecturers of the Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve McAllister and county, attended the Lecturers’ con children, Shelby and Mary Jean, Mr. ference held thpre Tuesday and Wed and Mrs. C. C. Robison, Mr. and Mra. nesday of last week, driving home af Frank Burbank, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. ter the Jast session. They enjoyed a Burtis, Mrs. Emily Hickam and eon, pleasant trip and received many new Kent, Lois Schroeder, Price Schroeder ideas to bring home to their respec and Keith Kribbs enjoyed a turkey tive granges. It was an off night for the Bull dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dogs when they met the Marshfleld C. E. Schroeder on Sunday. Mrs. Ardna Griffin is recuperating Pirates at the Armory there Wednes from a severe attack of the influensa. day evening. Their team work was She has been unable to continue her splendid and they were in possession work at the veneer plant the past two of the ball at least half 'of the time but were unable to even hit the back weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Hegge and son, board most of the time. It was a sur of Bandon, spent Sunday with Mr. and prise to everyone after the boys had played such consistent ball the entire Mm. Walter Farrier. S. L. Lafferty is suffering with a season. However, they promise to do badly injured hand. While leading better next time. The game finally the homes to water the rope was ended in the score of *2 to # tn favor drawn through his hand burning the of Marshfield. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl and son, flesh. Miss Nellie Psull spent Sunday at Wallace, returned home Sunday even home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ing, having spent the week end at Leon Pauli. She is working for Mr. Granta Pam visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Will Carl and family. and Mrs. I. B. Sevy, of Langlois. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Schroeder butch The Ladies Missionary society held ered a flock of twenty-five turkeys their regular meeting Friday after Friday and delivered them to Rose noon at the community kitchen. As burg on Saturday. Friday was world prayer day the pro Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Lafferty, Mr. The faculty has chosen their play gram consisted of sacred songa, and Mrs. E. J. Myres, Mr. and Mrs. eaat for “The Fourth»* her," by Caesar prayers and short talks in keeping Stanley Halter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunn which will be presented at the with the day. President Mrs. Maude Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Joo Milani, high school February 26th. The MacDonald resigned her position that Mr. and Mrs. Prod Lafferty, Frank characters in the play aa announced day, owing to ill health, and Mrs. C. Sinko, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, by C. L. Church, director, are: Mr. A. Keltner was elected to serve in her Mrs. S. R. Hampton and John Car) Riggs, L. P. Um; Robert Riggs, place. Those attending were Mee- attended the program sponsored by Andy Newhouse; Evangeline Gay, damea Stanley Halter, C. C. Robison, Swift A Co. at Coquille on Tuesday. Grace Morry Linn; Jerry Dean, Ger C. A. Keltner, Sandy Ellis, S. L. Laf trude Sick; Andy Whittaker, Edgar ferty, Cleve McAllister, Ernest Wat Safety Firat! Uae Cow BeU Dairy's Rickard; Juns Allen, Alics Ahrerdes; kins, Frank Lane, E. J. Myem, Fred Pasteurised Milk and protect yvw Mrs. Alles, AUeen Barker; Dr. Giles Lafferty and Mm. Edith Woodward. health Faraday, W. A. Sawyer; Mr. Rogers, ................................... .................... ....................... . 1 »■ Jim Lewellen; Mr. Hannerton. C. L. Church; Mr. Gateson, Frank Larson; Maid. Faith Lindros. COQUILLE MACHINE SHOP PHONE «-J COQUILLR JEROEN’S TOILET SOAP 9 Bars - - - 29c MARSHMALLOWS 1 Pound Package - 25c To Protect SUNBLEST TOMATOES Solid Pack No. 2'/j Tins SEA VIEW TUNA light meat Large Tins, 2 for PINEAPPLE Broken Slices No. 2 ft Tins NEIGHBORHOOD COFFEE glass free with every pound Pound - - 34c TIP TOP COFFEE 1 pound bags Live News From Arago ADDED 25c M. J. Morri- Coquille, Oregon BLACKSMITH SHOP MOTHER'S COCOA 2 Pound Tins yr -A '.A®. Coquille Service Station STRANG’S GARAGE Day and Night Service for Phone Carroon Brand FANCY TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT No. 2 tins - 2 for 33c 25c Busy Comer Grocery Delivery McKinley Notes Mias Verna Finley ie in the aehool I room again after being laid up for I two weeks or more with a bad arm ■ I and the fiu. She stall has her arm in 1 a sling and feeds pretty weak. Miss Helen Glenn* is helping her yet for a while. Mrs. Zelta Rodenwald, extension home management apecialist, ia ex pected Wednesday to give her lecture >n “Planned Kitchens and Kitchen Management,” at the Community hall Thursday at 1:30 p. m. The chairman of the Grange H. E. committee, Mm. R. E. Lawhorn, ia ill with a bad cold and unable to attend but it ia expected a good attendance wrill be there for that and another reason also, as ths community is interested in securing hsll and the Flamo light people will demonatrate their system after Mrs. Rodenwald’s talk. A letter was received from Mrs. Church, Claude’s mother, saying that if there were no complications her son might live but ahe didn’t seem to have any hopes of any more than that If the hip is shsttered as badly is it appears, he undoubtedly will be a cripple. The bullet missed the large artery by only a quarter of an inch. The doctor said he would have died in five minutes if it had been touched. Uncle Lark Mast is now staying with hie eldest con, Lee Mast. He still has his eye bandaged and it does not seem to improve much if any. All McKinley folks were deeply grieved to hear of the passing of Mrs. W. H. Bunch, February 13th, at laeksonville, where she had lived for the last two years. The Bunch fam ily eame to thia vicinity more than forty years ago and lived on Cherry •reek at the end of the valley. Mrs. Bunch was loved and respected by all ind her amilingface will never be tor- by any who were privileged to her friendship. Truly “her rise up and eall her the minister said at at WHEN YOU WANT HAY Oats & Vetch Ä00 a Ton Phone 16 FARR & ELWOOD Six Kinds of Coal Forest Wood Upon her lipa, upon the placid brow Under the gay white curia. Remern- . bering, I sweep, because a dread veil parte us now, Yet, as with love she used to greet ue then, She will again. is seriously ill. The Fellowship Club met on Wed nesday with Mrs. Ed. Gamwell and Mrs. Ben Crawford aa joint hosteaaee. Slim McFarland finished repair work Tuesday on the Eckley telephone line. Thia is an old line and was badly damaged by the snow. Myrtle Elley who has been serious We knelt together at th« unseen ly ill with pneumonia is very much 8pring, “He who drinks here «hall never improved. Parents’ night with Boy Scout thirst,” He saith. And though st times we falter, sor Troop No. 24 proved a very interest ing evening with a large crowd at rowing, We know that not for such aa ahe ia tending. Four boys were given their initiation after having qualified as death. tenderfoot scouts. They were Quil- And in that joy wherein we met be hough, Dewey Winkleman, Stevens, fore, Albert Goble. Scouts Jim Gamwell, We shall, once more. B n Payne, Harry Roas and Francis So long we walked the homely ways Jones were awarded second class pins. together, Scouts Lorraine Shephard and George So oft we shared that sure, pure GeMler were elected Senior Patrol Strength we knew, Leader. Al Winn is scoutmaster. Always, somewhere ahead, this porta) The Coos Lumber Co. are alternat waiting . . . ing the train crews until such a time She reached it first, and found her as they have steady employment. glad way through, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Case hsve re 60 when we, fearless, follow through turned to Sheridsn, Wyoming, their that door, , old home. Mr. Case was in the jew She will be waiting, smiling—as of elry business in Powers for eight I yore. year«. As soon as the snow melts on Eden ridge the buckers and fallers will go News Notes From Powers back to work. yearn Mrs. Clam Lehmanowsky was taken rests from her labors and i to the Wesley hospital in the ambu O. D. O. Club Meeting Today her works will follow her." We can lance Friday, seriously ill. At last offer no more loving tribute than ia This afternoon at the home of Mrs. reports ahe was very much improved. so sweetly expressed by Mrs. Frances the O. D. O. club is meet Mra. Ed Hubner’s mother ia serious Holmstrom who penned the following time will be spent in sewing ly ill in the east. A messenger was to comfort those of us who mourn the conversation. Attending are sent into the South Sixes country loss of a devr friend and neighbor. Georgs Sherwood, A. B. Wednesday to bring Mrs. Hubner to Gue Tillman, Lee Hand, L. Powers. SMILING Grant Wilcox, Ralph Mm. Warner and Mra. Jim Sandors. Always she met us with that sunlit North Bend Tuesday •mile Elk Summerlin, who cards 100 for 9140. -HT