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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1932)
I Coquille Valley Sentinel * ()r, *’*< gse “" Historical . e., ~ THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME '■ VOL. XXVHI. NO. X . .. mu *. • I. Tr u. T»T ” ~-i ... ' «■ < C - —— COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY », 1932. 1 Nearly I bed from Headed by Commissioner Wi . Hanley Were Coquille Visitors Yesterday I xjss of Blood Mrs. Mary Zumwalt wm brought to the Knife Hospital here, shortly after eight o’clock Wednesday evening, suf fering so from I om of blood that she repeatedly fainted during the night. She had suffered a severe blow on the forehead, which may have produced a slight fracture and her face and head were so lacerated and cut by the broken glass from the car in which she wm riding that it is a wonder she lived until she reached here. The accident hapepned when the Tod Petterson laundry truck in which she wm riding, skidded on the slip- pery pavement, about 700 feet this side of the overhead railroad crossing beyond Coaledo. Jack Sherman was driving the ear, but he wm not seri ously injured. The ambulance In Marshfield wm immediately telephoned for and upon its arrival she wm brought hors. She is resting easier today. 1 ... ■ ■, ' * — »2.M THE YEAR ——— TO BE CANDIDATE J. E. Norton Will File for Re Is the Object of the Cooa County publican Nomination for Jersey Cattle Club Just State Senator Organized Drilling May Be Resumed J. Ellis Loremaa, a consulting ge ologist, has been in Coquille the past two weeks, checking and investigating the oil possibilities of the CoquiMe valley. He U here representing cap italists and largo operators who wish to know from a geologist -of Mr. Loreman’s ability just what the oil and gM indications are in this section. He hM made a study of the samples taken from the Fat Elk well; bo is studying the formations of the earth, but until he hM come to a definite conclusion as to whether or not there are good oil prospects here he is not giving out any information. If the report is favorable, oil drilling may be resumed in the county, and Mr. Loreman Mys, “they may be con- tinued on the well," meaning the 1440-foot hole over beyond Fat Elk. ORE. TO BE FIRST • ' -. q. •» c Commissioner Wm. Hanley and four J. E. Norton, Coos county repre At the annual meeting of the Co Oregon will be among the first to engineers of the State Highway De sentative in the legislature for the quille Valley Cow Testing Associa feel the improvement and snap out of partment were Coqdille visitors Wed past two sessions, announced thio tion, held in the city hall here Wed the depression, according to Roger W. nesday night and yesterday morning morning that he would file at once for nesday, it wm decided to cut the fee Babson, noted economist and statisti conferred with Judge Thompson in the republican nomination for state for testing to $1 per cow per year, cian, who this week: issued a prepared regard to the unemployment situation < senator from Coos and Curry coun provided 1200 head could be secured statement that the "depression is in in Coos county. The others in the ties. He expects tp get out formal for the association. Last year there retreat.” party were Roy A. Klein, secretary to announcements for the newspapers were 1050 head ineluded in the Msoci- Babson, who now declares that the the commission, G. H. Faxon, of Sa today. ation, but several more herds are pos bottom hM been reached and the up lem, W. E. Chandler and A. G. Skel Mr. Norton stated that he had prac sible m members, with the new rate. turn begun, predicted the stock mar ton, of Granta Pass. tically given up the thought of being Election of officers wm postponed un ket crash of 1929. He recently com When seen by the Sentinel man yes a candidate for any legislative posi til the association membership was pleted a nation-wide survey of the tion, but so many friends from ail ov fully determined. terday, Mr. Hanley said that ho wm United States, and while in Portland, just fulfilling the duty he assumed er the county have been urging him This $1.00 per cow rate is the low Oregon, in November, made a close Mansell Undergoes Operation when he took the position of commis to come out for the state senate that est testing charge made in the state study of conditions and at the time W. H. Mansell, who has been ill for sioner—that of getting first hand in he has finally decided to do so. of Oregon for many years, if it ever stated that Oregon will be among the the past two months and unable to at formation on roads. He commented "But I am not going into it with was that low before. Smith Plant Officials Return leaders to first benefit from the re tend to business, although he was out on the different conditions in Coos the idea of making a campaign,’* de Following the cow testing aMocia- turn of better times. Ralph L. Smith and Geo. A. Ulettl county now from What they were returned last evening from a business | clared Mr. Norton. “For one thing I tion meeting, the Coos County Jersey and around, submitted to an opera In his summary on Oregon, Babson when ho first visited here some thirty cannot afford to; and for another, I Cattle Club wm organised by the tion for hernia Wednesday morning at said that major industries and gener trip to Portland on which they left' the hands of Dr. Jas. Richmond in the years ago. have no political aspirations. If the election of Geo. E. Hampton, of Ara al trade will reflect improvement be Tuesday evening. They were accom Knife Hospital. Complications which He gave much credit to the former panied by Mrs. Smith who had been*. people . think that my i record as mem- go, as president; Dwight Nuh, of fore the end of the first quarter of the doctor feared were not encoun Highway Coormioisoner, H. B. Van visiting in Portland, and the Kansas I °! °* "tatives Coos River, vice president; and J. H. 1932. “This means,” he stated, Duser, for the excellent road system City visitor, will be here for a fewl£“ch toZ«™ *» Hervey, of Lee, secretary-treasurer. tered and Dr. Richmond said yester "that employment and payroll trends day that he was resting as easily as of Oregon and wm outspoken in his the senate, I will do so; but there will The purpose of this organization is will be on the mend before the winter ' days before starting for their home praise of the state highways. be no hard feelings, nor will I be hurt to sponsor any move looking toward could be expected. months are over, which in tqrn means in Kansas City, Mo. The party came over the cut-off if I am not elected.” the development of the dairy industry a general improvement in purchMing from Drain, walked through the tun Mr. Norton’s position is that he in Coos county. And chief among the power throughout the community.” nel, which Mr. Hanley aaya will bo will file for the republican nomina developments will bo the breeding of That the United States treMury de ready for use in the near future. tion but that that is m far m he will better sires for increased production. partment officials are anticipating im He stated that the Coast Highway go in seeking the office. . An exchange of purebred sires, by mediate improvement is indicated too would be completed this summer, but Mr. Norton made a most favorable which all dairymen will have the use by the statement made Monday by apparently took little interest in the reputation among his colleagues at of proven bulls is one of the plans of There was little sleep for the hotel Ogden MiMs, Under Secretary of the proposal to construct wooden bridges Grover McQuigg and Bob Stumbo, the two sessions of the legislature ho the organiMtion. Also bull calves keepers who met at Brookings last TreMury, in which ho called upon over the waterway* north of Reeds who had been prospecting in northern attended, and was considered one of will be loaned out*'to those who have Saturday evening for the regular ses the banks to “halt credit deflation” Josephine county, returned about ten -the level-headed, earnest thinking hot purebred stock to keep until they sion of the Southern Oregon Hotel port. and reverse the process. “Improve Mr. Hanley, although not m tall M days ago, having been snowed out, leaders of the house, and one whose reach maturity, enabling thoM dairy Men's Association. Following the ment in economic conditions," he said, the late Wm. J. Bryan, causM one to just as they had Struck a pocket trace support was welcomed on any memure men who do not have purebred bulla banquet in Chetco Inn the thirty-five "hM been retarded the last three think of that democratic leader and of gold from which they secured >7 of merit to build their herds to a higher point participants went to a dance at Har months due to a psychology of fear. naturaNy the subject of politics wm worth of the precious metal in six Whether there will be other candi of production. As County Agent Jen bor from which they returned in the If the whole system of credit contrac brought up. He 1> m been mentioned hours. Mr. McQuigg had the goods dates for ths nomination is not known kins expressed it thia morning, wm small hours, and they were not tion could be stopped we would be In the Portland press as a possible with him, too, when be called at the at this time, but the general opinion “Heretofore the dairymen have been so smill either. justified in addressing ourselves to re candidate for U. S. senator but he Sentinel and stated it was worth hM seemed to be that Mr. Norton wm building their herds from the bottom; Then about five o’clock the fire constructive effort.” disclaimed any intention of becoming higher price of $22.50 per ounce, the logical man to succeed ChM. Hall now they will build from the top, too.” alarm sounded and the guests came says there • is .. not a gold buyer ** in the senate from Cooa and Curry In other words the bull heading the pouring from their rooms, in various . a candidate for the democratic nom- __ Winter Weather Thia Week ination. “I’ve got some job to fill my , 'Coos county, but along the Pacific counties. herd must have m good a production states of dishabille, some of the ladies Plenty of weather the part week. Highway almost every store keeps position on the highway commission,” John G. Mullen, of North Bend, is recqrd, m shown, by his daughters’ with their hair standing on end; one sealso for measuring the yellow most frequently heard mentioned a^ .■wUT >nd Mrtterfat tests, M have the hotel man couldn’t find his toupe, and Last Saturday and Sunday the ther wm the wag he «apreaseid it. mometer stood at 22 riegTses each The party left here yesterday morn flakes, and they will pay $17 per a candidate for the house of represen ail were coughing and running down another storm morning, and Sunday an ing for down the coast to Gold Beach ounce for it tatives, although, m in Mr. Norton’s the stairs through dense clouds of started which H m continued all week. While most of the gold ho had was case, there may be other candidates and Crescent City. Dr. Gjllis Sells to Dr. Wilson smoke. Flurries of snow, sleet and rain, have in small nuggets, the sise of a pin who have not yet made their inten And the perpetrators of the fiendish Coming as a complete surprise to head or smaller, there was one piece tions known. kept the precipitation record mount Confess to M. P. Burglary joke hid behind furniture in the lobby his patients, friends and acquain ing so now the total since Sept. 1 is as large in diameter as a lead pencil, Wm. Mann, 29 years of age, and his and enjoyed the discomfiture. Some tances, it became known Wednesday nearly 42 inches. and perfectly smooth, showing that No. 2 Team Will Pay little time later it was found that stepfather, J. J. Moors, 40, waived that Dr. J. B. Gillie had sold his prac Wednesday morning the ground it had travelled for some distance preliminary examination before Jus All dust from- the recent Lions club tice and office equipment in the Laird rags had been set afire in buckets in was entirely covered with a white from the mother lode. the upper hallway and the smoko re tice J. J. Stanley hove Wednesday mantle, but it was with elect and not As soon as the weather permits the contest wm blown away yesterday building here to Dr. E. M. Wilson, of and were bound over to the grand and the winners and losers settled Marshfield, who will take possession sulting could be cut with a knife. the feathery snow. men are going to continue prospect Lou Blanc, of Marshfield, wm the jury. They have confessed to the down to preparing plans for making Monday. ing. only guest at the Inn who was not a sheriff that they were the men who the famous Turkey-Beans banquet Dr. Wilson has been specialising in Mr. Quigg said that the roads and Chances Tonight Not Good hotel operator. Lafe Compton, of Co- robbed the Southern Pacific depot at next Thursday evening an event to Marshfield for the past year but highways were dangerous with ice Hopes for a Coquille high victory quiNe, wm one of those attending the Myrtle Point a week ago last Sunday be remembered. wants to get back to the general and snow on their return, and that he over Marshfield High at the Com meeting. night of $15 and a service station of W. V. Ferguson and F. 8. Emery practice of medicine. When he fin saw a Ford racing up one of the hills The burning rags remind us of a munity Building tonight were some $164. From the statomenta made by were named as the committee on ar ished medical school some yean ago. south of Canyonville which skidded story of a young fellow who called what lessened this morning when it the pair it is probable they will also and turned clear around twice on the rangements, but the losing team, No. Dr. Wilson was first associated with regularly on a sweet young thing. was learned that Tom Ostrander, for waive grand jury investigation, go 1, is to bo in charge of the entertain Dr. Reuben H. Mast at Myrtle Point, pavement. Had it left the highway ward, who has been ill with flu this before the Circuit court at the first ment and enough wm given out to in in both the hospital and practice. Af Cleanliness wm not one of his virtues. it would have meant a sheer drop of week, may not be able to play, and When asked how he and his girl got opportunity and plead guilty. Their 100 feet. But ft did not stop and af sure that the winners are going to ter selling out there he spent a tin» along, he replied, “All right, but I that Alvin Shaver, guard, turned his bail was set at $2000 Meh. pay for their turkey. in Portland before coming to Marsh ter its flirt with death continued up Mann, in particular, Is anxious to All Lions are requested to notify field. He is married and has two can't stand her mother. Every time ankle, in practice last evening, and the grade at the Mme speed. I go there I hear her calling to the can play but part of the game, if at begin serving his time, and he told the secretary, N. C. Kelley, as soon as children, a boy and a girl. all. The Marshfield basketball squad maid, ’Bum a rag, bum a rag.’ ” the sheriff a story of his first trouble, possible how many guests they will Dr. and Mn. Gillis left Wednesday Dental Clinic Held This Week seems to be in good physical condi how with a group of kids ho "bor invite to the dinner. It promises to morning for Medford where their son, tion again. Dr. Sweet, a specialist be a hot time in the hotel banquet rowed” a ear, unknown to the owner, Will Install New Pumps Dr. Harold Gillis, is established, and and used three gallons of gM on his from Oakland, Calif, is giving a room from and after seven o’clock it is understood that the two physi The Coquille Service Station is this Leases Westland at Bandon joy ride. For this he was sentenced series of ten lectures and holding next Thursday evening. cians will bo associated in the Jackson week remodelling the little office to 15 years in the pen and served two clinics in Oregon for dentists. Wed Geo. Lemaneki, blind wholesale county metropolis. Lowell Simpson, who bas been as building at the outer corner of their before being paroled. Thon liquor nesday he was at Marshfield and the dealer of soda fountain supplies, tea Their many friends here will regret lot, and when the improvement la fin sociated with his father, A. L. Simp proved his undoing and his parole was afternoon and evening sessions were and coffee, of Marshfield, was a guest seeing Dr. and Mm. Gillis leave Co ished cars will have a wider drive son, in the Coquille Laundry, has attended by nearly all the dentists in at the luncheon yesterday. revoked. quille, but the silver lining to the way for servicing. The building is taken a lease on the Westland Hotel The men were captured at Clacka- the county and by several health cloud is that both Dr. and Mrs. Wilson being narrowed by three feet, and will in Bandon and with Mrs. Simpson dim and Longview m the result of a nurses. Bob Bennett Buys Auto Camp are fine people and have a host of be used only to keep the engine oils went down there Monday evening to This series of lectures and clinics tip given the local officers by a lady The office has been take charge. The Westland is a hotel The and containers. Bob Bennett, Chevrolet Mleeman friends wherever they reside. who took their ear number in Myrtle is sponsored by the state board of of about 30 rooms, located on the moved into the larger building. doctor ’ s standing in his profession is for the Southwestern Motor Co. for Point, her suspicions having been dental examiners, and one of the aims, Another improvement is to be the main street, and enjoys a good patron high. the pMt few years, on Monday pur aside from the clinical demonstrations aroused. installation of meter pumps, the auto age. Mr. Simpson will not run a chased of C. A. Machon the tourist They claim not to have been im given on child work, is to arouse in matic kind which permits the gaso dining room in connection, the coffee Car Rolled 75 Feet camp, known for the past year as plicated in other unsolved burglaries terest in and secure the passage of a line to flow by pressing the handle at shop being conducted by another Camp Kathleen at Bandon. He took Charley Nichols and Ase Summers, in Washington and Oregon and con law which will entitle children to party. charge at once and will move from of Myrtle Point, were in a sedan the nosxle, and doing away with the cerning which officers question all credit for school work when they are old hand pump. Coquille to Bandon Bunday. The which skidded off the highway to attending a session with the dentist. crooks and burglars picked up. Grand Master la Coming E. W. Gregg has the contract for It has been demonstrated thousands camp consists of store and ten mod Bandon last Sunday afternoon about making the building changes. Masonic lodges in southwestern ern cabins, with showers, gas ranges, three o’clock. How the men could upon thousands of times that the Chris Terrea Gets Passport Oregon, from Gardiner south to Gold During have escaped more Mrious injury is morning hours are a much better time toilets, and fully equipped. Chris Torres on Tuesday received Feb. 18 In Date of Show Beach, have been notified that Grand for them to have dental work done the tourist season it always is full at a wonder, for the car came to rest, his passports from the State Depart night The Monotony Killers’ comedy pro Master Toney will make an official after rolling down the hill, just be than after school hours. ment for a trip to Europe on which he Mr. Bennett will also act as Chev yond the Jos. Collier place, standing duction, "The Red Headed Step visit in Coos county on Saturday, All three Coquille dentists attended will have the latter part of March. the meetings at the Bay, Drs. C. A. rolet salesman in the Bandon territory upright, but with the left rear comer Child,” Is to be presented at the Lib February IS. He requests that all Asked what his native country wm , Rietman, J. R. Bunch and J. J. Leslie. for the Southwestern Motor Co. Mrs. of the top mashed in. It stopped af erty Theatre on the evening of Thurs members of the order mqpt him at the Mr. Torres Mys it is hard to My. The Bennett is giving up her position in ter rolling nearly 75 feet, and 25 feet day, February 18, according to an Masonic Temple in Marshfield at 8:30 house in which he was bom was lo The Marshfield the Law office of her father, J. J. Stan below the highway. Mr. Nichols suf nouncement by J. L. tSevens of the p. m. on that day. Lecture on Christian Science ley, who expects to handle the work cated on the line, at that time between fered a wrenched shoulder and Mr. Odd Fellows PMt Grand Club, under lodge will serve a feed at the conclu Belgium and iPnusia, although now A free lecture of Christian Science alone for the present. Summers injuries to his back, al whose auspices the play will be given. sion of the communication. ■ 7 the house is 20 miles from the line in will be delivered by Charles V. Winn, Further announcement as to the though neither wm seriously injured. Belgium. The national boundary line C. S. B., Pasadena, California, mem cast and a synopsis of the show will Grange Meets Twice Monthly Bar Ass’n Saturday at Bay ran diagonally through the house and ber of the Board of Lectureship of be given our readers in the near fu Safeway Man to Roseburg The Coquille Grange will meet here The annual meeting and banquet of through the room of his birth and he The Mother Church, The First Church ture. — after twice a month. The first addi Burr E. Miller, manager of the never did know whether he wm a of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass., in the Coos County Bar Association is to tional meeting will be held In W. O. native Belgian or Prussian. There Odd Fellows Hall, Friday, February be held in Marshfield tomorrow, with Safeway store here for the past year, Cantata to Be Given Reb. 16 W. haR Thursday night, February 5th, sesma, however, to have been more 5, at eight o’clock. The public is the business session in the city hall at left Sunday, accompanied by Mrs. The cantata, “Rose Maiden,” will at 7:30 o’clock. Pot luck dinner; 8:30 and the banquet in the Chandler Miller, for Rosebung, to which point French blood hi his ancestry than cordially invited to attend. Hotel at 6:30 p. m. he has been transferred. Mr. Miller be rendered by the Choral Club under bring your cups, Mucers and silver any other. He will visit near Ant Judge James U. Campbell, of the did not report before leaving just the direction of Mrs. E. A. Woodyard, ware. AU members are urged to be werp. Myrtle Point Here Feb. 5 Oregon supreme court, is the princi what his position is to be in the Tuesday evening, February 15, at the present. Come prepared to make a The basketball game in Coquille a pal speaker of the evening. Others on Douglas county metropolis, but did Pioneer Church. Coquille is fortunate good time.—<Mrs. Emma F. Wilson, Catholic Ladles’ Card Party week from tonight will be between the program are Judges J. T. Brand say it was a promotion. to have singers with ability to render Press Correspondent. The annual Pre-Lenten Card Party C. H. S. and the Myrtle Point Union and John C. Kendall, and W. U. His successor m manager here is to this beautiful cantata and every solo by Holy Name aCtholic Church will High team. DouglM. The Woman’s Relief Corp will hold be Steve Stevens, who comes to Co- and chorus will bo given. be given at the Coquille Hotel Febru its regular meeting next Tuesday, qurfie from the Marshfield store of ary 9th. Tickets 25c. Everyone wel- Call Farr A Elwood for transfer February 1, with a dinner for.all the company. He will be here next aad feel. LOCAL PROS PECTORS BACK I WHO WOULD DO SUCH A STUNT? x 1