- , ■ -, TUB CUQUILLB ▼ÀLUrr 8BNT1NBL. COQUILLB, ORBG0N, frRIDAY, ÍANÜAR1 >8. 1982. some voice in th* matter. Carefully reviewing the law* passed In recent year« and the laws sponsored by other The old timer* ar* beginning to re-, cluing that hav* been given no consid c >ond in fine fashion and I can again eration, it appears that th* Mulno- assure you that we are going to have mah Anglers’ Club has practically dic s >m* mighty fine and interesting tated as to what should and should . lories from a great number of them. not be passed. How does the state Following ii on* told me by John game commission and do the mem Hickam. Mr. Hicjpun ha* long been bers .of the state legislature know GIVES YOU DOUBLE PROTECTION LN THE a resident of this community and that the 90 per cent of sportsmen who PAYMENT OF YOUiR OBLIGATIONS. THE CAIN- those who ape acquainted with him do not belong to clubs agree with the CELLED CHECK IS INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE OF know that he is veracious in anything last in see them laws passed? Surely the men who PAYMENT WHEN A BOOK-KEEPING ERROR MIGHT hs states: are paying their good money into the RESULT IN THE PRESENTATION OF A BILL WHICH “It hapepned down on-the Missouri appreciate YOU HAVE ALREADY PAH). river,” say* Mr. Hickam, “many years coffers of the state game commission should be given some consideration. ago, when I was just a small lad. Safe Deposit Bex** They should surely be consulted in the And, Lans, thia atory is true, so help Department Savings matter. Just because the members me. It was always Dad’s policy to let US of a few gun clubs and sportsmen's us kids go fishing on a Saturday af HELPFUL, FRIENDLY SERVICE organizations, which consist of only ternoon. No matter how much corn ten per cent of the sporting frater (her* was to shock, no matter what nity, state a few “be it resolved," other work there was to do, in spite that, in my Opinion, is no reason why of anything that came up, w* got our they should be made laws without the Saturday afternoon* off to go fiehing. voice of the great majority being Friday evenings we went up the c’eeks and in the shallow pools we heard in the matter. Gene Rimpson, superintendent of caught live minnows to be ueed as state game commission game farms, bait the next day. We used what is is credited with the statement’that known in those districts as a ‘trot house cats running wild about th* line,’ a long line with a number of baited hooks attached. This line is woods takes heavier toll from our MEN’S thrown far into the river, fastened se game birds than bird* of prey and Just as well have the best. curely to the bank and left all night predatory animals. As if in contra Early the following morning it is diction of this statement there ap an article by Jack Miner pulled in and the fish removed from pear« the various hooks. One evening, a in one of the country’s leading Saturday evening as usual, Dad and out-of-door magazines in which this renowned naturalist states that he is I put out our trot line. The follow ing morning Dad called me early, as not a lover of cats and in fact would was the usual custom, eo that I might not have one on his place, but never- go with him to attend the. line. Just the-lesa this animal is not half as as soon as Dad took hold of the line destructive to our bird life as is the he turned to me and said, ‘We’ve got hawk, crow and great horned owl. a big fish on this time.' I assisted While hawks and owls are credited J. King, Prop. Dad in pulling in the fish. And what with catching field mice they do not do you suppose we bad? We had a even begin to catch the amount of giant cat-fish weighing 130 pound« these rodents that are taken by cats. and measuring 18 inches between the Mice are a cat’s natural prey and eyes. The strangest part about It was where they are obtainable he is not the fact that this cat-fish was not hunting birds, but will spend hour up hold of the hook at all but had swal- on hour watching a hole in the ground, Í lowed the latter fish and its protrud- or log where a mouse is hidden. Crows land adopted a whale. They are car C. H. S. 49, Bandon 11 ' ing gill* had firmly held the giant rob birds’ nests by the thousands, as ing for an elephant, which eats a bale Colossal ability of the individual ' cat-fish. We stuck a fence rail tfe know. Hawks live almost entirely of hay at a meal and drinka five gal and teamwork phases, coupled togeth Shop Phone i through the gills of the cat-fish and on bird life. According to Mr. Min lons of moonshine for a chaser, so er last Friday night at Bandon to side carried it to the house. This may er’s article he point« the finger of why shouldn’t our city adopt the poor along with the Coquille Red Devils scorn at the few naturalists who seek I sound fishy to a lot of people but it little deer that craved the companion- protection for the hawk on th* ground J and escort them to an overwhelming I is the truth.” aoU>moWUT 49 to 11 victory over the seaport high while Arago was triumphing over! Thanks. John, that’« a mighty good that th,, specie, is becommg «caw*. 'ht u enUr Sport Briefs It school. Th* decisive victory came _.t rnurt . Bridge, 38 to 8, and then ov*r River- 8tory and am sure glad to hear from Years ago the principal feed of the would By Mark Seeley wouldn’t damage the court hous* lawn after th* acorn favored the locals only hawk was carrier pigeons, but back in ton, 22 to 17. Lakeside also beat you . This Coos County high school bas and the cost' of keeping it would 13 to 10 at the halftime, thus making | the be„ gtory wlBted by w c 1878 they began dying off and 90 ketball conference is again turning in Bridge but the acoréis unknown. amount to almost nothing. A doe, the win so much more spectacular. per cent of them were gone inside of to a topsy-turvy affair with dope unlike a buck, seldom develops a mean Rose last week, I got the bears Only once did Bandon hold a lead, live yean. This forced all the hawks When is Promoter Roy Watson go-' scores and upsets dotting the results disposition while in captivity. Th* slightly mixed. The cub that was that at th* very outside of the game again and again. In the first place ing to rematch Terry Kilqen and Ker-1 killed was black and the old mother and owls to turn to our song and deer would be a source of wonder and when Wade aunk a long field goad look wh&t the following results can mit Shaw ? This has been a point of bear which rushed to avenge the game birda and they have preyed up amusement for the kiddies and an at from mid-floor. Then Coquille do if they come about. A win by Co discussion among Coquille fight fans death of her offspring, was brown. on them ever since. Mr. Miner is a traction to outside visitors. Scrap* grabbed a slight lead which they held, real naturalist. His information has since the recent boxing card in the quille over Marshfield tonight will from a few kitchens of interested per And speaking of bears: the brown to retire at the half only three pointe throw both teams into a tie for Ant community hall. It can be assured bear that are encountered now and not been gleaned from books but sons, consisting of vegetable paring*, in the fore, perhaps not outplayed but from actual experience and at the age that such a match wiM not be staked place, and a win for Myrtle Point a few carrots and apples and an oc then in the Northwest are of the sam* outfought by Bandon. K>f flfl he should certainly know his until Shaw ’ s injured nose is complete from North Bend deadlocks them in casional diet of leafy bushes would species as the black bear, with th* During the second half, however, it birds. He is known throughout the second place, while Bandon suffen ly healed. Kermit ventured into the exception of being “off color.” keep the animal in good shape. And, was a totally different story as lad by country as, “ Jack Miner, Lover of ring the last time before it had the dampness of the collar unattend too, they do love a drink of milk now A statement is issued by a member Harry Helmkin the Red Devils made ed. AH this moans that four teams knitted from a previous break and of the Oregon state game commission Bird*.” and then. I am sure that there ia point after point to bewilder and com the results were much,again him, for Great horned owls an scarce in this will still have a chance for the league more than one Boy Scout who would in which he pointe out the fact that pletely frustrate the opposition. Helm bunting with the season already half once the clever Kileen again injured only ten per cent of the holders of district and so do not confuse the be only too glad to rustle a little feed kin worked beautifully under the bas- th* member he didn ’ t let up on it until harmless little screech owl and the over. for the animal, as well a* many a ket and around the foul line, taking re Shaw was at his mercy. Of course, angling and hunting licenses in out tittle marsh owl with the former. The grown-up. What do you say, court state are members of gun club* and bounds and passes alike to convert marsh and screech owl an sun death A* in the “A” league there ar* Kermit Shaw wants a rematch and officials! Let’s keep the deer. sportsmen’« organizations. Yet the them into tallies. to mice and should not be molested. A only five teams competing in the “B” when he gets it the local boy will have Promised to tell you in this issue game laws of our state are adopted Except for temporary lapses Co- many backers, believing that he ia the great horned owl isn’t seen in these circuit thia year. Their race has just of a deer that sought the protection quill*’* passing was unerring; their Remember how and changed by and through sugges parts in a “blue moon.” Then are started, but again it can be predicted best leather pusher. of man. The story was related to me tions made and resolution« adopted by teamwork smooth and deceptive. plenty of hawks and the sportsman the scramble will be a tight one with cleverly Shaw handled “Bud” Bryant by John Adams, ex-game warden of gun clubs and sportemen ’ s organiza Coach Hartley inserted three new who goes out of his way to shoot one th* tendency to get much closer a* the in their three matches? Curry county. Mr Adams was going tions. The question naturally arise«, faces in the starting lineup. McCua, of these birds is certainly doing a season progresses. The high schools down a trail bordering th* bank* of why it this? It is the 90 per cent of Ellingsen and Williams were the boys good turn to our song and game birds. of Bridge, Arago, Coos River, River Signature by Wholttalt the Rogue when he sighted a big the sportsmen who do not belong to receiving their baptism and after I notice in the nsolutions passed by ton, and Lakeside are in th* competi four-point buck that was being pur By means of a device known as the gun clubs and other organizations shaking off the first traits of uncer tion. slgnograph It Is now posstbl * to make who are responsible for the very ex the Fat Elk Gun Club and the Coos sued by a large coyote. The buck’s tainty each performed well proving County Game Protective Association Of these teams Coos River, Riv 20 perfect signatures by signing the tongue was protruding and a haunted istence of the game commission; if themselves capable of fitting in at that they both ask that king-fishers erton, and Arago have competed name once. Each stroke of the master look, evidently th* fear of death, was these sportsmen stopped buying li any time. So fast was th* red and should net be protected. These birds against “A” league quinteta, and only pen sets 20 fountain pens working in his «yes. The coyote had almost censes it would be a death blow to the white offensive and ao tight th* de an not protected. They may be once were they defeated, this by one simultaneously, and all that is neces succeeded in hamstringing th* deer commission which is maintained alone sary Is to flx the material that is to fense that in the second half Bandon killed at any time or season. point. Coquille turned the trick on the money derived from the sale ! and has slowed it down. The buck, had small chanc* to handle th* ball The little doe that was brought into against Riverton, 29 to 28, in Decem be written on In place. upon sighting Adams, dashed toward The United Rtates treasurer’s office of licenses. Surely it looks a« though and were held to only one point dur town last week and which I have al ber. On th* other hand Arago won him. It came up to within a few feet has bad crude devices that would make this great majority of sportsmen who ing the time. Lineups: ready told you about, is at the time from Coquille, 28 to 14 and 26 to 22, four to six signatures with one sign of him and stood tembling with fear. contribute 90 per cent of the money Coquille (49) and Coos River downed both Marsh ing for some years, and these have of this writing being harbored at the Bandon (11) In this time of dire distress th* ani that is ueed to propagate our game McCue (4) court house. It is being cared for by field and North Bend. M. McCue been used in signing greenbacks or mal seemed to sens* the fact that birds and fish and to put wardens in Ellingsen •« Among themselves so far Riverton other official pafiers. the prisoners and is sometimes staked Cox man would be his protector. Unfor the field to protect them, should have Helmkin (24) has defeated Coe* River, 40 to 18, out on the lawns. The city of Port- (4) Chappell tunately Adam* had no gun. He was Shaver (7) (2) Wade forced to run the coyote off by thow- William* (4) (5) J. MdCue ing rocks at it The buck stood near Morgan (4) Auer until the coyote waa driven off and Ostrander (fl) then turning his soft brown eye*, Seeley from which the expression of fear had Referee, Ed Grider, Coquille. flown, upon Adams, as if seeking to thank him in this mute way, the Like the first team fray, the **B” sorely wounded animal made its way off -in the opposite direction from that squad game was also a route for Co taken by the coyote while Adams quille, 4« to 14. This victory differed watched from a high vantage point from the other in that from the first to see that the coyote did not again the local delegation took th* upper hand in making pointe. Lineups: take the buck’s track. Coquill* (4fl) Bandon (14) Collier (8) F Leutbold Plant at LUt-Saotr Morris (14) F (4) E. Boak Arrangements have been mad* with Stonecypher (18) C (2) Young a nearby airdrome by the beach life Gailas G R. Boak saving guards of Santa Monica, Calif., Perrott G (2) McNair for airplane aaalntance. When a Stevens (2) S Cone bather ventures too far out to be McCarthy (fl) S H. Boak reached by guards In time to save Bailey 8 (2) Perry his Ilf», a special telephone line coo- S (4) Nielson nectlng fl free 11,v with the flyers re- S Helventein suits In a quick flight above the spot. In the first of the “feud of feuds” where a life preserver la dropped. The procedure has quickly Justified Itself, games, Manhfield High’s basketball officials said, a number of calls hav team defeated North Bend, 28 to 21, ing been successfully handled already last Friday night on th* armory floor. this summer. The game was close throughout and until the final minute of play the Wild Animal "Prttaratf* issue was yet undecided. A long shot Australia I* about to follow th* from the center of the floor turned the example of the United State* and trick for Manhfield, culminating a Canada In the farming of fur-beartag late rally which brought her victory. animal*. The skins of many Aus tralian animals, notably opossums, na- At about three minutes to go North tlv*’teears, kangaroo*, wallaby«, and Bend held a 20 to 16 advantage, but it other marsupials, are In keen demand could not be held. Th* score was tied In the fur markets of the world. Th* twie*, 14 all and 21 all. first fur farm Is In th* stat* of Tas mania. where arrangements hav* bean made for the farming of opossums and aatlv* bear*. OUT-Ok-DOORS STUFF „-------- j Friendly Five Shoes for Men The word By Lam Lenev* ” ’ A Checking Account style quality—you must to LET them SHOW YOU Farmers & Merchants Bank Wm. A. ZOSEL WEAR Coquille Garage and Repair Shop GENERAL REPAIRING Autos, Trucks, Tractors » e ■> t ' I