I V KA THE COQU1LLH VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1932. The Sentinel a moo rares is a good tows H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES If Japan’s aasault on China welds the scattering province« of China in­ to a people of distinet national thought and purpose, without jealousies and bickerings, and China gives of her beet for the enduring life of the Chinese nation, then the evil designs of the Japanese have been thwarted. R. A. Easton- University Men Pick Ideal Girl Subscription Rates One Year............... ... -................. (2.09 Six Months ....................... l.uo Three Months.................... 60 No subscription taken unless paid for in advance. This rule is impera- Advertising Rates advertising. 26 cents per inch: lees than 6 inches, 80 cents per inch. No advertisement inserted for leas than 60 cents. Readings notices 10 cents per line. No reading notice, or advertisement of any kind, insert­ ed for less than 25 cents. Display Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as Second ClasaMail Matter. THE BLAME ON HOOVER Will Rogers said the last time he was down in Arkansas, he bought a red apple, took a bite—and there was an ugly worm. “You know what I said?” the comedian asked; “I said *d-------n’ Hoover." Well, the blame for everything else is on Hoover, so why not blame him by some rule and reason for wormy apples? Ditto blackleg among calves and “fake leg” liquor? Blaming leaders, howeVer, is noth­ ing new. The Israelites did it in the wilderness. “Hast thou taken us away to die ? It would have been bet­ ter for ua to serve the Egyptians than that we should die in the wilderness,” they murmured, according to the Holy Writ. The world hasn’t changed so much in the intervening milleniums as one might think. History accords consid­ erable praise to Moses, the concensus of historians being that he did a pret­ ty good job of leadership. But if he received any enthusiastic comment along the pathless way he traversed, it didn’t come from the masses. And neither is Hoover getting any words of eheer from this source. And come to think about it, we cannot now recall any leader who did an exceptionally good job of leading whoae path wasn’t thistle-strewn. We have a way of giving our great men all the hades on earth possible and then worshipping at their shrine ever after.—Coffeyville Journal. R. A. Easton’s Weekly Letter r My prayer for Japan morning, noon and night and between times is the same that I prayed for Billie 2 when he stood up in Berlin, drew his little aid cheese knife and said, "I’ll lead you to victory!” He did. But the victory he lead himself to was the protection of Willamina’s petticoats. The Japanese did good service in the world war. There is a monument in Stanley Sauer Kraut 5c (We Make it) (Limit) pt. ANNOUNCEMENT Beef Roasts Eastern “Morrells” This is 100% Steer Beef And FRESH Juicy STEAKS 15c "i (3 lb & over) Never to divert from the quality we handle Bacon 10c 16