FRIDAY, FEBRUARY I. IMS. PAGI National President F. F. A. a Coquille Visitor Tuesday LIBERTY THEATRE WEEKLY PROGRAM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5 “LASCA OF RIO GRANDE" SUNDAY. MONDAY AND TUE8DAY, FEBRUARY 7 “Way Back Home" With Idol of the Radio. Seth Parker and hi. Jonesport Neighbors Merging Invincible Human Spirit with the magic of tbe machine age. In superb melodrama to exalt millions who’ve forgotten what it means to he moved to depths of their souls! See and hear Seth Parker, the Idol of Ten Million Radio Fans. Matinee Sun. 2:38. Admission 35c, 18c . WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 “The Yellow Ticket“ With Eliaaa Landis and Lionel Barrymore • The powerful drama of the greatest sacrifice a woman’s heart can make. In the palm of his hand lay a nation’s secrete but his greatest enigma waa locked in the heart of a woman, helpless, hopeless, haraas- ed in ruthless Russia. Wed. night 3Se, 18e. .Thurs. night the last gift night 54c, 14c FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12-13 “Husband’s Holiday” With Clive Brook and Charles Rugglee Wives and mothers have their own answer to this. They know the pitfalls of marriage and instinct tells them what to do when husbands stray. See the modern way this harrassed wife applies the ancient wisdom of women in “Husband’s Holiday.” A dramatic triumph. Prices 35c, 10c Selected Shorts with Each Program Kenneth Pettibone, 18, national acre farm north of Corvallis. president of the Future Farmer» of While on this trip, Mr. Cooley is America from Corvallis, Oregon, and assisting the instructors with their Earl R. Cooley, state supervisor of teaching and checking with the su Agricultural Education, Salem, thia perintendents to see that their schools week visited the four Smith-Hughes meet the Smith-Hughes requirements Coming “LADIES OF THE BIG HOUSE" agricultural departments in Coos in order to receive federal aid. On county. At Coquille High School Saturday, February 6th, Mr. Cooley Wednesday morning they spoke to will hold the Southern Oregon district the students at an assembly meeting. conference with ten Smith-Hughes the Tasmanian laws being allowed an SEEK Pettibone is president of an organi agricultural instructors at Roseburg. of 50 square yards. The aep- sation of 65,000 farm boys from 2,500 The F. F. A. quartet sang several TASMANIA ISLAND areu nratlon of the osmlridlum from' the high schools in the United States and songs and olarinet duet was played by gravel, aund and rock. In which it is the Hawaiian Islands. He was elect Lester Cunningham and George Find of Otmiridium L uto formed, la usually effected by wash ed to this national honor last Novem Ayres. An interesting feature of the ing. When water is scarce thia is venturer a. done by hand, otherwise by sluicing. ber while attending the National Con meeting was the opening and closing Mining for osmlridlum appears to gress of Future Farmers of America of the assembly by the officers of the , Gold pens are tipped with osmi- be more a matter of luck than of at Kansas City as a' Oregon delegate. Coquille chapter of Future Farmers ment with those of other ware would FOR RENT—Lower floor of home, ridlum, which Is one of th« world's sound judgment. Hundreds of men on Last spring he graduated from the of America. They used their regular be enacted at the current session of consisting of Ave rooms and bath, rare metals. Tifsmanla, lying off the the field, according to the Sydney Corvallis high school and is now in Congress. completely furnished* including coast of Australia, Is now the larg (Australia) Mail, are not making partnership with his father on a 287- ritual for this program. furnace, gas range, overstaffed fur est producer of the metal, two-thirds wages. Others are cleaning up sev niture, Baby Grand piano, and gar Next Week at the Liberty of the entire output coming from eral hundred dollars a week. The The Coquille Woman's Club | Charged With Manslaughter age. Inquire at the Baby Boudoir there. Osmlridlum Is white'In color, metal la sold In the London and “Way Back Home,” the motion pic The next regular * meeting of the j Charged with manslaughter - Com- Shop. very heavy and somewhat resembles New Tork markets at 436 (*180) an ture in which Seth Parker, of radio steel tilings. It Is always found In ounce. It is thought that the Adams Coquills Woman’s Club will be held at: munity Program at Christian Church fame, is starred, will be shown at the FOR SALE OR TRADE—Income alluvial wash in the vicinity of out river diggings are quite thoroughly the Guild hall Tuesday, February 9. | The story of a boy who followed in Liberty Theatre here for three nights, Property at Klamath Falls, now crops of serpentine rock, so called be pegged out, but that In the wild, al In connection with this meeting there his “dad’s footsteps” and of a father starting Sunday. He is supported by cause of its snaky, green, mottled ap most unknown country lying beyond will be a county institute of the mem-1 who awakened almost too late, will leased 850.00 per month. Price pearance. A new field recently was dis thia field there may be other deposits ben of federated women’s clubs. The' be vividly portrayed in the drama, a mixed east of radio and movie 88,000.00 for property in Coos or celebrities. covered on the Adams river. 30 miles of equal richness. Curry county. Write Z. E. Parks, morning session will open at- 10:80'‘-’Charged With Manslaughter,” which An interesting battle for histrionic from a sailroad station, in the wild Coquille-McKinley Star Rt., Co and will include an address by Mrs. will be presented at a community honors is waged between the film and est, moot desolate part of the Tas quille, Oregon. It* Beat Irrigation Met hod a W. S. Nicholson, of Marshfield, who meeting in the Christian Church, Co- radio actors. There’s no doubt on the manian bush. It Is reached by a cor If wheat is being grown In a dry is a state officer of the federation. duroy trail through the bush. Fiille, Wednesday, February 10, at score. Seth himself—the radio star’s FOR SALE—Stands rd make of piano — Conditions are as primitive In the country where there -Is little water, it Adjournment al noon with no-host 00 p. m. real name, by the way, is Phillips la benefited most by a downpour when near Coquille. Will sacrifice for un camp as they were In the old Klondike The scene is laid in the County At Lord—walks away with the picture. It la still in tbe early stages of growth. luncheon at the Coquille Hotel. The paid balance. A snap. Easy terms. days and living Is almost as expensive Prof. Alvin Keser of tbe Colorado afternoon session convene« at two torney’s office just after an automo But Effie Palmer who is heard over Write Tailman Piano Store, Salem, and difficult. During the winter sea state experiment station, In a report o’clock. After the business meeting bile crash. The father, a prominent the air and heard and seen in the film Ore. 4t3 son, which corresponds to our sum to the American Association of Ce of the Coquille club, the Marshfield business man, is reaping what he has as “Ma Parker,” makes the movie mer, there are torrential rains almost real Chemists, described a series of club will have charge of the program. sown. He has liquor in his home, he folk step for the second honors; FOR RENT—3-room house, fully fur daily, with frequent snows. The mud Irrigation experiments In which It was On February 22, at the home of scoffs at prohibition!! he sows the Sophia Lord is fine as “Lissie,” and is knee deep, while In places there are nished, close in. Call 182-R. demonstrated that water applied potholes luto which a man may sink while the wheat was still young pro Mrs. John Paulson, there will be a seeds of lawlessness in the mind of Raymond Hunter’s fine voice lends to his waist. In summer the heat la duced a lower yield, but the final prod Pioneer Tea, with an exhibit of pi his boy, who obtains liquor from his power to the role of “Captain Bang.” FOR RIENT or lease, unfurnished— often oppressive and when It is dry uct bad a much higher food value oneer articles. It is hoped the pioneer father’s bootlegger and while intoxi Bennett Kilpack is good as “Cephua,” Four aparments, two rooms each the scrub catches fire and destructive than that produced when Irrigations ladies who will be honor guests on cated drives s high-powered car, forc the village half-wit. in our building in the business dis bush conflagrations result In spite were given during the latter stages of this occasion will relate experiences ing another automobile into the ditch, Yes — we hasten to assure those trict, for the low price of 85.00 per of these conditions there has been a growth. of early days so they may be gather seriously injuring a mother and her lisffnerts-in of the Parker broadcasts month each apartment. Nosier & rush to tile field. The resultant camp ed with other material now in the child. And now, the inevitable result. that the radio folk sing some of their Walker, 351 First St. possesses all the characteristics of hands of the Historical Research com- . the son charged with manslaughter, best songs in the picture, too. But War Ceased Change the wildcat of the “Wild West" com After the beginning of the Civil war mittee of the club. The proceeds of | The cast is as follows: Prosecuting it’s drama, all drama of the good old FOR RENT— munities In the days when gold was the city of Washington changed In a the tea will be for the benefit of tbe Attorney, Rev. R. E. Close; The school, not by any means a “musical.” One very pleasant sleeping room. the chief attraction In, California. few months from a small, slow-moving fund which has been pledged to the Father, Rev. John Hood; Stenograph A two-room apartment, everything The methods used In mining are ef city of 61.400 to a bustling city of support of the Coquille Public Li er. Katherine Jane Hassler; The Son, furnished. —Ines R. Chase, 824 a primitive character. There are Knife Hospital Notes about 250,000. This average was main brary. Donald Farr) _?The Sheriff, W. E. West Third St 4t8 claims as In the old mining days in Janie Ferbrache entered the hos tained throughout the war. The music department of the club Thompson. the United States, each man under pital last Saturday to rndergo an All are invited'to attend the meet FOR RENT—Lower floor, 5 rooms, of will meet with Mrs. O. C. Sanford on operation for appendicitis. my home at 487 East Second, com February 23. The director, Mr. Ly ing. There will be no admission On Monday, Notvnan, 14-year old pletely furnished. Also three-room man Carrier, will preside and an in charge. An offering will be taken for son of J. W. Powell, of Fairview, apartment on upper floor. Mrs. teresting program has been prepared, the promotion of the prohibition cause underwent an operation for appendi- Mary C. Gage, phone 53-R. which will be in charge of Mm. H. H. in Oregon. Children are welcome buti _ i.v'citis. ___ . u-________ v_______ j must be accompanied by and sit with Mrs. Wm. Ireland was able to leave TO TRADE—50 ewes for cattle, pre The music department will sponsor their parents or other adults. the hospital Monday and return to ferably young stock. See Marc a musicale to be given at the home of £ ~ 136- inch whed The Popular 1*/i-ton her home hero. Shelley, Economy Market. ltf Mrx R. A. Wernich on February 28. Plea for Widows and Orphans ~ His many friends will be glad to 4-Speed Model A-2 TMs meeting will include guests of “Give the widows and orphans of know that W. H. Mansell, who un Reduced to the members. FOR SALE—'Early Jersey Cabbage the World War veterans the same con derwent an operation last week, is re Plants, guaranteed frost proof. to sideration that is given the widows covering nicely and will be able Social Notes 81.00 per hundred postpaid. Rates and orphans of veterans of other leave the hospital next week. on large quantities. Tel. 601-R. C. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Ralph wars” This will be the plea of the V. Smith. 5‘2tf Lucas was the delightful hostess to American Legion Auxiliary to the Many Kinds ef Asters the ladies of th»- Laf-a-lot club. In Seventy-second Congress, according There are over 250 species of addition the hostess invited Mrs. L. C. to Mrs. Maxine Jeub, chairman of the tern. They are native of temperate FURNISHED HOUSE for rent. Phone Sherwocd, Mrs. A. B. McLeod, and legislative committee of the Coquille regions, being especially abundant 22J. Mr«. George Sherwood to meet with Unit. Pensions for World War wi throughout the United States Asters the club ladies. In the late afternoon dows and orphans has been placed belong to the family Composltae and FOR SALE—Earliest of All seed po refreshments were served to the fol first on the legislative programs of are ao named from the radiate or tatoes—81-00 and 82.00 per hun star-like appearance of the flowers. lowing present: Mesdames E. A. both the American Legion and Auxili dred lbs., according to grade. Also China aster la also a member of Wimer, P. J. Jacobsen, B. B. Sanders, ary, Mrs. Jeub said. Burbank potatoes—first class cook family Composite« and Is a na- O. T. Nelson, A. B. McLeod, William Compensation at the rate of 880.00 tire of China. ers, 81.00 per hundred. Tel. 601-R. Myers, W. D. Simmons, George Sher- a month for the widow, 810.00 for the C. V. Smith. 52tf Wood, Clifford Bonniksen, Chas. Kime first child and 86.00 a month for each New Scarce of Energy T and George Gilman. additional child is now granted to the _ from sunlight looms as a FOR SALE CHEAP—Radio in good Energy widows and orphans of men who died possibility as a new light cell is de condition. Alton Grimes, Phone 14-J Today the J. G. W. club members HE tremendous demand for Inter in the service during the World War veloped. are motoring to Marshfield where national Trucks and their repu or from disabilities which ean be they will be entertained at the home tation in «very kind of hauling work traced legally to World War service, of Mrs. C. McC. Johnson. has been built on Quality —not on Mrs. Jeub explained. The widows and price. Users learned that that Interna r ___ ____ ________ orphans of other World War veterans On Monday of this week the Study tionals mean long truck life, minimum Club met at the home of Mrs. C. A. receive nothing. Widows of all Span upkeep, lowest costa, and hauling Rietman. The ladies enjoyed lunch ish War veterans, who served 90 days One Cast a Word Bask l«««rtis« satisfaction. eon and later spent the afternoon and wh'o were tfiarried prior to Sep But during 1930, LOW PRICE be tember 1, 1922, receive 880.00 a FOUND—A pair of good work giovea discussing their study course. 29 Chevrolet Truck—stake bady I 8875 came a factor, too. And now again month, and widows of ail Civil War yesterday afternoon near the court 25 8tar Touring—Glass enclosed 45 we are announcing reductions on veterans married prior to June 27, Wants to See Coos People house. Owner can secure them at 26 Chevrolet Roadster 66 International Trucks—without any In the mention of Walter H. Bunch 1905, receive from 830.00 to 850.00 a this office by paying for thia adv. 31 Harley Davidson Motorcycle 265 sacrifice of quality. in last week’« Sentinel it was stated month. 29 Ford 157 in. Truck—Duals Put your faith in International Or will 28 Chevrolet Truck—Stake Body During the last session of Congress YOUING GOATS for sale. that he had quit the service station transportation, and be guided by the trade for young stock cattle. Call at College place, whieh was a mistake. a bill which provided 820.00 per 265 experience of International owners 29 Ford Coupe - - - - Severt Iverson, phone 8R8. Myrtle 26 Chrysler Coupe He still is manager of the Sunrise month for widows of World War vet everywhere reporting exceptionally Point. 4tl* low hauling costa. Sizes, ii-ton to service station on the highway be erans and 86 00 per month for each Ford Touring tween Walla Walla and Pendleton, al child, with 815.00 per month for de 5-ton. Come in and let ua give yon n Our M-Day Guarantee FOR RENT — Two 5-room houses. though he is also attending college, pendent parents over 55 years of age, demonstration. Close in, nsrwly papered and painted. and writes he will be glad to have any or 820.00 per month for both parents, New linoleum in bath and kitchen. Coos county people travelling that was favorably reported to the House One wired for electric range. Rent but failed to bo enacted into law. way, drop in and say “beilo.” The 815.00 each. Key at 8entinel office. thermometer there Sunday stood at Mm. Jeub expressed the belief that Writs Mrs. L. E. Stuns, 500 Stan legislation to give the widows and or tea above aero, their coldest weather Ceqaille RARE METAL IN for Ad NOW— ’Lower Prices for INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Ol5 SÄ T Want Ads Geo. F. Burr Motor Co. Phone I95-J 335 Hall St. Coquille, Oregon at M m winter. phans of the World War equal treat- ta« 8U, Portland, Ore. « » 4M Used Cars For Less