. i COQUILL1 VALLMY SENTINEL, COQUILLB ftÛDAŸ, JÀNUARY li, litt derive a lot of pleasure out of fsed- By Lans Leneve ., ng a few birds. They will watch with interest as their flock increases, for m “Say, Lana,” says Mike Daniela, wild life, Just the same as in human “that hunting experience of Nick existence, the birds know where “the Lorens’ and yours down in Curry grapes” are, and are going to show county reminds me of a similar ex up. Snow birds, sparrows and robins perience I had when I was a kid of are going to be much in the majority 13 or 14 years of age. Another fel at all times. Perhaps at first there low and 1 were hunting in the enow will only be a half a doaen birds almost waist deep. 'We approached a Make your by starting showing up for tbe crumbs, but with large tree with spreading limbs and in a fortnight the number will I spotted a big buck standing be at at bank. crease to half a hundred. The neath the tree. I took careful aim and fired. Down he went and up be pense of feeding them is almost jumped again. Again I fired and and the pleasure derived from feeding of them and the song of compounded semi-aMually. down he went again and again he robin at dawn, the cheerful chirp of jumped to his foot. It had me some the sparrows and snowbirds, will what baffled. I even took my gun You will be surprised at the rapidity of growth of an more than compensate you for your down and looked it over, wondering account that follows with systematic saving. time and bread crumbs. just what could be wrong. The fel Several years ago I sold a varmint low with me started raising me, just dog to a hunter. A few days after as you did Nick. Again I fired and again the deer went down. This time wards he took the dog back in the be stayed down. -Upon reaching the Tioga country m search of varmints. Coquille, Oregon He was gone about a week. Upon his spot we found three mammoth bucks return I inquired concerning his luck lying dead. They all had been bed ding beneath the tree. Of course, we and he said'that he did pretty well. He informed me that the dog worked were unable .to see them when they were knocked down, as they disap fine and bayed three bobcats beneath peared from our sight in the deep a big ' log and that he, the hunter, C- H. S. Opened Season by North Bend Nosed Out Co- • snow. The/ were all old sockers and killed them all. 1 asked him where the Defeating M. P. Union High quille High by One Point hides were and he said that he never believe me we had some job dragging' ’em down to camp. I want you to im even got a chance to skin them and Coquille’s fighting Red Devils, dis Stalling in the last two minuoa of upon inquiring how this happened he press the fact on your readers that playing the same brand of teamwork play, trusting that by employing in those days there were no game told the following story: “The old showed last season, .needed a final these tactics that they would be able laws, so therefore I was not exceed dog hit these three bobcat tracks and rally in the last two minutes of play to maintain their slender margin of after trailing for a short distance ing the limit. Fact of the matter, 1 to eke out a brilliant, 24 to 19, win one point, the North Bend High bas- started barking treed beneath a big have seen plenty of venison sold over over Myrtle Point .in a thrilling game keteers administered to Coquille High log. I got down on my knees and the counter at butcher shops in those of basketball played at the up-river their baptism into the defeat column gazed beneath the log. - I saw two days.” . town, Friday night by sinking the red and white forces, “Many thanks, Mike. Now I’ll eyes gleaming at me and could hear As the encounter glided into the 26 to 25, at the Community Hall have to look around for another yarn the cat snarling and hissing. I im closing parts, the minute hand of the Tuesday night mediately fired and he fell dead, I from an old timer for. the next issue.” timer's watch passed the two minute Thrills galore and spills aplenty dragged him out, but still sputtering. My article last week on the subject mark and Shelton, dynamic Myrtle featured the battle, but at times both and hissing came from beneath the of reducing hunting and fishing 11- Point shooting ace, dropped in the teams seemed to forget real basket log. Then I glimpsed another pair of censea, especially the latter, evidently goal which sent his team in the lead ball technique. This was especially eyes. I again fired and soon dragged for the first time, 19 to 18. Time out noted in the C. H. S. system as the touched a responsive cord in the out another dead cat, Then I spotted breasts of a great number of sports was called by Captain Seeley of the local boys, too intent upon scoring, men. The day following publication the third pair of eyes and after fir red and white forces and in this hud slackened up on the defensive enough ing I dragged forth number three. of the article, an unbelievable number dle the devils must have Concocted a to allow North Bend many easy shots Thinking perhaps there were more of people took occasion to congratu desperate plan, for when they emerg at the basket. late me upon it and informed me that cats beneath the log, I looked care ed it was to the opposition’s sorrow. Hughes, flashy bay performer, fully for several moments and poked it expressed their views exactly. This Ostrander, grasping an opportun stood out in the fray, it being he who beneath it with my gun barrel. But fact alone serves to convince me that ity, broke loose to elude his guard and started the fireworks in the opening the general rank and file of sports there were no more. Well I pulled take a quick break to drop in the stanza to send the Bulldogs into a men favor tbe lowering of licenses. I out my knife and turned to where I goal which won the game. It was a comfortable 11 to 2 lead midway in had thrown the dead cats. What do wtoh to extend my thanks to all the short shot, the final part of a net work the first half. Shooting one-handed you support had happened? That boys who expressed their appreciation, of passes which worked the ball down shots from all angles of the floor, he darned dog had eaten two of them of the article and I wish especially to the floor. To sfosolutely sew the con seemed to bo able to break through completely up and was just finishing thank the thoughtful old timer who test up, Shaver followed with an ad the red and white defenders at will. the third one when I looked around. “said it with cigars.” Some day I’m ditional basket and then Ostrander Soon, however, Coquille braced and Yes sir, that dog is a real varmint going to dedicate one of my master repeated again as the final whistle when the half ended the score stood dog.” The above yam was told me ful articles to him; like the ones peo halted the play. in favor of North 'Bend by, 19 to 11. in aH seriousness. Well, as long as ple have framed and have hanging on In sinking the winning points, Os A wild third quarter saw the score he was satisfied with his dog it was their den walls throughout the coun trander gained a bit of the well- tied at its completion, 19 to 19. In all right with me. try. I suppose you have all observed known revenge such as marks frays Heard a little yam the other day in which a player is * performing this period Coquille flashed a show of them? You haven’t! Well, neither teamwork based on short and long have I. “There ain’t no such animal.” concerning a crow. I appears that a against Ms ex-mates. Tommy was passes of unerring accuracy which number of loggers in Coos county But just the same, I did appreciate with Myrtle Point last season and worked with clocklike precision to the little token a great deal indeed. were in the habit of eating their since moving to Coquille has tong an baffle the bayites. I’m going to have a whale of a fish noonday lunch at a certain spot. They ticipated a chance to meet the Bob Again in the final period such was in’ yam for you next week. The only usually'had several scrape of meat or cat quintet in action. the case and Coquille forged into a trouble, the guy that told it to me is bread left, which they fed to an old Leonard Shelton proved to be the slight Jead for' the first time. This which always showed crow, up at a sort of bashful, modest cuss and he outstanding player of the evening by was only temporary, however, and says I’ve said enough about him al noon, The bird grew to be quite far. All he did was to score sixteen as the game passed into the closing tame and would light within a few ready in my old column and to lay of the total Myrtle Point points, these minutes, the visitors rallied to squeeze off. But in the words of Amos, “I feet of them. One day they had sev including all of her fields goals. ahead again, then to stall and win. ain’t a-goir' to do it!” And that’s eral doughnuts with their lunches The C. H. S. second team was also Hughes was high point man with and one of the doughnuts and a large that. I’ve heard many a flshin* victorious, but by a rather one-sided 15 markers, with Helmkin and Os story but the one I have reference to piece of bread were left over. The score, 14 to 8. trander at 11 and 10. There was not is just simply IT. Of course, I old tame crow was waiting expectant much to choose between the two ag have heard bare-faced lies told con- ly when all of a sudden a couple of Other results of the first encoun- gregations, one being good in ths more crows put in an appearance. cering fish and fWhin’ but this story tors raised Mashfield’s stóck much first half and I the other in the final. is the truth and I know you are all About this time the doughnut and higher as the favorites to take the Lineups: going to enjoy it. Watch of it in the bread were thrown upon the ground. county championship, Their flrat Coquille (25) North 'Bend (26) The tame crow swooped down upon next issue of this paper. team swamped Bandon, 40 to 7, while Seeley F (2) Ward them, all tbe while keeping an eye I am indebted to Mr. Maiden, Sr., the second quintet also won, 42 to 1. Morgan (2) F (15) Hughes cocked at the other crows. As they for the following: Lowell Thomas In the conference game, “Red” Mc Helmkin (11)’ (6) MuHen C recently told this “tall” story over drew closer and doner upon him, a Lean, carrot-topped M. H. S. forward, Ostrander (10) G Rice happy solution to the problem evi the radio: A painter, known for his ran wild in counting 15 points which Shaver (2) (4) Anderson G dently struck him. He thrust his realistic work, was told to paint were more than enough to win. McCue S natural colors on three wooden decoy head through the holo in the dough Marshfield was playing without the Referee: Earl Rice of Bandon. nut, ringing it about his neck and ducks, to be used by hunters in luring services of Enlund and G. Milosevic?,, real ducks within gunshot. This seizing the bread in his claws, with a lettermen, who will be available for The North Bend second string was painter did such a good job in mak 1 mocking caw, caw, ho was off for a the next game. also victorious, 23 to 16, in a game ing the three wooden ducks look alive more secluded spot in which to enjoy First Teams dominated by one player, Gatxke, cen that two of them had their heads his lunch. Coquille (24) Myrtle Point (19) ter of the Bulldog squad. All Gatxke one of the finest An otter makes shot off by the hunters, and the third Seeley (2) F (2) Carver did was to tally seventeen points, pets of any wild animal. They are one flew away. Morgan (7) F (16) Shelton enough to win the game. Lineupo: very intelligent and learn readily. I Helmkin (4) C McConnel Coquille “B” (161) Ammunition is now on the market N. B. “B” (23) heard a story not long ago concerning Ostrander (9) G Woods Farr (4) for most every make and caliber of F (2) Neis an otter that would go with his mas Shaver (2) G (1) Felaber Morris guns in which primers are used that F (4) MuHen ter down to a river and plunge in Williams 8 Rycliff Stonecypher (2) C lubricate the barrel and n-cessitates (17) Gatxke and would soon come out with a fish. McCue 8 Druliner | Gailas no cleaning of the arm after it is G Nelson He would eat the fish and then re 8 fired. This is certainly a boon to the I Miller Perrott G Steiner peat the performance, perhaps sever Referee: Harry May, North Bend. lazy hunter who never used to clean Bailey (2) 8 Velde al times, it all depending upon the Second Teams his gun, year in and year out until j Collier (6) Anderson 8 size of the fish. As soon as he had Coquille (14) Myrtle Point (8) the barrel finally became so pitted or McCarthy (2) S satisfied his hunger he would then Farr (4) F (3) Hopver Stevens rusted out and, it would no longer 8 start bringing fish to his master. Be Morris (4) F Cook shoot accurately. Isuppose the next Holverstott 8 lieve it or not. Stonecypher (2) C F. Draper step will be to invent something that Referee: Clifford Judd, Coquille. Every now and then a fellow will Perrott G Schmidt will point your gun for us as well as pull off an unusual shot I witnessed Gailas (1) G King lifting it to your shoulder and per Myrtle Point won the other one last Sunday. Using a 22 short Stevens S Barker League game Tuesday night, 27 to 15, haps even spare you the exertion of shell in a Remington automatic, my McCarthy (3) S H. Draper pulling the trigger. Who knows? from Bandon. The Myrtle Point dad fired at a large hawk in the top Bailey S Carver The ducks sure know when the sea of a tree at a distance of about 125 scrub team was also victorious, 24 s Ray to 8. son is o/er. If you don’t believe it yards. We talked about the distance s Guerin ¡net see how close you are able to before be fired and he decided to take There will be no basketball games Referee: “Brick” Wagner, Myrtle walk up to them where they are feed in a lot of the front bead artd hold for the C. H. 8. team tonight, but next ing, at the present time. They pay exactly at the hawk’s head, figuring Point. Friday the Red Devito encounter Ban little attention to you. During open the ballet would drop just enough to don at the seashore town. The next season they take to wing when you’re strike the bird in the breast At the home game will be with Marshfield, Feieoaeea Americas Snakes three gun shots away. crack of the gun the hawk came down. There are only two families of poi January 29. Tonight Marshfield goes to Myrtle It is really pitiful to see the birds Upon examing it we found that the sonous snakes In the United 8tatea, in Point and Bandon to North Bend. out in the wilds foraging for food bullet had struck it exactly between each of which there are several spe when there is snow on the ground. the eyes. It was a shot that-is not clea. The rattlesnake family, Urotalb Hereafter all second team games will At the base of trees and bushes where accomplished every day even with a dae, has three genera—Grotalua Sls- commence at •even o’clock. trurus and Agklstrodon. Crotalue to The standing of the *’A" teams: the snow has not piled up, the ground high-power rifle. the genus of the common rattlesnakes, Won Loot Pct. has been scratched up for many feet of which there are about 15 species. Marshfield 1 and every leaf turned over in search 0 1.000 Socialistic Belief Slstrurus le the genua of the Massa- 1 of a bite of food. During snows ev 0 1.000 Communism to a type of Socialist saugas, of which there are only three North Bend erybody should remember to throw doctrine, which, on the basis of the species. Agklstrodon la the genus of Coqui Me 1 1 .500 “1 bread crumbs out under their shrub Marxian Communist munifesto. desires the copperhead and the water mocca Myrtle Point i .500 bery or under trees in their yards, or the Socialist alm by inesna of the dlc- sin. The other family of poisonous Bandon 0 2 .000 • else clear off a space of ground free tatorahlp of the proletariat. The Com snakes to tbe family of the coral from snow and put out food for them. munists believe, like the Socialists. In snakes, Klapldae. There ere only two Few Really Useless collective ownership of the mean* of species of thia family common In tbe You who love the song of Robin Red Bo long as we love, we production and that the revolutionary United Statea—the Harlequin annke Bo Breast will be well repaid for scat working cl a axes most seize the p»>wer long as we are loved by others I would tering a few crumbs for him. Be it and set up a dictatorship of the pro and the Sonoran coral snake, both ba almost say we are Indispensable ; and longing to tbe genus Elape.—Washing snow or rain, the birds are always letariat In preparation for tbe Socialist no man la useless while he has a friend. ton 8tar. searching for food. Little kiddies will —Robert Louis Stevenson. OIJT-OF-DOORS STUFF 1932 will be what we make it* future more certain Savings Account this We pay 3% Farmers & Merchants Bank Coquille Garage and Repair Shop J. Kiag. Prop. GENERAL REPAIRING Autos, Trucks, Tractors Greyhound Net “Animal" Gardener's Prayer Is a grey hound an animal ? This question was raised tn the Belfast (Ireland) children’s court, when a boy was summoned for lesdlng a grey hound on the footpath. John Graham, for the defendant, said the prosecution was brought under a statute of about 100 years ago, the borough set of 1846, which said that “any who shall lead, drive, or ride any horse or other an imal on the public footpath" aball be liable to penalty of »10. He suggests that the words “or other animal" should be read as In connection with a horse, and that the act did not apply to doga Magistrate Toppln, with whom were other magistrates, said his Interpretation of the law was that It should be as applying to aulmals like the horse. The boy was freed. “Grant that In some way It may rain every day, say from about midnight until three o’clock In the morning, but. you see. It must be gentle and warm so that It can soak In; grant that at the same time It would not rain on cam pion, alyssum, bellanthemum, lavender and the others which you in your in finite wisdom know are drought-loving plants—I will write their names on a bit of paper if you like—and grant that the sun may shine the whole day long, but not everywhere (not, for in stance, on spires, or on gentian, plaln- taln lily and rhododendron), and not too much; that there may be plenty of dew and little wind, enough worms, no plant lice and snails, no mildew, and that once a week tliln fertllzer may tali from heaven."—Gardener’s Year. 1 " ■“ Fat Hens for sale. S. B. Leeper, Safety First I Use Cow Bell Dairy's on highway, just beyond Cunningham Pasteurised Milk and protect your railroad crossing. 49tf health. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ You Know Vake of Soap And to it it wrfli most othor housohold tasks. Electricity boars the burden at trifling cost. Nearly every service it performs in the home may be paid for with pennies. Are you equipped Io take ad vantage of this most econo mical of all household serv- vants. See your dialsr todayl Mountai. Stetes