MYRTLE POINT ITEMS for a dislocated shoulder. L. E. Watson, of Bridge, entered the Mast hospital last week for treatment for an injured leg received while working for the highway de partment. Ratliff» Lawhorn and his daughter, Jessie, of MeKinley, were Myrtle Point viaitora Thursday. Henry Schroeder went to Gold Beach the last of the week with a load of furniture. Harold Guptel and Percy Hunt accompanied him. Mrs. T. M. Stover received treat ment thia week for an absceae on her hand which had become infected. Mrs. Jackie Ford, of Marshfield, visited her parents, Mr. and Mm. Dick Braden, Wednesday. The stockholders of the Bank of Myrtle Point held their annual meet ing last week and the following of ficers were elected:'A. J. Radabaugh, president; Jesse D. Clinton, vice presi dent; Railph D. Kring, cashier. Di rectors included the above names and Goo. Dickinson, Thos. J. Hayes, W. II. Hayes and J. M. Hayes, of Powers. At the meeting of the stockholders of the Security bank, hold in the bank office last Thursday, R. C. De ment was elected president; N. G. W. Perkins, vice president; Karl Kauf man, cashier; and H. G. Dement, as sistant cashier. Directors include the above and W. E. Lundy and C. Giles. Fred Lafferty left Thursday for Hubbard, Where he will epend a week on business and visiting. Miss Katie Guerin taut Thursday for Portland and Forest Grove, where she wiM stay for some time visiting relatives. Goodyear Pathfinder Lifetime Guarantee* 29x4.50 30x4.50 Watch Your Dodge the Cat-astrophe of paying anti-economy food prices. The housewife will find it a pleasure to shop here where quality is paramount and prices are most inviting. Half or Whole SANTA CLARA PRUNES 10 pound box 40-50’s - PURE LARD 3 pounds (J9c BACON Good Grade Per Pound SALTED PEANUTS Full pound package FLOUR Hardwheat 49 pound sack TIP TOP COFFEE Pound bags 28x4.75 29x5.00 29x525 30x525 31x525 32x6.00 33x6.00 * Live News From Arago * Miss Lila Dement spent last week J end visiting with her sister, Mrs. Warner, of Broadbent. r Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward and ’■ son, Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley! SWIFTS, FORD’S, CARSTEIN’S and MOEREL’S, all first grade hams. ,y Halter, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Myers and, ’ Mrs. Frank Lane enjoyed the after-| noon on the Bandon beach Sunday. * Mrs. Wm. Knabe has received word from her sister, Mrs. Patton, of Los Angeles, that she is quite ill with a siege of cancers. Mrs. Patton visited *’ her here last summer. r- The Junior play, “i Will! I Won’t!,’’ was enjoyed Wednesday evening by a large audience and the players were .’ highly commended for their acting, j Ray Barklow as Doctor Willis in the p leading part was a scream, the part being absolutely opposite to his dis- ( position and character. The dual roll r was played by Lois Schroeder who is actress enough to change from a , sweet to a sour disposition in sniffy*, J Laura Milani as Lynn Patton, rcol- J lege co-ed with plenty of pep, was splendid. LaVaun Aa^en, as Geor- Brewster Valley gette the colored maid, supplied plen ty of comedy and played the part Mrs. Perley Crowley entertained a n well. Shelby McAllUter. as Carney number of her friends on Thursday Underwood, a ne’er do well young with a quilting bee. Those present , scamp, was splendid in that particu- were: Mesdames Prohaska, Walter ! lar part. Leona Pauli, as a sassy Laird, J. H. Laird, E. Wilson, C. M j co-ed, did exceedingly well.- And Wilson, B. Taylor, M. Jones, L. Laird, r Ruth Keltner balanced up the play W. A. Nickason, C. Nicks son, L. ’ with the dignified part of Dean Willis. Mayne, E. Krswson, D. Crowley, A. J* Ernest Ferrari with his accordion Christensen, O. M. Durrell, E. Alford ’ gave several beautiful selections be and Miss Dorris Durrell. tween acts. Rural Griffin also helped On Wednesday evening the home of out with his uke snd harmonica com Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nickason was the bination during the intermissions, scene of a pleasant social gathering which was much appreciated. of ¡Brewster Valley singers. The “Bull Dog’s Bark” have elected Min Iris Clinton, one of Gravel * a new staff for the coming semester: Ford’s well known ladies and a popu editor-in-chief, Leona Pauli; news re- lar member of the young set, and * porters, Laura Milani and Ernie Mi Jesse Laird, a eon of Mr. and Mrs. lani; sport reporters, Lois Schroeder Walter Laird of Brewster Valley, and Rural Griffn; literary editor, I stole a march on their friends Satur Clara Delsman: business manager, 1 day evening and were married by ’ LaVaun Aasen; typist, Walter Moore. Judge Thompson at the home of the and mimeograph operator, Milo ‘ groom's sister, Mrs. Robt. Dutton, of Griffin. • Coquille. They are now at the home Mary Helen Watkins enrolled in 1 of Walter Laird, after which they will high school this week, having com- ( return to Gravel Ford where they ’ pleted the eighth grade work this 1 have rented a ranch. Both young term and passed all examinations sat- 1 people are well known here and their ’ isfactorily. 1 friends wish them much happiness. i Fred Lafferty left Thursday morn- 1 Leslie Groat with hie little son ing for the Willamette Valley in * visited at the Pinkston hospital on ' search of a purebred Jersey sire. Mr.' >l ended with a score of 44 to 28. The I Uarn I A J Sunday. Mrs. Groat is improving. ' Lafferty has a number of purebred Arago line-up was mostly the original! ,, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Alford visited at ' cow» which he has been testing the te»m which won lhe tournament six' *f 1‘“*rnatloB- the Brant Taylor home on Monday. ’ past few years, and expects to breed y««™ under Coach F. F. Cooper. cwa r " /'in Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson are up a herd of very fine purebred« in They are> Wendell Robison, Everett ternational l.w renresentinr m spending a few days in Portland. , the near future. | Lafferty, Arthur Farrier and Wiley tlonallties, among whom were 21 Mrs. David Crowley is enjoying a The Coos River Indians will meet Cornwell. Americans, attended the course. The visit from her mother, Mrs. Sutton, the Bull Dogs on the local floor Fri-1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane, of Myr- I»«rt of them are university of Port Orford. day evening, January 29. A good tie Point, visited a few days this I men now th* diplomatic or consular Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Laird enjoyed a game is anticipated as Coos River and week with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hal- * **rv1ce- "“d this year the number Is week end visit with their son, Binger Arago are considered two of the best ter. I »• ‘•'’«•r. Twelve conn teams on the “B” league. The potluck ,upp<,r o{ the Arago oth*XJ£ “h^rJStemyTThth C m Laird, wife and family, of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cordray with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Myers spent community church was well attended founded with the collaboration of the Mr. and Mrs. Molletor were Sunday Wednesday afternoon visiting with Thursday evening. A number of out- Carnegie endowment for Internation- dinner guests at the J. D. Laird home. Bev. and Mrs. Frank Bunch, of Gravel gjde visitors were present and enjoyed" P«ace. The Dutch government has A miscellaneous shower was given Ford. Mr. Bunch is slowly improving the evening with us. Doan Parsons, cr****d 5 scholarships of 400 guilders Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Laird at the com in health, having been ill for several of the University of Oregon, was each for foreigners desiring to attend munity hall on Sunday night. They I months. His many friends here are pr(WT1t and gave a very interesting court*-—Chicago News. received many pratcical and useful ,looking forward to the time when he talk on community development. John! ——————— gifts. can again fill the pulpit here. Cerl waa appointed chairman of the OW Roman Farmhouoa Alva Brown for more than 30 years Communion services wiH be held at executive committee and this commit- A greet Roman farm eat a bi I ah meat, a resident of MeKinley, passed away Arago community church next Sun- tee will meet some time in the near rur*1 ¥,,la of ■ ™1«nlal gentleman on Monday at twelve o’clock. Funer day, January 31. Rev. E. G. Ran ton, future and appoint committees for °f Th!rd ,‘rn,"I7- <• being un- al services wore held at the family of Myrtle Point, will preach the morn- the next supper to be held the third w.n'Jlr n?.'/T? n**r ’ home at one o'clock Wednesday. In ing sermon. He conducted the morn- Wednesday m April. 1 principal building' terment was in Dora cemetery. ing service last Sunday. Glenda Jean Lillie and Darwin Gul- m«re than fifty yards and contained Jim Avery received several bad etrom are confine* at home with the thirty rooms. An outstanding feature cuts on his leg this week, while pull- chicken-pox this week. | ’he both establishment, patterned ing a drag saw down hill. He stumbled Miss Opal Robison, of Glide Ore- *2? b-tha •» Rome, Special for Saturday and Monday Busy Comer Grocery Coquille Service Station Coquille, Oregon Phone 133 him. epula, hi. U< mppw I,. Th. <’ocior at °nce but Avary wili be laid up for some time, Mrs. Sarah L. Wood returned to her home in Coquille Friday after a month’s visit with her sister, Mrs. L. l.pd. riturn—1 U thpJr n,^t(pp that th, pua, *u .,V. school« on Sunday, having spent the of a fire; apparently the owner atm- week end here with their parent«, Mr. decided to move away to a ute and Mrs. George Robison. | P|ac* when the barbarian tribes be Mm. Jesse Robison returned home RhlM became too restless, Saturday from the Knife hospital, th* •o<1 ** r°urth century, I