Ulett to Head Coquille I Game Commission Meats ♦ Chamber of Commerce Sportsmen Here Last Night The return of Goo. Ulett, spark Over 100 at Lions Chib plug of the No. 1 Lions team, put life (Continued from first page) » and gaiety into the last contest ses sion of tbs den, and eut tbs No. 2 tertainmont 1» the waters of Rock Creek which team load from 23 last week to 14 Dean Philip A. Parens, of the U. "«»» int® tha Mi<WU Fork ®f «*• c°- now, but it could not wipe out enough of O-. School of Applied Scieence, I“1*1« river naar Houghtaling pointe to put No. 2 in the bean-eat spoke to the members for an hour or place. B ‘ K Creak and other streams ing class. They will eat turkey. The total stands at 294 M for No. 2 to 280 more, most entertainingly, on the P" G®®« 5®»»ty where passing has Webb and Hardy Mast were Co subject of community service, a de- h*®*1 eliminated. for No. 1. ' partment organised at the university I That the State Game Commission be quille visitors yesterday from the Lee The ladies’ night and banquet was district moved forward one week, to Thurs twelve years ago, which is supported requested to clear suitable land Mrs. W. Hamilton, of Bbngor, te day evening, February 4, there being in the main by private donations, and around the Bandon hatchery for the for which very little of the taxpay- purpose of permitting the erection of visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. so many evenings already dated up This week, ten thousand Rexall Drug ere’ money te used. holding pons tor the breeding of game for next week that it was deemed in J. r. Young. As a result of his work, which te to b >rds- Stores brihg you this great opportun Saturday Special, on dressed chick advisable to hold it on the evening train social workers for positions That suitable legislation be advo- ity to inspect and buy household rubber ens; light hens 20c per pound, heavy first scheduled. where they can help the unfortunate I bY H» 'State Game Commission Through the efforts of Mr. Ulett a hens 24c par pound. People’s Market goods produced by the exclusive Kant members of society to adjust them-1 declaring wild house cats nuisances surprise was sprung on the No. 2 selves, Dean Parsons te a member of I and permitting the same to be shot Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cox and fam- members at the luncheon yesterday leek process. ,, ily, of Bandon, visited Sunday evening when the latter arrived and found the Child Welfare Commission of I00 “»Y »«inclosed lands within the o ‘ ' 'V ' Oregon. State of Oregon; that the laps pro- at the homo of A O. Culbertson. their wives present, as well as the You will marvel at the beauty and du Not only te his department a train- hibiting the shooting of firearms on Misses Avia Harteon and Jean better half of the No. 1 members, all ing school, but his office te a clearing hi»hwaYs »>• »llminated to permit the rability this process provides. And as guests of the No. 1 team. Some of Young left this morning for Eugene school through which pass social ear- extermination of sash eats. to spend a few days with sorority sis the astonished Lions endeavored to vice problems from ail over the state. ) That the State Game Commission be they can’t leak! gain credit for the presence of their ters there and at Corvallis. The study of the causes of juvenile equested to keep a game warden on wives as guests, but the latter in Mr. Folsom says things are quiet delinquency te one feature of the ap-| d®tY in C®°« countY ‘he Y»*r around All Kantleek products are sold under a dignantly denied the attempt and at the' capital now, although their in-Uad oi withdrawing such wardens stood loyally by the team which had plied social science program. two-year guarantee. Visit our Rexall business has held up pretty well. They invited them. One member of Team The reason for Dean Parens’ visit during the spring season for duty on left for Salem again yoaterday. to Coos county at this time fairly 11- the Clackamas river and other Drug Store during National Kantleek 2, who was sitting next te his wife, - The High School Band, under the had evidently been warned, for when lustrates another important part of |«treams >“ Oregon. Week. You’ll want to take advantage direction of Kenneth Thompson, will asked if be had a guest, colored up, the work his department is doing, and | That parties issuing licenses bo au- of the new low prices. provide the music on the Coquille stammered a second, looked appeal tbat wiH in time come to be utilised t^>ri«®d to issue permits for the Aip- | Pin* ot ftsb within the state. hour over KOOS tomorrow morning ingly at the lady on his right and by small communities generally. The night before Mr. Parsons had That the StaU Game Commission at 11:80. muttered, “I have no guest.” conferred with Ai Becosky on plans P* requested to advocate the enact- There were 68 diners who enjoyed Mrs. Geo. A. Ulett and son, George, for a stage in the community hall at h““1 ot «»‘table legislation permH- the luncheon, the comedy and the arrived home Saturday ovening from Gravel Fold, for a dining room and ting the taking by automobile or other their five weeks’ eastern trip to their talks, beside the Harmonica ¡Band a men’s club room there also. On nwtor veWcl® «»rryin» or transport- from the Washington building, who, old home in Massachusetts and other Thursday evening he met with the >»» Ottt of the Stat® of Oregon game under the direction of W. E. Thomp eastern citiee. DRUGGISTS STATIONERS birda ®r *»‘"**1« in»® *d- son, gave an unusual performance for people of .Arago to help them map out flah or Saturday Special, on dressed chick youngsters. Harmony on the har a program of community enterprises, p®,nin« »tataa or any other state « flah’ ens; light hens 20c per pound, hesvy monica seems to be their slogan, and ■ot business, but along cultural lines, 'rhich d® not P««1* «uch X to be ao taken, bene 24c per pound. People’s Market. although there are 40 members of making the daily life of the citlxens »*“• Wpd« on the dollar before the final dissolu Marshfield Bank Closes happier and producing a satisfaction ®' transpottad from such state the band, they had quite evidently Geo. R. Dickinson, executive vice tion of the corporation was effected. with life that te all too often absent. | ' nfco tbe «tate of Oregon. The Bank of Southwestern Oregon president of the Farmers A Mer been well drilled by their director for Oregon is and always will be, out- c ®<* Q>unt Y «4>®rtsmen pro at Marshfield, the oldest banking in chants Bank, left Sunday evening on they gave a very entertaining ten- Yeoman Ixxlge Dance To be sure they side of a few industrial centers, an test to the State Game Commision stitution in the county, having been a short business trip to Portland. He minute program. agricultural state. It has the natural “ d tbe originally founded as the Flanagan A The Yeomen lodge is giving a hard would be counted as guests of Team returned Tuesday morning. by 1“ * the lack of enforcement U - the Bennett Bank, failed to open its doors time dance and program Wednesday No. 1 by the referee, each one was attractions which tend to make men) lice Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Chaney left given a cracker to eat before leaving •nd women enjoy life, and it te in “**« polke. axcept those delegated 1 to Monday morning and is now in the evening, January 27, at the K. P. hall last Tuesday on a two weeks’ business _________ the service of these small ________ community | eniore* the fish and game laws speci- ape hands of the »tate banking depart- at eight o’clock. Admission for men, the dining room. flah and *ame ®f ment. trip to California. They will visit , 25c; ladies free. Rev. P. D. Hartman, of the Pioneer centeni "that" Dean’ Parens’ beUev« I flcaUY. ot around the San Francisco, Sacramen church here, gave an inspiring talk the real work of his department at Ithe atate of Ore8on- Fro sen assets, on which the bank On February 10th the Marshfield to and Los Angeles districts. could not realise, was the cause of lodge will hold initiation in Coquille. on cheerfulness, and Mr. Hunter, of the university wiH function._________ I He left a thought with the Chamber In objecting to taking of all game the suspension. The officers and di Most of the drill work will be public. Dr. Jas. W. Wheeler took Mrs. Pendleton, public speaking instructor, Burtzman, of this city, to the Keiser proved that he was weH qualified for of Commerce which every town in the I wardens to tha Clackamas river in the rectors of the institution and other Ail are welcome. hospital at North Bend, about mid his work with a humorous and com county would do well to consider. »Pring for patrol duty, Mr. Liljeqvtet county bankers wrestled with the Call Farr * Elwood for transfer Build a strong attachment with the ’«id that in Coos county the commis- problem all day last Sunday, trying night Monday where he performed an mendatory talk. emergency appendicitis operation. Guests at the dinner were Mes- eommunhy clubs, take an interest in »Ion haa stationed a deputy warden to figure some means of saving the and fuel. and attend their meetings, offer such »ho i» second to none in the state and bank, but eventually all hope of con V. R. WUaon, Optometrist. Eyes damee Virginia Bingham, W. V. Glais- co-operation as they may desire. AI »¡«hed that another like him could bo solidation or help from outside insti examined. Glasses fitted. Broken yer, R. L. Stewart, F. A. Pook, W. A. fraternal spirit, a willingness to hetppent hel*- He referred to Clint Hear- tutions had to be given up. Zosel, Goo. Jenkins, C. W. Gano, E. F. lenses duplicated. Grimes Building, tbe other fellow, will do wonders I '"<• It will be three or four months be Coquille, Ore. ltf Grider, Wade Arrtlll, W. V. Ferguson, J. R. Bunch, C. A. Rietman, J. L. toward building up in Oregon the I Alton Grimes, president of the Fat fore dividend checks caif be mailed to Stated Communication Harry Helnskin was this iporning 8tevens, H. E. Hess, Geo. A. Ulett, most contented citizenry in the world. I ^Tk Duck Club, read the following depositors, but one of the defunct Tues., Feb. ». 7:30 P. M. elected president of The Trident Club, R. E. Boober, Lafe Compton, Misses ________________ I recomemndatione as decided upon by bank's officers stated yesterday that boys’ service organization at the high Lena Williams, Bradford, Harriet Now “The Oriental Ball Room”|that club: the depositors would receive 100 cents school. Other officers chosen were: Gould, Eleanor Folsom, Rosa Mc- Mrs. Pearl Esther Bauer won the Alvin Shaver, vice president; BUI Quigg, Melba McCoy, Stewart; and At a meeting of the Fat Elk Duck ___ „__ Floten, secretary; Craig Perrott, Messrs. Hunter, C. C. Williams, Bert <5 cash prise offered by Vic McAllis- ter for a new name for Graham ’ s I Club, held on January 5th, we recom- treasurer. Gould, Dick Kay, of Eugene, Rev. P. Dance Hall here, last Saturday oven-1 m«nd to You the following for your Sheriff H. E. Hees and District At D. Hartman, K. P. Lawrence, Theo ing. Her suggestion, “Oriental Ball carefUl consideration: torney W. E. Walsh left Wednesday L. Clinton and Dr. C. A. Rietman. Room,” was selected by the commit- That th* °P®n ■<**”> for «lacks be morning for Portland to attend the tee which consisted, of Mr. Jazzman. I from November 16th to January 1st, state conventions of the sheriffs and “Victory Day” Celebrated of the Coos Bay Timos, and Mrs. Roy inclusive, and that the bag limit be district attorneys of Oregon. The | t*n bir«»- Prohibition ’s twelfth birthday, Wataon, of Coquilla. sheriff took with him, to the state In our 14 years of meat retailing in Coquille has known as “ Victory Day, ” was gener Very good crowds have been at- That **>• »>•« limit on trout be 30 training school, Roy Arneeon and tending the dances at the dance hall I ®«** «* at P***ont, and that all fish ally celebrated throughout the county meat been sold as low as now. Asa B. Buell. with suitable programs. since its re-opening a couple of weeks regardless of sise, be rotain- Bert Folsom started remodeling Mrs. Ada Jolley, of Portland, state ago, and Mr. McCallister says if the H and counted. the Folsom apartments this week and president of the W. C. T. U., gave a dancing public show by their con- Th*t more P°nd room be provided will have a number of attractive splendid address to a large audience tinned patronage that they appreciate * Following Prices For B*ndon Hatchery, to the end three-room apartments when it is fin at the Pioneer Church, Sunday even the efforts he is making to give them I tbat ^Y be h*'d unt*' legal sise bo- ished. Heretofore he has had only ing, her subject being, “No Compro good music end a good time that he I iore liberating. one and two room combinations and mise.” Everyone present clearly un will continue to conduct the Oriental That * Cutthroat trout egg-taking be te making the improvements on ac derstood that the prohibition forces Bell Room at the 5 cento per dance | J* ectabltehed on some euit- count of the demands for more roomy will take no backward step or com rate now in force—every Saturday abW stream in Coos county. quarters. That the open season on Black Tail promise with any group working to night Deer in Game District No. 1 bo from break down state or federal prohibi Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Folaom, who own a good-sized restaurant and cafe tion. Music Meeting Next Tuesday August 15th to October 1st. That Kingtl tehees, Blue Heron and She presented the Callenge to the in Salem, came in Tuesday evening Mrs. C. T. Skeols will be hostess to for a couple of days’ visit with rela Weta,” from the National W. C. T. Un the music department of the Coquille Fish Ducks be not protected at any of the year. tives, Mrs. Folsom stopping at the which was, “Wo challenge the wet to Woman's Chib at her home Tuesday season The Sentinel would like to go fur-j solve the liquor problem with any home of her brother, Roy Garrett, at afternoon at two p. m. The topic Myrtle Point, and Ernie coming in thing better than total abstinence; we for consideration will be American ther and report the talks made by others of the visitors and by home challenge the weta to produce a bet here to see his parents, Mr. and Mrs. a Pound ter educational program than the composers of sacred music. Mrs. E. folka, but the deadline is reached and Geo. Folsom. facts concerning alcohol as divulged A. Woodyard, the leader, has pre the paper must go to press. ________ Saturday Special, on dressed chick by science; we challenge the wets to pared a fine diversified musical pro- The others who spoke were Com- ens; light hens 20c ppr pound, heavy substitute something better than law gram, consisting of selections by the I mie„ioner Silvern’ , Art Art Fish, Fish, Capt Capt. hans 24c per pound. People’s Market observance. We challenge them to ladies' sextette, a number of solos Chas. McClees, Chester E. McCarty, produce a program of liquor regula both vocal and instrumental and depoty attorney general who attends Levi Bunch was a Coquille visitor tion which liquor men will obey and stories of the origin of several of the I to the commission’s levs I «¿Pairs- from Marshfield yesterday and say« A Lewis MoGeorge and Dr. C. W. Endi- which can bo guaranteed as a remedy old favorite hymns will be told. Where you can get everything to go with that roast that in about ton days he will be back “--* Marshfield; **— Wt-fof Ed Callier, of for drunkenness, vice, lawlessness, personal tetter from a composer whoL*^* with hie family and household goods resides in Oregon will be read. A Bandon; H. A. Schroeder, of Myrtle corruption and waste. For twelve u or steak at the right price. to make his homo on his father’s ■ .................... years the wets have sneered at pro cordial invitation te extended and it Point; A.H. Powers, of Powers; John ranch on Rink ersak, which he has* hibition. What have they to offer?” te hoped that many will attend. and Lans Lenove, of Coquille; and L. leased. Ho also eaid that Dr. F. G. A. Liljeqvist who made a strong ap Mrs. Jolley is visiting all unions of Bunch and family are weH and that J - . ..(j Inspecting Market Roads • peal for commercial fishing on the the doctor’s practice still keeps him ty th “ No. 2 TIN Rogue. J. H. Scott market road engineer, busy. 150.000 Where It Was Needed and W. E. Chandler, highway engin The court room was well filled until nearly midnight with visitors from For The group of the youngest children Limit ( On Jan. 1, charity balls were con eer, wore yesterday going over the all over the county. rtudying music with Mrs. E. A. Wood market roads recently taken over by ducted by the Loya! Order of Moose yard met Saturday afternoon for one all over the United States and prises the state, with Commissioner John D. of their regular studio recitate. A Court Reporter Begg Killed totalling 9150,000 were offered to Carl. They visited the Bunker Hill- social hour followed. The second ticket purchasers. When the awards Eastside and North Bend-Sunset Buy Goo. Begg, court reporter for the No. 2'/j Tins group wiH hold their recital tomorrow were announced recently it was learn roads, but did not go up on the Pow Coos county circuit court for the past afternoon. Mrs. Woodyard is prepar ers road. The state has been paying ed that a eouple, Mr. and Mrs. Freida six years, died in a Salem hospital ing a public Tacitai to be given soon Keeler, of Maple Heights, Ohio, «5 maintenance on these roads for the Monday morning. Death was due to by her entire Mass of both voice and years of age, had received the grand last few months, the work being done I a collision on the highway with a piano students. prize—<50,000. It was a godsend to under the supervision of the Ooos truck the night before and ho did not county highway department and Writing from her home in Lvng them. The busband was out of work county court. From now on, how regain consciousness after the acci Besch to renew her subscription to and they only had 13 in cash to their dent 12*5c Boxes About 500 tickets were sold ever, they wrll bo under the supervi the Sentinel, Mrs. May Sanders, name. In an automobile accident in Marsh sion of Paul Van Scoy, resident high daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Lund, by the Moose here for the local char field two years ago, Mr. Begg loot the way engineer, which will add about of Sanford Heights, writes that they ity baH. sight of one eye, and that may have 50 miles of road to his district. are enjoying bailmy and sunny weath had something to do with the last fa .X’ er there following an early, heavy Masonic Notice tal coilteion, or he may have fallen Call Farr A Elwood for transfer rainy season. She says entire streets asleep at the wheel. Two complete Stores with the expenses of one. All members of Chadwick Lodge and fuel. were submerged during the flood Mrs. Begg died in January last A. F. A A. M. or members of other there, families wore forced to move year at Yakima. He is survived by Masonic lodges, who are willing to MRS. E. A. WOODYARD from their homes, end children were one son and throe daughters. take part in degree work, are re Accredited Teacher taken to school in row boats. queued to bo present at Masonic of Safety Pint! Use Cow Boll Dairy** Temple next Tuesday evening, Jan Voice and Piano Safety First! Use Cow Boll Dairy’s Next to P. O. Pasteurised Milk Md protect yow uary 26, at 7:30 p. m. Beginnen - Intermediate — Advanced Pasteurised Milk and protect your health. A. H. Grimes, W. M. 558 No. Henry Phono 2M-L health. ‘ is NATIONAL KANTLEEK WEEK Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A. F. & A. M. NEVER BEFORE Fri Beef Roasts T-Bones Rib Steaks Pork Roasts Hamburger Sausage Your Choice Remember Our Grocery Dept Sugar Spuds 8 bag 36 c 15 b ^19 c 2 Pineapple 15c 35c Prunes 4 25c White Beans 6 »e Matches Peas 25c Purex 25c 2 QTs 33c City Market