Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1932)
4 / TB» COQUILLR VALLEY BRNTIMML, COQUI! LR. ORMON FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1981 SOCIAL NOTES Promptness Half the value of anything to be done io doing it promptly. We take much pride in making the service of thio Bank prompt and efficient. You will find it a good 'Bank for your de posits. Mrs. J. R. Bunch gave her little daughter, Phyllis, who was celebrat ing her seventh birthday, a lovely din ner party on Monday of this week at their home at 890 East Third St The dinner table was very attractively decorated, with small celluloid ani mals, making a circus parade. At five o’clock the dinner was served and was followed with various games until seven-thirty o’clock when the children were taken to their homes. Seated at the table were Phyllis Bunch, Betty Emery, Laurie Fuller, Evelyn Gano, Florence Campbell, Annbelle Martindale, Phyllis Mae and Betty ¡Lou Christensen, Jessie Sher wood, Jimmy Bunch and Miss Hazel Adams. Saturday & Monday Savings January 30 and February 1 RUTTER Mayonnaise > High quality, strictly fresh. Fouad Beet Foods. K ' • • SALMON A real value. Full Pint . . 27C AVOC ADO Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hess entertain ed the 8enior “500” club members Happy Vale at a saving. and a few additional guests at a de Wholewheat. Dutch toast For lightful evening party on Tuesday at « health. . 3 their home on East First street. The day was also Mrs. Folsom’s birthday, ’ . ■ (L • ? on which she received many congratu lations and while refreshments were being served. Mrs. Hess presented her OLOEST NATIONAL BANK IN COOS COUNTY Brookfield. Full Cream. Nippy with a lovely large birthday cake, COQUILLE OREGON which they all enjoyed with her. Prizes for the evening play were won ESTABLISHED 3 by Mr. and Mrs. Charneski, who held high score, and by Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, second high. Present were Junior Hi Notes Store No. 469 FREE DELIVERY Messrs, and Mesdames C. C. Evland, Coquille The Lincoln building has had ths F. L. Grsenough, Bert Folsom, J. 8. Phone 122 19 A. M. — 8 P. M. Oregon ■ largest enrollment of the year for the Barton, Had W. Pierce, R. L. Stewart, past two Fridays, the enrollment being J. E. Norton, W. V. Glaisyer, Louis 327. The Junior High Student Body Charneski, Lafe Compton, Mrs. A. J. has elected new officers who are as Sherwood, Mrs. Edward W. Lorenz follows: president, Howard Hickam; and L. H. Hazard. H. H. Qoleman, with twenty members W. C. T. U. Entertained vice president, Martha Carrier; secre Odd Claims Insurance being present. A splendid program The W. C. T. U. spent a pleasant tary, Norman Ricketts; sergeants-at- was given. Marjorie Clinton, Barbara Companies Had to Pay Mrs. Ralph S. Taylor arranged a arms, Donald Bailey and Robert Wag very interesting affair for Mr. Taylor Leslie and Marcus Shelley each gave afternoon last Friday at the home of The strangeness of some accidents goner; boys’ athletic manager, Lin Wednesday of this week which was a piano solo. Margaret Staninger read Mrs. Frank Leslie. Inspiring devo for which Insurance companies have tional sendees were conducted by Mrs. coln Miller; girls’ athletic manager, Mr. Taylor’s birthday and in order to a sketch of the life of Chapin. A piano been mulcted in the past almost dis Geraldine Ensele; yell leaders, Melba give him a complete surprise, she in duet was given by Betty Brady and Jas. Richmond, after which the ladies rupts human belief, says an article In Take Varney and Dorris Compton; report vited a party of friends to their home Gretchen Neal and at the close Jean present were divided into two groups, Pearson's Weekly (London). with Mrs. W. V. Ferguson and Mrs. lovers, for Instance. One man recent er, Wave Gisholt. Tuesday evening and upon returning Perrott read a poem. At this meet The 8-A*s in Mr. Kathan’s room ftpm the picture show found their ing Betty Brady was elected song C. C. Farr as leaders, for an hour of ly received Insurance for broken ribs elected new officers, who were: presi home full of company. The evening leader. In two weeks the olub will games and contests. The result was caused by being hugged too endearing ly by his Dance. Another young dent, Margaret Tway; vice president, a tie so all won the prize. was spent in playing bridge with Mrs. meet again. The W. C. T. U. plans to sew for "sheik” held bls sweetheart-on his lap Donald (Bailey; secretary, Eva Vin Ruble and Mr. Jessup winning the the Children’s Farm Home at the until his foot went to sleep. When be cent; room representative, Mary Ann high score prises and Mrs. Pook and A family dinner was greatly en rose to say good-by, bls leg crumpled 9chroeder; sergeant-at-arms, Hazel Mr. Culbertson receiving the consola joyed Tuesday evening at the home of monthly socials and each woman is up under him, and be bumped -himself requested to bring a tea towel to hem severely. His Insurance company paid Harrison. tion. Refreshments were enjoyed late Mrs. L. P. Maury, as she and her The 8-A’s in Miss Shone's room in the evening by Messrs. and Mes brother, B. F. Grigsby, of Klamath at the next meeting, February 26, for the damage. Take a quiet stroll elected new officers, as follows: presi dames Ed Detlefsen, Frank Schram, Falls, both have birthdays on the which will be held at the home of through your neighhorhood. and the dent, Margaret Beflloni; vice president, Mrs. C, C. Farr. same puckish spirit of dl.-iaster may be W. E. Cross, Melvin Kern, Harold E. same day. Mr. and Mrs. Grigsby and Delicious refreshments of cake and conspiring to work you grievous 111. Maxine Brining; secretary. Wave Gis Porter, Ray Simpson, Jack Arnold, Mrs. Maury’s sister, Mrs. Ed. Bond, holt; sergeant-at-arms, Lincoln Mil E. A. Wimer, Frank Pook, Drew Cun of Lakeview, motored here a few days coffee were served by the hostesses, I At least, that Is what an Exeter police ler; room representative, Melba Var ningham, J. L. Jessup, Josh Ruble, ago to celebrate this occasion togeth Mns. B. A. Davis and Mrs. Flora man must have thought recently, when Dunne, to Mesdames Ernest Pur some cough drops exploded In bls ney. Mrs. W. D. Simmons, Mrs. E. C. Yar er, as they have done several times pocket, and set Dre to Ills clothes so The students who pssaed out of the brough and B. Culbertson. From out in years past. Seated at the table vance, Maud LeRoy, Sadie Jayes, effectively that the local Are brigade 6- A into Junior High were: Bab Har of town were Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Tay were Mrs. Maury, Mrs. Bond, Mr. Zelia Ireland, Belle Knife, W. V. had to be called ont tn order to ex mon, Ruth Sargent, Donald Chase, lor, of Marshfield, and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Ferguson, W. E. Thompson, Augusta tinguish them. It was explained later Charlie Vincent, Alan Bailey, Leonard Stewart Taylor, of Winchester Bay, W. Pierce, Misses Bess Maury and Nosier, Frank Leslie, Fred Schaer, that the tablets contained chlorate of Frank Schram, Claire Gray, Kenneth potash, which had Ignited through be Ensele, Geneva Crouch, Jessie Kirk Elizabeth Pierce. Medford, W. A. Sloan, D. F. Thomp ing rubbed against the lining of his land, Arland Bender. * -- Tuesday Mrs. H. ■€. Getz invited a son, C. L. Willey, Chas. Hunt, Philip pocket as he walked along on his beat The room officers chosen from 8-B few in for the afternoon which was Mrs. W. V. Glaisyer entertained at and 7-B in Mr. Thompson’s room are spent in Bridge, for the pleasure of her home Monday the ladies belonging Hartman, J. S. Houck, C. C. Farr, as follows: 8-B officers—president, Mrs. Claude Barrows, of Montesano, to the Monday evening Bridge club. Jas. Richmond and Mrs. Emma Wal- Popular Quotation Not ton, of Salem. Lewis Donaldson; vice president, Vir Wash., who left for her home Wed Guests for two tables were present. to Bo Found in Bible ginia Hartson; secretary, June Hick nesday, after visiting at the H. S. Among the many things pupulurly Laird-Clinton am; representative, Frances Cribbens. Norton home for the past three weeks. supposed to be In the Bible Is tbe fol Boy Scout Notes 7- B officers—president, Alan Bailey; With a quiet ceremony, Jesse Laird lowing oft-quoted saying: "The lime Mrs. McKeown was honored by hold vice president, Bobby Hurrel; secre ing high score and received a prize At the weekly meeting of the troop and Iris Clinton were united in mar will come when you cannot tell sum tary, Geneva Croueh; representative, for the afternoon p)ay. Invited were last Monday three promoters of riage last Saturday by Judge D. F. mer from winter except by the putting Donald) Chase. Mesdames Claude Barrows, John L. scouting were present, J. L. Stevens, Thompson, at the home of the groom’s forth of the buds and the falling of Th« Seventh A of Mrs. Stewart’s Aasen, Hal W. Pierce, Jas. Brady. Dr. Bunch and Frank Schram, each of sister, Mrs. Robert Dutton, in Co the leaves.” It Is not in the Bible and room has elected new officers as fol Ed MceKown, E. M. Kay, Frank whom gave short talks about the pro quille. Those present were Mr. and Its origin Is uot known, says Path lows: president, Eileen Percy; vice Thrift, W. M. Zosel, H. 8. Norton, gress of the troop, and many of these Mrs. J. Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter finder Magazine. Genesis 8.22 seems president, Bernice Jacobson; secre suggestions proved to be of value to Laird, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dutton, to express the opposite Idea: “While Jennie Price and T. B. Currie. tary, Robert MeGilvery; Sergeant-at- the Scouts. Discussion about tbe pop Philip ¡Laird, Robert Jr., Bonnie June the earth remalneth, seedtime and har vest, and cold and beat, and summer Arms, Audrey Taylor; representative, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wilson enter corn roaster which the trocp has per and Mayre Esther Dutton and Judge and winter, and day and night, shall Kathleen Brady; reporter, Lurene mission to use included the Lost place and Mrs. Thompson, beside the bride not cease.“ However, like a lot of tained the gentlemen and their wives, Tilghman. and groom. An informal supper was other “homespun Scripture," the quo who are connected with the Busy Cor to keep it and how to move it. The Coquille Junior High basket ner Grocery, at their home Friday ev Zoe Sinclair was voted into the served after the ceremoney. tation under discussion undoubtedly ball team went through the season ening with a delicious chicken dinner. troop and had a good start for his fu was suggested by certain Biblical pas thia year without winning a game. After the dinner anagrams and sing ture scouting by passing his tender sages. It may have arisen orlglnully Rebekah Lodge Notes The scores were as follows: from a wrong construction of the ing were enjoyed by their guests pres foot test which now qualifies him for At the regular meeting of the Re words attributed to Jesus In relating Coquille 11—Powers 13. ent: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Norton, Mr. second class in a month. The troop bekah lodge, Wednesday evening, the parable of the flg tree. Accord Coquille 9—Myrtle Point 29. and Mrs. C. L. Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. then voted out eight unprogreasive Mrs. Florabelle Boober, Noble Grand, ing to Natthew 24:32 and 83 Jeaus CoquiHe 8— Riverton 31. members who said they wished to be Clifford Brockman, Mr. and Mrs. Allie and Mrs. Ora X. Maury, Chaplain, said: “Now learn a parable of the Coquille 18—'Riverton 51. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown. dropped and this 'leaves tbe troop open were reported ill. The following com 0g tree: When hie branch Is yet ten CoquiHe 9— ¡Bandon 15. for more progressive boys who wish der, and putteth forth leaves, ye know mittees were appointed: Coquille 4—Bandon 21. that summer Is nigh.“ In Luke 2:29 A number of Coquille people wore to become scouts. Calling committee — Birdie Skeels, CoquiHe 8—Myrtle Point 88. A report on the past week’s activi and 30 and In Mark 13:28 the parable invited out to the home of Mr. and The last Powers game proved to be Mrs. Hardy Mast st Lee Tuesday ev ties was given, of the scouts who went Marion Lawrence, Mary Schroeder. is given In almost the same words. Publicity—Belle Gould. one of the best games of the season, ening, where they enjoyed a delicious over to the swimming tank in Marsh Those who did not donate to the Coquille taking the lead in the first turkey dinner, which was given in field in order to pass teste and of the Water’s Buoyancy quarter and at half time it was 7-7. honor of Mr. Mast’s birthday. Invited camera hike Saturday in which the Christmas box for the Odd Fellow and There is a general belief that It la Rebekah home are requested to bring Some long shots by a Powers guard were Messrs, and Mesdames E. M. greater part of the troop took part. easier to swim In deep waler because proved the undoing of the Coquille Kay, Hal W. Pierce, Jas. Brady, Wm. The treasurer then gave a report of their donation to the hall at the next of the supposed greater buoyancy. regular Rebekah meeting. This re team. The next day CoquHle went Zosel, F. C. McNally, H. C. Getz, the balance on hand for the troop’s This Is not true; the buoyancy Is de down to defeat before Bandon. This Lloyd Mast, Mrs. Pike, of MarshAeld, activities the coming year. The re quest is in response to a call for need pendent only on the volume of water IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE displaced, which Is the same In both was a poor game. The next week William Mast and Guy BreueT. sults of the last meeting of the Scout from the home. STATE OF OREGON, IN AND cases. One writer suggests that this they played the last game of the sea FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS master and patrol leaders was given, Idea may have arisen from the mental son with Myrtle Point, the * I restdt of M..I Have Sue’s Hext Jerry Peart, Plaintiff, Mrs. Kennet Lawrence was hostess which brought up the question of effects produced.» When swimming In vs. The earth's beet comes almost en which ifas also defeat for C. J. H. to her Monday sewing club at her troop individual competition, in -which shallow water, we know that on the E. E. Johnson Lumber Co, a Corpor The teem line-up waa as follows: home Monday afternoon with the fol the three highest scouts would get tirely from the sun. Minute quantities ation, et al, defendants of heat come from the Interior of the least fatigue, we can cease swimming Tom Schaer and Alan | Barley, for- Case No. 8459 and stand on the bottom; In deep wa lowing attending: Mrs. F. 8. Emery, half of their way paid to “Scout Notice is hereby given that the Re wards; Lewis Donaldson, center; Jesse Mrs. Ernest Purvance, Mrs. R. E. Camp.” J. L. Stevens then generous earth, mostly as a result of volcanic ter we know we must keep up and action, hot springs and geysers, but If ceiver herein has filed his final ac Barton and Robert Waggoner, guard. ly offered to pay the highest boy’s the beat of the,sun were suddenly hence we exert ourselves more, swim Boober and Mrs. Lafe Compton. count as Receiver of the E. E. Johnson Editor—'Wave Gisholt. half fare to the camp. Lumber Co., a Corporation, and that withdrawn the earth would become better and feel better. Actually It the said Court has set February 1st, very cold at once, and life would not should be just as easy to swim In wa Tuesday Mrs. James Watson enter ter 1,000 feet as In water four feet 1932, at the hour of 10 O'clock A. M. be possible. tained a few ladies at her home for Pleasant Hill Honor Students deep. \ at the Circuit Court Room in CoquiUsv American Triumph luncheon shd afternoon, - which was Coos County, Oregon, as the time and Chrysanthemums, originally Japa The students on the honor roll at Justice Court blanks for sale at thia place for hearing of objections to such nese. have been so Improved In Amer greatly enjoyed informally in conver the Pleasant Hill School for the past office. Call Farr * Elwood for transfer final account and the settlement ica In recent years, that Japanese sation and sewing. Covers were laid semester are: Louise Crumley and --------------------------- , and fuel. thereof. growers now obtain the latest varie for Mesdames J. A. Lamb, Emma M. O. Hawkina, Marie Swan, first grade; Lyle Olson, Lyons, C. J. Fuhrman, Nels Osmund- ties from thia country. Receiver. Sltfi second grade; Leia Wilberger and son, G. R. Wickham, Annie J. Robin Glenn Olson, fifth grade; and Ellis NOTICE ♦ son and Paul Van Scoy. CroUby, seventh grade. In order to NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the be on the semester honor roll these NOTICE MS HEREBY GIVEN that County Court of Coos County will re St. James Episcopal Church Guild pupils had to have an average of 2, the undersigned has filed W« P11“1 ceive bids for the operation of River Men, women and children every- Account in the matter ef the Adminis ton Ferry for one or two years, st ladies met Wednesday afternoon at or above, in all subjects. where are amazed at the quick results tration of the estate of J. 3. Law the option of the County Court. The tbe Parish house, with Mrs. Edward The pupils neither absent nor tar- from the first swallow of Thoxine— rence, deceased, and the County Court operator shall supply the labor only. and Mrs. George Lorenz as hostesses. for Coos County, Oregon, has ert Sat Coos County furnishing aH material Attending were Mesdames A. J. Sher dy during the eighteen weeks are: a doctor’s famous prescription. Acts Junior Walker, Me C™.!,. ¡¡» urday, the 20th day of.February, and supplies necessary. The operator 1932, as the day, end the County símil furnish an acceptable bond in wood, C. C. Evland, James Watson, Thuratan Cruml.y, Helen WMke.1 tj,e ¡„„„.i eauee peeranUnf farther The contract and C. A. DeLong, Mur] Pettit, J. W. Court Room in the County Court the sum of $500. Clark Gearhart, Izella Crosby and trouble. . House in Coquille, foou County, O tj - schedule can be seen at the office of Laird, J. S. Barton, R. L. Stewart, Taken before retiring Thoxine ab gon, as the place for hearing objec- County Judge or at the County Shops, Louis Charneski, C. C Erlend, Bert Ellis Crosby. ' solutely prevents night coughing. It 1 tioM to ssid Final Account and the or copy of schedule and contract can Folsom, Nels Osmundson and C. V. gives the same speedy relief for sore be obtained upon request. rt. ttlement of said estate. If you want to subscribe for a Port throat, too. Safe for the whole fam Bids will be received up .to 10 a. m, Smith. Dated January 12, 1932. Money February 15, 1982. land daily the clubbing combination ily—guaranteed no dope. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER CO. Dated January 26, 1982. F*’ Thompson Th* ^onlor Music Club met again we offer with tbe Sentinel will save back if not satisfied. 35c. Sold by Fuhrman’s Pharmacy and ament end ofthe Estate <rf J. 8. Lm£| all other good drug stores. County Judge Monday evening at the home of Mrs. you money. Can............ FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOC CHEESE Pound . 19« Package. 9c SHRIMP Stop That Cough EASY WASHER IRtMtHDOUS PRICE XEDUDCTION f =64“