THE COQUILLE FALLET SENTINEL COQUILLE. OREGON, PRÎbAY, FÉÈRUARY 5, 1931. PAG1 BIGHT ms not very long ago. Maybe Week leys killed the big boy at last. "While out on ths head waters of Elk creek about six years ago, Hap Carter, from Douglas county, and I looked down a hill and there on a big log, ten feet above the ground, lay a large brown bear, fast asleep in tile sunshine. I counted throe and we both shot. Mister Boar foil off the GIVES YOU DOUBLE PROTECTION IN THE log. The dogs and I went down after PAYMENT OF YOU« OBDJGATJONS. THE CAN him. Mister Bear had started off- I CELLED CHECK IS INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE OF ran op as be was going over • log tea PAYMENT WHEN A 'BOOK-KEEPING ERROR MIGHT feet from me. 1 shot him, not in the RESULT IN THE PRESENTATION OF A BILL WHICH head, but in the ead that wont ovor YOU HAVE ALREADY PAH). the log last. At the crack of the 45 Safe Deposit Boxes Remington, Mister 'Bear fell and Savings Department failed to rise. Carter was still up where we first shot from. 1 told him HELPFUL, FRIENDLY 8ERVICE to come down and shoot the boar in the head and ho did ao. When we peeled hie hide off we found a 44 ball, which some one had shot him with, some time in the past, as it was en tirely healed up. “Wo, aa neighbors, had three dogs, two fox hounds and one grey hound. They wore the three best bear dogs that I ever knew of. They treed quite a number of black fear. One across the front of the head. His bill Whereas Marshfield was expected day a bear went up a‘big stub, with is greenish-white and very large, re to be in the swim from the start, loose bark, that was still on it after minding one of a parrot’s bill. The North Bend’s plsy is somewhat of a fire had burnt it The bear was up female bird ia of a darker hue all surprise, as they were so low in the about 73 feet and I was getting ready over and has no spot of gold across standing last season. In 1931 North to shoot when a slab of bark came the forehead and shows leas white Bend did not find themselves until loose and Mister Bear came back to upon their wings. These birds are late in the season when excitement earth. The boar waa then afraid to not harmful, in fact they change their over the tournament was attracting tree any more, so the dogs went out seed diet to a feed of insects, when all the attention so their rise passed of hearing.” the opportunity presents itself. by almost unnoticed. Finally in the Many, many thanks, Mr. Swan. How many of you have thought to tourney, North Bend reached a peak Mighty glad to get these interesting feed the birds during the snow? to almost eliminate Marshfield from yams and I am sure that our readers These little waifs sure appreciate a the big event in the preliminaries, will derive as much enjoyment out few crumbs on a spot of ground free just being nosed out, 26 to 27. of reading them as I have. from snow. At least a hundred were, Say, what kind of a league have OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF Mr. Swan is 81 years of age, our and are still, constant visitors in our they got in thia Coos County “B” cir By Lans Lenove oldest contributor,, And juat backyard. English sparrows, chicka cuit. The Coos River team slinks up Well, folks, we have with us this think of it, only six yean •go he dees, robin red-breasts, myrtle robin«, from her ambush to defeat Arago week a REAL old timer, Mr. G. G. was out bear hunting on- the head all enjoy their foods together. The hoopsters, 17 to 16. This doesn’t Swan, of Myrtle Point. ., This old waters of Elk creek and moreover he only one holding aloof is a speckled sound unusual, neither does it com sportsman has written in the follow got his bear, even though he was breasted brush thrush. Though very plicate matters more when you find ing interesting experiences: “G. G. forced to shoot it in the wrong end. tame where man is concerned, he that Arago downed Riverton, 22 to 17. Swan came from Ohio and settled on And it’s hard to tell just how long spurns the company of other birds Now comes the joker when on looking the east fork of the Coquille river, that old 44 bullet had been in old and must have his rations entirely to through the results it is discovered May 9th, 1871. At that time game bruin’s carcass, for a 44 caliber gun McLain Coal himself. I have no doubt that it that in the opening game of the and fish were plentiful, such as elk, is almost obsolete in the woods at the would prove somewhat of a revelation schedule Riverton swept over Coos deer, boar, panther and bobcats; and present time and has been for many to some naturalists who are forever River to an overwhelming, 40 to 18, as to Ash, in the fall and winter, for years past. The longevity of a bear berating that cocky, bullying, fighting victory. several years, plenty of salmon came is between 40 and 50 years, so it is little English sparrow, to see a Who’s up the river. No trouble to get sal emy to understand that the animal m whole flock of them feeding shoulder mon, also trout, just all the Ash one might have carried that old bullet for to shoulder, (perhaps I should say quintets will make it hot for an “A” needed. As to a Ash story: when I a great length of time. wing to wing), with the robin red league aggregation, and in the tour was a boy, living four miles from I trust that a lot more of you old breasts, myrtle robins and chicka nament those competing will obtain Lake Erie, our neighbor, Mr. Osborn, l9 timers will write in your experiences dees. And I have the first time yet the opportunity of tangling with the had a lake seine, Father and I went to me, as Mr. Swan has. I wiM be to see one assume a belligerent air larger schools. An Arago quintet with Osborn one day and seined out only too glad to publish them, one and toward another bird during feeding won the first tournament in 1925 by one hundred and seven s’urgeon, be- . time. Perhaps the birds, too, are trimming Coquille, while in 1929 Coos 125 for their forgetfullness. They sides other Ash. A pretty good fish all. The mention of elk in the above ar feeling the depression end have River reached the finals but loot to promised not to let it happen again. catch for oeo day. ticle brings to mind, forcibly, the fact signed an armistice. At any rate Myrtle Point. It will be interesting “Ai to elk, as near as I recall, I that pressure is being brought to boar they appear mighty friendly. And I to witch. New Faces at County Jail killed 39 elk. The neighbors would go upon the state game commission ask can not help making note of this Harry Helmkin, Coquille center, Is out in the hills with a big seamlebs Frank Gay was brought up from ing that an open season be declared fact, in the face of the statement of league leading point scorer as the On the upon these animals. It would be a Bandon last Friday and lodged in the sack and pack elk meat. naturaliata who claim that a robin season turns into the final stretch. county jail. He was bound over to head waters of Elk creek there used crying shame if such a season was will not feed near a sparrow and if Mullen, of North Bend, an opposing the grand jury in justice court for to be plenty of elk and deer and bear. opened. After being ruthlessly pur he attempts to, the sparrow will drive pivot man, is not far behind the local drawing a cheeks without funds to There was no law to prohibit the kill sued for years and years, during him away. In spite of their bad repu casaba tosser with 39 points as com cover. His bail was fixed at >150. ing of elk and deer. I counted 88 elk which time thousands upon thousands tation I have always been a great ad pared to Helmkin’s 45. Shelton ranks Callisen Voylsa, who pleaded guilty in one band and Mr. Krantz had killed of them were slaughtered, for their mirer of the English sparrow. He’a third with 36, while McLean, Hughes, in justice court at Powers to posses one out of the band, making 39 in the hides alone, and when the animals such a friendly little fellow toward Ostrander and others are also quite sion of a still and mash, Monday was herd. There is one thing I will say, were actually facing certain ex man and he is forever assuming such near. The first twelve leaders are: given 30 days in jail and Aned 8200. a band of elk moving away from the termination, a law was finally passed a cocky attitude which, in proportion Helmkin - - C. H. S. - 45 He was brought to the county jail the hunter will not break and run by the to prevent further slaughter. The to his size, makes him really loveable. Mullen - - N. B. H. 8. - 39 leader. If the lead elk stops they all same day. first law waa passed some 35 years Last week I trapped two bobcats. Shelton - -M.P. H. S. 36 stop. They most always go in single ago. Several years later the law was One of them was the largest I have McLean - M. H. S. - 33 Ale. The big horns we took to Marsh Old BasinoM Records opened for a very abort period and ever taken, weighing 25 pounds. Hughes - N. B. H. S. - 26 Excavations In Egypt revealed • field and got 85.00 a pair. If we had then closed. So now for years and Poison grain, cooked and served to Ostrander C. H. S. - 25 large granary containing grain blns some of the big seven pointers now, years the noble animal has been fight patrons of a dance in California last Shaver - C. H. 8. - 17 and documents of papyrus, some ap they would bring 850.00 or more. ing its natural enemies, the cougar week, resulted in the delath of nine Morgan - C. H. 8. - 16 parently connected with the property “Now for the bear story: I have and the elements. And the increase - persona. The grain was meant to bo Ward N. B. H. 8 - 15 and Its business deals. killed quite a few black bear, but only in its ranks ia really pitiful, compared used to poison digger squirrels. This, Milosevich M. H. S. - 14 one big brown one. A brown bear to the mighty herds which once roam I believe, very forcibly bean out my Enlund - M. H. S. - 14 Calling carda 100 for 11-50. killed nine sheep and three goats for ed our woodland trails. Now that contention for the past ten years, Carver - M. P. H. S. - 14 the poor beast, which has striven so that poison bait and grain does not hard, is really beginning to come always kill wWat it is meant to kill. It seems as if something could be again into its own in some parts o’ The fact remains that if poison had done to make the Community Hall a the state, a cry is raised from the never been resorted to in the first better place for local functions. Last lips of blood-thirsty men who seem place, to exterminate animals, that Friday night while they were wit scarce able to restrain their longing nine persons would not have lost their nessing the Coquille-Marshfield game, to wipe out the last one of these ma lives as an indirect result of it. a local business man and his wife re jestic animals. If an open season k ceived minor injuries when they declared such will be the ease. Prac dropped through their seats on one of Sport Briefs tically the location of every elk herd the middle rows of benches. Upon in By Mark Seeley in the state is known. Dawn of an vestigation they found that the Well! Well! Who says that Coquille open season would witness the whole planks were not bolted to the up sale slaughter of the remaining bull doesn’t participate in winter «ports? rights. Something should be done elk in Oregon. Why can’t aome peo At least the person who offered such a about the matter to insure future ple be sane? Why can’t they satisfy statement would quickly repudiate safety. Iheir lust to kill by hunting our game his words after witnessing the fun birds and deer and not pick upon the enjoyed by local folks last Sunday. For the tvird time in nuccession mighty elk and within a few short Snow balling was, of course, the main Riverton Junior High won the Coos feature, but one large group of highlQ,™ ‘ days, yes hours, tear down the propa Junior High school students and some of the ' gation of thirty-five years? It is to championship by defeating Harding be hoped that there are enough sane- younger men and women of the city school of Marshfield, 14 to 12, at thinking sportsmen in our state who carried things a little further when North Bend on a neutral floor, last will fight to the last ditch such mur they gathered in a large group and Fridsy. The triple win gives River derous legislation, aa the opening of went up to Norway where on a hill ton permanent possession of the just this side of the store they en trophy presented by the First Nation the season on elk. joyed sledding and skiing. Also an al bank of Marshfield. I made mention in thia column a attack was made on the neighboring short time past of a flock of Evening MODEL D84 — Large town of Myrtle Point. Many prom Yee, dancing is a eport, and for Grossbeaks that never missed a sea ising Olympic Gomes candidates could those who enjoy this form of amuse son in paying my dad ’ s yard a visit. 4 — be noticed in the crowd. ment, Vic McAllister gives dances ev For some thirty years they came each ery Saturday night in the Oriental year, stayed several days and then — The Marshfield win over Coquille Ballroom. The papular Black Cat or departed. The adjoining lot was graded down, a favorite tree of theirs last Friday places the Yellowjackets chestra furnishes the music. Vic at was chopped down and they camo no half a game ahead of North Bend one time cavorted around the baseball MODEL D83 — Large Oven more." For six year« they never put in second plsce and two games from diamond for the Loggers, back in in an apeparance. Yesterday morn Coquille in the third rung. The rea 1925. He was only a reserve but his , 3 Platea — ing as I opened the back door, there son ia half over and each team Has Nick Altrock acts helped the morale came to my ears a familiar call— to facerihe other again. And in this of the dub. — ONLY “zeerer zeerer.” And there they quartet of games many things can were. It waa like meeting old friends happen unless the breaks stay with Sscial Handicap once again. Perhaps they visit many the same quintets which gained them Awkwardness Is a more real disad of your backyards. They are very during the first half. vantage than It la generally thought A Checking Account Farmers & Merchants Bank Transfer and Delivery Local and Long Distance Hauling Agents for Mill Wood Mansell Drayage & Delivery Never Did Have a License Fred Guerin, of 'Bandon, was brought before Justice Stanley, Tues day, by Traffic -Officer Currie, charged with driving an automobile without a driver's license. His license was sus pended last summer when he was be fore ths judge on another charge; at least it was supposed to have been suspended, but it now transpires that he never had one. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a year, but sen tence was suspended during good be havior. Two Fishermen, No License Sergeant Clint Hearing and L. D. Curtis, of the state police, found Paul Gardner, of Denmark, and H. A. Far rier, of Langloia, fishing at the Floras creek falls Wednesday, .without hav ing previously secured the state's per mission, in the form of a license. They pleaded guilty before Justice Joo Cox at Langlois, who assessed them each REDUCED HIGHGRADE WESTINGHOUSE r I 1 "WÌ FULL AUTOMATIC J1 ELECTRIC RANGES GRAY ENAMEL FULL AUTOMATIC MODEL D63 NOW ONLY H15 Mountain States Oven Plates Gray INSTALLED Enamel ONLY $128 Gray Enamel $120 INSTALLED Power Company V fond of maple tree seeds and are usu ally found amongst the branches of this free. They have, that is the male bird has, gold colored plumage. Large patches of white adorn their black wings and they have a short, block to*. The top of their head is Myrtle Point ia practically out of the pennant scramble but, though they are, they can turn bolshevik and upset the league by knocking over a leader now and then. With Mike Ray, veteran center, now in the game, the Pointers may do thia iittio trick mor« almost black with « bright gold spot than ones. to be; It often occasiona ridicule. It always lessens dignity.- -Chesterfield.